qmake's write_file() and system() doesn't want to make a file - qt

I've got a strange behavior of qmake while trying to write smth to another file. I read all possible manuals and searched out the internet but found nothing similiar. Closer to the simplest possible code:
!system(echo 1 > d:\1.txt) {
warning(Cant create a file)
It doesn't create a file, and it doesn't show a warning, that means that operation succeded. Another example:
var = test string
file = $$absolute_path(d:\1.txt)
message(Variable: $$var and filename: $$file)
!write_file($$pathBat, pathtowrite) {
warning(Cant create a file)
This block produces output:
Project MESSAGE: Variable: test string and filename: d:/1.txt
And nothing is said about the fact the file has not been created.
I've already checked the rights to write to the directory: everything seems fine.
Can anybody help me with this?
I've found something else: message($$system(echo 1 > 1.txt)) works fine. And this is what makes me cry, because I really don't understand what is going on.

Huh! I found the solution and it may sounds like buy yourself some brain. I thought, that qmake is launched every time the project file is changed (output of message commands proved my thoughts), but it's not really the way things happen in Qt.
I don't know how exactly, but it parses the .pro file, does only some necessary operations, and as I can see system() (which is going to change some file), write_file() commands doesn't seem to be invoked.
The SOLUTION is so much simple: natively launch qmake using the Build - Launch qmake.


RDCOMClient log file

I have been using RDCOMClient for a while now to interact with vendor software. For the most part it has worked fine. Recently, however, I have the need to loop through many operations (several hundred). I am running into problems with the RDCOM.err file growing to a very large size (easily GBs). This file is put in C: with no apparent option to change that. Is there some way that I can suppress this output or specify another location for the file to go? I don't need any of the output in the file so suppressing it would be best.
EDIT: I tried to add to my script a file.remove but R has the file locked. The only way I can get the lock released is to restart R.
Setting the permissions to read only was going to be my suggested hack.
A slightly more elegant approach is to edit one line of the C code in the package in src/RUtils.h from
\#define errorLog(a,...) fprintf(getErrorFILE(), a, ##__VA_ARGS__); fflush(getErrorFILE());
\#define errorLog(a, ...) {}
However, I've pushed some simple updates to the package on github that add a writeErrors() function that one can use to toggle whether errors are written or not. So this allows this to be turned on and off dynamically.
will turn off the error logging to the file.
I found a work around for this. I created the files C:\RDCOM.err and C:\RDCOM_server.err and marked them both as read-only. I am not sure if there is a better way to accomplish this, but for now I am running without logging.

how can i get the current file directory in R

I have seen many related answers here,but i didn't get a proper way to solve my problem under windows system...
I know the link the similar question
I got that setwd() can locate the directory what i want,however,my R script may move to another directory without any modification,so I want to know the current file directory,becase there are expression like source(...),this called source file and the execution file under the same parent directory in a R project,how I can do?
any help appreciated.
You can get your current directory using the getwd() function and give it a name, say:
cpath = getwd()
Another useful function is the file.path, which can help you specify new directories with simple syntax. For example, you want to get the directory that is one level "above" the current directory, you can use:
upp.dir = file.path("..", "cpath")
This gives upp.dir as "../Your_Current_Dir". How about changing to another folder (called Folder_A) in current directory? Use:
folderA = file.path("cpath", "Folder_A")
These may help easy navigate the file system.
Basically, if you write scripts and those scripts depend on where they are, then you are Doing It Wrong.
Write code in packages. Parameterise functions to make them generally applicable. If you have folders with data in, then make one of those parameters a folder.
A script called with source() cannot reliably locate itself, but that shouldn't be a problem, because WHATEVER CALLED THE SCRIPT knows where the script is (it has to, or how else can it call it?) so it could pass that as a parameter. Something like:
> youarehere = "C:\foo\"
> source("C:\foo\bar.R")
and now bar.R can do setwd(youarehere) and it will work, even if it is badly written such that it relies on sourcing other code in its containing folder.
Or you can do:
> setwd(youarehere)
> source("bar.R")
in your calling function.
But really, its a fail, its a sign of badly written code. Use functions, write packages, use devtools, its really not that hard, then your code will work anywhere and you wont be writing stupid scripts that are a twisty turny maze of source() calls.
Stay classy.

GNAT Programming Suite: Cross-Reference Info Not Up To Date (this is a guess)

I'm trying to get package references resolved during a build, using GNAT Programming Suite (hosted on Win XP). In the Builder Results, I get errors like this one:
file "ac_configuration_s.ada" not found
Clicking on the error takes me to a line like this:
The first item (Ac_Configuration) isn't resolved, but the second item (Dispense_Time) is resolved. I have several others that do or don't resolve. All of the files in question (spec and body) are identified as source files.
When I hover my mouse over the line with the error, a popup shows up that offers this:
(Cross-references info not up to date. This is a guess.)
local package declared at D_Ac_Config_S.Ada:85
The guess is correct, but I don't know how to use this. How do I get this to correctly build?
Here is teh call to gcc
gcc -c "-gnatec=C:\Source\build\GNAT-TEMP-000001.TMP" -I- -gnatA
-x ada "-gnatem=C:\Source\build\GNAT-TEMP-000002.TMP" "C:\Source\C_Cbt_Main_B.Ada"
I don't see a reference to teh "miimal" switch.
In this case, there is no corresponding body file file D_Ac_Config_S.Ada. So the is no body file to compile separately.
When I right click on the package reference inside the with, I can goto the declaration of Ac_Configuration and every other package name that is the source of an error. So these lreferences are being resolved somehow.
By the way, I have not used ADA before, so I'm still trying to understand everything.
It looks as though you're using _s.ada as the suffix for specs, and I'm guessing _b.ada for bodies?
GNAT may have difficulty with this naming convention. It's possible, using a GNAT Project file (.gpr), to alter GNAT's default convention ({unit-name}.ads for specs, {unit-name}.adb for bodies) but the rules (see "Spec_Suffix") say "It cannot start with an underscore followed by an alphanumeric character" (I haven't tried this, but you can see that it would confuse the issue if you had a package Foo_S, for example).
LATER: It turns out that GNAT (GPL, 4.7, 4.8) is quite happy with your suffixes!
If the package Ac_Configuration is really a local package declared at line 85 of D_Ac_Config_S.Ada, then there's your problem; you can only with a library unit, which in this case would be D_Ac_Config.
with D_Ac_Config;
package Foo is
Bar : D_Ac_Config.Ac_Configuration.Baz;
I wonder whether D_Ac_Config_S.Ada (for example) actually contains multiple Ada units? (if so, compiling that file should result in a compilation error such as end of file expected, file can have only one compilation unit). GNAT doesn't support this at compile time, providing instead a utility gnatchop.
Would it be possible to just gnatchop all the source and be done with it?
Hm, I think it sounds like the compiler's got a bad set of objects/ALIs it's working with, hence the cross-reference not up to date error. (Usually the compiler's good about keeping things up to date; but you may want to check to see if the "minimal recompilation" switch is set for the project.)
Have you tried compiling just the ["owning"] file D_Ac_Config_S.Ada? (i.e. if it were a spec, go to the corresponding body and compile that.) That should force its ALI/object files to be updated.
Then try building as normal.
-- PS: you might have to clean first.

risks of using setwd() in a script?

I've heard it said that it is bad practice to use setwd() in a script.
What are the risks/dangers associated with it?
What are better alternatives?
It's an issue of reproducible code. If you specify a directory that doesn't exist on someone else's computer, then they can't use your code. This is particularly bad with absolute file paths, and particularly bad with Windows file paths (which are absolutely impossible to replicate on a Unix system).
My preferred solution is to specify that the user should be in the relevant directory on their own system before starting to run the code. If for your own convenience you want to put a setwd(...) right at the top of your code, where other people can notice it and comment it out as appropriate, but the rest of your code assumes only relative paths from that starting directory, that's OK with me.
Yihui Xie (author of knitr) feels particularly strongly about this:
Whenever you want to manipulate files, they are assumed to be under
the same directory of your source (e.g. Rnw documents). Then you can
always use relative paths and you will never need to setwd(). Using
setwd() contradicts with the principle of reproducibility, e.g. you
use setwd('foo/bar/') and the directory may not exist in other
people's computers. See FAQ 7:
And from the aforementioned FAQ 7:
You'd better not do this [change working directory inside knitr code
chunks]. Your working directory is always getwd() (all output files
will be written here), but the code chunks are evaluated under the
directory where your input document comes from. Changing working
directories while running R code is a bad practice in general. See #38
for a discussion. You should also try to avoid absolute directories
whenever possible (use relative directories instead), because it makes
things less reproducible.
See also: https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/38
I can't think of any particular issues with using setwd() in a script run on a server I manage as it does return an error which can be trapped with try(), and you can manage it. I have used setwd() when being lazy about paths - see below!
I use file.path() extensively in scripts production or otherwise. Working across the files in an input directory and putting the output graphics and reports elsewhere. So something along the lines of... (untested) This would be a bit tedious using setwd().
kInDir <- '~/Indir'
kOutDir <- '~/Outdir'
flist <- dir(path=kInDir, pattern='^[a-z]{2,5}\\.csv$')
# note I could have used full.names=T - but it's easier not to...
for (fnam in flist) {
# full path to the report file created
sfnam <- file.path(kOutDir, gsub('.csv', '_report.txt', fnam))
# full path to the csv file that will be created
ofnam <- file.path(kOutDir, gsub('.csv', '_b.csv', fnam))
# ok... we're going to process this CSV file...
r1 <- read.csv(file.path(kInDir, fnam))
# we''ll put the output from the analysis into this report file
sink(sfnam, split=TRUE)
# processs it... into a new data.frame k1
# blah blah blah...
write.csv(k1, file=ofnam, row.names=FALSE)
sink() # turn off this particular report file
Toward the better alternatives question:
I mainly use R for individual projects (meaning I'm the primary analyst). However, we do use these in projects which sometimes need to be shared with others.
RStudio - Projects
I have found RStudio's Projects functionality goes a long way to keeping your files organized. If other users also adopt RStudio, they will have the nice feeling of being able to open a single file ("*.Rproj") and have the project load in the same state you last saved it to.
On top of this, I've found a new tool, ProjectTemplate that goes a step further! The technique the author developed is used to provide structure to what you are doing. Please go over to the website for more detail.
Though problems with setwd() have been targeted, I would like to add one more to the what are the alternatives part of the question. We often work with git where the relative path is very convenient
setrelwd <- function(rel_path){
curr_dir <- getwd()
abs_path <- file.path(curr_dir,rel_path)
warning('Directory does not exist. Please create it first.')
> setrelwd("Summer2016")
Warning message:
In setrelwd("Summer2016") : Directory does not exist. Please create it first.
Also if you don't want to see the warning message but create a folder right away see Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist
To make things a bit more portable where I work we all put this in a Rprofile
So i always have that variable to get me to our shared drive. Then in my script we can write
So that gets us around some of the problems that others are talking about.
I personally added the following code. I use Sys.info() and any() with unique information.
First step is to use Sys.info() and find the unique identifier for your computer.
if(any(Sys.info() == "COMPUTER1")) {
if(any(Sys.info() == "COMPUTER2")) {
and just add the name of the computer to the if statement and add the correct path. Just add a new if for each machine.
For reproduction it does not change anyone's working directory unless they are that specific user.

get filename and path of `source`d file

How can a sourced or Sweaved file find out its own path?
I work a lot with .R scripts or .Rnw files.
My projects are organized in a directory structure, but the path of the project's base directory frequently varies between different computers (e.g. because I just do parts of data analysis for someone else, and their directory structure is different from mine: I have projects base directories ~/Projects/StudentName/ or ~/Projects/Studentname/Projectname and most students who have just their one Project usually have it under ~/Measurements/ or ~/DataAnalysis/ or something the like - which wouldn't work for me).
So a line like
setwd (my.own.path ())
would be incredibly useful as it would allow to ensure the working directory is the base path of the project regardless of where that project actually is. Without the need that the user must think of setting the working directory.
Let me clarify: I look for a solution that works with pressing the editor's/IDE's source or Sweave Keyboard shortcut of the unthinking user.
Just FYI, knitr will setwd() to the dir of the input file when (and only when) evaluating the code chunks, i.e. if you call knit('path/to/input.Rnw'), the working dir will be temporarily switched to path/to/. If you want to know the input dir in code chunks, currently you can call an unexported function knitr:::input_dir() (I may export it in the future).
Starting from gsk3's Seb's suggestions, here's an idea:
the combination of username (login) and IP or name of the computer could be used to select the right directory.
That leads to something like:
setwd (switch (paste (Sys.info () [c ("user", "nodename")], collapse="."),
user.laptop = "~/Messungen",
user2.server = "~/Projekte/Projekt/",
So there is an automatic solution, that
works with source
works with Sweave
even works for interactive sessions where the commands are sent line by line
the combination of user and nodename of course needs to be specific
the paths need to be edited by hand, though.
Improvements welcome!
Gabor Grothendieck answered the following to a related question on r-help today:
this.dir <- dirname(parent.frame(2)$ofile)
which will work for source.
Another update: I now do most of the data analysis work in RStudio. RStudio's projects basically solve the problem: RStudio changes the working directory to the project root directory every time I switch between projects.
I can therefore put the project directory as far down my directory tree as I want (and the students can also put their copy wherever they want) and sync the data files and scripts/.Rnws via version control (We use a private git server). The RStudio project files are kept out of the version control, i.e. .gitignore contains .Rproj.user.
Obviously, within the project, the directory structure needs to be synchronized.
You can use sys.calls() to get the command used to source the file. Then you need a bit of trickery using regular expressions to get the pathname, bearing in mind that source("something/filename") could have used either the absolute or relative path. Here's a first attempt at putting all the pieces together: try inserting the following lines at the top of a source file.
# This should be an expression that looks something like
# source("pathname/myfilename.R")
whereFrom=as.character(whereFrom[2]) # get the pathname/filename
whereFrom=paste(getwd(),whereFrom,sep="/") # prefix it with the current working directory
pathnameIndex=gregexpr(".*/",whereFrom) # we want the string up to the final '/'
print(whereFrom) # or "setwd(whereFrom)" to set the working directory
It's not very robust—for instance, it will fail on windows with source("pathname\\filename"), and I haven't tested what happens if you have one file sourcing another file—but you might be able to build a solution on top of this.
I have no direct solution how to obtain the directory of the file itself but if you have a limited range of directories and directory structures you can probably use
You could check out the pattern of the directory in question and then set the dir. Does this help you?
An additional problem is that the working directory is a global variable, which can be changed by any script, so if your script calls another script, it will have to set the wd back. In RStudio I use Session -> Set Working Directory -> To Source File Location (I know, it's not ideal), and then my script does
wd = getwd ()
source ("mySubDir/myOtherScript.R", chdir=TRUE); setwd (wd)
source ("anotherSubDir/anotherScript.R", chdir=TRUE); setwd (wd)
In this way one can maintain a stack of working directories. I would love to see this implemented in the language itself.
This answer works for source and also inside nvim-R - I have no idea if it works with knitr and similar things. Any feedback appreciated.
If you have multiple scripts source-ing each other, it is important to get the correct one. That is, the largest i for which sys.frame(i)$ofile exists.
get.full.path.to.this.sourced.script = function() {
for(i in sys.nframe():1) { # Go through all the call frames,
# in *reverse* order.
x = sys.frame(i)$ofile
if(!is.null(x)) # if $ofile exists,
return(normalizePath(x)) # then return the full absolute path
