I have a dataset that I need to transfer into normal distribution.
First, Generate a reproducible dataset.
df <- runif(500, 0, 100)
Second, define a function. This function will continue transforming d.f. until P > 0.05. The transformed d.f. will be generated and named as y.
BoxCoxTrans <- function(y)
lambda <- 1
constant <- 0
while(shapiro.test(y)$p.value < 0.10)
constant <- abs(min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) + 0.001
y <- y + constant
lambda <- powerTransform(y)$lambda
y <- y ^ lambda
assign("y", y, envir = .GlobalEnv)
Third, test df
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: df
W = 0.95997, p-value = 2.05e-10
Because P < 0.05, transform df
Then it gives me the following error messages,
Error in qr.resid(xqr, w * fam(Y, lambda, j = TRUE)) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)
What did I do wrong?
You could use a Box-Muller Transformation to generate an approximately normal distribution from a random uniform distribution. This might be more appropriate than a Box-Cox Transformation, which AFAIK is typically applied to convert a skewed distribution into one that is almost normal.
Here's an example of a Box-Muller Transformation applied to a set of uniformly distributed numbers:
size <- 5000
a <- runif(size)
b <- runif(size)
y <- sqrt(-2 * log(a)) * cos(2 * pi * b)
plot(density(y), main = "Example of Box-Muller Transformation", xlab="x", ylab="f(x)")
#> lillie.test(y)
# Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) normality test
#data: y
#D = 0.009062, p-value = 0.4099
#> shapiro.test(y)
# Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#data: y
#W = 0.99943, p-value = 0.1301
Hope this helps.
before the end of your while loop and watch your computation explode. In any event, repetitively applying Box-Cox makes no sense because you get the ML(-like) estimator of the transformation parameter from the first application. Moreover, why would you expect a power transformation to normalize a uniform distribution?
I have an array of outputs from hundreds of segmented linear models (made using the segmented package in R). I want to be able to use these outputs on new data, using the predict function. To be clear, I do not have the segmented linear model objects in my workspace; I just saved and reimported the relevant outputs (e.g. the coefficients and breakpoints). For this reason I can't simply use the predict.segmented function from the segmented package.
Below is a toy example based on this link that seems promising, but does not match the output of the predict.segmented function.
xx <- 1:100
zz <- runif(100)
yy <- 2 + 1.5*pmax(xx-35,0) - 1.5*pmax(xx-70,0) +
15*pmax(zz-0.5,0) + rnorm(100,0,2)
dati <- data.frame(x=xx,y=yy,z=zz)
o<-## S3 method for class 'lm':
# Note that coefficients with U in the name are differences in slopes, not slopes.
# Compare:
coef(o)[2] + coef(o)[3]
coef(o)[2] + coef(o)[3] + coef(o)[4]
# prediction
pred <- data.frame(x = 1:100)
pred$dummy1 <- pmax(pred$x - o$psi[1,2], 0)
pred$dummy2 <- pmax(pred$x - o$psi[2,2], 0)
pred$dummy3 <- I(pred$x > o$psi[1,2]) * (coef(o)[2] + coef(o)[3])
pred$dummy4 <- I(pred$x > o$psi[2,2]) * (coef(o)[2] + coef(o)[3] + coef(o)[4])
names(pred)[-1]<- names(model.frame(o))[-c(1,2)]
# compute the prediction, using standard predict function
# computing confidence intervals further
# suppose that the breakpoints are fixed
pred <- data.frame(pred, predict(o, newdata= pred,
# Try prediction using the predict.segment version to compare
test <- predict.segmented(o)
plot(pred$fit, test, ylim = c(0, 100))
abline(0,1, col = "red")
# At least one segment not being predicted correctly?
Can I use the base r predict() function (not the segmented.predict() function) with the coefficients and break points saved from segmented linear models?
I figured out that the code above has issues (don't use it). Through some reverse engineering of the segmented.predict() function, I produced the design matrix and use that to predict values instead of directly using the predict() function. I do not consider this a full answer of the original question yet because predict() can also produce confidence intervals for the prediction, and I have not yet implemented that--question still open for someone to add confidence intervals.
## Define function for making matrix of dummy variables (this is based on code from predict.segmented())
dummy.matrix <- function(x.values, x_names, psi.est = TRUE, nameU, nameV, diffSlope, est.psi) {
# This function creates a model matrix with dummy variables for a segmented lm with two breakpoints.
# Inputs:
# x.values: the x values of the segmented lm
# x_names: the name of the column of x values
# psi.est: this is legacy from the predict.segmented function, leave it set to 'TRUE'
# obj: the segmented lm object
# nameU: names (class character) of 3rd and 4th coef, which are "U1.x" "U2.x" for lm with two breaks. Example: names(c(obj$coef[3], obj$coef[4]))
# nameV: names (class character) of 5th and 6th coef, which are "psi1.x" "psi2.x" for lm with two breaks. Example: names(c(obj$coef[5], obj$coef[6]))
# diffSlope: the coefficients (class numeric) with the slope differences; called U1.x and U2.x for lm with two breaks. Example: c(o$coef[3], o$coef[4])
# est.psi: the estimated break points (class numeric); these are the estimated breakpoints from segmented.lm. Example: c(obj$psi[1,2], obj$psi[2,2])
n <- length(x.values)
k <- length(est.psi)
PSI <- matrix(rep(est.psi, rep(n, k)), ncol = k)
newZ <- matrix(x.values, nrow = n, ncol = k, byrow = FALSE)
dummy1 <- pmax(newZ - PSI, 0)
if (psi.est) {
V <- ifelse(newZ > PSI, -1, 0)
dummy2 <- if (k == 1)
V * diffSlope
else V %*% diag(diffSlope)
newd <- cbind(x.values, dummy1, dummy2)
colnames(newd) <- c(x_names, nameU, nameV)
} else {
newd <- cbind(x.values, dummy1)
colnames(newd) <- c(x_names, nameU)
# if (!x_names %in% names(coef(obj.seg)))
# newd <- newd[, -1, drop = FALSE]
## Test dummy matrix function----------------------------------------------
#1 segmented variable, 2 breakpoints: you have to specify starting values (vector) for psi:
# Test dummy matrix fn with the same dataset
newdata <- dati
nameU1 <- c("U1.x", "U2.x")
nameV1 <- c("psi1.x", "psi2.x")
diffSlope1 <- c(o$coef[3], o$coef[4])
est.psi1 <- c(o$psi[1,2], o$psi[2,2])
test <- dummy.matrix(x.values = newdata$x, x_names = "x", psi.est = TRUE,
nameU = nameU1, nameV = nameV1, diffSlope = diffSlope1, est.psi = est.psi1)
# Predict response variable using matrix multiplication
col1 <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(test)[1])
test <- cbind(col1, test) # Now test is the same as model.matrix(o)
predY <- coef(o) %*% t(test)
lines(predict.segmented(o), col = "blue") # good, predict.segmented gives same answer
I need to manually program a probit regression model without using glm. I would use optim for direct minimization of negative log-likelihood.
I wrote code below but it does not work, giving error:
cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double'
# load data: data provided via the bottom link
Datospregunta2a <- read.dta("problema2_1.dta")
# model matrix `X` and response `Y`
X <- cbind(1, associate_professor, full_professor, emeritus_professor, other_rank)
Y <- volunteer
# number of regression coefficients
K <- ncol(X)
# initial guess on coefficients
vi <- lm(volunteer ~ associate_professor, full_professor, emeritus_professor, other_rank)$coefficients
# negative log-likelihood
probit.nll <- function (beta) {
exb <- exp(X%*%beta)
prob<- rnorm(exb)
logexb <- log(prob)
y0 <- (1-y)
logexb0 <- log(1-prob)
yt <- t(y)
y0t <- t(y0)
-sum(yt%*%logexb + y0t%*%logexb0)
# gradient
probit.gr <- function (beta) {
grad <- numeric(K)
exb <- exp(X%*%beta)
prob <- rnorm(exb)
for (k in 1:K) grad[k] <- sum(X[,k]*(y - prob))
# direct minimization
fit <- optim(vi, probit.nll, gr = probit.gr, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B06Id6VJyeb5OTFjbHVHUE42THc/view?usp=sharing
case sensitive
Y and y are different. So you should use Y not y in your defined functions probit.nll and probit.gr.
These two functions also do not look correct to me. The most evident problem is the existence of rnorm. The following are correct ones.
negative log-likelihood function
# requires model matrix `X` and binary response `Y`
probit.nll <- function (beta) {
# linear predictor
eta <- X %*% beta
# probability
p <- pnorm(eta)
# negative log-likelihood
-sum((1 - Y) * log(1 - p) + Y * log(p))
gradient function
# requires model matrix `X` and binary response `Y`
probit.gr <- function (beta) {
# linear predictor
eta <- X %*% beta
# probability
p <- pnorm(eta)
# chain rule
u <- dnorm(eta) * (Y - p) / (p * (1 - p))
# gradient
-crossprod(X, u)
initial parameter values from lm()
This does not sound like a reasonable idea. In no cases should we apply linear regression to binary data.
However, purely focusing on the use of lm, you need + not , to separate covariates in the right hand side of the formula.
reproducible example
Let's generate a toy dataset
# model matrix
X <- cbind(1, matrix(runif(300, -2, 1), 100))
# coefficients
b <- runif(4)
# response
Y <- rbinom(100, 1, pnorm(X %*% b))
# `glm` estimate
GLM <- glm(Y ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
# our own estimation via `optim`
# I am using `b` as initial parameter values (being lazy)
fit <- optim(b, probit.nll, gr = probit.gr, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
# comparison
# 0.62183195 0.38971121 0.06321124 0.44199523
# 0.62183540 0.38971287 0.06321318 0.44199659
They are very close to each other!
How can I do difference in means (ttest) for a multivariate using R and WinBUGS14
I have a multivariate outcome y and the categorical variable x. I am able to get the means of the MCMC sampled values from the multivariate using the code below, but how can I test for the difference in means by variable x?
Here is the R code
library(MASS) # need to mvrnorm
library(MCMCpack) # need for rwish
# Generate synthetic data
N <- 500
#we use this to simulate the data
S <- matrix(c(1,.2,.2,5),nrow=2)
#Produces one or more samples from the specified multivariate normal distribution.
#produces 2 variables with the given distribution
y <- mvrnorm(n=N,mu=c(1,3),Sigma=S)
x <- rbinom(500, 1, 0.5)
# Set up for WinBUGS
#set up of the mu0 values
mu0 <- as.vector(c(0,0))
#covariance matrices
# the precisions
S2 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nrow=2)/1000 #precision for unkown mu
# precison matrix to be passes to the wishart distribution for the tau
S3 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nrow=2)/10000
#the data for the winbug code
data <- list("y","N","S2","S3","mu0")
inits <- function(){
list( mu=mvrnorm(1,mu0,matrix(c(10,0,0,10),nrow=2) ),
tau <- rwish(3,matrix(c(.02,0,0,.04),nrow=2)) )
# Run WinBUGS
bug_file <- paste0(getwd(), "/codes/mult_normal.bug")
multi_norm.sim <- bugs(data,inits,model.file=bug_file,
parameters=c("mu","tau"),n.chains = 2,n.iter=4010,n.burnin=10,n.thin=1,
and this is the WinBUGS14 code called mult_normal.bug
for(i in 1:N)
y[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[],tau[,])
mu[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu0[],S2[,])
#parameters of a wishart
tau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(S3[,],3)
2 Steps:
Load a function to run the t.test using sample statistics instead of doing it directly.
t.test2 <- function(m1,m2,s1,s2,n1,n2,m0=0,equal.variance=FALSE)
if( equal.variance==FALSE )
se <- sqrt( (s1^2/n1) + (s2^2/n2) )
# welch-satterthwaite df
df <- ( (s1^2/n1 + s2^2/n2)^2 )/( (s1^2/n1)^2/(n1-1) + (s2^2/n2)^2/(n2-1) )
} else
# pooled standard deviation, scaled by the sample sizes
se <- sqrt( (1/n1 + 1/n2) * ((n1-1)*s1^2 + (n2-1)*s2^2)/(n1+n2-2) )
df <- n1+n2-2
t <- (m1-m2-m0)/se
dat <- c(m1-m2, se, t, 2*pt(-abs(t),df))
names(dat) <- c("Difference of means", "Std Error", "t", "p-value")
Parse out the mean and standard deviation of the things we want to test against x, then pass them to the function.
mu1 <- as.data.frame(multi_norm.sim$mean)$mu[1]
sdmu1 <- multi_norm.sim$sd$mu[1]
t.test2( mean(x), as.numeric(mu1), s1 = sd(x), s2 = sdmu1, 500, 500)
Difference of means Std Error t p-value
-4.950656e-01 2.246905e-02 -2.203323e+01 5.862968e-76
When I copied the results from my screen to SO it was hard to make the labels of the results properly spaced apart, my apologies.
outcome<-rnorm(1000,sd = 1)
covariate<-rnorm(1000,sd = 1)
log-likelihood of normal pdf:
loglike <- function(par, outcome, covariate){
cov <- as.matrix(cbind(1, covariate))
xb <- cov * par
(- 1/2* sum((outcome - xb)^2))
opt.normal <- optim(par = 0.1,fn = loglike,outcome=outcome,cov=covariate, method = "BFGS", control = list(fnscale = -1),hessian = TRUE)
However I get different results when running an simple OLS. However maximizing log-likelihhod and minimizing OLS should bring me to a similar estimate. I suppose there is something wrong with my optimization.
Umm several things... Here's a proper working likelihood function (with names x and y):
loglike =
function(par,x,y){cov = cbind(1,x); xb = cov %*% par;(-1/2)*sum((y-xb)^2)}
Note use of matrix multiplication operator.
You were also only running it with one par parameter, so it was not only broken because your loglike was doing element-element multiplication, it was only returning one value too.
Now compare optimiser parameters with lm coefficients:
opt.normal <- optim(par = c(0.1,0.1),fn = loglike,y=outcome,x=covariate, method = "BFGS", control = list(fnscale = -1),hessian = TRUE)
[1] 0.02148234 -0.09124299
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.02148235 0.03049535 0.7044466 0.481319029
covariate -0.09124299 0.03049819 -2.9917515 0.002842011
Helpful hints: create data that you know the right answer for - eg x=1:10; y=rnorm(10)+(1:10) so you know the slope is 1 and the intercept 0. Then you can easily see which of your things are in the right ballpark. Also, run your loglike function on its own to see if it behaves as you expect.
Maybe you will find it usefull to see the difference between these two methods from my code. I programmed it the following way.
data.matrix <- as.matrix(hprice1[,c("assess","bdrms","lotsize","sqrft","colonial")])
loglik <- function(p,z){
beta <- p[1:5]
sigma <- p[6]
y <- log(data.matrix[,1])
eps <- (y - beta[1] - z[,2:5] %*% beta[2:5])
p0 <- c(5,0,0,0,0,2)
m <- optim(p0,loglik,method="BFGS",control=list(fnscale=-1,trace=10),hessian=TRUE,z=data.matrix)
And for the lm() method I find this
m.ols <- lm(log(assess)~bdrms+lotsize+sqrft+colonial,data=hprice1)
Also if you would like to estimate the elasticity of assessed value with respect to the lotsize or calculate a 95% confidence interval
for this parameter, you could use the following
elasticity.at.mean <- mean(hprice1$lotsize) * m$par[3]
var.coefficient <- solve(-m$hessian)[3,3]
var.elasticity <- mean(hprice1$lotsize)^2 * var.coefficient
# upper bound
elasticity.at.mean + qnorm(0.975)* sqrt(var.elasticity)
# lower bound
elasticity.at.mean + qnorm(0.025)* sqrt(var.elasticity)
A more simple example of the optim method is given below for a binomial distribution.
loglik1 <- function(p,n,n.f){
n.f*log(p) + (n-n.f)*log(1-p)
m <- optim(c(pi=0.5),loglik1,control=list(fnscale=-1),
m <- optim(c(pi=0.5),loglik1,method="BFGS",hessian=TRUE,
pi.hat <- m$par
numerical calculation of s.d
Or this code for the normal distribution.
loglik1 <- function(p,z){
mu <- p[1]
sigma <- p[2]
-(length(z)/2)*log(sigma^2) - sum(z^2)/(2*sigma^2) +
(mu*sum(z)/sigma^2) - (length(z)*mu^2)/(2*sigma^2)
m <- optim(c(mu=0,sigma2=0.1),loglik1,
I'm attempting to write my own function to understand how the Poisson distribution behaves within a Maximum Likelihood Estimation framework (as it applies to GLM).
I'm familiar with R's handy glm function, but wanted to try and hand-roll some code to understand what's going on:
n <- 10000 # sample size
b0 <- 1.0 # intercept
b1 <- 0.2 # coefficient
x <- runif(n=n, min=0, max=1.5) # generate covariate values
lp <- b0+b1*x # linear predictor
lambda <- exp(lp) # compute lamda
y <- rpois(n=n, lambda=lambda) # generate y-values
dta <- data.frame(y=y, x=x) # generate dataset
negloglike <- function(lambda) {n*lambda-sum(x)*log(lambda) + sum(log(factorial(y)))} # build negative log-likelihood
starting.vals <- c(0,0) # one starting value for each parameter
pars <- c(b0, b1)
maxLike <- optim(par=pars,fn=negloglike, data = dta) # optimize
My R output when I enter maxLike is the following:
Error in fn(par, ...) : unused argument (data = list(y = c(2, 4....
I assume I've specified optim within my function incorrectly, but I'm not familiar enough with the nuts-and-bolts of MLE or constrained optimization to understand what I'm missing.
optim can only use your function in a certain way. It assumes the first parameter in your function takes in the parameters as a vector. If you need to pass other information to this function (in your case the data) you need to have that as a parameter of your function. Your negloglike function doesn't have a data parameter and that's what it is complaining about. The way you have it coded you don't need one so you probably could fix your problem by just removing the data=dat part of your call to optim but I didn't test that. Here is a small example of doing a simple MLE for just a poisson (not the glm)
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
x <- data$x
lambda <- par[1]
-sum(dpois(x, lambda, log = TRUE))
dat <- data.frame(x = rpois(30, 5))
optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
> optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
[1] 4.833594
[1] 65.7394
function gradient
22 NA
[1] 0
Warning message:
In optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat) :
one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
use "Brent" or optimize() directly
> # The "true" MLE. We didn't hit it exactly but came really close
> mean(dat$x)
[1] 4.833333
Implementing the comments from Dason's answer is quite straightforward, but just in case:
d <- data.table(id = as.character(1:100),
x1 = runif(100, 0, 1),
x2 = runif(100, 0, 1))
#' the assumption is that lambda can be written as
#' log(lambda) = b1*x1 + b2*x2
#' (In addition, could add a random component)
d[, mean := exp( 1.57*x1 + 5.86*x2 )]
#' draw a y for each of the observations
#' (rpois is not vectorized, need to use sapply)
d[, y := sapply(mean, function(x)rpois(1,x)) ]
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
data <- copy(d)
# update estimate of the mean
data[, mean_tmp := exp( par[1]*x1 + par[2]*x2 )]
# calculate the contribution of each observation to the likelihood
data[, log_p := dpois(y, mean_tmp, log = T)]
#' Now we can sum up the probabilities
data[, -sum(log_p)]
optim(par = c(1,1), fn = negloglike_pois, data = d)
[1] 1.554759 5.872219
[1] 317.8094
function gradient
95 NA
[1] 0