MVC 2 - Images and CSS do not display on website - css

I have one MVC2 site that does not display the images and css or allow a user to login. All the other MVC 2 sites are working fine and have the exact same settings for the application pool. I'm using IIS8.5 and windows server 2012 R2.
Application Pool Settings
Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated
Identity: Application Pool Identity
The website works correctly on my own PC.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

I finally got this to work. It turned out to be duplicate MIME Types.


Windows Authentication doesn't work with web application projects?

I am in the deployment phase of two separate 4.5 web applications being put onto a server running 4.6. We use a mixture of windows 7 and windows 10. All computers are on the same domain and the server is running IIS 8.5. This intranet application is supposed to use windows authentication to either send a user with invalid credentials to a web page with an error message or give the person access to the site. The problem is that some users are getting prompted to login regardless of security group that they belong to.
I have added the domain to the company wide whitelist and set internet explorer to use automatic windows authentication on intranet websites. We have tried moving the site to a non-shared folder. We finally tried converting both of the web applications to a web site project and the security worked just fine. However, we don't want to use web site projects anymore and find this to be a temporary solution.
I have made certain that authentication has been set to windows.
When checking the IIS logs, I see the error codes 401 0 0 15 and 401 2 5 0. Maybe there is some other setting that we are overlooking when deploying? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For your application to log in with your network's active directory, you need to configure windows authentication twice, the first one is from your application (Visual Studio) and the second one is in the IIS and you must convert the folder into an application and use the framework version correctly.
Visual Studio:
     <authentication mode = "Windows" />
Convert the folder to application by right clicking and "Convert to application", then select the application and go to the "Authentication" tab disable "Anonymous authentication" and enable "Windows authentication"
Greetings from Mexico.

Why is my web site working in VS 2013 but not in IIS 7.5?

I have a web site project, that when I debug under the 'default web server' inside VS, it seems to work fine. When I try and debug under IIS or run the site straight from IIS, I get served up a blank page. No error message or log, whether I make Login.apsx or 'Default.aspx' my site's default document.
The site is build against .NET 4, and is configured in a .NET 4 Integrated Pipeline app pool. I tried Classic as well with no difference.
Which is first page of your web application ? have you put it as default document ?
Try with following web address and check it browse
Follow the steps:
1) Be sure you have enabled the in IIS from windows feature.
2) Make sure IIS works by opening address http://localhost:80
3) Share your website folder with everyone with read access.
4) Add your website in IIS with port number other than 80.
5) Keep the application pool in version 4.0 Integrated.
6) now browse the website. iis8 app is not loading when using forms authentication

Am using forms authentication. When I tested the app using Visual studio, it all worked fine. But when I created a VD and application in IIS and tried to browse, it just hangs up and the browser is unresponsive. VERY URGENT, Please help
authorization deny users ="?"
Have you tried to browse your application using different browsers?
How did you configure the IIS Server? How's the settings of the Virtual Directory?
If the browser just hangs up when you try to load your application, there are several factors that we need to consider: IIS Server setup/settings, database, web browser, etc.

asp .net 4.0 app on IIS7 Error 404.17

I am having a problem setting up a website under IIS 7. I have created an application and the application pool for the application. Application pool is using .Net Framework 4.0 as my .net app is written in .Net Framework 4.0. Application pool is set to use classic Pipeline Mode. MIME Types have been automatically added to .asp & .aspx.
When I run the website windows explorer is showing me "View Downloads" and trying to download "application name localhost" when it downloads the file I notice that its the html of my default.aspx. I have checked Default Document and it contains Default.aspx.
If I remove .asp & .aspx MIME Types then I get an error: HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
I have seen this problem many times. IIS is not serving aspx pages and most likely is not running for the entire server or that site.
For the entire server: Check to see if iis world wide web service is running.
For the site alone: Hit run inside IIS.
You can easily know if IIS is running properly by going to IIS and hit the browse option from inside a web site.
With the data you have put these are the things I would try in order if I were you:
Check in Server Manager/ Features if ASP.NET is installed (ServerManager/Roles/Web Server(IIS) look for ASP.NET
Check IIS Manager if everything is ok by:
Try to browse a test.html file to see if you are able to browse normal
Check Basic settings by clicking Test Settings
Check Handler Mappings to see if aspx is there.
Try to browse a sample test.aspx page with test data.
Check Application pool settings.
Reinstall Framework 4.0
Reboot machine ( a classical)
If you gave us more info and/or the ouput of my proposed tests maybe can help more. Good Luck :)
I had the 404.17 error happening on a server today. As you and cad mentioned, I checked the framework of the Application Pool that my site was using to make sure it was set to ASP.Net 4.0, and it was. What happened in my case is that my site was not using the application pool that I thought it was. My site was nested under another site, meaning my site pointed to a subfolder but another site was pointing to the root folder. Even though I had my site set to use the ASP.Net 4.0 Application Pool, the root site used a different Pool that had ASP.Net turned off, it was set to "No managed code". When I set the framework to 4.0 for the Pool the parent site was using, then my site started working.
In my case the solution was fixing the Handler mappings as explained here:
IIS Manager->high-light you web site->click Handler Mappings icon on
the home pane->click Revert to Parent...
on the right Actions pane

Css Not applying after hosting on iis 7.5 with pipeline mode = integrated

I have a ASP.Net web application developed on visual studio 2010 and it is working fine on local machine. When i hosted it to IIS 7.5 with pipeline mode= Integrated, the css is not applying on the Web pages. I had gone through Control Panel -> Program and features ->Turns Windows feature on and off -> iis -> www ->common Http features and enabled the static content also but still the css is not applying.
Please help me to fix this issue and thanks in advance for the solution .
I had added user Everyone to the css folder and given him permission and then it is working fine for me now.
