is it possible to find the meta data of a song using its ISRC - gracenote

I was wondering if it was possible to find the meta data of a song(genre, era , tempo, mood) using its ISRC via the mobile SDK or the web api? I know the web api support text search but It looks like it is not very accurate f you do not have the exact artist name and song title.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to search using ISRC. You can get ISRC returned with the search result, but not the other way around.


How to retrieve images for a place using HERE Geocoding and Search api?

I am doing a POC for one of my projects using HERE Geocoding and Search api. I want to search places around a given latitude and longitude and need details of those places including an image/images.
I am using,3.57119&limit=2&categories=700-7600-0000,700-7600-0116&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} which returns all details of places but without image related details.
So I tried to use{YOUR_API_KEY} where id is returned as one of the attributes in response of previous /browse call, but again this returns same details (without image) as retuned by /browse api.
I tried to follow this documentation but it doesn't help much.
So is there a way to retrieve image/images for places using HERE Geocoding and Search api. I would be grateful if some one can share their experience or guide me to correct documentation.
The Media Type attributes are currently not returned in GS7 apis. The same is told in the below document.

How to get place information using Google Knowledge Graph using Latitude and Longitude ?

I want business description using google API or wikidata API.
As shown in above image I want to access description (which is highlighted in red circle.) and store it into application database.
What I tried till now, I used google place API to get the place information, using that I am able to get information like review,rating,opening hours. But I am not able to get that information which I have mention in above image. But I do not know how to get that information using Wikidata api or Google Knowledge Graph api.
Can any one suggest me that how can I use that API to get that information.
Any help would be highly appreciated !
I'd also be keen to know if this is possible. For example, with a bounding box. 4 coordinates, might it be possible for Google Knowledge or another API to give me a summing up of the place.
For example: bbox=4.721375,52.290843,5.070190,52.399905
Might return information and history on the city of Amsterdam. Like when you type into Google Search "Amsterdam".
Just a thought. I have previously accomplished this with a very manual combination of Overpass API (related to OSM) and Freebase.
I just found this: Find a place description in Freebase using latitude and longitude?
So, it can be done. And it is already documented.

Geofencing products in woocommerce

I am developing a small, local delivery website using Wordpress and Woocommerce. I am trying to implement a conditional field or part of code that geofences (may not be the correct term) products to their postcodes. For example people who type in a particular postcode radius are only able to view a selection of products available in their area. It seems I'm looking for a type of or type search feature. I'm assuming this requires the use of some form of Google Maps plugin. I have been searching for weeks and can't even get insight on where to begin. I was wondering if anyone knew how I can go about this or even a vague idea on where to start?
Google Maps has a Places API where you can put in a location and radius and get an autocomplete for searching local places and lists of places to map by category. To get a users location you could use the Geolocation Api which is supported by most browsers (IE 9+) or a geolocation service. All that's required is an Api key from google, location, and radius. They you can send in options to filter the data. Information on these parameters is listed here in googles docs.
An example query would look like this:,151.1957362&rankby=distance&types=food&key=YOUR_API_KEY
There are several open source wrappers around this api to give you something to start with:
Ruby wrapper for Google Places

Google places api - airbnb

I would like to use the api like airbnb. I have search and read all posts/stackoveflow/google group that i can. I couldn't find the answer
In general i would like to do the following:
Would like the user to have the ability to insert advertise with full address
I would like to search in my db by city/street/country and radius according to users ads
Does i have to use api key? I have found autocomplete example without the api key and i works fine
Hope it makes sense.. I have looked on this Google group thread and this stackoverflow thread.. But i am not sure if this flow is allowed and optimise.

Is there a way to get bing and google news search as rss?

Is there a way to get Google and Bing news searches as RSS?
I'd like to have the most recent at the top of the results (ordered by time) if possible.
And show 100 results if that is possible.
I found this for Google, but it only shows 5 items or so, not that great.
I just want to search their news categories and get results as RSS.
You are right that Google no longer publicly shows RSS feeds for News searches. But there's a basic URL format that should continue to work.
If my search topic is "education", my search URL should look like:
value of ned (probably stands for 'news edition'), i.e. us with the appropriate country code that's relevant to you. E.g. uk (not gb for UK), in (India), etc.
value of q (probably stands for 'search query'), i.e. education with your search term. Combine multiple words with a plus sign, e.g. education+policy (if your search is for 'Education Policy').
Now the RSS feed button in your browser should've become active because an RSS feed is available for the page. It shows 10 latest news items in the feed, not 5. And the RSS feed URL would look like this:
Conclusion: RSS feeds aren't available for actual searches, i.e. typing in the search box on Google. You'd have to do it like this.
(PS: Credit goes to the question itself. It would not have occurred to me otherwise.)
Try adding
The custom RSS feed is in this format:{yourquery}&output=rss.
For example, returns news about developer.
Your best bet is somthing like Google Alerts feeds. You can type a query select the type of data in there and get it delivered via RSS. Since they support PubSubHubbub for that, you will also get results in realtime.
If you want another dataset feel free to also check Superfeedr's track feeds which will help you get notified in realtime when keywords are matched across any RSS feed.
I think Google disabled the RSS search output in the past few weeks, and I have not found an alternative. The XML output requires a Google paid account. I now have to scrape the HTML for what I want.
Here's the new way to access Google News RSS feeds:{yourquery}
