How browser decides what to use: http or https (tinymce load of #font-face error) - css

I have problem with tinymce 4.1.10. Icons are not shown in it, then i put it in page, that is loaded through https. Problem is that font files are loaded through http and browser writes in console:
Mixed Content: ... was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure
font '...tinymce.woff'. This request has been blocked; the content
must be served over HTTPS.
Css file with reference to tinymce.woff tinymce/skins/lightgray/skin.min.css is loaded through https. It contains relative link to the font file.
I tried to test how it is loaded in tinymce site: And it works here! Font file tinymce.woff is loaded though https. Files skin.min.css are identical in and in my server and both loaded by https, but why font file tinymce.woff is loaded through http on my site (and through https in tinymce site)?
What makes browser (i tested in FF and Chrome) to decide to use http or https?
PS. I read similar questions here and played with http headers, but it didn't help.

Finally i found solution. Problem was in .htaccess file in my server, that redirected some https calls to http. Thank you all, who read this and tried to answer :)


Mixed Content with cdn bootstrap http over https

I'm running on prestashop 1.6 and i have the following error...
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
In my header.tpl i cannot find this :(
I figured out that the E-goi module was calling Bootstrap through HTTP.

IIS site don't get CSS and JS in https (it is in http)

I have worked IIS site which has worked in HTTPS. Something break and now when i try to get it in https site looks like that without CSS styles. I see in source and CSS and JS files try to open as http (which get 404 error when I try to open it), but when i try to open it via https everything work. How to "force" these to open these files via https? URL rewrite rule, but how?
Thanks for help
This what you experiencing is "mixed content blocking". It occures when you reach website via https but some elements are via http.
To resolve the problem you should configure http to https redirection.
You can find 'how to' here:
Also make sure that you don't hardcoded links to application elements via http in app code (if yes then change to https).

Solve issue when http won't change to https

I have installed an SSL-certificate for my website but it is not working for some pages. I went inside of the Google Chrome Console option and found this error message:
Mixed Content: The page at
'' was loaded over
HTTPS, but requested an insecure font
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I went inside of the "insecure font" but there is not "http" URL there that I can change to remove this error message. How can I remove this error message that appears?
You need to change the reference to the font in your CSS file so that it uses a https:// URL.
All external resources (css, javascript, images, etc) imported into the page need to either be relative URL so that they automatically use the same protocol, or you need to explicitly use https:// in their URL.

Web font not working online. but working locally

I'm trying to work on my website but for some reason the web fonts are not working, even though they work fine on my local machine
please have a look on my css codes. its up on github.
css style code
and it should look like this. much thinner
http: //
on chrome console
[blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from ',100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
just change the url to:,100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic
note: the website use a secure protocol (https) , the external resources wold be loaded using https protocol

CSS on HTTPS link in google chrome not applying proeprly

CSS on a page secured with SSL (HTTPS) not applying properly.
Its working fine on Mozilla and internet explorer but not working fine on chrome.
I tried to call external css file using java-script based on protocol, but no success.
The problem is that when accessing your CSS file over HTTPS, you are redirected to the HTTP version, and so the browser will block the file as it is not served sercurely.
You need to make sure you do not redirect back to HTTP for static resources.
Go to your config file in the web directory and change
define('HTTP_SERVER', ''),
define('HTTP_CATALOG, '');
