Setting up IJulia - julia

I am trying to set up IJulia on my PC, but after I get it running I get the constant messages that "kernel has died" and there is a problem with ZMQ library.
Trying to rebuild or reinstall ZMQ does not work. I get an error:
================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]================================
WARNING: ZMQ had build errors.
- packages with build errors remain installed in C:\Users\Gisaev\.julia\v0.3
- build the package(s) and all dependencies with `"ZMQ")`
- build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script
Trying to execute build.jl by line (part that correspond to windows) I get the error "Provider PackageManager faild to satisfy dependency zmq."
I am kind of lost here, because ZMQ is obviously correctly installed and working for IPython - IPython notebooks work just fine; I have a fresh installation from Anaconda.

Try to run"ZMQ")
to see what happens.
If there are warnings about "libpgm" and "zeromq32", you can delete the lib directories and then try to build ZMQ again.
rm -rf /Users/username/.julia/v0.x/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/zeromq32/3.2.5
rm -rf /Users/username/.julia/v0.x/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/libpgm/5.2.122"ZMQ")
This will correctly build the libpgm and zeromq32 you needed.
(I suppose the operation system is OS X. If you are using Windows, please refer to Installing ZMQ on Windows 7+ seems to require admin privileges #69.)


Installing R 4.0.2 version

I used to work in R 3.4.0 version. Hovewer, this version doesn't support such packages as keras and tensorflow.
I was adviced to upgrade my R version to the newest one.
I downloaded the most recent R version 4.0.2 from the official site, then ran the following code:
And got the following error:
Error in install_keras() :
You should call install_keras() only in a fresh R session that has not yet initialized Keras and TensorFlow (this is to avoid DLL in use errors during installation)
After this, when I tried to quit R session by q() , I faced the following error:
Error: option error has NULL value
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart
Error: option error has NULL value
I've never faced such an error before. When I used old R version, I typed q() and then had to choose between y and n. No errors appeared.
I'm asking you to help to to solve this problem.
You need to create a new environment and then you can install R 4.+ in Anaconda. Follow these steps.
conda create --name r4-base
After activating r4-base run these commands
conda activate r4-base
conda install -c conda-forge r-base
conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 r-base
Finally, you will notice r-basa version 4 will be installed.
Thereafter, you can install any supported packages. But with this only, you won't have the ability to use it in the Jupyter notebook. You need to install install.packages('IRkernel') and Jupyter notebook as well if you want to use it. Otherwise you are good to go with R-Studio.
For Jupyter Installation and RKernel.
conda install jupyter
Then open the R console. Write in R console
Congrats! You can use Notebook for Python and R.
Find the location of R.exe on your computer. In my computer, this executable is at
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.3\bin
Open another Anaconda Prompt as Administrator and change directories to wherever R.exe is on your computer with cd file path. On my computer, it’s cd C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.3\bin, but it might be different for you.
Then run R from within Anaconda Prompt in Admin mode with R.exe
You’ll notice that you’re in an R session. From here, run the following three commands into the terminal.
In order, they (1) install the devtools package which gets you the install_github() function, (2) install the IR Kernel from GitHub, and (3) tell Jupyter where to find the IR Kernel.
Open Jupyter notebook and enjoy your new R kernel!
Get more information here
#Rheatey Bash works perfectly. but i was facing python.exe this program cant start because api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll python system error. this is a problem running on windows 7 but i resolved this issue by installing the kernel following and it works fine

Error when installing `snowflake-connector-python` to GCP Cloud Composer

I'm trying to use install snowflake-connector-python to a Cloud Composer environment but keep receiving an error that pops up in the UI, "Failed to install PyPI Packages. Check the Cloud Build log for details". The build log doesn't seem overly helpful and is very long, so I'll just show some of the notable things here.
This is a warning that shows after installing snowflake-connector-python and its dependencies.
Installing collected packages: pycryptodomex, asn1crypto, oscrypto, jmespath, botocore, s3transfer, boto3, isodate, msrest, azure-core, azure-storage-blob, azure-common, snowflake-connector-python
Successfully installed asn1crypto-1.4.0 azure-common-1.1.25 azure-core-1.8.1 azure-storage-blob-12.5.0 boto3-1.14.63 botocore-1.17.63 isodate-0.6.0 jmespath-0.10.0 msrest-0.6.19 oscrypto-1.2.1 pycryptodomex-3.9.8 s3transfer-0.3.3 snowflake-connector-python-2.3.2
+ [[ -z fail ]]
+ python3 -m pipdeptree --warn fail
Warning!!! Possibly conflicting dependencies found:
* botocore==1.17.63
- docutils [required: >=0.10,<0.16, installed: 0.16]
This is the final error notification.
The command '/bin/sh -c bash $COMPOSER_PYTHON_VERSION fail' returned a non-zero code: 1
ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
I'm running the image composer-1.12.1-airflow-1.10.10 in zone us-central1-c and is using python 3. I've tried installing different versions of the package with no luck, and have tried doing it via the UI and via gcloud. Any help as to the root of this problem would be much appreciated!
I tried trying to install older versions of snowflake-connector-python but that didn't work.
What did end up working was adding docutils==0.15 to the list of packages to install. This fixed the dependency conflict warning and led to a successful build.
Previously, I've received dependency conflict warnings that led to successful builds. But for this case, I actually needed to resolve that conflict.
The answer from nate did not work for me, the PyPi package install succeeds in CloudBuild but then the Web Server fails to update and rolls back installing the packages.
In order to get this working we had to downgrade our Composer to the September release which comes with docutils==0.15.2.
The image we used was composer-1.12.1-airflow-1.10.9, it seems that any image in airflow 1.10.10 or above has this issue as they come with docutils==0.16 as standard. You can see which version of docutils is in an image by using this link and expanding the PyPi packages column.

Building error with IJulia

I used to use Julia in Jupyter notebook. I uninstalled yesterday the .julia directory because of other issues and after Pkg.add(IJulia) Im getting a building error related to ZMQ. the full error is below.
INFO: Building Homebrew
Already up-to-date.
INFO: Building ZMQ
Warning: staticfloat/juliatranslated/zeromq32-3.2.5 already installed, it's just not linked.
Error: Formulae found in multiple taps:
* staticfloat/juliadeps/zeromq32
* staticfloat/juliatranslated/zeromq32
Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. staticfloat/juliadeps/zeromq32 to refer the formula.
=================================[ ERROR: ZMQ ]=================================
LoadError: failed process: Process(`/Users/pacagal/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/bin/brew link staticfloat/juliatranslated/zeromq32 --force`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
while loading /Users/pacagal/.julia/v0.5/ZMQ/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 35
================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]================================
WARNING: ZMQ had build errors.
- packages with build errors remain installed in /Users/pacagal/.julia/v0.5
- build the package(s) and all dependencies with `"ZMQ")`
- build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script
I have also run the build.jl file but I am getting an error too.
I was having the same issue this morning. In the terminal I ran brew install zmq and that resolved the issue.
I still had to run julia>"Nettle") after installing zmq and after that IJulia is running fine.

Installing R on Apache Zeppelin

I'm trying to install Apache Zeppelin on my old computer that runs Ubuntu. So far, I'm able to install Zeppelin very easily by cloning the latest 0.6.0 snapshot release using
git clone
cd incubator-zeppelin
mvn clean package -DskipTests
but I want to have R on Zeppelin. Supposedly, the 0.6.0 snapshot has two R interpreters, but when I run the R tutorial (the pre-made note that uses %r), I get this list of errors.
I followed several guides to try and install R as an interpreter, but each one resulted in some kind of error. I tried this instructional:, and got a build failure on "R Interpreter". The error message was
"dependency 'evaluate' is not available for package 'rzeppelin'
* removing '/home/rebecca/Zeppelin-With-R/R/lib/rzeppelin'"
and then a bit lower down
Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (default) on project zeppelin-zrinterpreter: Command execution failed. Process exited with an error: 1
I also tried this Stack Overflow guide: Anyone tried to add R interpreter onto Apache Zeppelin?, and while I was able to run incubator-zeppelin, I received an error when I used either the %spark.r or %r interpreter tags, saying both "interpreter not found" and "prefix not found". Spark doesn't work either after following the first solution, getting the same error mentioned in the second solution (the jar file not being there), and then trying the second solution.
Does anyone have a guide for installing R onto the newest version of Zeppelin? I'm very flexible in the way I can install it. I can run other operating systems onto my computer, and I also have Virtual Box installed on my other computer, which is a mac.
There is currently a bug in the latest HEAD of zeppelin that was recently introduced and prevents the R interpreter from launching cleanly
Did anyone created a Zeppelin Jira Issue for that?
For me it is working on Zeppelin branch-0.6
build Zeppelin with r profile: -DskipTests -Prthis will...
create a directory 'R' in git repo root
copy the 'zeppelin-rinterpreter*.jar' into git_repo_root/interpreter/spark
build Zeppelin with build distro profile: e.g. -DskipTests -Pbuild-distr -Pspark-1.6 -Phadoop-2.6
use zeppelin-distribution/target/zeppelin*.tar.gz for installation
ensure both 1.1 and 1.2 are present in your zeppelin installation
The error you're getting is that you need to have the R package evaluate installed. You can install this simply by launching R and typing install.packages('evaluate').
That said, your excerpt mentions the directory Zeppelin-with-R. That's my repo, which is the R interpreter in the form when it was accepted into Zeppelin. That is version 0.5.6, not 0.6.0. There is currently a bug in the latest HEAD of zeppelin that was recently introduced and prevents the R interpreter from launching cleanly. Your best bet for now is to use the one from my repo and install clean, without trying to pull-in from Zeppelin HEAD.

Errors building R-packages for conda

I am having a tough time installing R-packages that are not available in the Anaconda repositories. My attempts so far can be found here How to install R-packages not in the conda repositories?.
Currently, I am trying to build the R-package rafalib for conda by following the instructions from this article under the heading Building a conda R package.
The first part works fine.
conda skeleton cran rafalib
Tip: install CacheControl to cache the CRAN metadata
Fetching metadata from
Writing recipe for rafalib
The build command runs into errors
conda build r-rafalib
Removing old build environment
Removing old work directory
BUILD START: r-rafalib-1.0.0-r3.2.2_0
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ......
Solving package specifications: .
Error: Packages missing in current linux-64 channels:
- r 3.2.2*
- r-rcolorbrewer
I have r 3.2.2-64bit installed via conda and it runs without problems. I also already have r-colorbrewer installed via conda and I can use that package without issues in R. Why am I getting these errors when trying to build a conda package?
I am on Linux (Antergos, an Arch derivative) with kernel 4.4.5-1-ARCH.
UPDATE 2015/04/19
Thanks to this answer, I found out that I could include the dependencies by building them separately in the same directory as the package I want to install. That didn't work for me, but I also read that I can include a channel in the build command with -c, just as when installing. So now I do:
conda build -c r r-rafalib
This gets passed all the dependency problems, but after fetching, extracting and linking packages, it fails. Here is the end of the error message.
Removing old work directory
Source cache directory is: /home/joel/anaconda2/conda-bld/src_cache
Downloading source to cache: rafalib_1.0.0.tar.gz
rafalib_1.0.0. 100% |#######################| Time: 0:00:00 4.87 MB/s
Extracting download
Package: r-rafalib-1.0.0-r3.2.2_0
source tree in: /home/joel/anaconda2/conda-bld/work/rafalib
+ grep -v '^Priority: ' DESCRIPTION.old
+ /home/joel/anaconda2/envs/_build/bin/R CMD INSTALL --build .
sh: symbol lookup error: sh: undefined symbol: rl_signal_event_hook
Command failed: /bin/bash -x -e /home/joel/drafts/r-rafalib/
The error sh: symbol lookup error: sh: undefined symbol: rl_signal_event_hook is the same as I encounter when using install.packages() as reported here.
There is some related discussion in this thread. I have tried to get around this error by installing different versions of ncurses, including this patched version, and I have tried to link the readline libraries, as suggested here, but I keep running into the same error. I'm quite lost at this point and any help to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
Although I started out with a different problem, the final solution turned out to be the same as I posted elsewhere How to install R-packages not in the conda repositories?. I am adding it here for completeness.
In the end, I got around the rl_event_hookproblems by following the approach recommended here and symlinking anaconda's libreadline to the system one:
mv ~/anaconda3/lib/libreadline.s.6.2 ~/anaconda3/lib/libreadline.s.6.2.bak
ln -s /usr/lib/ ~/anaconda3/lib/libreadline.s.6.2
I am still having troubles installing some dependency heavy R-packages due to failure to load shared objects when using install.packages() from withing R. However, simpler packages work fine and I can get most of the dependency heavy packages from anacondas R-repositories.
