ASP.NET MVC Only use route to access controller action -

I have a controller action that I only want users to be able to access by using a friendly route.
So instead of going to "/controller/action"
They should only be able to go to "/controller-action"
This is the route I have setup for this.
new { controller = "Controller", action = "Action" });
Is there any way to keep this route to this controller/action while redirecting requests from /controller/action to /controller-action ?
The reason this is being asked for is to keep our paths "less deep" for seo reasons.


Asp.Net MVC custom routing interrupt default routing

My routes are not working don't know why. When I try attribute routing it works for for that action but breaks default routing for other controller or actions. I only want to change routing for an index action method of a controller CMS I want it like [Route("{countrycode}/{id}")]. but when I do this default route breaks for other index action methods of other controllers.
For example: When I use [Route("{countrycode}/{id}")] on cms controller's index action then route breaks for Home and other controllers index action methods so I have to call the index methods explicitly like /Home/Index instead of /Home otherwise it throw an error. Thanks in advance.

Convention-based routing in Symfony2

I'm trying to learn learn how routing works in Symfony2, and so far everything I've read has examples like this:
path: /blog/{page}
defaults: { _controller: AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index, page: 1 }
This routes requests to /blog/123 to the AcmeBlogBundle Blog controller's "index" action, and passes the 123 parameter as the "page" parameter to that controller action. If no page parameter is passed, then the page defaults to 1.
That's all well and good, but what if you want to simply have a convention based routing system that passes things through like this:
So, for a URL like this:
It would then call AcmeBlogBundle Blog controller's "index" action.
No specific routing configuration is necessary, it simply infers the bundle, controller, and action from the URL. So you can continue adding bundles, controllers, and actions, and you don't need to modify the routing configuration. It just works.
If this isn't possible, can you at least infer the controller and action from the URL? E.g., perhaps you need a route that specifically identifies the bundle, but can we get the controller and action from the URL?
I read through the Symfony "The Book" page about routing, and I couldn't figure out a way to do this.
No way. This was considered as bad practice and so it was removed from symfony.
But you should take a look at the #Route annotation, as it simplifies configuring routes in such a nice way. Directly attached to the action, there is no lack between config and code.

How to clear MVC 3 routing parameters on log out

I have an MVC 3 app using razor, and when using the default AccountController to log out the current user, I have picked up a security issue. After clicking log out (_LogoutPartial view), I get redirected to Log On page. Fine, but when I click Back on the browser, it allows me back into the web application and does not ask for me to log on.
The route with parameters is as follows:
"Person", // Route name
"Person/{profileName}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Person", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // defaults
//example http://localhost:1946/Person/JoeBlack/ListTeamMembers
It seems the {profileName} is still active in the session (?) and allowing the call to the controller. However the controller action {ListTeamMembers} has the [Authorize()] attribute, so Im not sure how its letting the user in...
When you press the Back button on your browser, the last page is retrieved from the cache of the browser. The server is never hit. The user is no longer authenticated. This means that if he attempts to perform some action and sends an HTTP request he will be redirected to the LogOn page. The way to prevent this from happening is by excluding all authenticated pages from the client browser cache. You could have a custom NoCache action filter for this job.

Automatic User Authentication Framework for Controllers in ASP.NET MVC?

In rails I could do something like this to make sure a user is authenticated before accessing an action in the controller:
before_filter :checked_logged_in, :only => [:edit, :update]
I was wondering if ASP.NET MVC had something similar or if there was a framework out there that could essentially do something like the following:
For certain methods with actions that take a certain parameter, I want to point the action to a method, check to see if the user owns that object, and if so, proceed to the controller action. If not, I want to redirect him to another action where I can show him he has invalid credentials.
So basically I am looking for a sort of "before_filter." Anyone know of anything out there that can do this? Thanks!
They are called Action filters in ASP.Net MVC, you can read more here MVC comes with an Authorize filter to indicate actions that requiere the user to be authenticated.
public ActionResult Index()

Returning Requested URL within Custom Error Page in

Working in 3.5 and MVC 1.0.
What I would like to do is return the requested URL, which generates a 404 error, within the custom error page. Much like Google does on their error pages (
We're sorry, but the requested address "" does not exist on this server.
What would be the best way to accomplish this kind of soft 404?
Also, as a side note: Anyone familiar with returning the custom error page in place of the ugly ...notfound?aspxerrorpath=/awdawd nonsense, while keeping the requested URL in a browser's address bar? ...I suspect something to do with a server.transfer?
Check out these resources related to this topic:
ASP.Net MVC Custom Error Pages
Three common ASP.NET MVC URL routing issues
To summarize, you can accomplish a google-like implementation with keeping the requested URL by defining a catch-all route that executes a particular controller action.
//defined below all other routes
"Catch All",
new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound" }
public ActionResult NotFound(string path)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
ViewData["path"] = path; //or Request.Url.ToString() if you want full url
return View();
This is not a complete solution, though. Assuming you've left the default route mapping, anything that matches {Controller}/{action}/{id} is still going to a throw a traditional 404 or custom error. You'd have to explicitly define all possible routes if you truly wanted to have the catch-all route pick up anything that didn't map to a specific controller/action or parameter type - not necessarily a trivial task.
