get user information from xmlhttp requests -

I am working on an application where certain actions are performed using ajax requests to a backend api page, such as adding likes to content. The javascript function will pass the user ID and content ID to the api page in an xmlhttp request.
We use Forms Authentication with Active Directory.
For obvious reasons, I want to verify that the input I receive on the api page before doing anything at all.
While my web.config makes sure that only logged in users can access the api page, I can't find any way to get the current user's info such as username.
I tried the following:
How do I go about getting the logged in users' information from my page?

HttpContext.Current.User returns an object of type IPrincipal, and IPrincipal.Identity returns an object of type IIdentity.
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name gives you the username
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated gives you the authentication status (boolean)
Armed with that, you can look up other details in the database, possibly storing them in the Session.


Customizing CQ / AEM Authentication

What exactly do you have to do to authenticate users against an external source while accessing pages on a CQ publish instance?
From what I have read, a custom AuthenticationHandler can be used for this. The AuthenticationHandler can be configured to be called against the paths requiring authentication and inside the extractCredentials() method, the users will be authenticated against the external source and an AuthenticationInfo object will be returned.
If the supplied credentials are invalid, null would be returned from this method to indicate the same. The SlingAuthenticator will then call requestCredentials() where the user can be redirected to the login page.
Is this understanding correct? If so, what does SlingAuthenticator do with the AuthenticationInfo object returned from extractCredentials()?
In some places, having a custom LoginModule (by overriding AbstractLoginModule) is also suggested for the same purpose. Are these 2 different approaches (custom AuthenticationHandler and Loginmodule) for having custom authentication or are they used together somehow? If so, how do they interact?
And also, the concept of CUG (Closed User Group) can be used to redirect users to the login page if they don't have access to a page. Can CUG still be used with a custom auth mechanism or it only works if the users are present in CQ repository?
Any light shed on this would be much appreciated :)
Your understanding is correct. The AuthenticationInfo object ultimately contains a JCR user id -- but rather than having to use the JCR password for the user, a 3rd party service basically says "this user has authenticated successfully and can access the repository as X".
Example: you're using OpenID or SAML to verify a user is X. user X is then mapped to a user Y in the repository.
I haven't used LoginModule but from what I'm reading, that's just extending login processing for the JackRabbit repo. So, rather than using AuthenticationHandler to redirect a user to some other place and processing the response, you're plugging further down into the chain where there's already AuthenticationInfo (or something like that) being given to JackRabbit to verify and return a session for a user.
So, let's say you did successfully authenticate with OpenID but the user you're mapped to doesn't exist. You could write a login module to create the user in this case (and assign user to a default group). For instance, if user came in with a gmail id, the JCR user could be gmail_$id. And the login module, seeing the name starts with gmail, will know it's ok to create that user automatically.
As far as CUG, yes, all the above can be used in conjunction with it. Basically, if a request doesn't have access to a resource and the request hasn't been authenticated, the authentication handling system kicks in. If a user has authenticated but still doesn't have access to the resource (e.g. not part of a group that can read it), a 403 will be generated.

ASP.Net MVC3 FormsAuthentication overall logged-in event

I have an ASP.Net MVC3 app. When the LogIn action is called, I use the MembershipProvider to validate the user and FormsAuthentication to set the cookie.
Additionally, I get some info about the user from a database and store it in Session.
When the user subsequently visits the site, they're already authenticated via the cookie, and I'm looking for somewhere to hook into so I can fetch the info about the user from the database again.
Is HttpApplication.AuthorizeRequest() the best place to do this? Obviously this is called for every request so I was hoping there was something I could use that just indicated the user had been authenticated - either explicitly after logging in or when they're authenticated automatically.
There are several events that get triggered on every request, HttpApplication.AuthorizeRequest() should work.
In order to only fetch from the database for logged in users, you can check the Name property of User.Identity which only gets set once the user authenticates:
//make call to database

ASP.Net and Facebook: Logging-in via ASP.Net

I want to enable Facebook authentication and the FB-Graph in my website, which already has forms authentication. Using, I was able to figure out how to login server-side.
However, the problem with this approach is that a secure cookie will not be created, since the call returns the authentication code in the querystring via a callback. This means that the user will have to login every time.
I can see two ways around this:
Store the access token in a secure cookie manually
Instead of the above approach, use the FB JS API to login - this stores a secure cookie with the access token automatically
I would prefer not to use the second approach, as I would like the login code to be server-side.
Which would be the better approach? Am I missing something?
I use the JavaScript method to first authenticate the user, the JS SDK then writes an encrypted cookie (called "fbs_[YourAppID]") when a connected user hits your page; using one of the many Facebook c# SDKs, this cookie can be decoded using your application secret giving you the user ID, oAuth token, expiry date etc.
Then I hook into the AuthenticateRequest event of my .NET application, check the presence of the cookie, decode if it found, and then find a user who has been assigned this facebook ID (your user table must have a extra field for storing the ID of their facebook account).
If a match is found, I write a normal forms authentication cookie for this user, then .NET will recognise them for all future requests. If no user is found, then this is a brand new user who has just connected. Use the SDK again to query the graph API using their oAuth token, get things like their name/email etc and create a new account, then issue a authentication token as normal.
By writing a normal authetication cookie, the user will stay logged into to your site for all requests, just as if they were a normal user.
One side point, when using email address, check for duplicates, and check for the facebook cookie in all requests. For example, an existing registered logged in user may have just connected.

impersonation via token stored in a cookie

I want to know more about win32 LogonUser api function. The last parameter is a token which can be used to impersonate a windows identity to execute code on a person's behalf. Say I have a login page where I enter my username, password and domain. When the user submits the page I validate the user by making a call to LogonUser() and get a token reference.
I am thinking why not store the token in a cookie and use it at a later stage (perhaps in another page). I just don't know what issues I might have to face upfront...
Can the token expire even if we don't close it properly using the CloseHandle() win32 call? Is there any article related with this particular requirement?

LastActivityDate Custom Membership Provider

When is the LastActivityDate supposed to be updated? When I click on any other pages in my web application as an authenticated user, the LastActivityDate does not get updated.
I would imagine it should be updated when a user clicks on any page, whether it be to do with membership (change password, GetUser(), etc) or not. But the examples that I have seen, seem only to update it on ValidateUser().
Under Remarks, it says to do it under ValidateUser method.
When do you update the LastActivityDate? Just inside ValidateUser()?
Update: Clarified question.
No, for it to get updated on each page request would require your pages to update it manually, but that would be a bad idea.
The LastActivityDate refers to last activity within the domain of the membership provider i.e. authentication token request, change password etc.
If you want to track page request per user that would be another domain, as is typically implemented as a log file of all page request per user.
