How do I give only my client access to my API? -

I'm developing a REST web API that will be used by mobile app clients. I don't want any other client to be able to access the API. Should I just require a password/token that will be used by the mobile apps? Isn't there a way for people to find that password by decompiling my app?

Yes, you cannot create an app with a secret embedded and expect the secret to stay secret.
If you ship the app with the secret (token, user/pass, private key, etc), that information is available in the binary, and someone motivated could extract it.
The normal practice is to install the app, then let the user of the application log in, and store a unique credential for future requests.

You could use OWIN OAUTH where a user of the client is required to authenticate and a Bearer authorization token is returned to the client that must be passed in to all secure requests on the WebAPI (a secure request on the WebAPI uses the Authorize attribute)
Take a look at this link


IdentityServer4 Web Login via id_token or access_token

I'm building a hybrid native/web app. Part of it will be API driven, and part of it will be webviews showing an existing website.
Once logged in with my OIDC SDK (Amplify/AppAuth), I can access the user's id_token and access_token.
However, because the webviews used in the SDK are not controllable, I cannot reuse the cookies generated by my identity server.
For the reason above, I'm trying to login a user from their id_token or their access_token. (both are JWTs)
I believe this isn't supported by IdentityServer4, but I am looking to implement something myself.
What I have found so far:
1) id_token_hint
OpenID Connect Core 1.0, Section, id_token_hint parameter:
OPTIONAL. ID Token previously issued by the Authorization Server being passed as a hint about the End-User's current or past authenticated session with the Client. If the End-User identified by the ID Token is logged in or is logged in by the request, then the Authorization Server returns a positive response; otherwise, it SHOULD return an error, such as login_required. When possible, an id_token_hint SHOULD be present when prompt=none is used and an invalid_request error MAY be returned if it is not; however, the server SHOULD respond successfully when possible, even if it is not present. The Authorization Server need not be listed as an audience of the ID Token when it is used as an id_token_hint value.
If the ID Token received by the RP from the OP is encrypted, to use it as an id_token_hint, the Client MUST decrypt the signed ID Token contained within the encrypted ID Token. The Client MAY re-encrypt the signed ID token to the Authentication Server using a key that enables the server to decrypt the ID Token, and use the re-encrypted ID token as the id_token_hint value.
According to this optional spec of OpenID, I should be able to use the id_token on the /authorize endpoint to login the user. I know this isn't implemented in IdentityServer4, but I'm looking at AddCustomAuthorizeRequestValidator to do that. However I'm not sure how to "get a user from their id_token" in the code. Do you have any pointers?
2) using AddJwtBearerClientAuthentication
This method sounds like I could authenticate from my access_token, but I can't find much documentation on how to use it.
Let me know if I am misunderstanding requirements, but it feels like you have 2 different apps and are trying to make them feel like a single integrated set of screens.
The default behaviour will be as follows since web views are private browser sessions and cannot use system browser cookies. You want to prevent the second step since it is a poor user experience:
User signs in to the mobile app
Whenever a secured web view is invoked, there is a new private browser session with no auth cookie, therefore requiring a new login
It can be common to forward the mobile token to the web view, if the two apps are part of the same user experience. If required, extend the mobile app's scopes to include those for the web app.
You should not need to issue any new tokens or change the security model of either app. But the mobile and web apps need to work together on a solution.
This might be the simplest option:
Provide new .Net Core web back end entry point URLs that require tokens instead of cookies
The mobile app could then call those endpoints from web views, and supply its own token in the Authorization Header of the web view request
The web back end could then forward mobile web view requests to your Web APIs
The code to add the Authorization Header to a web view request may be a little tricky but there are ways to do it:
An option that works for Cookieless SPAs is for the web view to ask the mobile host app for an access token via a Javascript bridge. Some code of mine does this for a cookieless SPA:
Web UI Code to Call the Mobile Host
Android Code
iOS Code
You can clone / run the mobile github repos from your local PC to see the solution. I will be writing up some notes on this in my blog's Mobile Web Integration Post.

Securing communication between mobile app and RESTful service WITHOUT a username and password

I've been trying to work out if it is possible to authorize communication between a mobile app and my ASP.NET web api service without the user having to authenticate with a username and password. This is important because users of my app don't login at all and never will. All traffic will of course be sent over HTTPS.
This means I can't use OAUTH or BASIC authentication to authenticate the traffic as these require credentials.
So I need some method to securely store some kind of authentication token that is packaged in the app that is only accessed when it needs to communicate to the server and can't be "discovered" by a determined hacker.
This may of course not be possible.
In general it is not possible. Your server should never trust it's clients. Hackers can examine your client app and create equivalent one.
But you can make life of hackers significantly harder, if you:
Use custom cliest sertificat for HTTPS, look here.
Use temporary access keys in http request. Application should request for new temporary access key your server. Part of the key server will send in response and another part will be sent via Cloud Messaging. Combine parts of the key in some non-trivial way.
Obfuscate your app.

Is it possible to use an external Identity Provider in a Web API with ASP.NET 5?

Reading this question, #Pinpoint's answer and the further discussion on comments, I'm well aware that natively we can't add an identity provider to our apps developed with ASP.NET 5. One possible replacement for the legacy OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware is then provided by the AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server as I've found in many places.
Now, there is one point that I'm still unsure about all this because I'm really not an expert in security, so my knowledge about OAuth is not very deep. My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Notice that I'm not talking about adding social login to one website, I'm talking about using one external identity provider in one RESTful API.
My point is, this makes me a little confused yet, because I always thought this should be a concern of my app.
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
EDIT: One of the reasons I feel unsure about that is that when we use the UseOAuthAuthentication extension method, we set up one callback path which is described as
The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.
Now, if we are developing a site, then this really does make sense. The person goes there, click a button to login with a provider like Facebook. The user is redirected to Facebook's page and then after he logs in, he is redirected to some page of the site.
On the other hand, with a RESTful API this is meaningless. There is no notion of being redirected.
This makes it seems that the usage of external providers is only for sites and not for RESTful API's. This is the main point of my question.
My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Yes, it's definitely possible. This is exactly what you do when you use Azure Active Directory to protect your API endpoints:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(options => {
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.Authority = "";
options.Audience = "";
The next legitimate question is: if you can use the tokens issued by AAD to protect your API, why couldn't you do the same thing with Facebook or Google tokens?
Unlike Facebook or Google, AAD issues completely standardized tokens named JWT tokens that the OAuth2 bearer middleware can "read" and "verify" to determine whether the token is still valid and was really issued for your API (i.e if the audience attached with the token corresponds to your API. You can control this value using the resource parameter when making your authorization request).
You can't do something similar with FB or Google tokens, since they are totally opaque. Actually, it's not really surprising since these tokens have only one objective: allowing you to query FB or Google APIs, not your own ones (these social providers don't allow to set the audience of the access token).
Since you can't read the token yourself, the only option is to ask FB or Google whether it is still valid to make sure your API doesn't accept invalid tokens. That's something you can (easily) do with Facebook as they offer a "token inspection endpoint" you can query for that: (see the Inspecting access tokens chapter). This way, you can ensure the token is not expired and determine the user corresponding to the token.
Sadly, this approach has two downsides:
You have to make an extra HTTP call to the Facebook endpoint to validate the access token, which implies caching received tokens to avoid flooding Facebook with too many requests.
As the access token is not issued for your own API, you MUST absolutely ensure that the access token was issued to a client application you fully trust, or it will allow any third party developer to use his own FB/Google tokens with your API without having to request user's consent. This is - obviously - a major security concern.
You can find more information in the last part of this SO answer (it's for Katana and about Dropbox, but you should get the idea): OWIN/OAuth2 3rd party login: Authentication from Client App, Authorization from Web API
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
To work around the limitations mentioned in the previous part, the best option is - as you've already figured out - to create your own authorization/authentication server. This way, your API doesn't (directly) accept FB or Google tokens but the tokens issued by your own server, that can possibly redirect your users to FB or Google for authentication.
This is exactly what this sample does:
The user is invited by the client application (Mvc.Client) to authenticate with your authorization server (Mvc.Server) so he can get an access token to later query the API (also in Mvc.Server). For that, the user is redirected to your authorization server, which itself offers you to authenticate with Google or Twitter.
When this external authentication step is done, the user is redirected back to your authorization server (Mvc.Server), where he's asked to give his consent for the client app (Mvc.Client) to access his personal data.
When the consent is given, the user is redirected back to the client application with the access token you can use to query the API endpoint.

How should I share authentication from a desktop application to a web application using OAuth 2.0

I have a RESTful API written in ASP.Net that implements OAuth 2 for authentication, and it's currently accessed through a web application. I've also got a legacy desktop client that accesses the same resources directly (not through the RESTful API and without OAuth, but using the same login credentials and hitting the same database). The requirement I'm trying to meet right now is to allow a user to click a link in the desktop application in order to open the web app to a specific screen, and when they do, to have the web app authenticate automatically so that they don't have to manually log into it (since they've already logged into the desktop app).
I'm trying to work out how I can handle this within the constraints of the framework. I'm not too familiar with OAuth 2 in general, but from what I understand I shouldn't share tokens between clients and there are no flows specifically for this kind of hand-off (unless I'm missing something). Worst case scenario, I could generate a temporary token outside of OAuth that's used by the web client to authenticate rather than a username and password, but I'm hoping to avoid stepping outside of what's already in the framework to do what I need to do.
So the question is this: is there some decent way built into the OAuth 2.0 framework to handle this sort of "handshake" between two applications, or should I just build my own method of dealing with it?
Using temporary one-time tokens is actually part of OAuth spec (authorization_code grant type). In this case this short-lived code can be exchanged for access_token (and refresh_token). You will have to implemenent generating and validating of this authorization_code.
If you are using OWIN OAuth middleware:
You can generate the code at separate API endpoint accessed by your desktop client app.
After receiving token, pass it to your browser and direct it to auth endpoint with grant_type=authorization_code over secure connection. Example: call Process.Start(""). At the webpage redirect user to your OAuth Token endpoint with grant_type=authorization_code.
AuthenticationTokenProvider.Receive will be called, in which you will validate your token. (Example code here).
After successful validation OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantAuthorizationCode will be called, in which you will process the authenticated user in the same way you process it with grant_type=password.
Remember that your token validation logic should ensure that your tokens are short-lived, usable only once and transmitted over secure connection.
This is sometimes called "single sign-on" if you want to research this topic further.

Protect a web api from begin called by other apps

I am developing an web api app, and using OWIN and identity to implement oauth for my aplication security. For each registered user, I also save a client id and hash as described here. But I dont want other developers be able to use my api and create their own app using the client id (and other credentials) they have.
Is it possible ?
First thing first, you have to encrypt your network traffic between mobile device and API. Because attackers can obtain sensitive data (which is API Token in this case) via proxy . Also you need to do SSL Pinning because of you need to be sure about public key is yours, otherwise attackers manage to get sensitive data again with same method. ( Please check out : )
You shouldn't authenticate users with username/password. I suggest to you use api key, therefor you can send user actions to server side like following patterns.
Als you can watch this talk about Secure Your API - Tips for REST + JSON Developers.
