Need to find out a drop offs from purchasing per type of user - google-analytics

My client need to find out a drop offs in purchasing process per type of user and per type of industry.
FYI- these both user type and industry type need to select the user while registring to the website. And user can see the products only once they loggedin.
So, what needs to be done for achieving this to track in google dashboard

On Login set the user type and industry as session scoped custom dimensions. Go to your analytics account, property settings, custom definitions, create a custom dimension, set scope to session (that way you need it to set only once per session, with a hit based dimension you'd need to send this with every pageview).
On your login confirmation page add the custom dimension:
ga('send', 'pageview', {
'dimension1': 'usertype',
'dimension2': 'industry',
Custom dimensions are specified as key/value pairs; the key is he string "dimensions" plus the numeric index of the dimension, the values you'd have to extract from your backend for each user when he logs in. It takes at least 24 hours until values for custom dimensions show up (well, at least for me).
Based on those custom dimensions you can create segments in the Analytics interface and do any analysis you like. You should probably create a goal with a funnel for your sales, and then apply the segment to the funnel view (or the goal flow view) to see where users drop of.


Custom Dimensions within Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics

Within the unpaid version of Google Analytics, you are limited to 20 custom dimensions per property/view. As a workaround, I am currently attempting to create a custom dimension table within the existing custom dimensions in Google Analytics. In essence, I am trying to use an index and value custom dimension as a custom dimension table within itself. The problem that I am trying to solve is with a 6sense GA integration, currently, 6sense takes up 17 out of the 20 available custom dimensions. I want to consolidate these 17 custom dimensions into a lookup table variable that is pulling from the 6sense companyData variable in the dataLayer: 6sense Lookup Table Variable
The problems that I am running into are this:
Once I have this configured how do I access each of these indexed values in GA?
As it is configured, would it still allow for granular Session data (Session, Bounce Rate, Goal Completions, etc.)?
Any ideas, help, suggestions are all appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The value of the custom dimension is a string, you cannot use it as a lookup. The way you are trying it won't work, because if for example the dimension is at the session or user level, the next value will replace the previous one within that session, therefore you would lose all the previous values and the last one sent to that index would 'win' and it will be the value of that custom dimension of the session.
An alternative solution could be to create a string with the information of interest concatenated and send it in a custom dimension (always considering that if this string changes, the one sent as last to Analytics in the session is saved, for session and user level hits).

Can't use user id in Google Analytics

We have been registering user ids, and when we go to Audience->User Explorer, the users are all there, each with their activity measures. But we can't find a way to filter some users out of our custom reports.
We do ga('set', 'userId', 'xxxx-xxxx'); but we didn't create any custom dimension. We just told GA specific user-IDs for each.
We haven't been able to set up a segment, as we can't find the id in the filter. Neither in report filter.
We could go the the user and delete all their data. But that is not our point, and we need to keep this data as well. Ideally we would segment our users, but we can't use this filter in the segment definition.
If you want to segment user by userID, you need to create a custom dimension of which you can access. The clientId is not accessible as a dimension to segment on.

reporting on event hits in google analytics

I have been tasked with using Google Analytics to report of use of a desktop app so we can see which parts of the program are being used and how heavily, and potentially also see which companies are using which parts of the program (each company has a unique companyID). Ideally I'd like to be able to look at correlations (e.g., How many users who use report A also use process B?)
I currently have my program set to fire off a call to analytics. I've set it up to use the event tracking, but I'm open to app/screen tracking or something else if something would work better. I'm passing values like
&t=event // Event hit type
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y // our ID; real code has valid value here
&cid=12345 // CustomerID
&ec=JobFinancialReport // Event Category
&ea=Run // Event Action
&el=Manager // Event label
&ev=7 // Event value
What I can't figure out is how in Google Analytics to set up reports that would show me something like:
CustomerID Category Label Total Hits Unique Users
12345 JobFinancialReport Manager 27 2
12345 MarketingReport1 Manager 6 4
I'm totally new to analytics so pardon my ignorance if I have some key misconception here. I've searched Googles sites and other questions here, but I may be wording my question incorrectly so I'm not finding something that's there. This is only one example; in some cases we might want to see how broadly each customer is using the program; in other cases we'd want to take the customerID out and just see how much a particular report is being used overall. Appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
The "cid" parameter is the client id, the value that is used to stitch single interactions into sessions and users.
The first problem that comes to mind with your setup is that the client id is not exposed in the user interface (with the single exception of the user explorer report) or the API.
You would need to implement this via a custom dimension (probably user scope, since it probably will never change for a given user) where you pass in the client id (you still need the cid parameter).
Then you could create a custom report (or create a report in Google Data Studio) with the custom value as primary dimension and your selected metric.
If you want to report "Unique Users" you would probably need to create a cid per logged-in user (if all users of the app have the same cid then you will always have but a single user reported). You should then probably create a second custom dimension for the company id, so you can segment your reports by company.
you can use custom reports in google analytics to get your desired output. here is how to create custom reports

Google Analytics - Using Client ID as a custom dimension

Can I use client ID as a dimension in my reports? Client ID does not appear as a dimension in the Dimensions and Metrics Explorer, but I believe I can create a custom dimension that will store the Client ID. My end goal is to have a row per customer/date+time containing the incidents associated with the particular customer at the particular time, e.g. page visits, particular events etc
Once you've created the custom dimension in GA, you can start tracking it via analytics.js with the following code:
ga(function(tracker) {
// Assumes dimension is at index 1.
tracker.set('dimension1', tracker.get('clientId'));
I found that the google analytics will NOT save your custom dimension if it matches the value of "client id" (even if that id isn't actually PII). However, if you alter the "client id" to become a different value, it will save properly.
Here are the guidelines about what you are allowed to send

Using Google Analytics how can I track different audience segments viewing the same page?

I'm looking for some general advice. The site I'm currently working on is full of duplicate content that's about to be deduplicated. But it was built that way to track different audiences visiting the pages by reporting on the URL hits.
Current Links
My concern is that at the end of the day, the person managing the analytics wants to be able to look at their report and say "We had X number of professionals visit the site." Simply deduping will elimate that.
I'm thinking Google Analytics might have a way to pass audience/tags in via the URL like this:
Example Links with Tracking
Is this possible with Google Analytics? Does anyone have an example website using this?
I've looked into Custom Dimensions and Metrics but they seem to be overkill
Custom Dimensions are not overkill, it's a reasonable idea for you to use them (because segmentation is what they are for, really).
Using a url tag has a couple of disadvantages. For one The tagged pages will appear as three distinct rows in your reports - you will be unable to get an aggregated number for, instead you will have three Urls (or as many as you have parameters).
Secondly, homeowner etc. are attributes that belong to a session, or even a user (if the role cannot change from visit to visit). However if you track them via url parameters they have only a hit level scope, i.e. they are recorded as a property of the viewed page, not the viewing visitor. If you record this as a session scoped variabe you need to set it only at the first pageview, and the value will be applied to all subsequent pageviews for that session.
So an easy way (example assumes you are using php) might be to use
if(isset($_GET['tag']) {
ga('send', 'pageview', {
'dimension1': "<?php echo filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'tag', FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED); ?>"
} else {
ga('send', 'pageview');
in your tracking code after you have created a session scoped custom dimension in your property settings ("dimension1" referring to the first custom dimension in your account, the numeric index changes for each dimension. The dimension name is only used in the reports, not the tracking code). You need to be careful not to send an empty value when the query string is not present - a session scoped custom dimension only records the last value from a session, if you send empty values you overwrite the value you recorded at the first pageview.
Alternatively you can do this without changing the tracking code at all - create a custom advanced filter to capture the value from the query string, a second to copy the value to your custom dimension and a third to remove the query string from the url. However while that's a neat trick using code is much easier.
