How to make a map with a contour plot overlay from latitude and longitude coordinates - dictionary

I have a csv file with longitude and latitude coordinates at various times and then another column that assigns a value from 1-10 for each of the location points. I want to create a contour map of each location and its value as a visualization. I was thinking of using mathematica but the very little programming experience I have is with python only.

You can try my implementation for geographic maps in PHP at It uses a delaunay triangulation and a linear transformation along the edges of the triangles. It also uses 2 colors to show the difference between local and statewide z-values of any triangles and also the triangles and isolines maps nicely with the border (from the shapefile). Some shapes with extreme concavities, holes and islands can be a problem. Another algorithm is conrec from Paul Bourke. There is also the algorithm from indiemaps blogs but only for openlayers.


Introducing random noise into point positions

I am using R and Leaflet for R to plot 1000s of points. The raw data is imported to a data frame from SQL Server as British National Grid (BNG) coordinates (Transverse Mercator) which are then converted to lat/long using rgdal before outputting to a stand-alone html via from a Leaflet widget.
The BNG coordinates have been produced by geocoding postcodes and so, when >1 person has the same postcode the coordinate is the same.
I would like to add some random noise to the last 2-digits of each easting/northing coordinate so that all points are likely to be visible in Leaflet. What would be the simplest way to achieve this?
Two solutions to overplotting are
"jittering" the points by adding some random noise to their coordinates and
adding transparency to the point color so you can see point density.
x=jitter(x), y=jitter(y) will accomplish #1.
col=scales::alpha("blue", 0.5) will accomplish #2.

R Leaflet: draw curved line between points

I'm trying to draw curved lines between nearby locations in leaflet.
All the responses to similar questions on SO suggest using gcIntermediate() from the geosphere package, however that does not work for nearby locations as the curvature is so slight that it will still look like a straight line.
So starting with two pairs of lat/lon coordinates (origin x/y, end x/y), is there any way to accomplish this?

Correctly compare areas from multiple parts of the globe using longitude and latitude

Here's my problem. I want to compare the area within multiple polygons in different parts of the world. I have the longitude and latitudes for each point of each polygon. My problem is that I don't know what projection to use to get x-y coordinates from the long-lat coordinates. I know OpenStreetMap has the projectMercator() function, but areas are known to inflate quite badly with latitude. (
--> Do you guys know of an R function like projectMercator, that doesn't have such a distortion? I've been going over different types of projections in Wikipedia, but it's very unclear to me which is best for area comparisons, and then if those projections exist in R as functions (if they don't I'm fine hand coding them, though!)

Using point coordinates and diameter to calculate areal projection of points

I have data on a number of ecological variables associated with spatial points. Each point has x & y coordinates relative to the bounding box, however the points represent circular areas of varying diameter. What I'm trying to achieve is to project the area occupied by each point onto the observation window so that we can subsequently pixellate the area and retrieve the extent of overlap of the area of each point with each pixel (grid cell). In the past I have been able to achieve this with transect data by converting to a psp line object and then using the pixellate function in the spatstat package but am unsure how to proceed with these circular areas. It feels like I should be using polygon classes but again I am unsure how to define them. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
In the spatstat package, the function discs will take locations (x,y) and radii r (or diameters, areas etc) and generate either polygonal or pixel-mask representations of the circles, and return them either as separate objects or as a single combined object.

Voronoi diagram using custom (great circle) distance

I want to create a Voronoi diagram on several pairs of
latitudes/longitudes, but want to use the great circle distance
between them, not the (inaccurate) Pythagorean distance.
Can I make qhull/qvoronoi or some other Linux program do this?
I considered mapping the points to 3D, having qvoronoi create a 3D
Voronoi diagram[1], and intersecting the result with the unit sphere, but
I'm not sure that's easy.
[1] I realize the 3D distance between two latitudes/longitudes (the
"through the Earth" path) isn't the same as the great circle distance,
but it's easy to prove that this transformation preserves relative
distances, which is all that matters for a Voronoi diagram.
I assume you've found this article. From that, it seems like you have the right idea by using a 3D embedding. Your question is then how to intersect the result with the sphere.
First of all you need to consider how you're going to represent the voronoi diagram. If you want to work in lat/long coordinates in a 2D plane, then your voronoi diagram will contain curved edges, so maybe it is best to just use a 3D representation.
If you use a program like qvoronoi, you should in theory only need the inifinite hyperplane data (generated by Fo). This gives you the equation of the plane and the two points it corresponds to. Usually you only need to use the voronoi diagram to test for inclusion within regions, and the hyperplanes should be enough for that.
See also this question: Algorithm to compute a Voronoi diagram on a sphere?
