Web programming: Client-Side Change Tracking - client-side

I need a mechanism to detect what properties of a given View Model has changed on client. This is needed to set ONLY changed properties Modified to merge concurrent update of a same entity on the server.
I found breeze a good framework at the fist glance but I want to hear from other experienced people here.
I think the problem is not platform dependent however if you are curious I'm using Asp.net MVC 4+ and Entity Framework 6.0+


ASP.net MVC5 Deployment

I am wondering some point on deploying an Asp.NET MVC5 application to my own server.
What if it happens, if i add more attributes in one of my model class or add more model class. What should i do for not losing data.
Is there any other options shoul i need to perform other than asp.net mvc4 since i could not find any tutorial about deployin asp.net mvc5 with Identity.
What is the best efficient way to change my application view, controller and model on run-time. Can i working on my local PC while using the remote code file and database ?
I have a hard time understanding your requirements but for the database part, I would recommend "entity framework migrations". It's made handling model changes locally and remotely.
I have worked with entity framework migrations a lot but sometimes if you make big changes, such as Foreign keys or enums, the migrations give a problem. I then started to use a tool from RedGate.com called "Sql Compare." Works better than Entity migrations - now I don't worry about data changes. Usually this will not lose data, but if it is going to lose data, it will warn you.
Best solution to losing data -make backups.

How to persist application state in a WinRT app using Caliburn.micro?

I'm using Caliburn micro with a WinRT application and it looks like that there's no StorageManager class, anyone has suggestions about how to persist application/ViewModels state in this case.
This is not related to Caliburn.Micro but rather a general issue. You can either use Serialization but then you will have to pay attention to versioning and changes in your view model or you could save the fields you are interested in to a file using the normal IO methods or even store your view models in the database if you wish (although i think this might be a bit extreme).
Edit: Caliburn.Micro isn't a business application framework and there have been no library that tried to integrate business functionality with CM as far as i know, so this leaves you with serialization as your best option but as i said ser/des comes with some nightmares you have to manage such as version changes, class changes, etc.
There's another project called Catel which is a business application framework that contains an MVVM framework, anyway Catel uses a nice object called DataObjectBase ( actually now it is called ModelBase) which solves all problems of serialization and there is an article for that on code project if you want to read it and see how they have done it.
If you wish you can use the Catel.Core module which is a library with a lot of features for data handling (it contains the ModelBase class) or you can take a look at the source code and see how they have solved the issue with ser/des and implement that with Caliburn.Micro in your project.

In my ASP.NET MVC app how can I determine if any property in my domain Model has changed?

I am working on the MVC prototype of a very large and complex ASP.NET 2.0 Webforms based business product suite for an organization. One of the capabilities inbuilt into the existing app is that it only hits the database to store a result set if the user made any changes at all on the Webforms UI. The web app has a complete layer built in to track this "if changed by user" thing.
I was wondering if within ASP.NET MVC there is a provision/functionality to determine what property was changed by the user on the view? The idea is simple, user sees a view, probably makes some changes and hits "Save". The controller that accepts the post needs to figure out if the state of the model was changed by the user or not and save it only if the state was changed.
Any thoughts?
PS: I am tagging this as mvc-2 and mvc-3 as it is a prototype. I am currently learning/developing this in MVC 2 but will quickly move to MVC 3 if that suits our needs better!
I was wondering if within ASP.NET MVC there is a provision/functionality to determine what property was changed by the user on the view?
No, there is nothing to do this in MVC. WebForms does this by including the original values of fields in the view state, but in embracing the statelessness of HTTP at its core MVC doesn't do this.
If your (view) model types are regular enough you might be able to construct scaffolding to do this (and the more types you have the more benefit to do this). I've prototyped something on these lines where each view model type determines if there have been changes when updating the model type before any update to the database (and thus bypasses the update).

Entity Framework considerations for ASP.NET applications

I've created a business layer with a database model to be used in an ASP.NET application. I've used Linq To SQL Classes in Windows Forms before but using ORMs in per-request web applications is foreign to me. I've a few things I couldn't figure out and I'd appreciate if anyone give me any insight..
My BLL has static methods like GetRecord() or UpdateRecord(). Each one of these methods creates a new ObjectContext instance, destroyed after unit of work. I don't have any HttpContext.Current.Items cache implementation.
I'm using EF .NET 3.5.
I've created a pre-generated view (Model.View.cs) and added it to my solution. Is this all I have to do to use it? Also do I need to publish csdl, msl and ssdl files with my dll?
Is precompiling queries bad for ASP.NET applications? I have like only one or two queries for any ASPX page and very rarely a select query used twice in the same page. Will it slow down the application if precompile my queries? I wonder if a precompile made by Session A would be useful for Session B?
I've created the following method to update a record in ASP.NET page and I wonder if it is a good way to do it:
ASP.NET gets the record(Entity) using BLL.GetRecord()
Updates any values
Sends updated record to BLL.Update()
BLL.Update() checks if the record exists
Uses context.ApplyPropertyChanges() to update the record
I've red a few entity framework performance charts and in every one of those charts there are two different statistics for queries: first run and the second run. Since I work with unit-of-work type of design, will my queries never see second runs?
You need the CSDL, etc., either as files or resources. View pre-generation helps with performances, but doesn't relieve you of the need to include EDMX in some form.
OK as far as it goes. Hard to say more without seeing code.
It depends. This post should help.

Web App architecture questions

I am an intermediate web app developer working on the .Net Platform. Most of my work has been defined pretty well for me by my peers or superiors and I have no problem following instructions and getting the job done.
The task at hand:
I was recently asked by an old friend to redo his web app from scratch. His app is extremely antiquated and he is getting overwhelmed by it breaking all the time. The app in question is an inventory / CRM application and currently each customer requires a new install of the app (usually accomplished by deploying it on a different domain on the same server and pointing to a new database).
Currently if any client wants any modifications to the forms such as additional fields, new features, etc my friend goes in and manually adds those fields to the forms, scripts, database etc. As a result all installs of this application are unique. There is no one singular source repository and no one single version of this app. Generally new features are overtime rolled into the other sites, but still this is done on an individual site by site basis.
I will be approaching this on a very modular basis. Initially I will be coding a module that will query an external web service for some data, display and store it, and periodically update it automatically. The next module will likely be for storing and displaying inventory data. This way I want to over time duplicate the current feature set of his app 100% but do it incrementally.
The Million Dollar Questions
I want to make the app have user
configurable form fields. The user
should be able to go to an admin
page, create a new forms page of a
certain category, and then specify
what fields he wants in there. He
could say 'create a new text field
called Item # and make it a
requirement" and that will get
stored somewhere. All forms will be
dynamically rendered to screen based
on what the user has configured. Is
this a good way to go about the
problem of having no idea what a
customer could want in a form? and
thus be able to store and display
form data of any sort ? What sort of
design pattern should I follow here?
I am familiar with asp.net and
the .net framework in general and
have decent knowledge of javascript,
html, silverlight, jquery, c# etc
etc. I can work my way around web
apps in a good way, but I am not
sure what sort of framework or tech
I should use to accomplish this
task. Would ASP.net 3.5 webforms be
the way to go? or should I look into
ASP.NET MVC? Do I use jquery and ajax for
complete decoupling of frontend and
backend ? or will a normal asp.net
page with some spattering of ajax
thrown in working with a codebehind
be the order of the day?
Just looking for general advice before I start.
I am currently thinking of using ASP.NET 3.5 webforms, jquery for clientside animation, ui, manipulation and data validation, and sqlserver + a .net or wcf webservice for backend.
Your advice is much appreciated as always.
I've recently implemented a white-label ecommerce system for an insurance company that allowed each partner to choose their own set of input fields, screens, and order the flow of the application to suit their individual needs.
Although it wasn't rocket science, it added complexity and increased development time.
Consider the user configuration aspect very carefully In hindsight both my client and their clients in turn, would have been happy with a more rigid system.
As for the tech side of your question, I developed my project in VS2005, using asp.net webforms and webservices with a SQLserver back end, so the stack that you're looking at is definitely capable of delivering a working product. ASP.net MVC will almost certainly help as far as testability goes.
The biggest thing I would change now if I was going to start again would be to replace the intermediate webservices with message based services using nServiceBus, MassTransit or the like. While the webservices worked fine, message based communication should be quicker and more reliable.
Finally, before you start to code, make sure that you understand the current system's functionality inside and out. If the new system doesn't do something that the old system did, it will be pretty obvious to the end users straight away.
