Changing sorting on Nginx autoindex - nginx

I am using autoindex with nginx for a specific endpoint that lists a bunch of folders. Is it possible to change the sorting direction from alphabetical to by modified date?

Not without rewriting the module.
You can use a PHP script to display whatever you like, or run a task which creates a html page.
Or even use Lua to create this for you and check if something has changed, then either display from cache or re-generate.


Change nginx Root Directory at Scheduled Time

Let me quickly preface this by saying that I'm not a server administrator, so it's quite possible that I may be asking the "wrong" questions here.
I have a situation where we have a domain that will serve static files (HTML, images, etc.) that are configured and built by an existing, separate application. At certain scheduled datetimes, we will need the content of the sites to change to a different set of static files.
Since the files will all be prepared ahead of time, I was wondering if it was possible for nginx to be able to "switch" the root directory to direct traffic to the appropriate place based on these scheduled datetimes.
So if there were a series of directories maybe like this:
And then the configuration would say that from 1 July 2016 00:00:00 through 7 July 2016 23:59:59, the site root for would be /, and so forth.
Some other things I've looked into:
Some form of middleware like PHP, but I want to avoid this for portability.
SSI doesn't really seem like an option. It seems like I'd have one root directory and in the index.html, the contents would be something like <!--# include file="$datestamp/content/public/index.html" --> but it seems like I'd have to do this for every page maybe? I'm also not sure how it would work if the page names are different between versions.
A cron job or something else that either moves files or edits a file at the appropriate time, this just seems like a really bad potential failure point.
So tl;dr, can nginx be configured in some way to have root directories that are active for a domain at different scheduled times? Or is there a better approach to this problem that I'm not aware of?
nginx has variables called $time_iso8601 and $time_local which you could use to construct a dynamic root. See this document for details.
One approach would be to construct your rules as a map and set the root directive appropriately using the mapped variable or named captures. See this document for details.
I tested the concept using this:
map $time_iso8601 $root {
default /usr/local/www/test;
~^2016-06-2[0-9] /usr/local/www/test/test-20160625;
server {
root $root;

Accessing an environment variable across nginx w/ Lua and Rails

I'm implementing something like this to let one service allow access to separate upstream service in nginx.
Briefly: A Rails app sets an HMAC cookie, which is then checked by some Lua code thanks to an access_by_lua directive in nginx.
To generate and verify the cookie, both Rails and nginx-Lua must of course share a secret key. I've tried setting this up as an environment variable in /etc/environment.
To make the var available in Rails, I had to fiddle with Unicorn's init script a bit. But at least that script is contained within the project, and just symlinked into place.
Meanwhile, to get at the variable in Lua, I do something like this: os.getenv("MY_HMAC_SECRET"). But in order for Lua to have access to that when running under nginx, it must first be listed using the env directive in the main nginx config.
So now, I'm feeling like my configuration is being spread out all over the place:
in /etc/environment (outside my project)
in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (outside my project)
in unicorn's init script
in my site's nginx vhost config
It's starting to seem a little ridiculous just to make a simple string accessible in multiple places...
Is there a simpler way to do this? Honestly, the easiest way I can think of is hardcode it in the 2 places I need it, and be done. But that sounds nasty.
Better to put it only in the two places it's actually needed, in the two respective configuration files, than in the global environment where every process has access to it, as you have it now.
I would use init_by_lua directive in your vhost config.
init_by_lua 'HMAC_SECRET = "SECRET-STRING"';
server {
# and so on
So you'll have you secret in two places, but both in your project (if I understand correctly and vhost config is in your project).
You can even use init_by_lua_file and make some efforts to read and parse that file in your unicorn init.

Running several sites off the same code except a config

I have the same code which will be used for several sites. In the Nginx config I wanted to have all the sites point to the same code folder.
I think this should work. The only catch is that I want each site to use a different config file.
How could something like this be achieved? Surely I wouldn't need to duplicate all the websites code just to have each one have a different config?
What language are you scripting in? Most languages will have a way to examine the incoming request. From this you could extract the domain name from the request and base which conf file you load based on the name using an if or switch statement.
You could also use a get variable for example Then in your controller you'd need to look at that git variable to determine which conf file to load.
Either of these solutions should be easy to find in the docs for you scripting language.

Remove trailing slash from $uri in nginx?

I am caching my websites pages into a static flat file cache and am trying to use a try_files directive to load the file first from cache if it exists and then go to web application.
I'm basically trying to do something like this:
try_files $uri $uri/ /var/www/vhosts/$uri/index.html
In this example if the user requested it would try staticfilecache/products/index.html The problem I have is that $uri already contains a trailing slash. Trying to use this with $uriindex.html creates an error.
Is there any performant/easy way to always strip the / but not rewrite the address in the browser?
What you are trying to do has many problems on many levels.
"/var/www/vhosts/$uri" is invalid. Except if you have duplicated
your whole document root under the staticfilecache folder.
Nginx has it's own caching system and will check it first by itself
without any intervention from you as long as it has been setup.
Nginx will check for index files by itself as long as the index directive has been set.
Your code is actually attempting to check the staticcache last and
not first as you said you wanted.
There is no point in creating a static file cache on disk. Nginx can
just as well read the static files from their original locations.
In any case, Nginx will create the cache for items that need cache,
usually dynamic files, by itself. It is not a manual job.
Basically, it looks like you are a bit on the wrong track on some webserver fundamentals.
The answer(strictly) to your question is,
rewrite ^(.*)/$ $1 break;
But I would recommend you don't do this and go through #Dayo's answer.
For some interesting stuff for caching guidance, you can check this out.

Does WordPress do something that overrides .htaccess?

I'm working locally on a WordPress site for a client. The client keeps their install of wordpress in the server root, but because I have more than one client, I like to install everything in a client folder, like localhost/client. Normally it's a simple matter to add a rewrite rule to .htaccess, setting the rewrite base to be /client/. But today it's not working at all. Even if I put nonsense in the rewrite rule, the site works (which it should not, if the rewrite rules are in effect). The images references are still looking for root at localhost/, instead of localhost/client/, which means they are broken.
I looked into WordPress's documentation and found it has something called WP_rewrite, and there is a place to set parameters for it in wp-includes/rewrite.php). I set the root parameter to client/ but that doesn't seem to have any effect either.
One last thing: there is an .htaccess file in localhost/client/, and another one in localhost/client/wp/. I have them both set to RewriteBase = /client/, but I've tried just about every other sensible combination--no change.
So my question is: does WordPress do something else that would make the rewrite rules I set in .htaccess not work?
I'd recommend a small change to your local environment for a more flexible solution. Use virtual hosts. If you're running WAMP/MAMP, this tool is readily available to you. It allows you run a directory within your localhost as its own site, which you can access using a local-only URL of your choosing. I have my sites set up as sitename.local, for instance, so they all live in their own happy little ecosystem. Highly recommended.
Yes it does, you have to make some steps that will change entries in db before you move it to subfolder.
Here are detailed info:
What you need to do:
copy everything as it is setup on your clients server i.e. in root folder
do the steps in above url, important are 4. & 5.; step 10. actually just go to permalink settings and click on "Save" button (or "Update" I do not remember how it says)
Now you can work :)
Are you modifying only theme or what?
