QProgressBar (Qt 5.4.0) produces black blank screen - qt

I wanted to use a QProgressBar in the following function:
void InstallingWindow::install_package(QString pkgname, QString tempdir){
qDebug() << "Imported tempdir is " + tempdir;
QFile ee_script("/usr/bin/ee_script");
QString program_install = "sudo /usr/bin/ee_script " + pkgname + " " + tempdir + " install";
if (!ee_script.exists()){
qDebug() << "Install script does not exists";
connect(process_install, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), ui->progressBar, SLOT(show_progress_bar()));
process_install->waitForFinished(-1); //this will make the screen blank
void InstallingWindow::show_progress_bar(){
I wanted progress bar to work as a wait bar (initially; later will be implemented with timer) and completed (finished at 100) after the QProcess finished. I get a blank black screen with process_install->waitForFinished(-1).
I tried many options but all in vain, while QProgressDialog works fine. Kindly help me where is the fault and what could I do.

When you waitForFinished, you are blocking the GUI thread, so the progress dialog never gets events, and so never paints. You'll need to arrange for the event loop to run regularly - something like (untested):
do {
} while (process_install->waitForFinished(20)); // 1/50 second
BTW, it's good idea to connect(process_install, SIGNAL(...), ...) before process_install->start, to avoid race conditions. Unlikely with a process that needs a progress meter, but still a good habit to get into. :-)


QXMLStreamreader reading from slow QProcess

In Qt 5.1, I'm having an issue with QXMLStreamReader waiting for a QProcess to produce more data.
If I read lines from an unbuffered QProcess, it works fine:
while(!vupProcess.state() == QProcess::NotRunning)
if (vupProcess.atEnd())
qDebug() << vupProcess.readLine();
It's pretty clear cut: when the buffer is out of data, it waits until there is more. When there is more, it will print lines without waiting.
Now, if I want to do the same with QXMLStreamReader, it works, but the processing of the XML elements happens at the wrong moment (too late).
Consider this:
QXmlStreamReader xml;
QStack<VUPDevice *> deviceStack;
QXmlStreamReader::TokenType tokenType = QXmlStreamReader::NoToken;
while (tokenType != QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument && !xml.hasError())
if (xml.device()->atEnd())
tokenType = xml.readNext();
if (xml.hasError())
qDebug() << "ERROR";
By the time waitForReadyRead(int) is called, a lot of elements are available already, and I need them processed to update the GUI. However, it won't continue until the QProcess starts to output more. It seems to be because the underlying QProcess is read till it's empty as fast as possible, and then my parser unnecessarily hangs in the early stages, because the QProcess doesn't output anymore.
What I need, is xml.hasMoreElements(), so that I can make:
if (xml.device()->atEnd() && !xml.hasMoreElements())
But I can't seem to find an API call that does this for me.
So, how do I not wait for more data when it's not necessery?
I guess I solved it. There is no method for asking if there ar more XML elements, but the readNext() call will put the QXMLStreamReader object in a state you can detect, and use to have the back-end device wait:
QXmlStreamReader::TokenType tokenType = xml.readNext();
while (xml.error() == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError)
tokenType = xml.readNext();
if (xml.hasError())

Need to display in qtextEdit real time

I have an arm board with a touchscreen display, where I want to display the output from a certain function, vcm_test(). The output of this function is saved to a file called
test.txt . Now I am able to read the contents of the file test.txt and display it in my qtextEdit only if it is less than 50-60 lines. Whereas I have more than 7000 lines in the test.txt . When I try to display 7000 lines the arm board keeps reading and nothing is displayed until reading is complete. Is there any way to read and display after every line or say every 10 lines. I thought of using qProcess in readfile too, but I have no idea how I can do that.
connect(ui->readfil, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(readfile()));
connect(ui->VCMon, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(vcm_test()));
connect(ui->Offloaderon, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(offloader_test()));
connect(ui->quitVCM, SIGNAL(clicked()),vcmprocess, SLOT(kill()));
connect(ui->quitoffloader, SIGNAL(clicked()),offloaderprocess, SLOT(kill()));}
delete ui;}
void MainWindow::readfile(){
QString filename="/ftest/test.txt";
QFile file(filename);
qDebug() << "NO file exists "<<filename;}
qDebug() << filename<<" found...";}
QString line;
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
QTextStream stream(&file);
while (!stream.atEnd()){
line = stream.readLine();
qDebug() << "line: "<<line;}
void MainWindow::vcm_test(){
void MainWindow::offloader_test(){
Any advice is really appreciated.Thanks.
You could use QApplication::processEvents() after reading every line and appending it to your text edit. But you should be really careful when using this, and I would not recommend doing so. You should also consider using QTextEdit::Append() instead of setText.
A better solution is to read the file in another thread and use signals and slots to send read data that you want to append to your QTextEdit.

Why QProcess signal readyReadStandardOutput() emited twice?

I use QProcess and connect it's readyReadStandardOutput to slot. But after starting slot execute twice. Tell me please why is it?
myProcess = new QProcess(parent);
myProcess->start("mayabatch.exe -file "+scene);
connect(myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readOutput()));
void MainWindow::readOutput()
QByteArray outData = myProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
"File read in 0 seconds.
"le -attachFile -fileName "nClothShape1" -directory ...
Last string was broken. "Read" appears between words.
From the documentation of QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput()
This signal is emitted when the process has made new data available through its standard output channel (stdout). It is emitted regardless of the current read channel.
The slot is executed more than once for the simple reason that the underlying process flushed the output in separate and random ways. You should not be caring about this because it depends on things you cannot control.
If you want to save the whole output you should be doing
void MainWindow::readOutput(){
If you want to read line by line, then
void MainWindow::readOutput(){
qDebug() << myProcess.readLine();
The second call will leave data in the process buffer such that you don't have "broken" reads like cacheFi.

QList for touch-points not being created, "A data abort exception has occurred"

I am trying to get touch inputs for my program targeting an N8 (and a C7), and I am not able to create a QList for keeping touchpoints using QTouchEvent::touchPoints(). The program crashes with the following line: Thread has crashed: A data abort exception has occurred accessing 0xee
The overloaded events function looks like:
bool GLWindow::event(QEvent *event)
switch ( event->type() ) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin: {
QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> touchBeginPoints =
static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(event)->touchPoints();
foreach (const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint &touchBeginPoint, touchBeginPoints)
float touchBeginX = touchBeginPoint.pos().x();
float touchBeginY = touchBeginPoint.pos().y();
qDebug() << "touchBeginPoint := " << touchBeginX << ", " << touchBeginY;
case QEvent::TouchUpdate: {
// same as touch begin: getting touch point
case QEvent::TouchEnd: {
// same as touch begin: getting touch point
default: {
qDebug() << "Goodbye";
return true;
return true;
I have never worked with containers before. But creating and using a QList in another part of the program works fine. Should I be including something in my .pro file? (Most problems seem to end up regarding this with me!)
I read (a bit) about exceptions in Qt and Symbian, but I am not able to get most of that. BUT I am not doing any networking or resource based i/o or manipulation except textures for 3D objects. Is it possible that memory allocation while running the program is creating some problem?
Basically I am just trying to print the touch point. But I am clueless as to why I can’t create a QList. The code compiles fine. I tried my best (unsuccessfully), but is there any other way to get the screen coordinates of a touchpoint (one that does not require a QList)? Any comments are welcome.
[Reposting from qt-project.org.]
Your syntax is 100% correct. Just look at this example: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Painting_in_Qt
What I'm guessing happens is that QTouchEvent::touchPoints() returns a list big enough that it overflows your stack. Try increasing the stack size for your application.
Is your syntax correct ? The compilation error seems to reinforce teukkam point...
What happens when you replace
static_cast<QTouchEvent *>(event)->touchPoints()
(dynamic_cast<QTouchEvent *>(event))->touchPoints()
Notice the parentheses...

If I reuse a QProcess variable, can there be leftover data in the stdout/stderr channels?

I have the following scenario:
// later
p->terminate(); // there might be unread data in stdout
I read the process stdout. After I call p->start() the second time, could there still be unread data left in the stdout buffers from the first p->start()? That would be a problem for me. Do I need to flush the buffers or something?
Okay, I've checked the sources. The QProcess::start() method explicitly clears both output buffers, so it should be okay, at least in this sense:
void QProcess::start(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments, OpenMode mode)
if (d->processState != NotRunning) {
qWarning("QProcess::start: Process is already running");
#if defined QPROCESS_DEBUG
qDebug() << "QProcess::start(" << program << "," << arguments << "," << mode << ")";
I still think it's a bad style to reuse the same object, though.
