ListView signals and slots for menu elements - qt

I'm trying to implement some sort of custom Menu with custom elements. The ultimate goal is to create some sort of popup menu with text and icons. But during creation I faced with some issues. I can show 2 primary problems:
There is a strange menu element with title Hello world at the first position (looks like it's read title of application window):
From time to time I'm getting errors like qrc:/BreezeQuickMenu.qml:45: TypeError: Property 'clicked' of object QQuickListView(0x1120830) is not a function
Here is my actual code:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: Screen.width
height: Screen.height
visible: true
id: win
color: brPalette.normalBackground
id: brMenu
x: 490
y: 199
width: 128
height: 256
palette: brPalette
menuFont.pointSize: 16
title: "Item 1"
title: "Item 2"
title: "Item 3"
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property BreezeQuickPalette palette: BreezeQuickPalette
property alias currentIndex: menuList.currentIndex
property font menuFont
property bool menuVisible: false
implicitWidth: 128
implicitHeight: menuList.height
id: menuList
anchors.fill: parent
model: root.children
clip: true
delegate: Component {
id: menuItem
Rectangle {
id: menuElement
property bool isCurrentItem: ListView.isCurrentItem
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
color: palette.normalBackground
height: menuText.font.pixelSize*1.2
Text {
id: menuText
anchors.fill: parent
text: title
color: palette.normalText
font: menuFont
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
menuList.currentIndex = index
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property string title: "Menu Element"
signal clicked
As you can see I'm trying to implement menu list and menu items with their own signals. I have 2 questions:
how can I properly get rid of using title property of parent element, since I need to read title property of childrens
what is the correct approach of using signals and slots in menu elements to avoid above error?
Please help me to understand. Full project can be pulled here:
git clone git:// breezequick-code

The problem with the signal is related to its declaration. Signals are always declared as a function would be: with a signature. In other words, a signal without parameters has the form
signal <signal_name>()
That's also why you got the error "is not a function". Apart from that, the usage of signals/signal handlers is correct. Anyhow, reading carefully the documentation wouldn't hurt. This page covers in detail the argument.
Coming to the other problem, you made the wrong assumption: anything that is declared inside a component is part of the children of the component itself. Here you declared a BreezeQuickMenu which has a child ListView. When you use it and add the BreezeQuickMenuItems, you add them to the same set to which the ListView belongs. In the end you have four elements in the children property. Also, by adding the ListView to itself through the model you mess up things to the point that a totally unrelated string is rendered.
There are several ways to handle Items as model members for a view, inclusing VisualItemModel and using object Instanced as models. However, by skimming your code, it is clear that you want to define a component which adds menu items in a declarative fashion. Using children is not sufficient in this case. You also need the default property:
An object definition can have a single default property. A default property is the property to which a value is assigned if an object is declared within another object's definition without declaring it as a value for a particular property.
Hence you can define the default property for your BreezeQuickMenu and exploit it to obtain the desired children for your list. A common approach would be the following (code simplified):
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property BreezeQuickPalette palette: BreezeQuickPalette
property alias currentIndex: menuList.currentIndex
// default declaration (1)
default property alias contents: addItem.children
// Item to which the inner declared meantime will belong (2)
Item {
id: addItem
property font menuFont
property bool menuVisible: false
implicitWidth: 128
implicitHeight: menuList.height
id: menuList
anchors.fill: parent
model: contents // usage of the default property (3)
clip: true
delegate: Rectangle {
// your current delegate code
The basic idea is to exploit also property alias: basically in (1) we are saying that "all the Items declared inside BreezeQuickMenu are automatically children of addItem which is an inner declared Item (2). In this way the ListView is kept apart whereas all the BreezeQuickMenuItem are gathered together, under addItem children property. At this point, it is sufficient to use the same children property as the model (3) for the ListView and that's it.


Add elements to a ListView inside another ListView

I need to insert elements in a ListView inside another ListView (via JS code inside my QML file) but when I try to access the inner ListView I get the error :
TypeError: Cannot call method 'insert' of undefined
Here is an example code to show my problem :
width: parent.width-210
height: parent.height
Item {
height: 100
width: parent.width
height: 50
width: parent.width
anchors.left: parent.left
font.pixelSize: 25
font.bold: false
width: parent.width-100
height: parent.height
height: parent.height
width: parent.width/5
anchors.left: parent.left
font.pixelSize: 25
font.bold: true
ListView {
id: viewin
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel{
delegate: listInListDelegate
ListView {
id: viewglobal
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel{
delegate: listDelegate
And here is my JS code, at the end of the QML file :
function addItem(){
var i;
var numListe = -1;
var liste = "titre"
var item = "item"
for(i = 0;i<listModel.count;i++)
if(listModel.get(i).titre_txt === liste)
numListe = i;
if(numListe === -1)//if the list doesn't exist
numListe = listModel.count-1;
The error come from the last line of the JS code, when I try to insert a new element in the inner list. I verified that the value of "numListe" is 0 so it is not just a problem of wrong index.
How can I add elements to the inner list ?
There is a lot of stuff wrong with that code.
For starters - it is a mess, which is a very bad idea for someone who is obviously new at this stuff. Keep it clean - that's always a good idea regardless of your level of expertise.
listModel_in is an id and as such cannot be accessed outside of the delegate component.
That object however happens to be bound to the view's model property, so as long as the model doesn't change, you can access listModel_in via the model property. However, the view itself doesn't look like it is the delegate root object, so you have to interface it, for example by using an alias.
However, the inner model doesn't exist in the outer model, it only exists in the outer model's delegate item.
So you cannot possibly get it from listModel. You can get it from the viewglobal view, however ListView doesn't provide access by index. So you will have to set currentIndex for every index and use currentItem.
So it will look like this:
But it should go without saying, you are putting data in the GUI layer, which is conceptually wrong. But it gets worse than conceptually wrong - you might not be aware of this, but ListView only creates items that it needs to show, meaning that it creates and destroys delegates as necessary. Meaning if your item falls out of view, it will be destroyed, and when it comes back into view, a new one will be created, and all the data you had in the model of the old delegate item will be lost. The view should never store data, just show it.
The inner model should be inside the outer model. However, last time I checked, QMLs ListModel didn't support model nesting, neither using declarative nor imperative syntax. If you want to nest models, I have provided a generic object model QML type you can use.

QML: referencing root window by parent reference is unreliable

Qt/QML question. Using Qt 5.7.
Take the following simple QML program that displays a red rectangle and a blue rectangle aligned vertically. Click handlers for both rectangles attempt to change the color of the parent host window. But with a subtle difference. The red rectangle references the host window directly by it's id (rootWindow). The blue click handler changes color via a parent reference.
The former case works fine. The latter case does not work. It seems like the root window is treated specially and isn't directly part of the parent/child hierarchy, even if the Rectangles are logically nested in the code that way.
Can someone explain the rule around this?
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
id: rootWindow
color: "#ffffee"
Rectangle {
id: rect1; width: 50; height: 50; color:"red"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: {
print("rect1 clicked");
rootWindow.color = "green"; // works fine
Rectangle {
id: rect2; width: 50; height: 50; color:"blue" rect1.bottom
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: {
print("rect2 clicked");
rect2.parent.color = "pink"; // does not work
If you add the following line to the onClicked handler, you'll see that its parent isn't the Window:
qml: QQuickRootItem(0x18b18147bc0)
This is explained not-so-visibly in the documentation for Window:
If you assign an Item to the data list, it becomes a child of the Window's contentItem, so that it appears inside the window. The item's parent will be the window's contentItem, which is the root of the Item ownership tree within that Window.
The window itself isn't an item, so it uses contentItem instead so that child items can have a parent.
However, in Qt 5.7, Window got an attached property that can be used to access the window of an item:
rect2.Window.window.color = "pink";
Whichever item comes before the Window.window part will be the item that the attached property is used on. You could use it on any item in this scene (e.g. the MouseArea), as they all belong to the same window.
Note that attached properties create a QObject-derived object for each unique item they're used on, so be mindful of how you use them, especially in items that are created in very large numbers.

QML StackView push component with properties

In QML StackView docs it is mentioned that you can push item with properties like this:
stackView.push({item: someItem, properties: {fgcolor: "red", bgcolor: "blue"}})
Is there a way with which we can push component with properties? My components are basically wrappers of other .qml files for different views of my app, for example:
id: loginComponent
Login{}//The Login.qml file of my project
This is what I'm trying:
ApplicationWindow {
id: appWindow
visible: true
width: Screen.desktopAvailableWidth
height: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight
property alias stackv: stackv
property alias loginComponent: loginCom
StackView {
id: stackv topHeader.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 10
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
focus: true
Component {
id: loginCom
Login {
anchors.fill: parent
In another QML file, which got pushed as a component to the stackview, I'm trying this on one of the button's onClick method:
onClicked: {
appWindow.stackv.push({item: appWindow.loginComponent})
I get popped with this error:
QML StackView: push: nothing to push
If I try this without the item property, it works. However, either way, I can't push properties.
In the documentation you linked to, the first sentence says:
An item pushed onto the StackView can be either an Item, a URL, a string containing a URL, or a Component.
So just pass a component:
stackView.push({item: loginComponent, properties: {/*...*/}})
EDIT: It turns out, after you have edited the question and added a warning output, that you are actually using StackView from Qt Quick Controls 2, not from Qt Quick Controls 1 where your documentation link points to.
QML StackView::push() (Qt Quick Controls 2)
stackView.push(loginComponent, {/*...*/})

ListView model function

I am just getting started in Qt, and trying to make function which operates ListView model's elements.
I have custom made button in "myButton.qml" which has states like "normal", "pressed", "selected", etc.
ListView is in "main.qml". Structure is like this:
model: nameModel
delegate: myButton {
So here is my goal: this list of buttons should act like group of radiobuttons - only one can have selected state and selected state is when you press button. I think that I should have click handler and a function that calls on button click. Function should check the list of buttons and if one button was selected before function just changes its state to "Normal".
So I have no idea of how to write this func and where should I place it. I read Qt docs but still no idea.
A possible easy way to solve this problem is by exploiting ExclusiveGroup. As discussed in the documentation, support to this type can be added to any type:
It is possible to add support for ExclusiveGroup for an object or control. It should have a checked property, and either a checkedChanged, toggled(), or toggled(bool) signal. It also needs to be bound with ExclusiveGroup::bindCheckable() when its ExclusiveGroup typed property is set.
You can define an ExclusiveGroup at the ListView level and implement the required logic in the ListView delegate. By binding the delegate ExclusiveGroup property to the ExclusiveGroup of the ListView you should achieve what you want, without the need of a function that crawls the model.
Final toy example to demonstrate the usage:
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 200
height: 500
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: 10
spacing: 20
ExclusiveGroup { id: ex } // the group for all the delegate
delegate: Rectangle {
id: delegate
width: ListView.view.width
height: 30
color: checked ? "yellow" : "steelblue"
// code to have exclusive behaviour
property bool checked: false
property ExclusiveGroup exclusiveGroup: ex
onExclusiveGroupChanged: {
if (exclusiveGroup)
// mouse area to trigger the property change
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: checked = true

How to define a "template" with child placeholders in QML?

I really like QML. I like how I can define components (comparable to classes) and their properties, and instantiate them from somewhere else (comparable to objects).
I can define, let's say, a button, having some look and feel, and a label text on it. This could be done, for example, using this component definition (Button.qml):
Item {
id: button
property string label
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 20
text: button.label
color: "white"
and instanciated in this main file (main.qml):
Rectangle {
width: 300
height: 200
Button {
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: 50
label: "Hello button!"
But I see the following restriction: I can only define a button template with some properties, not with some placeholder. All children defined in the instance will be direct children, at least per default, and I want to change this behavior.
Let's say I want to place an item (let's say an image, but I don't want to tell the definition of Button that it will be an image) in the button. I imagine something like this:
Item {
id: button
property Item contents <-- the client can set the placeholder content here
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
Item {
id: placeholder <-- where the placeholder should be inserted
Component.onCompleted: {
// move the contents into the placeholder...
How can I achieve this? I don't know if using Component.onCompleted is the correct way. Note that, however, that in my case the contents will never change afterwards (at least in my current design of the application...).
Also, I want anchoring to work within the placeholder. For example, if I define the contents to be a Text element, being centered in its parent (which will first be the template itself). Then my code moves this Text instance into the placeholder and the parent anchors should then be those of the placeholder item, not the template item.
I found a much nicer answer to this question, suggested in a presentation of the Qt Developer Days 2011 "Qt Quick Best Practices and Design Patterns".
They use default property alias ... to alias the child items to any property of any item. If you don't want to alias the children but give the alias property a name, just remove default. (Literal children are per QML definition the value of the default property.)
Item {
id: button
default property alias contents: placeholder.children
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
Item {
id: placeholder <-- where the placeholder should be inserted
Necro answering in case someone else end up here as I did.
In Qt5 somewhere along the line the default property became "data" and not "children".
This makes it possible to add other object types than "Item".
e.g. Connections can be added as well (to answer my own question above)
So in Qt5 you should do:
Item {
id: button
default property alias contents:
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
Item {
id: placeholder <-- where the placeholder should be inserted
Note the: instead of placeholder.children
Also please note that you don't have to use the alias name contents - this can be anything you like. An example:
Item {
id: button
default property alias foo:
Actually, the correct answer from what I've heard is to use a QML Loader to accomplish what you want.
[that being said; I haven't actually tried it yet but it's on my near-term to-try list and looks fairly straight forward]
Also, search stackoverflow for other "QML Loader" questions as there are a number that will help you get started.
You can move the item(s) (if you want to support multiple items within the placeholder) using this piece of code:
property list<Item> contents
Component.onCompleted: {
var contentItems = [];
for(var i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i)
placeholder.children = contentItems;
Note that you do not have to provide a list of Items for the contents property, as single values will be accepted by the QML engine also for list properties.
In short (to show the idea):
import QtQuick 1.1
Item {
width: 200
height: 100
//<-- the client can set the placeholder content here
property Item contents: Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 25
color: "red"
Rectangle {
id: container
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
//<-- where the placeholder should be inserted
Component.onCompleted: {
contents.parent = container
Somewhat longer version (supporting contents reassignment):
import QtQuick 1.1
Item {
width: 200
height: 100
//<-- the client can set the placeholder content here
property Item contents: Rectangle {
//anchors can be "presupplied", or set within the insertion code
//anchors.fill: parent
//anchors.margins: 25
color: "red"
Rectangle {
id: container
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 10
color: "gray"
//<-- where the placeholder should be inserted
//Item {
// id: placeholder
//"__" means private by QML convention
function __insertContents() {
// move the contents into the placeholder...
contents.parent = container
contents.anchors.fill = container
contents.anchors.margins = 25
onContentsChanged: {
if (contents !== null)
Component.onCompleted: {
Hope this helps :)
