How to extract cluster centres from agnes for inputting into kmeans? - r

One recommended method for getting a good cluster solution is to first use a hierarchical clustering method, choose a number of clusters, then extract the centroids, and then rerun it as a K-means clustering algorithm with the centres pre-specified. A toy example:
ag.a <- agnes(agriculture, method = "ward")
ag.2 <- cutree(ag.a, k = 2)
This would give me two clusters. How can I extract the cluster centres in a format that I can then put into the kmeans() algorithm and reapply it to the same data?

You can use the clustering to assign cluster membership and then calculate the center for all the observations in a cluster. The kmeans function allows you to specify initial centers via the centers= parameter if you pass in a matrix. You can do that with
ag.a <- agnes(agriculture, method = "ward")
ag.2 <- cutree(ag.a, k = 2)
# calculate means per group
cent<-aggregate(cbind(x,y)~ag.2, agriculture, mean)
# pass as initial centers
kmeans(agriculture, cent[,-1])


nstart for k-means in R

Search results in numerous places report that the argument nstart in R's function kmeans sets a number of iterations of the algorithm and chooses 'the best one', see e.g. Can anyone provide any clarity on how it does this, i.e. by what measure does it define best?
Secondly: R's kmeans function takes an argument centers. Here, as typical in k-means, it is possible to initialise the centroids before the algorithm begins expectation-maximisation, by choosing as initial centroids rows (data-points) from within your data-set. (You could supply, in vector form, points not present in your data-set as well, with considerably greater effort. In this case you could in theory choose the global optimum as your centroids. This is not what I'm asking for.) When nstart or the seed randomises initializations, I am quite sure that it does so by picking a random choice of centroids from your data-set and starting from those (not just a random set of points within the space).
In general, therefore, I'm looking for a way to get a good (e.g. best out of $n$ trials, or best from nstart) set of starting data-instances from the data-set as initial centroids. Is there any way of extracting the 'winning' (=best) set of initial centroids from nstart (which I could then use, say, in the centers parameter in future)? Any other streamlined & quick way to get a very good set of starting centroids (presumably, reasonably close to where the cluster centres will end up being)?
Is there perhaps, at least, a way to extract from a given kmeans run, what initial centroids it chose to start with?
The criterion that kmeans tries to minimize is the trace of the within scatter matrix, i.e. (unfortunately, this forum does not support LaTeX, but you hopefully can read it nevertheless):
$$ trace(S_w) = \sum_{k=1}^K \sum{x \in C_k} ||x - \mu_k||^2 $$
Concerning the best starting point: obviously, the "best" starting point would be the cluster centers eventually chosen by kmeans. These are returned in the attribute centers:
km <- kmeans(iris[,-5], 3)
If you are looking for the best random start point, you can create random start points yourself (with runif), do this nstart times and evaluate which initial configuration leads to the smallest km$tot.withinss:
nstart <- 10
K <- 3 # number of clusters
D <- 4 # data point dimension
# select possible range
r.min <- apply(iris[,-5], MARGIN=2, FUN=min)
r.max <- apply(iris[,-5], MARGIN=2, FUN=max)
for (i in 1:nstart) {
centers <- data.frame(runif(K, r.min[d], r.max[d]))
for (d in 2:D) {
centers <- cbind(centers, data.frame(runif(K, r.min[d], r.max[d])))
names(centers) <- names(iris[,-5])
# call kmeans with centers and compare tot.withinss
# ...

How to measure performance of K-Means cluster in R? [image & code included]

I am currently doing a K-means cluster analysis for some customer data at my company. I want to measure the performance of this cluster, I just don't know the library packages used to measure performance of it and I am also unsure if my clusters are grouped too close together.
The data feeding my cluster is a simple RFM (recency, frequency, & monetary value). I also included average order value per transaction by customer. I used the elbow method to determine the optimal number clusters to use. Data consists of 1400 customers and 4 metric values.
Attached is also an image of the cluster plot & R Code
drop = c('CUST_Business_NM')
#Cleaning & Scaling the Data
new_cluster_data = na.omit(data)
new_cluster_data = data[, !(names(data)%in%drop)]
new_cluster_data = scale(new_cluster_data)
#Elbow Method for Optimal Clusters
k.max <- 15
data <- new_cluster_data
wss <- sapply(1:k.max,
function(k){kmeans(data, k, nstart=50,iter.max = 15 )$tot.withinss})
#Plot out the Elbow
plot(1:k.max, wss,
type="b", pch = 19, frame = FALSE,
xlab="Number of clusters K",
ylab="Total within-clusters sum of squares")
#Create the Cluster
kmeans_test = kmeans(new_cluster_data, centers = 8, nstart = 1000)
#Visualize the Cluster
fviz_cluster(kmeans_test, data = new_cluster_data, show.clust.cent = TRUE, geom = c("point", "text"))
You probably do not want to measure the performance of cluster but the performance of the cluster algorithm, in this case kmeans.
First, you need to be clear what cluster distance measure you want to use. The result of the cluster computation is a dissimilarity matrix, thus the choice of the distance measure is critical, you can play with euclidean, manhattan, any kind of correlation or other distance measure, e.g., like this:
dis_pearson <- get_dist(yourdataset, method = "pearson")
This will give you the distance matrix and visualize it.
The output of kmeans has several bits of information. The most important with regard to your question are:
totss: the total sum of squares
withinss: vector of within-cluster sum of squares
tot.withinss: total within-cluster sum of squares
betweenss: the between-cluster sum of squares
Thus, the goal is to optimize these by playing with distances and other methods to cluster the data. Using cluster package, you can simply extract these measures by mycluster <- kmeans(yourdataframe, centers = 2) and then calling mycluster.
Side comment: kmeans requires the number of clusters defined by the user (additional effort) and it is very sensitive to outliers.

How to run hierarchical clustering hclust on large data? [duplicate]

I am trying implement hierarchical clustering in R : hclust() ; this requires a distance matrix created by dist() but my dataset has around a million rows, and even EC2 instances run out of RAM. Is there a workaround?
One possible solution for this is to sample your data, cluster the smaller sample, then treat the clustered sample as training data for k Nearest Neighbors and "classify" the rest of the data. Here is a quick example with 1.1M rows. I use a sample of 5000 points. The original data is not well-separated, but with only 1/220 of the data, the sample is separated. Since your question referred to hclust, I used that. But you could use other clustering algorithms like dbscan or mean shift.
## Generate data
x = c(rnorm(250000, 0,0.9), rnorm(350000, 4,1), rnorm(500000, -5,1.1))
y = c(rnorm(250000, 0,0.9), rnorm(350000, 5.5,1), rnorm(500000, 5,1.1))
XY = data.frame(x,y)
Sample5K = sample(length(x), 5000) ## Downsample
## Cluster the sample
DM5K = dist(XY[Sample5K,])
HC5K = hclust(DM5K, method="single")
Groups = cutree(HC5K, 8)
Groups[Groups>4] = 4
plot(XY[Sample5K,], pch=20, col=rainbow(4, alpha=c(0.2,0.2,0.2,1))[Groups])
Now just assign all other points to the nearest cluster.
Core = which(Groups<4)
knnClust = knn(XY[Sample5K[Core], ], XY, Groups[Core])
plot(XY, pch=20, col=rainbow(3, alpha=0.1)[knnClust])
A few quick notes.
Because I created the data, I knew to choose three clusters. With a real problem, you would have to do the work of figuring out an appropriate number of clusters.
Sampling 1/220 could completely miss any small clusters. In the small sample, they would just look like noise.

R — Automatic Optimal Number of Clusters Sequence Algorithm

I am interested in finding a function to automatically determine the optimal number of clusters in R.
I am using a sequence algorithm from the package TraMineR to compute my distances.
biofam.seq <- seqdef(biofam[501:600, 10:25])
## OM distances ## <- seqdist(biofam.seq, method = "OM", indel = 3, sm = "TRATE",
full.matrix = F)
For instance, hclust can simply be used like this
h = hclust(as.dist(, method = 'ward')
and the number of clusters can then be manually determined with
clusters = cutree(h, k = 7)
What I would like ultimately is to automatically set up in the cutree function the k number of clusters, based on an "ideal" number of clusters.
It seems that the package clValid has such function (optimalScores).
However, I cannot pass a distance matrix into clValid.
clValid(obj = as.dist(, 2:6, clMethods = 'hierarchical')
I get this error
argument 'obj' must be a matrix, data.frame, or ExpressionSet object
I get the same kind of error using other packages such as NbClust
NbClust(diss = as.dist(, method = 'ward.D')
Data matrix is needed.
Anyone knows how to solve this or knows other packages?
There are several different criteria for measuring the quality of a clustering result and choosing the optimal number of clusters. Take a look at the weightedCluster package:
You can easily compare between different measures and numbers of clusters.

Silhouette plot in R

I have a set of data containing:
item, associated cluster, silhouette coefficient. I can further augment this data set with more information if necessary.
I would like to generate a silhouette plot in R. I am having trouble with this because examples I came across use the built-in kmeans (or related) clustering function and plot the result. I want to bypass this step and produce the plot for my own clustering algorithm but I'm ending up short on providing the correct arguments to the plot function.
Thank you.
Data set example
What I've tried is loading the dataset and passing it to the plot function using various arguments based on
Function silhouette in package cluster can do the plots for you. It just needs a vector of cluster membership (produced from whatever algorithm you choose) and a dissimilarity matrix (probably best to use the same one used in producing the clusters). For example:
library (cluster)
library (vegan)
dis = vegdist(varespec)
res = pam(dis,3) # or whatever your choice of clustering algorithm is
sil = silhouette (res$clustering,dis) # or use your cluster vector
windows() # RStudio sometimes does not display silhouette plots correctly
EDIT: For k-means (which uses squared Euclidean distance)
library (vegan)
library (cluster)
dis = dist(varespec)^2
res = kmeans(varespec,3)
sil = silhouette (res$cluster, dis)
