Can a NonWordpress Page on a Wordpress Based Site Cause Issues with Permalinks - wordpress

I have a website built with Wordpress that has been having permalink issues. A few days ago, I had added a simple file, named qr.php, that I dropped in at the root level (where the wp-content and wp-upload folders reside). It has a script that redirect to pages outside of my website depending on what type of device the user is using. Basically, some one on a Apple device gets redirected to an itunes page, and droid user to the droid app store, etc.
Could this non Wordpress page be causing issues? I have had static or html pages in amonst my root level files before, and never had an issue. I feel like the redirects may change this.

Rather than using the qr.php(cutom redirect file) in your wordpress site. You can use a plugin which will help to redirect the external links.
Some of the plugins which might help you to achieve your purpose are Device Redirect - WordPress Phone &Tablet Redirect , RedirectPlus - Wordpress Mobile Redirect Plugin.
See the screenshots, try demo and check whether it fits your requirement.

No, it dont cause any issue with permalink..
I am also using a wordpress website : and a php based software integrated to admin folder on root.. And I can access easily and


Website is showing another website on non-existent website page

This is a peculiar one.
I work for an agency, and we develop WordPress and JAM Stack sites for our clients.
I have been contacted by the IT team for one of the clients (an NGO), and they flagged something that I have not seen before.
NOTE: I am going to be using as the website, to protect the identity of the client.
Basically, we developed a WordPress site for them, which works great and all, but as it turn outs there is a page on the website which points to a totally different website
The example page is as follows
The news page doesn't exist in anywhere on WordPress system, and neither does it exist as a custom post type.
And another thing, I noticed is when I removed the / at the end of the URL, it shows the custom 404 page developed for the website
But as soon as you add the /, it shows a totally different website.
I have checked all the Apache configuration files related to the site, and it is just the normal setup for any WordPress site.
So, I am wondering what could be causing this, and how can one prevent it?
That's a strange issue. Does actually redirect to another full URL, i.e., or is the different site actually at
emptying the trash for both pages and posts, as there could be a conflicting slug that is causing a redirect.
Reset permalinks.
Using PHPMyAdmin, search the database for the URL points-to-different-website and see if there is malware or some kind of a redirect, an iFrame, etc.
This can sometimes happen if the server hostname is not set up correctly.
What can happen is website on the server will show in place of a non-existent site or page from another website on the same server.
If you are using a reseller hosting/shared hosting, then the site could be from another account on the server, the site could also be from another server, for example:
There are 2 servers with the hostnames and A site on serverone might show in place of a site or page on servertwo.

Including a wordpress blog as a subfolder

So I have a weird problem here, I have created a website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but I have it as a PHP file so I can interact with a Wordpress blog I have also created. I have the WordPress blog in a folder inside my website eg. mywebsite/blog. Now while developing on localhost, everything works pretty fine but when I finally hosted it on a live server, the blog seems to load without the CSS; here's a link to the blog At this point, I am lost as this is my first time, including Wordpress as a subfolder, so I don't have an idea of what the problem could be. Note that this works well in my localhost.
Thanks for providing a link to your site!
Using the Web Inspector in Chrome, I see that the problem is likely in your WordPress settings.
WP is attempting to load all your assets from https://dexafxacademy/blog
The correct URL would be
In the WordPress admin of your production site (not local), head to Settings > General and make sure your WordPress Address and Site Address fields have the correct URL containing .com.

Reach wordpress admin page with another website on

I worked on a Website using HTML, CSS, and javascript, and the later is working on the web.
What I seek to do is working on a new version of the website using Wordpress with a template I purchased but at the same time, the old one stays on the time I finish the new one.
How can I access the /wp-admin page with this path on FileZilla?
The wp-admin is folder and in WordPress the same is accessible after authentication by the wp-login.php file in a browser.
In FTP you should access the wp-admin folder and check the index.php file or another file depending on what exactly is your purpose.
If I have understand your question wrong, please provide more information on the same, so I can review it once again.

Wordpress - instance always generates page that switches to external site

I'm getting an issue where WordPress always serves me a page that takes me to an external site.
Whether I try to visit a URL on, page content is always as follows (keyword= varies according to the URL I type in):
<script src="
This happens only on the live site and not on my localhost site (which should be a very close copy of the live site).
I looked through the MySQL database using string search and couldn't find
any matches to
I grep'ed the entire tree of hosted files and no matches either.
Can't see any nefarious looking rules in
Tried to disable all plugins (except W3TC) by renaming directories within wp-content/plugins, which I think has worked.
.htaccess is the standard WordPress bootstrap.
The installation is an individual domain running its own instance of WP.
This effect prevents me accessing wp-admin on the live site.
Any ideas about what layer or setting might cause this to happen?
The site had been hacked. This was causing it to redirect to an external site after most page requests.
Cleanup guide for hacked sites:
Thanks to all who provided help.

Wordpress Setting Custom URLs for login. Not Possible?

I am not an expert for mod_rewrite, so I need a big time help. Here is the scenario:
Domain Name:
Points To: /www/public_html/
I have a wordpress installation at:
Now I have two htaccess files, lets call them .h1 and .h2 . I have managed upto now to do this:
When user types they are taken to the wordpress homepage in the subdirectory (sweet). In fact everything is hunky-dory besides:
I want to create a custom login URL, say :
I am able to do the following by setting the following in my .h2
RewriteRule ^mylogin$ wp-login.php
But when I use this URL, it taken me to the login screen but the url in the browser changes to
I want the URL that is displayed when the login screen is presented to stay the same as before i.e.
More precisely, no subfolder name and no wp-login should be displayed. How do I achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.
Your solution doesn’t hide the default login url. It only adds an easier to remember url which redirects to the default url /wp-login.
Without the need for coding you can easily install the plugin Custom Login and Admin URL’s that fixes this weakness.
Caution: This plugin have been tested on a new installation of WordPress and it worked fine. However, most free plugins are unsupported which means they sometimes conflict with other plugins depending on what you have installed. If you have any issues, login to cPanel or FTP and delete the plugin or contact your web hosting provider.
Another Security plugin for WordPress which you may want to take a look at is named Better WP Security. This WordPress plugin offers security settings for WordPress login, registration and admin pages as well as many other anti hacking features to protect your site.
