Lastpass bar with an iframe breaks my css - css

I have two buttons are set position equal to "absolute", when the LastPass addon's bar dipslays, they displays wrong because LastPass had inserted an iframe to my webpage:
LastPass iFrame
<iframe id="lpiframe74158812" src="chrome-extension://hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd/overlay.html?&add=1" scrolling="no"
style="height: 27px; width: 1263px; border: 0px;"></iframe>
The CSS:
.button-bar {
width: 175px;
float: left;
top: 113px;
text-align: right;
right: 20px;
position: absolute;
How can I avoid this case? Thanks so much!

I had this same issue and I found that last pass editing the DOM of my webpage! LastPass had added a div right after the body tag of my page.
<div id="lptopspacer48468746" style="height: 27px;"></div>
It looks like the div id is random, so I can't strip it out. I think this problem is with lastPass. I don't think there is a way to truly fix it.

Also annoyed by this <div id="lptopspacer[0-9]+" style="height:40px"></div> inserted in any page monitored by firefox lastPass plugin (after the site has shown a login form), I've come up with a jQuery solution.
Only adding some CSS rules don't seems to works as the div is obviously added after page load by a script. Changing style or trying to remove the div just after page load doesn't works either.
So this snippet run a delayed function to hide the div when found, or stop running after 5 attempts if no lastPass plugin is affecting the document.
var log = function(msg) {
if (console && console.log){
var maxTry = 5, lptopHideTimeout;
var clearLptop = function(delay) {
var $lptop = $("div[id^='lptopspacer']");
if (lptopHideTimeout) {
if ($lptop.length && $':visible')) {
log("** Hiding lastPass lptopspacer...");
$lptop.css( "display","none" );
else {
maxTry -= 1;
if (maxTry > 0) {
log("## No lastPass lptopspacer div found yet. Retrying in " + (delay/1000) + ' second...');
lptopHideTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
else {
log("## Giving up after too much attempts.");

Better late than never if others also are having this problem. I had it to, that Lp spacer, in my case it was generated because I had Mcafee safekey installed on the computer. It showed up with a notice on every pageload on my website and caused an lp spacer that broke my site with a white bar on top.
Uninstalling Mcafee safekey solved it for me.


Section links for Horizontal scrolling pages on Elementor for Wordpress

I'm trying to create a page that scrolls horizontally. I'm working with Elementor Pro on Wordpress and I have the following code:
On the page
display: inline-flex;
width: 100vw;
.header {width: 5vw; }
overflow-y: hidden;
overscroll-behavior-y: none;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
#margin {
width: calc(100% - 118px)
I also added code to the site in the Custom Code feature for Elementor which reads:
<script type="text/javascript">
function replaceVerticalScrollByHorizontal( event ) {
if ( event.deltaY !== 0 ) {
window.scroll(window.scrollX + event.deltaY * 2, window.scrollY );
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia( '(min-width: 770px)' );
if ( mediaQuery.matches ) {
window.addEventListener( 'wheel', replaceVerticalScrollByHorizontal );
The website displays as expected, being able to scroll horizontally with the mouse wheel. However, links to sections are not automatically scrolling to the correct section.
The links work when you open them in a new window, but they won't scroll at all.
Could you help me?
I tried to link to horizontal sections both by:
Adding a text box with a link to #section-CSSid
Creating a general menu (which is what I actually need) from WordPress pointing to #section-CSSid
Again, links do work when I open them in a new page, but the issue is with the automatic scrolling.
After trying a lot of different things I went for the Premium Addons Pro plugin, that has the horizontal section scroll and let's you also use section links:
Elementor horizontal scroll widget
If you don't find a solution with code you can try this solution.

bootstrap 3 - not pushing footer to the bottom of page

I received a task at work to create some mini-webpage layout with bootstrap. I decided to base on already done layout (Amoeba). Here is the preview: Amoeba bootstrap link
Well, on localhost almost works except one thing - footer. Just take a look on provided link and then: click Portfolio (from navigation) and then filter the gallery by Photography.
When you will scroll down you will see ugly space. And this is my issue. I dont want that. So i thought that I need a footer OR portfolio div class which will automatically resize to proper size. BUt I dont how how to achieve that. Any tips?
You need only to change the code of modernizr slightly. Change forceHeight to false and will work good.
if ("screen and (max-width:1024px)")) {
} else {
var s = skrollr.init({
mobileDeceleration: 1,
edgeStrategy: 'set',
forceHeight: false,
smoothScrolling: true,
smoothScrollingDuration: 300,
easing: {
WTF: Math.random,
inverted: function(p) {
return 1-p;
Im not sure why, but your body element gets some height inline styling. Anyways here is the solution of your problem:
body {
height:100% !important; // inline styles, so you need to add "!important" here
#footer {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
You can also add wrapper div if you don't want to add position:relative and height:100%!important properties to your body element. Just see how it works and choose a better option for you.

Like Button Width Not Working - Causes Browser Horizontal Scrolling

I have two instances of where the Like Button is not "listening" to the width I specify in the XFBML code.
It LOOKS fine, but something is mysteriously causing the like button to be extra wide and force the browser to do horizontal page scrolling even though the entire like button is within the page.
[EXAMPLE REMOVED] - see the sidebar. I have to set the entire BODY to ignore overflow-x. If not, the like button causes a ton of extra pixels out there (but I can't see them with Firebug). I know this is the problem because if I remove it, then it looks fine.
Example 2:
Screenshot of Example - In the header, I had to move the margin over so far to the left, and I wanted it to be in the top-right corner. Play with the CSS for fbheader in firebug and you'll see.
The code I'm using there:
<div class="fbheader">
<div id="fb-root"></div>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.init({appId: 'your app id', status: true, cookie: true,
xfbml: true});
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +
<fb:like href="" send="true" width="300" show_faces="false" font="arial" colorscheme="dark"></fb:like>
</div> <!--// End fbheader -->
Any ideas why this is happening?? Can anyone help? It seems like a bug with the XFBML.
I had the same problem, but none of the suggestions above worked for me.
I found another solutions that did work, see
Simply include this in your stylesheet:
#fb-root > div { left:0 }
It's a bug with facebook. Why don't you just update your fbheader class as follows:
.fbheader {
That should solve your issue ..
Good luck..
I had the same problem. I found the problem was to do with a bug in Facebook's reset div. I fixed it like this:
#fb_like .fb_reset {
/* fix for Facebook bug which causes horizontal scrollbars in browser */
display: none;
I fixed the issue using #fb-root { display: none; }
You could try alter the width of fbheader class in css file, or even better, the parent element.
Sometimes when we use internal elements that cause the parent to get wider, the horizontal scroll get visible.
Another tip is to reposition the button, or set the margins and padding narrow.
My solution is to apply this to the parent container:
.my-parent-wrapper {
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
skipping overflow rule will work too
I've just had the same problem, using an iFrame script from facebook for a double "share" and "like" button. I hadn't specified a width in pixels. Fixed it by getting a replacement script, but this type specifying a width of 120 pixels in the box provided.

Creating an email or HTML link within a class

I'm a beginner at all this however i will do my best to explain.
I used Stack Overflow to figure out how to position an image on top of another one. My reason for this is because i want a large bar at the top of my website with contact details, with a part of it linking to an email address.
I used the following code:
.imgA1 {
position:absolute; top: 0px;
left: 0px; z-index: 1; } <br> .imgB1 {
position:absolute; top: 0px; left:
100px; z-index: 3;
<img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg"><br>
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
PLEASE NOTE: I've had to put a space between the < and the img class above or else it wont display my code!!
All the above works really well, however i want to add an email link to the second class above, so when someone clicks it an email client opens.
I hope all this makes sense.
Anyway help/advice would be fantastic.
Kind regards,
What i want to do is add a link to the "imgB1" section above...
Place your <img> tags within <a> (Anchor) tag, and with the href attribute of anchor tag, your code to open an email client of user upon click on image will look something like this.
< img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
Now clicking on the image will launch site visitors default mail client with "to" the mail address "".
I'm not sure that I understand, but to add a link to the image you would just need to put it inside an anchor tag, and to open an email client you would use an href of
<img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
<a href=''>
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
You may also need to add a border: none to the imgB1 class, as by default images have a border when they are hyperlinked.
i think what you want is:
< img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
< img src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
with the same css. this should apply the positioning to the anchor tag, which in turn contains the image you want to overlay.
it's quite... strange... but you can do that with Javascript, as example in JQuery you can do something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.imgB1').each(function() {
$(this).prepend('<a href="link_to_point_to">');
Note that I've not tested it
If the approaches above don't work because of the positioning change on the image (not sure if they will or not), you can set the "onclick" property of the image to a function like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendEmail() {
var domain = ""; // this makes it a bit harder for a spammer to find the e-mail
var user = "test";
var subject = "Some subject Line"; // You can also set the body and some other stuff, look up mailto
var mailto_link = 'mailto:' + user + '#' + domain + '?subject='+subject;
win =,'emailWindow'); // all you see is the mail client window
if (win && &&!win.closed) win.close();
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg" onclick="sendEmail()"/>
< img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
< img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
You can't have a link through a CSS class because CSS only defines DISPLAY/LAYOUT properties.
You will have to add an html anchor tag to the img.
By default, images that are hyperlinked will have a border around them (usually blue). Make sure to remove it via css or with the IMG attribute border="0"

How to change background color to match jQuery UI Theme via ThemeSelector?

I am trying to change the body background color when the user changes the theme of the page using the jQuery UI Themeselector.
I have tried this
function updateBodyBackground() {
$("body").css('background-color', $('.ui-widget-header:first").css("background-color") + ' !important;');
Then I call it on document ready (to set initial theme background) and I set it to the onClose event for the ThemeSelector like this;
$function() {
$('#switcher').themeswitcher({ expires: 365, path: '/', loadTheme: "sunny", onClose: updateBodyBackground });
Doesn't do anything in Firefox, seems to be behind one on change in Chrome and the selector doesn't seem to work at all in IE8.
Any suggestions on how to change the background to better match the selected jQuery UI Theme?
A better way is not to use a timer, just use one of the jQueryUI CSS classes with the background colour your looking for, in my case I like the background colour chosen by: ui-state-hover :
<div id= "main_background" class= "ui-state-hover">
// Your Content
Since the id over-rides all class settings, use your id to remove or change any undesirable settings that ui-state-hover uses, such as the background-image :
#main_background {
position: relative;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 800px;
height: 742px;
margin: 0px;
border: 0px;
padding: 5px;
background-image:none; // kills the background url (image) that ui-state-hover sets
Buggy fix using timeout...
find function updateCSS() inside themeswitchertool.js
Add the below line increase timeout if it still doesn't work...
setTimeout("$('body').css('background-color', $('.ui-widget-header:first').css('background-color'))", 2000);
You had an error in your js (used a " instead of ' ):
Should be:
But I found that this works. No need to put into Themeswitchertool.js, dropped the setTimeout to 500 so it changes more quickly.
function updateBodyBackground() {setTimeout("$('body').css('background-color', $('.ui-widget-header:first').css('background-color'))", 500);
$('#switcher').themeswitcher({ expires: 365, path: '/', loadTheme: "sunny", onClose: updateBodyBackground });
