Creating a Wordpress child theme for ThemeCo's Theme X - css

I want to create a wordpress child theme for Theme X.
How do I import the CSS from the original style from Theme X?

You can download the official child theme for X here:
Or you could create your own as long as you then edit the child's style.css to include a line such as this since X doesn't store its CSS in the same file:
#import url( '../x/framework/css/site/stacks/integrity-light.css');

Generalized steps for creating child theme for any theme:
1) create a directory in your themes directory in wordpress:
2) create a style.css file in that directory.
3) open the newly created style.css file and add header information:
Theme Name: Your child theme name
Author: Author name
Template: Your parent theme name
4) Import the parent theme stylesheet,
after the header add in your style.css:
#import url('../Your_parent_theme/style.css');
If your parent theme have only one stylesheet, then these steps are sufficient. Otherwise you can add multiple import statements.
Check wordpress codex:

Note that there is no child theme packaged with the theme zip archive like most others. You have to login to Themeco's member area to download it, which requires an Envato username and theme purchase code for registration.


Child themes of twentysixteen theme

I am using twenty sixteen child theme. I need to modify the theme contents. What are the files I need to modify and how? Can anyone explain it in detail.
Advance thanks.
when i use child theme like this i get black screen
This is my site How to extent the full width of my site..
Read the following documentation about the child themes
Child theme inherits all the functionality and styling of it's parent theme. If you are using child theme and a theme update is applied your changes won't be lost or overwitten
You can quickly create child theme for any theme, just follow the steps given below:
1 Create a folder and name it exactly your theme name; append -child in the name. e.g. creating child theme for twentysixteen theme would be called twentysixteen-child this folder should sit beside parent theme under wp-content/themes/
2- Your child theme should have three files.
3- In functions.php file you can override parent theme functions.
4 In style.css file you can override parent theme CSS code.
5 If you want to change header design then you have to override header.php file. For this copy header.php file of your parent theme and paste it inside your child theme folder. Now, you can modify the child theme header file as per your requirements.
6 Similarly, you can also override footer.php file in your child theme.
For more info have a look over below thread-
You need to create at-least one child-theme directory and two main files (style.css & functions.php) under child theme directory. I have given example using Twenty-Thirteen WordPress theme. Step by step explanation is given

About WordPress child theme

I have created wordpress child theme from parent theme "twentythirteen". My child theme name is "twentythirteen-child".It has following content.
Theme Name: twentythirteen-child
Theme URI:
Description: A Twenty Thirteen child theme
Author: WPBeginner
Author URI:
Template: twentythirteen
Version: 1.0.0
#import url("../twentythirteen/style.css");
Unfortunately my child theme replaces the parent theme and newly created theme is applying when i activate child theme and there is no parent theme style is applied on webpage.
How can i solve this problem?
Couple things to try:
Double check to make sure your template path in the header you posted actually goes to the twenty-thirteen theme. That could be why the base styles aren't appearing.
Your child theme needs it's own style.css - you can't import that. Read more on the WordPress Child Theme Codex Page.
Make sure you didn't copy over the entire directory into the child folder. That's a common beginner mistake.
Your child theme is supposed to override the parent theme. It supersedes any parent theme files you put into it. For example, if you put a different page.html in the root of your child theme, it would replace the page.html from the twenty-thirteen parent theme.

How to activate the child theme in Wordpress?

I create a new style.css and use it in child theme. And I create a new folder in wp-content and name it as themename-child and upload the style.css that I created. Now, I go to wp dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes and I look the child theme that I create. And I found this error:
Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
Accesspress Lite The parent theme is missing. Please install the "AccesspressLite" parent theme.
Is there anything that I need to upload? Please help me. I'm new in WordPress. Thank you!
No, the problem here is that you must specify the parent template in commented area of your child style.css
Example from Wordpress Codex
Theme Name: Twenty Fourteen Child
Theme URI:
Description: Twenty Fourteen Child Theme
Author: John Doe
Author URI:
Template: twentyfourteen
Version: 1.0.0
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: twenty-fourteen-child
#import url("../twentyfourteen/style.css");
Line with
Template: twentyfourteen
is what your need. Your parent theme must be in corresponding folder, in this example, themes/twentyfourteen.
Also, in your parent template you must load style.css via get_stylesheet_uri() for child theme to work correctly.
Seems clear to me that you need to install the Parent Theme, which is required for child theme installation...
The parent theme is missing. Please install the "AccesspressLite" parent theme.
The whole purpose of the child theme is that it feeds it's adjustments into the parent theme, so you don't have to adjust parent theme settings.

wordpress child theme not working

i am new to word press now i am working on wordpress child theme. now i am going to creat child theme of " Chulavista " theme.
i just creat a sub directory and creat file with name of style.css
in my style.css just place this code
#charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */
Theme Name: chulavista Child
Theme URI:
Description: Chulavista child Theme
Author: Agilesoft
Version: 1.3
License: GNU General Public License
Template: chulavista
#import url("../chulavista/style.css");
its simple. but when i activate child theme the layout font and header will be change and show recent post, meta, and category in top menu div.
i can't understand this behaviour. because when i activate parent theme it will be correct.
Please help me out of this problem...
Thanks in advance
Your style.css is correct, your problem is something else.
I will assume that you are working on a Linux Environment.
If you want to install custom themes manually copying your theme directly in the wp-content/themes folder, be sure you create a symbolic link for it as well:
sudo ln -s /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/your_theme/ /var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/themes/your_theme
I had the same problem as you and I fixed it by creating the symbolic link. Hope this helps.
The Child theme is an individual theme which relies on the Parent's theme files. When you activate the Child theme, you have to set the Appearance settings for the theme. Similar to what you do while activating another Parent theme.
Note that the layout font might be changing due to the same reason.
Does Chulavista support child themes? If it hasn't been written with child themes in mind, it might not properly support them. e.g. if it uses get_template_directory_uri() instead of get_stylesheet_directory_uri(). Check the functions.php and header.php files in the Chulavista theme to see if that is the case.

Wordpress, Gantry Framework, Child Theme?

Does anyone have experience with Gantry Framework?
I am wondering if it is possible to create a child theme based off of the default? Where would I put my css file and can I build off of the current css instead of starting from scratch while still separating my css from the default theme?
Apart from the usual process of creating a WordPress child theme (create a directory, with proper style.css and functions.php), Gantry requires a specific procedure.
You'll need to copy two files from the parent directory to the child theme directory, keeping the structure:
Then, edit the copied theme.yaml: the parent must be your parent theme directory name.
On the theme.php, select all text and replace with this:
// Initialize theme stream.
array('' => array(
As for css, you must create this file, within your child theme directory:
It can be formatted in either SCSS or CSS, and will override the theme's core style sheet files.
Creating a Child Theme is very easy.
All you need to do is create a directory in your theme directory, and name it something like "Gantry-child". Inside that folder, add a file called "style.css". Once this is done, you just need to add the Theme Information that tells Wordpress the Child Theme's Name, Author, and Parent Theme.
Inside the new style.css, add:
Theme Name: Gantry Child
Template: rt_gantry_wp
The most important part that lets Wordpress know that this is a child of the Gantry Theme is the "Template" section. This is the name of the PARENT directory in your Themes folder.
What this will do is create a new theme that inherits all of the parent theme's functions. If you also want to inherit the existing parent theme stylesheet, add to style.css:
#import url("../rt_gantry_wp/style.css");
Hopefully this should get you started. Once that's done, you can add your own header, footer, index, functions, or anything else you can think of to extend the parent theme's functionality.
Hopefully this helps get you started.
