R - Web Scrape of job board - r

I am trying to get a list of Companies and jobs in a table from indeed.com's job board.
I am using the rvest package using a URL Base of http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=proprietary+trader&
mydata = read.csv("setup.csv", header=TRUE)
url_base <- "http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=proprietary+trader&"
names <- mydata$Page
for (name in names){
url <-paste0(url_base,name)
title.results <- url %>%
html() %>%
html_nodes(".jobtitle") %>%
company.results <- url %>%
html() %>%
html_nodes(".company") %>%
results <- smartbind(company.results, title.results)
results3<-data.frame(company=company.results, title=title.results)
new <- results(Company=company, Title=title)
and then looping a contatenation. For some reason it is not grabbing all of the jobs and mixing the companies and jobs.

It might be because you make two separate requests to the page. You should change the middle part of your code to:
page <- url %>%
title.results <- page %>%
html_nodes(".jobtitle") %>%
company.results <- page %>%
html_nodes(".company") %>%
When I do that, it seems to give me 10 jobs and companies which match. Can you give an example otherwise of a query URL that doesn't work?


Rvest Pulls Empty Tables

The site I use to scrape data has changed and I'm having issues pulling the data into table format. I used two different types of codes below trying to get the tables, but it is returning blanks instead of tables.
I'm a novice in regards to scraping and would appreciate the expertise of the group. Should I look for other solutions in rvest, or try to learn a program like rSelenium?
Scrape for Multiple Links
df23 <- expand.grid(
stat_id = c("02568","02674", "02567", "02564", "101")
) %>%
links = paste0(
) %>%
#replaced tournament_id with stat_id
get_info <- function(link, stat_id){
data <- link %>%
read_html() %>%
html_table() %>%
test_main_stats <- df23 %>%
mutate(tables = map2(links, stat_id, possibly(get_info, otherwise = tibble())))
test_main_stats <- test_main_stats %>%
Alternative Code
url <- read_html("https://www.pgatour.com/stats/detail/02568")
test1 <- url %>%
html_nodes(".css-8atqhb") %>%
This page uses javascript to create the table, so rvest will not directly work. But if one examines the page's source code, all of the data is stored in JSON format in a "<script>" node.
This code finds that node and converts from JSON to a list. The variable is the main table but there is a wealth of other information contained in the JSON data struture.
#read page
page <- read_html("https://www.pgatour.com/stats/detail/02675")
#find the script with the correct id tage, strip the html code
datascript <- page %>% html_elements(xpath = ".//script[#id='__NEXT_DATA__']") %>% html_text()
#convert from JSON
output <- jsonlite::fromJSON(datascript)
#explore the output
#get the main table
answer <-output$props$pageProps$statDetails$rows

How to scrape a table created using datawrapper using rvest?

I am trying to scrape Table 1 from the following website using rvest:
Following is the code i have written:
link <- "https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/u-s-international-covid-19-vaccine-donations-tracker/"
page <- read_html(link)
page %>% html_nodes("iframe") %>% html_attr("src") %>% .[11] %>% read_html() %>%
html_nodes("table.medium datawrapper-g2oKP-6idse1 svelte-1vspmnh resortable")
But, i get {xml_nodeset (0)} as the result. I am struggling to figure out the correct tag to select in html_nodes() from the datawrapper page to extract Table 1.
I will be really grateful if someone can point out the mistake i am making, or suggest a solution to scrape this table.
Many thanks.
The data is present in the iframe but needs a little manipulation. It is easier, for me at least, to construct the csv download url from the iframe page then request that csv
page <- read_html('https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/u-s-international-covid-19-vaccine-donations-tracker/')
iframe <- page %>% html_element('iframe[title^="Table 1"]') %>% html_attr('src')
id <- read_html(iframe) %>% html_element('meta') %>% html_attr('content') %>% str_match('/(\\d+)/') %>% .[, 2]
csv_url <- paste(iframe,id, 'dataset.csv', sep = '/' )
data <- vroom(csv_url, show_col_types = FALSE)

Launch web browser and copy information contained R

I'm trying to find a way to copy-paste the title and the abstract from a PubMed page.
I started using
browseURL("https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19592249") ## final numbers are the PMID
now I can't find a way to obtain the title and the abstract in a txt way. I have to do it for multiple PMID so I need to automatize it. It can be useful also just copying everything is on that page and after I can take only what I need.
Is it possible to do that? thanks!
I suppose what you're trying to do is scrape PubMed for articles of interest?
Here's one way to do this using the rvest package:
#Required libraries.
getpubmed <- function(url){
dat <- rvest::read_html(url)
pid <- dat %>% html_elements(xpath = '//*[#title="PubMed ID"]') %>% html_text2() %>% unique()
ptitle <- dat %>% html_elements(xpath = '//*[#class="heading-title"]') %>% html_text2() %>% unique()
pabs <- dat %>% html_elements(xpath = '//*[#id="enc-abstract"]') %>% html_text2()
return(data.frame(pubmed_id = pid, title = ptitle, abs = pabs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#Test run.
urls <- c("https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19592249", "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22281223/")
df <- do.call("rbind", lapply(urls, getpubmed))
The code should be fairly self-explanatory. (I've not added the contents of df here for brevity.) The function getpubmed does no error-handling or anything of that sort, but it is a start. By supplying a vector of URLs to the do.call("rbind", lapply(urls, getpubmed)) construct, you can get back a data.frame consisting of the PubMed ID, title, and abstract as columns.
Another option would be to explore the easyPubMed package.
I would also use a function and rvest. However, I would go with a passing the pid in as the argument function, using html_node as only a single node is needed to be matched, and use faster css selectors. String cleaning is done via stringr package:
get_abstract <- function(pid){
page <- read_html(paste0('https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/', pid))
df <-tibble(
title = page %>% html_node('.heading-title') %>% html_text() %>% str_squish(),
abstract = page %>% html_node('#enc-abstract') %>% html_text() %>% str_squish()

How to use rvest's read_html to read a list of HTML files?

I have a list of web urls that are all the same page, just with different information.
Like this:
Each one has a different address under the CSS selector .store-details__address.
I have written the following code that outputs a the correct address for a single page:
derby <- read_html("http://www.halfordsautocentres.com/autocentres/derby-wyvern-way")
derby %>%
+ html_node(".store-details__address") %>%
+ html_text()
[1] "Unit 7, Wyvern Way, Wyvern Retail Park, Derby, DE21 6NZ"
How can I make read_html read a list of urls rather than just a single one?
You can use any looping strategy that you want: for, lapply, purrr::map.
urls <- c("http://www.halfordsautocentres.com/autocentres/chesterfield",
Base R using a for loop
out <- vector("character", length = length(urls))
for(i in seq_along(urls)){
derby <- read_html(urls[i])
out[i] <- derby %>%
html_node(".store-details__address") %>%
Base R with *apply
urls %>%
lapply(read_html) %>%
lapply(html_node, ".store-details__address") %>%
vapply(html_text, character(1))
Here is a tidyverse/purrr
urls %>%
map(read_html) %>%
map(html_node, ".store-details__address") %>%

I want to loop over a dataframe containing urls using rvest in r

First i scrape a certain amount of urls from a website and collect them into a dataframe. However i want to loop over the urls which i collected into the dataframe. This is my code:
##########GET URLS###################################################################################
urls <- read_html("http://www.klassiekshop.nl/labels/labels-a-e/brilliant-classics/?limit=all")
urls <- urls %>%
html_nodes(".product-name a") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
url <- as.data.frame(urls)
#########EXTRACT URLS FROM DATAFRAME URLS############################################################
#########CREATE DATAFRAME############################################################################
EAN <- 0
price <- 0
df <- data.frame(EAN, price)
#########GET DATA####################################################################################
pricing_data <- for(i in urls){
site <-read_html(i)
stats <- data.frame(EAN =site %>% html_node("b") %>% html_text() ,
price =site %>% html_node(".price") %>% html_text() ,
data <-rbind(df,stats)
When debugging the loop runs over the urls. However it doesn't collect the data. Does anyone know how to get the data from the site?
It's because you're rbinding df to stats... but you never change df... I think you want to change the last line of your code to:
df <-rbind(df,stats)
