How to add forgot password link in WP-Members plugin? - wordpress

I use the WP-Members plugin to register users on a WordPress site but I have no idea how to add a forgot password link in login form?

You can add the forgot password using the shortcode:
[wpmem_form password]
The password parameter will generate a password reset form for users who are not logged in and a change password form for logged in users. It can be used in conjunction with the logged-in and/or logged-out status shortcodes as well.
NOTE: These functions are also a component of the [wpmem_profile] shortcode, so if you have a user profile page already established, you do not need this page as well. This shortcode is for site admins that might desire a more granular level of control over how these elements are used.

Did you tried
Lost Password

The plugin adds a lost password link automatically when the location of the User Profile page is set in the plugin's main options.

As said by bulterblog when u create a new page and add [wpmem_profile] shortcode it will automatically add the forgot password link to the pages/post which you have blocked.


How to create a custom login form with custom forgot password form in WordPress

I have tried so many things but I am not getting a good result.
I am using Wordpress and the easy digital download plugin to sell some digital product. Now, How can I create a custom login form with custom forgat password form.
and is it possible to create a separate login form for the customers and the administrators?
I mean, on the customer's login form if someone tries to login with administrators username and password there will be no ability to do that.
The /wp-login.php form should do most of what you want. But if that still isn't right have a look at the article attached.

wordpress webstie restriction or blocking, only registred users can view the website

I am creating a website on top wordpress,
The reason to use wordpress is that,
We want to restrict or block the entire site,
Only registered people should be able to access the site that too after verification,
Can anybody help me choosing the right plugins to achieve this.
Note : the site will be similar to a membership website, but the users who are going to use this are not paying, We just want to allow only people whom we approve.
Example: The steps are the one we are looking,
Default page should be Registration page,
Once Registered, Email verification has to be done by clicking the link in the Email ID giving during registration,
Post verification, Email with log-in page link along with username & password goes to the user's registered Email ID,
User logs-in using the username and password,
User is able to view the entire site
Check this plugin :
It's the best to make membership / private page / registration page and etc.. and he is the most documented plugin on this.
Have fun and welcome on Wordpress :)

How to customise wordpress user authentication

I have a old website, which allow people to register and do staff. Say it is
Now I added a subdomain, and want my users to write reviews.
The is done in wordpress which works perfectly.
However, as my users already registered with the old site, ideally I want my user to use their old username and password to login to the review website. Also I would like new users to continue register in the old site and I could just write another query to insert the new user's username and password into wordpress's user table.
To custom login process for wordpress, can I apply a callback somewhere, so when wordpress login failed, I will run my custom query and create and return a wp_User object?
Or it is better to change the login code in wordpress directly? I searched wordpress code and saw the code where I could hack to put my own login logic.
Then one solution can be done
I am assuming that you made the username field and the password field
of registering and the password is visible for you.
Now once you make the wordpress install at your and then you need to copy the sql query which have import for your previous_users and paste in your SQL query of phpmyadmin after that you just need to add the same feild in your database as the wp-users feilds are containing then after that make your users password as MD5 crypt for that you just need to change the password type feild to MD5 crypt and your all users will be able to sign-in there.
I hope i Am clear to you.
Any Doubt you can Comment.

Wordpress - How to allow subscribers to change their password without Dashboard

My subscribers have no need to access the Dashboard after they sign up to my site, so I have disabled it from appearing at the top of the page for them. However it means that currently they won't be able to change the initial password that is emailed to them.
Is there any way I can add a password-change functionality to the My Account section of the site, so they can change their password on-site without having to access the Dashboard? Thanks!
Function wp_set_password will reset the user's password. You just need to build a form to get the new password from the user then call this function.

Changing Location of user Login Page in WordPress

I have a login form setup for my WordPress site, but when a user types in the wrong user/pass it directs them to the WP login screen. Is there any way that I can change this without hacking WPMU core?
You will have to use below filter to change the login url.
function wdm_login_url($login_url, $redirect)
$login_url = home_url().'/your-page-slug/';
return $login_url;
So every time, request goes to wp login screen, it will get redirected to your page
You should use a plugin. A search for "login" on WP Plugins can be helpful, maybe check out this plugin.
you can make the login form (wp-login.php), redirect them back by providing a hidden input text name 'redirect_to' in form that you have written. by using 'redirect_to', Wordpress understand that you want after login user will send to the link
forexample :
[pre]'' [pre]
