sails.js v0.11.0 assets not being copied - gruntjs

I'm new to node.js, sails.js and grunt.js.
When I run "sails lift" it does not create the .tmp folder and copy the assets to that folder.
However, when I run "grunt" in the project folder, the .tmp folder does get created and the assets do get copied over.
Anyone have suggestions on how to fix so "sails lift" works without calling "grunt"?

Check if the sails process has the right privileges and you're not running short of space.
Also, try manually deleting the .tmp folder and lifting again. Sometimes there can be issues with automatic file removal if any of the files are in use.


Sharing .netcore project between windows and linux Keeps adding files

I am working on a group project and we have decided to use netcore for the project. The project was originally created using VS.
When I pull the project and run it using VSCode, I have noticed two things:
I have to navigate to the src folder and run it from there.
Before pushing new changes to the master branch, .netcore on linux has made changes to obj folder and added .vscode folder.
how can I stop this from happening so we don't step over each others toes, and why does this happen?
You should not add the files under obj to source control. It contains artifacts that are regenerated on every build.
If you use git, here's a suggested list of files and folders to ignore:

What creates the symlinks in the bin folder in Symfony2

I'm having some issues since I've changed the vendor folder path for a symfony2 project. (Its currently outside of the project)
But right now the symlinks (phpunit, doctrine, etc) inside the bin folder are wrong.
When composer runs in which part or what actually creates the symlinks that appear in the bin folder (like phpunit) that point to lib in the vendor folder? Where those paths are comming from?
Just delete the vendor directory and run ./composer.php install and you'll get the symlinks back. I couldn't find a way to force recreation of the bins

Meteor + PhantomJS how to make it work

im trying to install PhantomJS in a MeteorApp.
I have done those step:
Add the npm package
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
Run meteor to let the npm package to pre-initialise
A file packages.json has been created at the root. Edit it to:
"phantomjs": "1.9.13"
A this point everything seem to work. But i try to test with this exemple that ive found here :
But i dont understand where to put my phantomDriver.js
Why is phantomDriver.js is in assets/app/phantomDriver.js... but after, they say to create the file in ./private/phantomDriver.js...
Thank for clear explication :)
In development mode you create the file in /private/phantomDriver.js. When you build a meteor app it refactors everything into an application bundle which can be run.
After meteor builds your app it stores stuff from private into assets. For phantomjs to execute this file it needs to look in this directory. You don't have to create it. This is how meteor works internally.
If you look in your .meteor/local/build/programs/server directory the assets directory is there with anything you placed in private.
From the context of where your meteor code runs (the server directory above) the assets directory runs from this directory when your project is running.
Keep in mind when you deploy your app it loses its entire project structure and becomes something else. Gadi's phantomjs project is designed to work in production environments too.
TLDR; Don't worry about the assets directory, keep your file in /private/phantomDriver.js. Meteor should take care of the rest.

How can I clone / create a copy of my local meteor app?

How can I create a copy of my entire local meteor application? I was expecting a command like "meteor clone myapp" but couldn't find any documentation and simply copying the folder doesn't work.
You could use git to clone the whole thing.
If you aren't familiar with git see this reference.
In windows, you can copy and paste the entire project directory and go into .meteor/local directory and delete everything in that directory except the db directory. Then start the meteor server on the new project directory, with everything deleted in the .meteor/local directory, meteor will rebuild the project without altering the logic of your application.

Eclipse CDT static resources under build folder

I'm building a C++ project under Eclipse and my release folder should include a static sub-folder with some files inside it, those are required by executable during runtime. The problem is that this folder is automatically deleted before every build - entire release folder is completely wiped out and I'm losing all the files inside it.
Solution is simple - need to place rm.exe from mingw utilites on path and Eclipse will delete only specific build files instead of removing entire release folder.
