How to hide iOS Keyboard with Leadfoot / Appium / Webdriver? - webdriver

Does anyone know how to hide the iOS keyboard on Appium (latest: v1.4.1) using Leadfoot / Intern? I'd hoped that:
...would dismiss the keyboard but I get
Starting tunnel...
Initialised iOS on MAC 8.1
Test main - Suite Name - Login Screen FAILED on iOS on MAC 8.1:
UnknownCommand: [POST http://192.168.158:4723/wd/hub/session/410a4e1e-b886-4e2a-aec0-f1c5178577e4/ime/deactivate] **Not yet implemented**
Which is fairly clear why .deactivateIme() isn't working.


Appium\Appium Inspector - Unable to identify objects on certain page of IOS App

On first page of IOs App and other screens Appium and Appium inspector are working
On one of second page where there are lot of data elements and dynamic data I see issues with Appium unable to identify objects or elements of IOs App
a. Switching from WebView to Native app and vise versa in script using driver context
b. Trying with web, native, hybrid mode on Appium inspector
c. Setting up capability to get limited objects and some of issues others users has faced which are defined in user groups but no go ( It works fine with some of other apps we tried )
d. Tried launch or opening Appium inspector directly on second page
Following capabilities used, I don't blame capabilities or setup as its working fine with other pages and other apps perfectly
capabilities: {
"platformName": "iOS",
"appium:automationName": "XCUITest",
"appium:xcodeSigningId": "iPhone Developer",
"appium:udid": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"appium:deviceName": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"appium:xcodeOrgId": "xxxxxxxxx",
"appium:platformVersion": "15.5",
"appium:systemPort": 8201,
"": xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxxx,
"appium:newCommandTimeout": 5000,

Appium iOS 11 RemoteViewBridge - access default app sdk like Photo, Email

App has access to import image from photo and other option is sending doc via email. In automation I could access photo and email options once my app loads the ui on init. This was working in iOS 10 and Xcode 8. Now, Upon upgrade the Xcode to 9 and iOS 11 the same app is not allowing me to access the element in Photo and Email. When I checked the element in Inspector, it shows me the entire Photo/Email page is RemoteViewBridge. Could you help me on this, how to fix this issue?
UIImagePickerController class has a private view hierarchy. The collection view cannot be accessed anymore from appium. In ios 11 you cannot access these elements. Try using iOS 10.3 or wait for the fix. I am accessing using coordinates in my project for the time being.

ZXing Scanner Camera is not activating in UWP and WP 8.1

I am using the example code from the ZXing page .
Details are :
Windows 10 Pro N, Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 ,
Xamarin.Forms , ZXing.Net.Mobile 2.1.47 ,
I am using below code
var scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage ();
await Navigation.PushModalAsync (scanPage);
scanPage.OnScanResult += (result) =>
scanPage.IsScanning = false;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (async () =>
await Navigation.PopModalAsync ();
await DisplayAlert("Scanned Barcode", result.Text, "OK");
Also I have added the below line in the MainPage.xml file of the UWP project just before LoadApplication method call
Also I have provided access to the WebCam from the application manifest.
When I run the application in Debug or Release mode in the emulator then it opens the scanner but small black/white /red /green square comes and computer webcam is not accessed.
When I run it as windows 10 app then nothing comes, only blank screen comes.
When I run it in the real windows 10 mobile, then scanner opens but camera doesn't opens, the white screen with red line opens and camera doesn't activates.
The same thing happens with WIndows 8.1 also.
Any help would be deeply appreciated. I have wasted lot of time to explore the internet used almost every combination. If anyone have the solution please please provide me.
The above code works fine for Android and I am able to scan the bar code and QR code.
I have tried all options given by users in different forums, but none of them were working.
if you are also facing same issue then please check you camera. If you are using Windows Pro N or KN version, then you have to install the media feature pack to make camera working.
I installed the media fature pack for windows K and KN versions but still it was not working.
When I try to open the Camera App then also it was saying that Media Fature Pack Required for Windows K and KN versions.
Finally I installed Windows 10 Pro version (removed Pro N/KN version) and reinstalled VS 2015 and tried of of the solution given by user at xamarin forum
But still I am still facing this issue for WP 8.1

How do you see logging from a Meteor Cordova iOS app?

From what I understand, doing a console.log in a normal Cordova app gets piped to the Xcode debug output, but that doesn't work for my Meteor Cordova iOS app, so I've been doing alerts, which isn't as good.
#Ethaan's answer is a good point, but I don't think it is answering the OP's intended question. I am going to re-iterate the comment from #user728291 on the Question since I believe it is the sought answer.
Safari Remote Debugging will show you console.log messages from
Xcode's simulator or a connected device.
And in the case that the hyper-link may someday be moot, I will re-iterate the referenced text from the link:
If you are doing iOS PhoneGap debugging and have the Safari Develop Menu enabled, you can access the currently active session through the built-in Safari Web Inspector. To activate, go to Develop -> (iPad || iPhone) Simulator (normally, the third menu item) and click the active session you want to connect to. Voila!
The same way you can use Meteor.isServer and Meteor.isClient booleans
to separate your client-side code and server-side code, you can use
Meteor.isCordova constant to separate your Cordova/Phonegap-specific
code from the rest of code shipped to browsers and mobile devices.
From Meteor Cordova Phonegap Integration Documentation
So try with this.
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
console.log('Hi iam on the console from Xcode")
console.log("Welcome back " + Meteor.user().username);
console.log("the user with the id " + Meteor.userId() + " Just logged In");

$authWithOAuthPopup() doesn't work on mobile

The following does not open a popup/new tab/do anything on Chrome 39.0.2171.50 for iOS 8.1.2 (12B440),
however it does seem to work on Safari on the same device:
<button ng-click="$auth.$authWithOAuthPopup('facebook')">Login with Facebook</button>
See plnkr:
Is this a bug with Chrome or Firebase/AngularFire or am I doing something incorrectly?
I see from here that this may be a Chrome issue, however I can't get $authWithOAuthRedirect() to work either; see:
Both Popup and Redirect work on Desktop Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Firebase does not support popups are all platforms. In the event that an unsupported platform is detected, the authWithOAuthPopup() method will return an error with the code TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE, indicating that you should try to authenticate with a different transport, such as a browser redirect.
Iam not sure of ios but if you use android device along with ionic and firebase, run the following command to fix the issue:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
