How can we efficiently count the digits in an integer in Elixir?
My attempt in Iex
iex(1)> a=100_000
iex(2)> Enum.reduce(1..a, &(&1*&2))|> to_string|> String.length
Takes over 15 seconds
Another Implementation:
defmodule Demo do
def cnt(n), do: _cnt(n,0)
defp _cnt(0,a), do: a
defp _cnt(n,a),do: _cnt(div(n,10),a+1)
Is way slower: b = 100_000!
A suggestion from the comments (Thanks Fred!)
iex> Integer.to_char_list(b) |> length
Is best so far and simplest
IEx> -> Demo.cnt b end)
{277662000, 456574}
IEx> ->b |> to_string |> String.length end)
{29170000, 456574}
Is there built in wizardry for this in any Elixir module?
From Elixir 1.1 and above there is now a built in feature
This effectively handles digit counting
How to count a number on in Elixir without built-in function such as Enum.count. Here is my code, Thanks so much
defmodule Ans do
#my_favorite_number 0
def sum([]) do
def sum([head|tail]) do
head + sum(tail)
def average([head|tail]) do
total = sum([head|tail])
iterations = Enum.count([head|tail])
output = total / iterations
You should read about tail-call optimization. The compiler makes use of this optimisation to prevent a new stack frame being created every recursive call, which will happen in your code. Here is an example of how to write the sum/1 function in a tail-recursive way. The main idea is to keep the return in an accumulator variable that is passed to each call, instead of building up the answer in the call stack:
def sum(list), do: sum(0, list)
def sum(acc, []), do: acc
def sum(acc, [head | tail]), do: sum(acc + head, tail)
For count, you can do something similar, but just add 1 instead of the value of the list item:
def count(list), do: count(0, list)
def count(acc, []), do: acc
def count(acc, [_head | tail]), do: count(acc + 1, tail)
While the answer by Adam is perfectly correct, to calculate the average you might do better (in one loop,) using more sophisticated accumulator.
defmodule M do
def avg(list), do: do_avg({0, 0}, list)
defp do_avg({cnt, sum}, []),
do: sum / cnt
defp do_avg({cnt, sum}, [h | t]),
do: do_avg({cnt + 1, sum + h}, t)
M.avg [1,2,3,4]
#⇒ 2.5
Here we do accumulate both count and total and calculate an average on the last step when the list is exhausted.
Also, you might return everything, as a tuple {cnt, sum, sum / cnt}, or as a map for better readability.
Is it possible to build a Python style recursive generator with Elixir? Something like this:
def traverse(parent_dir):
dirs, files = get_dirs_and_files_as_lists(parent_dir)
for d in dirs:
yield from traverse(d)
for f in files:
yield f
For all the files to be processed linearly, without overhead implied by an eager list of indefinite length:
for f in traverse(dir):
This, or some working equivalent, should be possible using streams; unfortunately, I have no idea how.
I want something like this, just lazy:
def traverse_eagerly(parent_dir) do
{dirs, files} = get_dirs_and_files_as_lists(parent_dir)
for x <- dirs do
|> Enum.concat()
|> Enum.concat(files)
The solution appears to be trivial: replace Enum with Stream.
def traverse_lazily(parent_dir) do
{dirs, files} = get_dirs_and_files_as_lists(parent_dir)
for x <- dirs do
|> Stream.concat()
|> Stream.concat(files)
The following works as expected:
s = traverse_lazily(a_dir_of_choice)
for x <- s, do: whatever_you_please(x)
Very nice of the language. As fine a solution as you would wish for. Unless I'm missing something, that is :) . Comments are welcome!
You do not need Stream here, but if you want, here is it:
defmodule Traverse do
#spec traverse(root :: binary(), yielder :: (binary() -> any())) ::
:ok | {:error, posix()}
def traverse(root, yielder) do
with {:ok, list} <- do
|> Stream.each(fn file_or_dir ->
if File.dir?(file_or_dir),
do: traverse(file_or_dir, yielder), # TCO
else: yielder.(file_or_dir)
And call it like:
Traverse.traverse(".", &IO.inspect/1)
I have a list of dates that represent bookings for a room. I want to be able to find out where the first available day is in the date range.
# let us assume today is the 1st Feb
today = #DateTime<2019-02-01 00:00:00Z>
# here are our booked days
booked_days = [
#DateTime<2019-02-08 00:00:00Z>,
#DateTime<2019-02-05 00:00:00Z>,
#DateTime<2019-02-03 00:00:00Z>,
#DateTime<2019-02-02 00:00:00Z>
What we’d like to have returned here is #DateTime<2019-02-04 00:00:00Z> because it’s the first available date.
I’ve looked at doing something like this using Enum.reduce_while in combination with Timex.Interval, but with no luck as reduce_while seems to return the interval after the first call.
today = |> Timex.beginning_of_day()
first_available =
Enum.reduce_while(booked_days, today, fn from, until ->
interval = from, until: until)
duration = Timex.Interval.duration(interval, :days)
if duration <= 1,
do: {:cont, from},
else: {:halt, interval}
Although the answer by #Badu is correct, I’d post the solution with the desired Enum.reduce_while/3.
Elixir nowadays has great built-in support for dates in the first place, so I doubt I follow why would you need Timex. And you’d better deal with dates not with date times when it comes to booked days (unless you allow pay-per-hour bookings.) But if you want DateTimes, here you go:
# Please next time make your input available to copy-paste
[today | booked_days] =
[1, 8, 5, 3, 2]
|> {{2019, 02, &1}, {0, 0, 0}}
|> NaiveDateTime.from_erl!()
|> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC"))
|> Enum.sort(&, &2) == :lt)
|> Enum.reduce_while(today, fn d, curr ->
if Date.diff(d, curr) == 1,
do: {:cont, d},
else: {:halt, DateTime.add(curr, 3600 * 24)}
#⇒ #DateTime<2019-02-04 00:00:00Z>
First, you can sort the dates in ascending order.
Then iterate the dates and check for empty intervals between dates and return the date if the date is greater than or equal to from date.
sorted_dates = Enum.sort(booked_days , fn a, b ->, b, :days)<0 end)
get_next_booking_date(sorted_dates, today)
def get_next_booking_date([], _from_date) do
def get_next_booking_date([_last_booking_date], _from_date) do
# You can add a day to last booking date and return that date or return nil depending on your need
# Timex.add(_last_booking_date, Timex.Duration.from_days(1))
def get_next_booking_date([next, next2 | rest], from_date) do
# add a day to the current day and check if there's an empty interval and that the empty slot is greater than from date
temp_next = Timex.add(next, Timex.Duration.from_days(1))
if, next2, :days) == -1 and, from_date) >= 0 do
get_next_booking_date([next2 | rest], from)
Heres a version without Timex
Create an array of elements with [[1st date, 2nd date], [2nd date, 3rd date], .. [ith, (i-1)st]...] (using zip by offset 1) then find the position where the two differ by more than 1 day.
defmodule DateGetter do
def get_next_date(booked_dates) do
sorted = Enum.sort(booked_dates)
date = sorted
|> sorted, 1) # or use Enum.chunk_every for large sizes
|> Enum.find(fn {d1, d2} -> DateTime.diff(d2, d1) > 86400 end)
case date do
nil ->
{:error, "no dates found"}
{date1, date2} ->
(DateTime.to_unix(date1) + 86400) |> DateTime.from_unix
# Sample input:
booked_dates =
|> d ->
DateTime.from_iso8601("2015-01-0#{d} 01:00:00Z")
|> elem(1)
DateGetter.get_next_date booked_dates
#> {:ok, #DateTime<2015-01-04 01:00:00Z>}
I have a function confirm, which reads IO input, and depending by input, if it's y (yes) or n (no), it returns true/false, otherwise it calls confirm again, until any expected y or n is entered.
#spec confirm(binary) :: boolean
def confirm(question) do
answer = question |> IO.gets() |> String.trim() |> String.downcase()
case(answer) do
"y" -> true
"n" -> false
_ -> confirm(question)
To test y and n cases it's easy:
assert capture_io([input: "y"], fn -> confirm("Question") end) == "Question"
But I have no idea how to capture IO multiple times to test recursive case, let's say if at first input is "invalid" and then "y". Does elixir has any way to test IO functions like this? Or maybe do you have some suggestions how I could rewrite function to test it easier?
Original question
Thanks for the help.
Untested, but what about just using newline characters?
assert capture_io([input: "foo\nbar\ny"], fn -> confirm("Question") end) == "Question"
I am currently doing reasonably well in functional programming using F#. I tend, however, to do a lot of programming using recursion, when it seems that there are better idioms in the F#/functional programming community. So in the spirit of learning, is there a better/more idiomatic way of writing the function below without recursion?
let rec convert line =
if line.[0..1] = " " then
match convert line.[2..] with
| (i, subline) -> (i+1, subline)
(0, line)
with results such as:
> convert "asdf";;
val it : int * string = (0, "asdf")
> convert " asdf";;
val it : int * string = (1, "asdf")
> convert " asdf";;
val it : int * string = (3, "asdf")
Recursion is the basic mechanism for writing loops in functional languages, so if you need to iterate over characters (as you do in your sample), then recursion is what you need.
If you want to improve your code, then you should probably avoid using line.[2..] because that is going to be inefficient (strings are not designed for this kind of processing). It is better to convert the string to a list and then process it:
let convert (line:string) =
let rec loop acc line =
match line with
| ' '::' '::rest -> loop (acc + 1) rest
| _ -> (acc, line)
loop 0 (List.ofSeq line)
You can use various functions from the standard library to implement this in a more shorter way, but they are usually recursive too (you just do not see the recursion!), so I think using functions like Seq.unfold and Seq.fold is still recursive (and it looks way more complex than your code).
A more concise approach using standard libraries is to use the TrimLeft method (see comments), or using standard F# library functions, do something like this:
let convert (line:string) =
// Count the number of spaces at the beginning
let spaces = line |> Seq.takeWhile (fun c -> c = ' ') |> Seq.length
// Divide by two - we want to count & skip two-spaces only
let count = spaces / 2
// Get substring starting after all removed two-spaces
count, line.[(count * 2) ..]
EDIT Regarding the performance of string vs. list processing, the problem is that slicing allocates a new string (because that is how strings are represented on the .NET platform), while slicing a list just changes a reference. Here is a simple test:
let rec countList n s =
match s with
| x::xs -> countList (n + 1) xs
| _ -> n
let rec countString n (s:string) =
if s.Length = 0 then n
else countString (n + 1) (s.[1 ..])
let l = [ for i in 1 .. 10000 -> 'x' ]
let s = new System.String('x', 10000)
for i in 0 .. 100 do countList 0 l |> ignore // 0.002 sec (on my machine)
for i in 0 .. 100 do countString 0 s |> ignore // 5.720 sec (on my machine)
Because you traverse the string in a non-uniform way, a recursive solution is much more suitable in this example. I would rewrite your tail-recursive solution for readability as follows:
let convert (line: string) =
let rec loop i line =
match line.[0..1] with
| " " -> loop (i+1) line.[2..]
| _ -> i, line
loop 0 line
Since you asked, here is a (bizarre) non-recursive solution :).
let convert (line: string) =
(0, line) |> Seq.unfold (fun (i, line) ->
let subline = line.[2..]
match line.[0..1] with
| " " -> Some((i+1, subline), (i+1, subline))
| _ -> None)
|> Seq.fold (fun _ x -> x) (0, line)
Using tail recursion, it can be written as
let rec convert_ acc line =
if line.[0..1] <> " " then
(acc, line)
convert_ (acc + 1) line.[2..]
let convert = convert_ 0
still looking for a non-recursive answer, though.
Here's a faster way to write your function -- it checks the characters explicitly instead of using string slicing (which, as Tomas said, is slow); it's also tail-recursive. Finally, it uses a StringBuilder to create the "filtered" string, which will provide better performance once your input string reaches a decent length (though it'd be a bit slower for very small strings due to the overhead of creating the StringBuilder).
let convert' str =
let strLen = String.length str
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder strLen
let rec convertRec (count, idx) =
match strLen - idx with
| 0 ->
count, sb.ToString ()
| 1 ->
// Append the last character in the string to the StringBuilder.
sb.Append str.[idx] |> ignore
convertRec (count, idx + 1)
| _ ->
if str.[idx] = ' ' && str.[idx + 1] = ' ' then
convertRec (count + 1, idx + 2)
sb.Append str.[idx] |> ignore
convertRec (count, idx + 1)
// Call the internal, recursive implementation.
convertRec (0, 0)