mruby issue with require and require_relative - mruby

I am trying my hand on with mRuby. I compiled the mRuby source locally. I tried this simple example:
def test(a, b)
print "Inside the include->test(..)"
return a+b
require_relative 'inc.rb'
def helloworld(var1)
print 'hello world ' + var1 + ". Test number = " + test(4, 5)
require 'inc.rb'
def helloworld(var1)
print 'hello world ' + var1 + ". Test number = " + test(4, 5)
I executed both the test programs using mruby.
mruby.exe test1.rb
mruby.exe test2.rb
In both the cases I get the error:
"undefined method 'require_relative' for main (NoMethodError)"
"undefined method 'require' for main (NoMethodError)"
Does mRuby not support 'require'?

mruby doesn't have require functionality.
But you can use mruby-require mgem.
If you build mruby with mruby-require, then you can use require. require_relative is not supported.


python 2.7.5: run a whole function in background

I am a beginner with python. I want to run a whole function in the background (because it can take a while or even fail).
Here is the function:
def backup(str):
command = barman_bin + " backup " + str"Lancement d'un backup full:")
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
for line in output[0].decode(encoding='utf-8').split('\n'):
for line in output[0].decode(encoding='utf-8').split('\n'):
log_maif.error(line)"Fin du backup full")
return output
I want to run this function in the background into a loop :
for host in list_hosts_sans_doublon:
backup(host) # <-- how to run the whole function in background ?
In ksh, I would have written something like backup $host & with backup a function that takes $host as an argument.
What you are looking for is to run the function in a different thread from what I understand. For this you need to use python thread module.
This is how you start a thread:
import threading
def backup(mystring):
x = threading.Thread(target=backup, [host])
Do what ever you want after this and the thread will run separately.

Scilab - gui - many unknown variables error messages

Still trying to understand the logic of Scilab, I created a small calculation tool for a mechanical element. The main problem I have is finding the right order (or syntax) for the calculation code... I get a lot of "unknown variable" errors and I don't understand why?
I tried to change the order of definitions for the functions, declare the variables as global, etc. but nothing seems to help.
The code for the calculation is not long and also not complicated, but the gui was built using guibuilder, so the uicontrols definitions are probably much longer than they need to be.
Could somebody help me make this code working, as I would learn and understand a lot by this example, althought it contains more than one "problem zones"?
Here what I've done:
G = 78500;
table_titles = ["" "Wire diameter" "Wp" "Tau alwd" "M alwd" "Angle alwd"];
window number %d');
handles.dummy = 0;
[0.1,1],'Style','slider','String',"Wire diameter",'Value',
'default','SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"wire diameter: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_dwire.Value) + "mm",'Style','text',
'SliderStep',[0.1,1],'String','Working angle','Style','slider','Value',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Working angle: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_wangle.Value) + "°",'Style','text',
'SliderStep',[0.1,1],'String','Active length' ,'Style','slider',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String','Active length: ' +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_activel.Value) +
handles.ax_graph= newaxes();handles.ax_graph.margins = [ 0 0 0 0];
handles.ax_graph.axes_bounds = [0.4274266,0.0619266,0.3995485,0.5191743];
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Safety factor",'Style',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Safety factor : " +
// Callbacks are defined as below. Please do not delete the comments
as it will be used in coming version
function sl_sfactor_callback(handles)
handles.ed_sfactor.String="Safety factor: " + msprintf('%3.2f',sf);
function sl_dwire_callback(handles)
Wp = %pi*wd^3/16;
Ip =%pi*wd^4/32;
Kt = G*%pi*Ip/(180*L);
Talwd = sf * calcform;
Malwd = Wp * Talwd;
alphaalwd = Malwd / Kt;
handles.ed_dwire.String="Wire diameter: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',wd) + "mm";
function popm_wtype_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for popm_wtype here
if selected == 1 then
calcform =(1845 - 700*log10(wd));
elseif selected == 2 then
calcform =(2105 - 780*log10(wd));
elseif selected == 3 then
calcform = (2220 - 820*log10(wd));
function sl_wangle_callback(handles)
handles.ed_wangle.String="Working angle: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_wangle.Value) + "°";
function sl_activel_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for sl_activel here
handles.ed_activel.String="Active length: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_activel.Value) + "mm";
function tab_param_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for tab_param here
table_values = string([ wd Wp Talwd Malwd alphaalwd]);
table_param = [table_titles; [table_values]];
I expect the code to dynamically update the graph and the parameters table according to the positions of input sliders and popup-menu.
Again, it would be very helpful if somebody could help me get this code working, as I would get answers for a lot of my questions concerning programming with scilab.
Thank you very much in advance!
First of all, your code is not directly executable, caused by the linebreaks. Please add ... after each line of a statement. This improves also the readability.
As mentioned by #luispauloml, you try to use variables, which exist just inside of another function. For example you try to reach table_param, which is just alive in tab_param_callback(handles).
To get rid of this, you have to define the output for the function:
function [table_values, table_param] = tab_param_callback(handles)
table_values = string([ wd Wp Talwd Malwd alphaalwd]);
table_param = [table_titles; [table_values]];
Now you can call this function to get the variable:
I corrected just this case and added the dots as explained. For the other variables, it can be done analogously. Furthermore, I moved the function definition to the beginning of the code. Because if your scrips crashed in the middle, the compiler has no chance to read the function definitions.
Please find the code in this file .
I hope this helps. Good luck!

Can LLDB data formatters call methods?

I'm debugging a Qt application using LLDB. At a breakpoint I can write
(lldb) p myQString.toUtf8().data()
and see the string contained within myQString, as data() returns char*. I would like to be able to write
(lldb) p myQString
and get the same output. This didn't work for me:
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${var.toUtf8().data()}" QString
Is it possible to write a simple formatter like this, or do I need to know the internals of QString and write a python script?
Alternatively, is there another way I should be using LLDB to view QStrings this way?
The following does work.
First, register your summary command:
debugger.HandleCommand('type summary add -F set_sblldbbp.qstring_summary "QString"')
Here is an implementation
def make_string_from_pointer_with_offset(F,OFFS,L):
strval = 'u"'
data_array = F.GetPointeeData(0, L).uint16
for X in range(OFFS, L):
V = data_array[X]
if V == 0:
strval += unichr(V)
strval = strval + '"'
return strval.encode('utf-8')
def qstring_summary(value, unused):
d = value.GetChildMemberWithName('d')
#have to divide by 2 (size of unsigned short = 2)
offset = d.GetChildMemberWithName('offset').GetValueAsUnsigned() / 2
size = get_max_size(value)
return make_string_from_pointer_with_offset(d, offset, size)
print '?????????????????????????'
return value
def get_max_size(value):
_max_size_ = None
debugger = value.GetTarget().GetDebugger()
_max_size_ = int(lldb.SBDebugger.GetInternalVariableValue('target.max-string-summary-length', debugger.GetInstanceName()).GetStringAtIndex(0))
_max_size_ = 512
return _max_size_
It is expected that what you tried to do won't work. The summary strings feature does not allow calling expressions.
Calling expressions in a debugger is always interesting, in a data formatter more so (if you're in an IDE - say Xcode - formatters run automatically). Every time you stop somewhere, even if you just stepped over one line, all these little expressions would all automatically run over and over again, at a large performance cost - and this is not even taking into account the fact that your data might be in a funny state already and running expressions has the potential to alter it even more, making your debugging sessions trickier than needed.
If the above wall of text still hasn't discouraged you ( :-) ), you want to write a Python formatter, and use the SB API to run your expression. Your value is an SBValue object, which has access to an SBFrame and an SBTarget. The combination of these two allows you to run EvaluateExpression("blah") and get back another SBValue, probably a char* to which you can then ask GetSummary() to get your c-string back.
If, on the other hand, you are now persuaded that running expressions in formatters is suboptimal, the good news is that QString most certainly has to store its data pointer somewhere.. if you find out where that is, you can just write a formatter as ${var.member1.member2.member3.theDataPointer} and obtain the same result!
this is my trial-and-error adaptation of a UTF16 string interpretation lldb script I found online (I apologise that I don't remember the source - and that I can't credit the author)
Note that this is for Qt 4.3.2 and versions close to it - as the handling of the 'data' pointer has since changed between then and Qt 5.x
def QString_SummaryProvider(valobj, internal_dict):
data = valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('d')#.GetPointeeData()
strSize = data.GetChildMemberWithName('size').GetValueAsUnsigned()
newchar = -1
i = 0
s = u'"'
while newchar != 0:
# read next wchar character out of memory
data_val = data.GetChildMemberWithName('data').GetPointeeData(i, 1)
size = data_val.GetByteSize()
e = lldb.SBError()
if size == 1:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt8(e, 0) # utf-8
elif size == 2:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt16(e, 0) # utf-16
elif size == 4:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt32(e, 0) # utf-32
s = s + '<unexpected char size - error parsing QString>'
s = s + '<parse error:' + e.why() + '>'
i = i + 1
if i > strSize:
# add the character to our string 's'
# print "char2 = %s" % newchar
if newchar != 0:
s = s + unichr(newchar)
s = s + u'"'
return s.encode('utf-8')

create txt file and display it in internet browser inside vfp form

I'm facing difficulty when creating some kind of a report in vfp. I created a text file, used the ?/?? command to write to the file, then opened it using web browser (OLE Object in vfp form).
Set Printer To 'C:\temp\test.txt'
set printer on
set console off
?? 'test'
and then i called my prg :
lcURL = pUrl
READ events
CAPTION = 'Report Preview'
HEIGHT = 512
WIDTH = 792
and used the C:\temp\test.txt as the url.
This works fine. But the problem occurs when I use fcreate to create the text file( not using the already existing text file)
lcfile ='C:\temp\'+SYS(2015)+'.txt'
Set Printer To lcfile
sometimes the problem occurs when using ? ( resulting in blank doc), and sometimes the browser can't navigate to the file.
The second problem is : the browser can't navigate to the text file if i set the windowtype property to modal in the IEform. I need to set it modal because I have to delay the rest of the execution until the preview form is closed.
I hope I described the situation clear enough.
Thank You for helping Me :)
I would avoid using SET PRINTER TO, and just use the fcreate(), fwrite() and fclose(), especially if writing a large amount of text. If only writing a small amount of data, I would just build one long string by just appending each component to the prior and add cr/lf instead of "?" for new lines, then write the entire result to a file ONCE via StrToFile(). This way, you don't have to worry if things are actually closed (if you dont clear the set printer off, set printer to, or fclose(). Being an incomplete file, the browser won't navigate since the file handle may be "locked" to read anything.
Option 1 -- building a string
lcCRLF = chr(13)+chr(10)
lcMyOutput = "Some Text to Start with" + lcCRLF ;
+ "Today is: " + dtoc( date() ) + lcCRLF
use SomeTable
lcMyOutput = lcMyOutput + "Some Field: " + SomeCharField;
+ "A numeric field: " + transform( SomeNumberField, "999,999.99" ) + lcCRLF
lcMyOutput = lcMyOutput + "All Done"
lcOutputFile = "C:\Temp\" + sys(2015) + ".txt"
StrToFile( lcMyOutput, lcOutputFile )
Option 2 -- using fcreate(), fwrite(), fclose()
lnHandle = 0
do while .t.
lcOutputFile = "C:\Temp\" + sys(2015) + ".txt"
lnHandle = fcreate( lcOutputFile )
*/ Only get out if we have a proper handle and thus
*/ we are exclusive to it for duration of our process
if( lnHandle > 0 )
lcCRLF = chr(13)+chr(10)
fwrite( lnHandle, "Some Text to Start with" + lcCRLF ;
+ "Today is: " + dtoc( date() ) + lcCRLF )
use SomeTable
fwrite( lnHandle, "Some Field: " + SomeCharField;
+ "A numeric field: " + transform( SomeNumberField, "999,999.99" ) + lcCRLF )
fwrite( lnHandle, "All Done" )
fclose( lnHandle )
For running your "batch" file attempt with the RUN command, build the WHAT you want into a string, then run that... ex:
lcCommandToRun = '"' + sys(5) + sys(2003) + '\Compress.tzs"'
run ( lcCommandToRun )
I don't know if it was failing due to a space being in the path of your sys(2003) result turning the RUN into a multi-parameter interpretation, it would fail. By wrapping the entire text within double-quotes, it will prevent such "path" issue.
Trying to simulate a preview of a DOT-matrix printer using "?" to a text file is not something I would try. I would just do a standard report and draw it with all the data you are doing manually with the "?". If the user want's to preview the report, or send to a laser printer, let the normal report version handled through Windows for generation, font, and such do it for you. Leave the ancient code going to dot-matrix with whatever specific font rendering code as you have. I would just keep the actual report version CLOSE TO your "?" version.

Textmate "comment" command not working properly for css code

I'm having some problems when I toggle the comments in TextMate for CSS source code.
Using the shortcut CMD + / I activate the "Comment Line/Selection" command from the "source" bundle. The problem is that it inserts a series of // for all kinds of languages. For example, in CSS files it is supposed to insert a /**/ block, but it doesn't. In CSS files I also tried the "Insert Block Comment" command from the source bundle with the weird result that I get the following //.
// ----------------------------------------
instead of my code, deleting the code and inserting that.
I know I am supposed to modify the command from the bundle, but I can't figure out how and what.
This is the code of the "Comment Line/Selection" command from the "Source" Bundle:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# by James Edward Gray II <james (at)>
# To override the operation of this commond for your language add a Preferences
# bundle item that defines the following valiables as appropriate for your
# language:
# TM_COMMENT_START - the character string that starts comments, e.g. /*
# TM_COMMENT_END - the character string that ends comments (if appropriate),
# e.g. */
# TM_COMMENT_MODE - the type of comment to use - either 'line' or 'block'
require "#{ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"]}/lib/escape"
def out(*args)
print( * do |arg|
escaped = e_sn(arg)
$selected ? escaped.gsub("}", "\\}") : escaped.sub("\0", "${0}")
end )
# find all available comment variables
var_suffixes = [""]
2.upto(1.0/0.0) do |n|
if ENV.include? "TM_COMMENT_START_#{n}"
var_suffixes << "_#{n}"
text =
default = nil # the comment we will insert, if none are removed
# maintain selection
if text == ENV["TM_SELECTED_TEXT"]
$selected = true
print "${0:"
at_exit { print "}" }
$selected = false
# try a removal for each comment...
var_suffixes.each do |suffix|
# build comment
com = { :start => ENV["TM_COMMENT_START#{suffix}"] || "# ",
:end => ENV["TM_COMMENT_END#{suffix}"] || "",
:mode => ENV["TM_COMMENT_MODE#{suffix}"] ||
(ENV["TM_COMMENT_END#{suffix}"] ? "block" : "line"),
:no_indent => ENV["TM_COMMENT_DISABLE_INDENT#{suffix}"] }
com[:esc_start], com[:esc_end] = [com[:start], com[:end]].map do |str|
str.gsub(/[\\|()\[\].?*+{}^$]/, '\\\\\&').
gsub(/\A\s+|\s+\z/, '(?:\&)?')
# save the first one as our insertion default
default = com if default.nil?
# try a removal
case com[:mode]
when "line" # line by line comment
if text !~ /\A[\t ]+\z/ &&
text.send(text.respond_to?(:lines) ? :lines : :to_s).
map { |l| !!(l =~ /\A\s*(#{com[:esc_start]}|$)/) }.uniq == [true]
if $selected
out text.gsub( /^(\s*)#{com[:esc_start]}(.*?)#{com[:esc_end]}(\s*)$/,
'\1\2\3' )
r = text.sub( /^(\s*)#{com[:esc_start]}(.*?)#{com[:esc_end]}(\s*)$/,
'\1\2\3' )
i = ENV["TM_LINE_INDEX"].to_i
i = i > text.index(/#{com[:esc_start]}/) ?
[[0, i - com[:start].length].max, r.length].min :
[i, r.length].min
r[i, 0] = "\0"
out r
when "block" # block comment
regex = /\A(\s*)#{com[:esc_start]}(.*?)#{com[:esc_end]}(\s*)\z/m
if text =~ regex
if $selected
out text.sub(regex, '\1\2\3')
r = text.sub(regex, '\1\2\3')
i = ENV["TM_LINE_INDEX"].to_i
i = i > text.index(/#{com[:esc_start]}/) ?
[[0, i - com[:start].length].max, r.length].min :
[i, r.length].min
r[i, 0] = "\0"
out r
# none of our removals worked, so preform an insert (minding indent setting)
text[ENV["TM_LINE_INDEX"].to_i, 0] = "\0" unless $selected or text.empty?
case default[:mode]
when "line" # apply comment line by line
if text.empty?
out "#{default[:start]}\0#{default[:end]}"
elsif default[:no_indent]
out text.gsub(/^.*$/, "#{default[:start]}\\&#{default[:end]}")
elsif text =~ /\A([\t ]*)\0([\t ]*)\z/
out text.gsub(/^.*$/, "#{$1}#{default[:start]}#{$2}#{default[:end]}")
indent = text.scan(/^[\t \0]*(?=\S)/).
min { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } || ""
text.send(text.respond_to?(:lines) ? :lines : :to_s).map do |line|
if line =~ /^(#{indent})(.*)$(\n?)/ then
out $1 + default[:start] + $2 + default[:end] + $3
elsif line =~ /^(.*)$(\n?)/ then
out indent + default[:start] + $1 + default[:end] + $2
when "block" # apply comment around selection
if text.empty?
out default[:start]
print "${0}"
out default[:end]
elsif text =~ /\A([\t ]*)\0([\t ]*)\z/
out $1, default[:start]
print "${0}"
out $2, default[:end]
elsif default[:no_indent]
out default[:start], text, default[:end]
lines = text.to_a
if lines.empty?
out default[:start], default[:end]
lines[-1].sub!(/^(.*)$/, "\\1#{default[:end]}")
out lines.shift.sub(/^([\s\0]*)(.*)$/, "\\1#{default[:start]}\\2")
out(*lines) unless lines.empty?
Ensure you have the "Source" bundle installed. In the latest Textmate 2 Alpha at the time of writing, go to TextMate -> Preferences -> Bundles -> Check "Source" bundle to install. The CMD + / shortcut should now work.
It is small syntax problem if you're using a Ruby higher then 1.8.7. You will find that to_a method has been removed. If you want to fix the problem all you need to do is modify the code found in this file.
In order to fix the problem you need to search for any location that they call to_a and replace it with Array("string").
In my case I did this. This also should work for you:
lines = text.to_a
lines = text.lines.to_a
This should be a solution for every thing. Look to the image to see what file I ended up fixing.
I had the same problem and it turns out that I had an SCSS bundle installed that had a preference set to use "//" for comments with a scope selector for source.css as well as source.scss.
I would check to make sure that you don't have the same SCSS bundle and if you do, change the scope selector of the comments preference to be just source.scss.
Cmd/ has been working for years and still is. Well, my copy of TM2 alpha is broken (doesn't work with the / in the numeric pad but, well, it's alpha) but TM 1.5.x works as it should.
You are not supposed to modify anything anywhere. The Comment Line/Selection command is smart enough to put the right kind of comment in "any" kind of file.
Did you mess with language definitions? Is your file recognized as "CSS"? Does it work when removing all or certain plugins/bundles?
-- EDIT --
