Finding patterns across rows of data.table in R - r

I am trying to find patterns across rows of a data.table while still maintaining the linkages of data across the rows. Here is a reduced example:
Row ID Value
1 C 1000
2 A 500
3 T -200
4 B 5000
5 T -900
6 A 300
I would like to search for all instances of "ATB" in successive rows and output the integers from the value column. Ideally, I want to bin the number of instances as well. The output table would look like this:
String Frequency Value1 Value2 Value 3
ATB 1 500 -200 5000
CAT 1 1000 500 -200
Since the data.table packages seems to be oriented towards providing operations on a column or row-wise basis I thought this should be possible. However, I haven't the slightest idea where to start. Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "Row ID Value
1 C 1000
2 A 500
3 T -200
4 B 5000
5 T -900
6 A 300
7 C 200
8 A 700
9 T -500")
sought <- c("ATB", "CAT", "NOT")
ids <- paste(df$ID, collapse = "")
ldply(sought, function(id) {
found <- str_locate_all(ids, id)
if (nrow(found[[1]])) {
vals <- outer(found[[1]][,"start"], 0:2, function(x, y) df$Value[x + y])
} else {
vals <- as.list(rep(NA, 3))
data.frame(ID = id, Count = str_count(ids, id),
setNames(, paste0("Value", 1:3)))
Here's a solution using stringr and plyr. The ids are collapsed into a single string, all instances of each target located and then a data frame constructed with the relevant columns.


Creating combination of sequences

I am trying to solve following problem:
Consider 5 simple sequences: 0:100, 100:0, rep(0,101), rep(50,101), rep(100,101)
I need sets of 3 numeric variables, which have above sequences in all combinations. Since there are 5 sequences and 3 variables, there can be 5*5*5 combinations, hence total of 12625 (5*5*5*101) numbers in each variable (101 for each sequence).
These can be grouped in a data.frame of 12625 rows and 4 columns. First column (V) will simply have seq(1:12625) (rownumbers can be used in its place). Other 3 columns (A,B,C) will have above 5 sequences in different combinations. For example, the first 101 rows will have 0:100 in all 3 A,B and C. Next 101 rows will have 0:100 in A and B, and 100:0 in C. And so on...
I can create sequences as:
s = list()
s[[1]] = 0:100
s[[2]] = 100:0
s[[3]] = rep(0,101)
s[[4]] = rep(50,101)
s[[5]] = rep(100,101)
But how to proceed further? I do not really need the data frame but I need a function that returns a list containing the values of c(A,B,C) for the number (first or V column) sent to it. The number can obviously vary from 1 to 12625.
How can I create such a function. I will prefer a vector solution or one using apply family functions to optimize the speed.
You asked for a vectorized solution, so here's one using only data.table (similar to #SimonGs methodology)
grd <- CJ(A = seq_len(5), B = seq_len(5), C = seq_len(5))
res <- grd[, lapply(.SD, function(x) unlist(s[x]))]
# A B C
# 1: 0 0 0
# 2: 1 1 1
# 3: 2 2 2
# 4: 3 3 3
# 5: 4 4 4
# ---
# 12621: 100 100 100
# 12622: 100 100 100
# 12623: 100 100 100
# 12624: 100 100 100
# 12625: 100 100 100
I came up with two solutions. I find this hard to do with apply and the likes since they tend to give an output that is not so nice to handle (maybe someone can "tame" them better than I can :D)
First solution uses seperate calls to lapply, second one uses a for loop and some programming No-No's. Personally I prefer the second one, first one is faster though...
grd <- expand.grid(a=1:5,b=1:5,c=1:5)
# apply-ish
A <- lapply(grd[,1], function(z){ s[[z]] })
B <- lapply(grd[,2], function(z){ s[[z]] })
C <- lapply(grd[,3], function(z){ s[[z]] })
dfr <- data.frame(,A),,B),,C))
# for-ish
mat <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(grd)){
cur <- grd[i,]
tmp <- cbind(s[[cur[,1]]],s[[cur[,2]]],s[[cur[,3]]])
mat <- rbind(mat,tmp)
The output of both dfr and mat seem to be what you describe.

Eliminating rows from a data.frame

I have this example data.frame:
df <- data.frame(id=c("a","a,b,c","d,e","d","h","e","i","b","c"), start=c(100,100,400,400,800,500,900,200,300), end=c(150,350,550,450,850,550,950,250,350), level = c(1,5,2,3,6,4,2,1,1))
> df
id start end level
1 a 100 150 1
2 a,b,c 100 350 5
3 d,e 400 550 2
4 d 400 450 3
5 h 800 850 6
6 e 500 550 4
7 i 900 950 2
8 b 200 250 1
9 c 300 350 1
where each row is a linear interval.
As this example shows some rows are merged intervals (rows 2 and 3).
What I'd like to do is for each merged interval either eliminate all its individual parts from df if the df$level of the merged interval is greater than that of all its parts, or if the df$level of the merged interval is smaller than at least one of its parts eliminate the merged interval.
So for this example, the output should be:
> res.df
id start end level
1 a,b,c 100 350 5
2 d 400 450 3
3 h 800 850 6
4 e 500 550 4
5 i 900 950 2
Method 1 (ID values)
So If we can assume that all the "merged" group have ID names that are a comma separated list of the individual groups, then we can tackle this problem just looking at the IDs and ignore the start/end information. Here is one such method
First, find all the "merged" groups by finding the IDs with commas
groups<-Filter(function(x) length(x)>1,
Now, for each of those groups, determine who has the larger level, either the merged group or one of the individual groups. Then return the index of the rows to drop as a negative number
drops<-unlist(lapply(names(groups), function(g) {
ii<-which(df$id %in% groups[[g]])
if(df[mi, "level"] > max(df[ii, "level"])) {
} else {
And finally, drop those from the data.frame
# id start end level
# 2 a,b,c 100 350 5
# 4 d 400 450 3
# 5 h 800 850 6
# 6 e 500 550 4
# 7 i 900 950 2
Method 2 (Start/End Graph)
I wanted to also try a method that ignored the (very useful) merged ID names and just looked at the start/end positions. I may have gone off in a bad direction but this lead me to think of it as a network/graph type problem so I used the igraph library.
I created a graph where each vertex represented a start/end position. Each edge therefore represented a range. I used all the ranges from the sample data set and filled in any missing ranges to make the graph connected. I merged that data together to create an edge list. For each edge, I remember the "level" and "id" values from the original data set. Here's the code to do that
poslist<-sort(unique(c(df$start, df$end)))
el<-rbind(df[,c("start","end","level", "id")],data.frame(seq.el, level=0, id=""))
And that creates a graph that looks like
So basically we want to eliminate cycles in the graph by taking the path with the edge that has the maximum "level" value. Unfortunately since this isn't a normal path-weighting scheme, I didn't find an easy way to do this with a default algorithm (maybe I missed it). So I had to write my own graph transversal function. It's not as pretty as I would have liked, but here it is.
findPath <- function(gg, fromv, tov) {
if ((missing(tov) && length(incident(gg, fromv, "in"))>1) ||
(!missing(tov) && V(gg)[fromv]==V(gg)[tov])) {
return (list(level=0, path=numeric()))
es <- E(gg)[from(fromv)]
if (length(es)>1) {
pp <- lapply(get.edges(gg, es)[,2], function(v) {
edg <- E(gg)[fromv %--% v]
lvl <- edg$level
nxt <- findPaths(gg,v)
return (list(level=max(lvl, nxt$level), path=c(edg,nxt$path)))
lvl <- sapply(pp, `[[`, "level")
take <- pp[[which.max(lvl)]]
nxt <- findPaths(gg, get.edges(gg, tail(take$path,1))[,2], tov)
return (list(level=max(take$level, nxt$level), path=c(take$path, nxt$path)))
} else {
lvl <- E(gg)[es]$level
nv <- get.edges(gg,es)[,2]
nxt <- findPaths(gg, nv, tov)
return (list(level=max(lvl, nxt$level), path=c(es, nxt$path)))
This will find a path between two nodes that satisfies the property of having a maximal level when presented with a branch. We call that with this data set with
rr <- findPaths(gg, "100","950")$path
This will find the final path. Since each row in the original df data.frame is represented by an edge, we just need to extract the edges from the path that correspond to the final path. This actually gives us a path that looks like
where the red path is the chosen one. I can then subset df with
df[df$id %in% na.omit(E(gg)[rr]$id), ]
# id start end level
# 2 a,b,c 100 350 5
# 4 d 400 450 3
# 5 h 800 850 6
# 6 e 500 550 4
# 7 i 900 950 2
Method 3 (Overlap Matrix)
He's another way to look at the start/stop positions. I create a matix where columns correspond to ranges in the rows of the data.frame and the rows of the matrix correspond to positions. Each value in the matrix is true if a range overlaps a position. Here I use the between.R helper function
#find unique positions and create overlap matrix
cc<-sapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) between(un, df$start[i], df$end[i]))
#partition into non-overlapping sections
groups<-cumsum(c(F,rowSums(cc[-1,]& cc[-nrow(cc),])==0))
#find the IDs to keep from each section
keeps<-lapply(, groups), function(m) {
lengths <- colSums(m)
mx <- which.max(lengths)
gx <- setdiff(which(lengths>0), mx)
if(length(gx)>0) {
if(df$level[mx] > max(df$level[gx])) {
} else {
} else {
This will give a list of the IDs to keep from each group, and we can get the final data.set with
Method 4 (Open/Close Listing)
I have one last method. This one might be the most scalable. We basically melt the positions and keep track of opening and closing events to identify the groups. Then we split and see if the longest in each group has the max level or not. Ultimately we return the IDs. This method uses all standard base functions.
#create open/close listing
cbind(df[,c(1,4)],pos=df[,2], evt=1),
cbind(df[,c(1,4)],pos=df[,3], evt=-1)
#annotate with useful info
dd<-dd[order(dd$pos, -dd$evt),]
dd$open <- cumsum(dd$evt)
dd$group <- cumsum(c(0,head(dd$open,-1)==0))
dd$width <- ave(dd$pos, dd$id, FUN=function(x) diff(range(x)))
#slim down
dd <- subset(dd, evt==1,select=c("id","level","width","group"))
#process each group
ids<-unlist(lapply(split(dd, dd$group), function(x) {
if(nrow(x)==1) return(x$id)
if(mw==ml) {
} else {
and finally subset
df[df$id %in% ids, ]
by now I think you know what this returns
So if your real data has the same type of IDs as the sample data, obviously method 1 is a better, more direct choice. I'm still hoping there is a way to simplify method 2 that i'm just missing. I've not done any testing on efficiency or performance of these methods. I'm guessing method 4 might be be the most efficient since it should scale linearly.
I'll take a procedural approach; basically, sort descending by level,
and for each record, remove later records that have a matching id.
df <- data.frame(id=c("a","a,b,c","d,e","d","h","e","i","b","c"), start=c(100,100,400,400,800,500,900,200,300), end=c(150,350,550,450,850,550,950,250,350),
level = c(1,5,2,3,6,4,2,1,1), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ids <- df[order(df$level, decreasing=TRUE), "id"]
ids <- sapply(df$id, strsplit, ",")
i <- 1
while( i < length(ids)) {
current <- ids[[i]]
j <- i + 1
while(j <= length(ids)) {
if(any(ids[[j]] %in% current))
ids[[j]] <- NULL
j <- j + 1
i <- i + 1
And finally, only keep the ids that are left:
R> ids <- data.frame(id=names(ids), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
R> merge(ids, df, sort=FALSE)
id start end level
1 h 800 850 6
2 a,b,c 100 350 5
3 e 500 550 4
4 d 400 450 3
5 i 900 950 2
This has ugly while loops because R only has for-each loops, and also note the stringsAsFactors=FALSE is necessary for splitting the ids. Deleting middle elements
could be bad for performance, but that will depend on the underlying implementation
R uses for lists (linked vs arrays).

Create a new data frame based on another dataframe

I am trying to use a huge dataframe (180000 x 400) to calculate another one that would be much smaller.
I have the following dataframe
1 1 120 150 1 1
2 2 345 390 1 0
3 3 765 802 0 0
4 4 1045 1120 1 0
5 5 1347 1436 0 -1
6 6 1879 1935 0 -1
This is a sample dataframe. The rows continue until 180000 and the columns are over 400.
What I need to do is create a new dataframe based on each column that tells me the size of each continues "1" or "-1" and returns it with the location, size and value.
Something like this for CODE1:
1 1 to 2 270 POS
2 4 to 4 75 POS
And like this for CODE2:
1 1 to 1 30 POS
2 5 to 6 588 NEG
Unfortunately I still didn't figure out how to do this. I have been trying several lines of code to develop a function to do this automatically but start to get lost or stuck in loops and it seems that nothing works.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Below is code that gives you the answer in the exact format that you wanted, except I split your "LOCAT" column into two columns entitled "Starts" and "Stops". This code will work for your entire data frame, no need to replicate it manually for each CODE (CODE1, CODE2, etc).
It assumes that the only non-CODE column have the names "LOCAT" "START" and "END".
# need package "plyr"
# test2 is the example data frame that you gave in the question
test2 <- data.frame(
"START"=c(120,345,765, 1045, 1347, 1879),
"END"=c(150,390,803,1120,1436, 1935),
codeNames <- names(test2)[!names(test2)%in%c("LOCAT","START","END")] # the names of columns that correspond to different codes
test3 <- reshape(test2, varying=codeNames, direction="long", v.names="CodeValue", timevar="Code") # reshape so the different codes are variables grouped into the same column
test4 <- test3[,!names(test3)%in%"id"] #remove the "id" column
sss <- function(x){ # sss gives the starting points, stopping points, and sizes (sss) in a data frame
rleX <- rle(x[,"CodeValue"]) # rle() to get the size of consecutive values
stops <- cumsum(rleX$lengths) # cumulative sum to get the end-points for the indices (the second value in your LOCAT column)
starts <- c(1, head(stops,-1)+1) # the starts are the first value in your LOCAT column
ssX0 <- data.frame("Value"=rleX$values, "Starts"=starts, "Stops"=stops) #the starts and stops from X (ss from X)
ssX <- ssX0[ssX0[,"Value"]!=0,] # remove the rows the correspond to CODE_ values that are 0 (not POS or NEG)
# The next 3 lines calculate the equivalent of your SIZE column
sizeX1 <- x[ssX[,"Starts"],"START"]
sizeX2 <- x[ssX[,"Stops"],"END"]
sizeX <- sizeX2 - sizeX1
sssX <- data.frame(ssX, "Size"=sizeX) # Combine the Size to the ssX (start stop of X) data frame
return(sssX) #Added in EDIT
answer0 <- ddply(.data=test4, .variables="Code", .fun=sss) # use the function ddply() in the package "plyr" (apply the function to each CODE, why we reshaped)
answer <- answer0 # duplicate the original, new version will be reformatted
answer[,"Value"] <- c("NEG",NA,"POS")[answer0[,"Value"]+2] # reformat slightly so that we have POS/NEG instead of 1/-1
Hopefully this helps, good luck!
Use run-length encoding to determine groups where CODE1 takes the same value.
rle_of_CODE1 <- rle(df1$CODE1)
For convenience, find the points where the value is non-zero, and the lenghts of the corresponding blocks.
CODE1_is_nonzero <- rle_of_CODE1$values != 0
n <- rle_of_CODE1$lengths[CODE1_is_nonzero]
Ignore the parts of df1 where CODE1 is zero.
df1_with_nonzero_CODE1 <- subset(df1, CODE1 != 0)
Define a group based on the contiguous blocks we found with rle.
df1_with_nonzero_CODE1$GROUP <- rep(seq_along(n), times = n)
Use ddply to get summary stats for each group.
summarised_by_CODE1 <- ddply(
MinOfLOCAT = min(LOCAT),
MaxOfLOCAT = max(LOCAT),
SIZE = max(END) - min(START)
summarised_by_CODE1$VALUE <- ifelse(
rle_of_CODE1$values[CODE1_is_nonzero] == 1,
## 1 1 1 2 270 POS
## 2 3 4 4 75 POS
Now repeat with CODE2.

Efficiently merging two data frames on a non-trivial criteria

Answering this question last night, I spent a good hour trying to find a solution that didn't grow a data.frame in a for loop, without any success, so I'm curious if there's a better way to go about this problem.
The general case of the problem boils down to this:
Merge two data.frames
Entries in either data.frame can have 0 or more matching entries in the other.
We only care about entries that have 1 or more matches across both.
The match function is complex involving multiple columns in both data.frames
For a concrete example I will use similar data to the linked question:
genes <- data.frame(gene = letters[1:5],
chromosome = c(2,1,2,1,3),
start = c(100, 100, 500, 350, 321),
end = c(200, 200, 600, 400, 567))
markers <- data.frame(marker = 1:10,
chromosome = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 1, 2),
position = c(105, 300, 96, 206, 150, 400, 25, 300, 120, 700))
And our complex matching function:
# matching criteria, applies to a single entry from each data.frame
isMatch <- function(marker, gene) {
marker$chromosome == gene$chromosome &
marker$postion >= (gene$start - 10) &
marker$postion <= (gene$end + 10)
The output should look like an sql INNER JOIN of the two data.frames, for entries where isMatch is TRUE.
I've tried to construct the two data.frames so that there can be 0 or more matches in the other data.frame.
The solution I came up with is as follows:
joined <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(genes)) {
# This repeated subsetting returns the same results as `isMatch` applied across
# the `markers` data.frame for each entry in `genes`.
matches <- markers[which(markers$chromosome == genes[i, "chromosome"]),]
matches <- matches[which(matches$pos >= (genes[i, "start"] - 10)),]
matches <- matches[which(matches$pos <= (genes[i, "end"] + 10)),]
# matches may now be 0 or more rows, which we want to repeat the gene for:
if(nrow(matches) != 0) {
joined <- rbind(joined, cbind(genes[i,], matches[,c("marker", "position")]))
Giving the results:
gene chromosome start end marker position
1 a 2 100 200 3 96
2 a 2 100 200 4 206
3 b 1 100 200 1 105
4 b 1 100 200 5 150
5 b 1 100 200 9 120
51 e 3 321 567 6 400
This is quite an ugly and clungy solution, but anything else I tried was met with failure:
use of apply, gave me a list where each element was a matrix,
with no way to rbind them.
I can't specify the dimensions of joined first, because I don't
know how many rows I will need in the end.
I'm sure I will come up with a problem of this general form in the future. So what's the correct way to solve this kind of problem?
A data table solution: a rolling join to fulfill the first inequality, followed by a vector scan to satisfy the second inequality. The join-on-first-inequality will have more rows than the final result (and therefore may run into memory issues), but it will be smaller than a straight-up merge in this answer.
genes_start <-
## create the start bound as a separate column to join to
genes_start[,`:=`(start_bound = start - 10)]
setkey(genes_start, chromosome, start_bound)
markers <-
setkey(markers, chromosome, position)
new <- genes_start[
##join genes to markers
##rolling the last key column of genes_start (start_bound) forward
##to match the last key column of markers (position)
roll = Inf,
##inner join
nomatch = 0
##rolling join leaves positions column from markers
##with the column name from genes_start (start_bound)
##now vector scan to fulfill the other criterion
][start_bound <= end + 10]
##change names and column order to match desired result in question
# chromosome gene start end marker position
# 1: 1 b 100 200 1 105
# 2: 1 b 100 200 9 120
# 3: 1 b 100 200 5 150
# 4: 2 a 100 200 3 96
# 5: 2 a 100 200 4 206
# 6: 3 e 321 567 6 400
One could do a double join, but as it involves re-keying the data table before the second join, I don't think that it will be faster than the vector scan solution above.
##makes a copy of the genes object and keys it by end
genes_end <-
genes_end[,`:=`(end_bound = end + 10, start = NULL, end = NULL)]
setkey(genes_end, chromosome, gene, end_bound)
## as before, wrapped in a similar join (but rolling backwards this time)
new_2 <- genes_end[
roll = Inf,
nomatch = 0
], chromosome, gene, start_bound),
roll = -Inf,
nomatch = 0
setnames(new2, "end_bound", "position")
I dealt with a very similar problem myself by doing the merge, and sorting out which rows satisfy the condition afterwards. I don't claim that this is a universal solution, if you're dealing with large datasets where there will be few entries that match the condition, this will likely be inefficient. But to adapt it to your data:
joined.raw <- merge(genes, markers)
joined <- joined.raw[joined.raw$position >= (joined.raw$start -10) & joined.raw$position <= (joined.raw$end + 10),]
# chromosome gene start end marker position
# 1 1 b 100 200 1 105
# 2 1 b 100 200 5 150
# 4 1 b 100 200 9 120
# 10 2 a 100 200 4 206
# 11 2 a 100 200 3 96
# 16 3 e 321 567 6 400
Another answer I've come up with using the sqldf package.
sqldf("SELECT gene, genes.chromosome, start, end, marker, position
FROM genes JOIN markers ON genes.chromosome = markers.chromosome
WHERE position >= (start - 10) AND position <= (end + 10)")
Using microbenchmark it performs comparably to #alexwhan's merge and [ method.
> microbenchmark(alexwhan, sql)
Unit: nanoseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
alexwhan 435 462.5 468.0 485 2398 100
sql 422 456.5 466.5 498 1262 100
I've also attempted to test both functions on some real data of the same format I have lying around (35,000 rows for genes, 2,000,000 rows for markers, with the joined output coming to 480,000 rows).
Unfortunately merge seems unable to handle this much data, falling over at joined.raw <- merge(genes, markers) with an error (which i don't get if reduce the number of rows):
Error in, markers) :
negative length vectors are not allowed
While the sqldf method runs successfully in 29 minutes.
After almost one year regarding to this problem you solved for me... now i spent some time to deal with this using another way by awk....
awk 'FNR==NR{a[NR]=$0;next}{for (i in a){split(a[i],x," ");if (x[2]==$2 && x[3]-10 <=$3 && x[4]+10 >=$3)print x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],$0}}' gene.txt makers.txt > genesnp.txt
which produce the kind of same results:
b 1 100 200 1 1 105
a 2 100 200 3 2 96
a 2 100 200 4 2 206
b 1 100 200 5 1 150
e 3 321 567 6 3 400
b 1 100 200 9 1 120

Improving performance of updating contents of large data frame using contents of similar data frame

I'm looking for a general solution for updating one large data frame with the contents of a second similar data frame. I have dozens of datasets, each with thousands of rows and upwards of 10,000 columns. An "update" dataset will overlap its corresponding "base" dataset by anywhere from a few percent to perhaps 50 percent, rowwise. The datasets have a "key" column and there will be only one row per each unique key value in any given dataset.
The basic rule is: if a non-NA value exists in the update dataset for a given cell, replace the same cell in the base dataset with that value. (The "same cell" means same value of the "key" column and colname.)
Note the update dataset will likely contain new rows ("inserts") which I can handle with an rbind.
So given the base data frame "df1", where column "K" is the unique key column, and "P1" .. "P3" represent the 10,000 columns, whose names will vary from one pair of datasets to the next:
K P1 P2 P3
1 A 1 1 1
2 B 1 1 1
3 C 1 1 1
...and the update data frame "df2":
K P1 P2 P3
1 B 2 NA 2
2 C NA 2 2
3 D 2 2 2
The result I need is as follows, where the 1's for "B" and "C" were overwritten by the 2's but not overwritten by the NA's:
K P1 P2 P3
1 A 1 1 1
2 B 2 1 2
3 C 1 2 2
4 D 2 2 2
This doesn't seem to be a merge candidate as merge gives me either duplicate rows (with respect to the "key" column) or duplicate columns (e.g. P1.x, P1.y), which I have to iterate over to collapse somehow.
I have tried pre-allocating a matrix with the dimensions of the final rows/columns, and populating it with the contents of df1, then iterating over the overlapping rows of df2, but I cannot get better than 20 cells per second performance, requiring hours to complete (compared to minutes for the equivalent DATA step UPDATE functionality in SAS).
I'm sure I'm missing something, but can't find a comparable example.
I see ddply usage that looks close, but not a general solution. The data.table package didn't seem to help as it's not obvious to me that this is a join problem, at least not generally over so many columns.
Also a solution that focuses only on the intersecting rows is adequate as I can identify the others and rbind them in.
Here is some code to fabricate the data frames above:
cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "A,1,1,1", "B,1,1,1", "C,1,1,1", file="f1.dat", sep="\n");
cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "B,2,,2", "C,,2,2", "D,2,2,2", file="f2.dat", sep="\n");
df1 <- read.table("f1.dat", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
df2 <- read.table("f2.dat", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
This loops by column, setting dt1 by reference and (hopefully) should be quick.
dt1 =
dt2 =
if (!identical(names(dt1),names(dt2)))
stop("Assumed for now. Can relax later if needed.")
w = chmatch(dt2$K, dt1$K)
for (i in 2:ncol(dt2)) {
nna = ![[i]])
dt1 = rbind(dt1,dt2[])
K P1 P2 P3
[1,] A 1 1 1
[2,] B 2 1 2
[3,] C 1 2 2
[4,] D 2 2 2
This is likely not the fastest solution but is done entirely in base.
(updated answer per Tommy's comments)
df1 <- read.table(text=" K P1 P2 P3
1 A 1 1 1
2 B 1 1 1
3 C 1 1 1", header=TRUE)
df2 <- read.table(text=" K P1 P2 P3
1 B 2 NA 2
2 C NA 2 2
3 D 2 2 2", header=TRUE)
all <- c(levels(df1$K), levels(df2$K)) #all cells of key column
dups <- all[duplicated(all)] #the overlapping key cells
ndups <- all[!all %in% dups] #unique key cells
df3 <- rbind(df1[df1$K%in%ndups, ], df2[df2$K%in%ndups, ]) #bind the unique rows
decider <- function(x, y) ifelse(, y, x) #function replaces NAs if existing
df4 <- data.frame(mapply(df2[df2$K%in%dups, ], df1[df1$K%in%dups, ],
FUN = decider)) #repalce all NAs of df2 with df1 values if they exist
df5 <- rbind(df3, df4) #bind unique rows of df1 and df2 with NA replaced df4
df5 <- df5[order(df5$K), ] #reorder based on key column
rownames(df5) <- 1:nrow(df5) #give proper non duplicated rownames
This yields:
K P1 P2 P3
1 A 1 1 1
2 B 2 1 2
3 C 1 2 2
4 D 2 2 2
Upon closer reading not all columns have the same name but I am assuming the same order. this may be a more helpful approach:
all <- c(levels(df1$K), levels(df2$K))
dups <- all[duplicated(all)]
ndups <- all[!all %in% dups]
LS <- list(df1, df2)
LS2 <- lapply(seq_along(LS), function(i) {
colnames(LS[[i]]) <- colnames(LS[[2]])
LS3 <- lapply(seq_along(LS2), function(i) LS2[[i]][LS2[[i]]$K%in%ndups, ])
LS4 <- lapply(seq_along(LS2), function(i) LS2[[i]][LS2[[i]]$K%in%dups, ])
decider <- function(x, y) ifelse(, y, x)
DF <- data.frame(mapply(LS4[[2]], LS4[[1]], FUN = decider))
DF$K <- LS4[[1]]$K
LS3[[3]] <- DF
df5 <-"rbind", LS3)
df5 <- df5[order(df5$K), ]
rownames(df5) <- 1:nrow(df5)
EDIT : Please ignore this answer. Bad idea to loop by row. It works but is very slow. Left for posterity! See my 2nd attempt as separate answer.
dt1 =
dt2 =
K = dt2[[1]]
for (i in 1:nrow(dt2)) {
k = K[i]
p = unlist(dt2[i,-1,with=FALSE])
p = p[!]
or, can you use matrix instead of data.frame? If so it could be a single line using A[B] syntax where B is a 2-column matrix containing the row and column numbers to update.
The following gives the correct answer for the small example data, tries to minimize the number of "copies" of tables, and uses the new fread and (new?) rbindlist. Does it work with your larger actual data set? I didn't quite follow all the comments in the original post about the memory issues you had when trying to flatten/normalize/stack, so apologies if you've already tried this route.
cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "A,1,1,1", "B,1,1,1", "C,1,1,1", file="f1.dat", sep="\n")
cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "B,2,,2", "C,,2,2", "D,2,2,2", file="f2.dat", sep="\n")
dt1s<-data.table(melt(fread("f1.dat"), id.vars="K"), key=c("K","variable")) # read f1.dat, melt to long/stacked format, and convert to data.table
dt2s<-data.table(melt(fread("f2.dat"), id.vars="K", na.rm=T), key=c("K","variable")) # read f2.dat, melt to long/stacked format (removing NAs), and convert to data.table
dt1s[dt2s,] # Update new values
dtout<-reshape(rbindlist(list(dt1s,dt1s[dt2s][,list(K,variable,])), direction="wide", idvar="K", timevar="variable") # Use rbindlist to insert new records, and then reshape
setnames(dtout,colnames(dtout),sub("value.", "", colnames(dtout))) # Clean up the column names
