Woocommerce display downloadable files with an external url - wordpress

I need help with this: I need that the url of the downloadable products link with an external url. I´m trying to add a custom field and replace the filters woocommerce_product_file and woocommerce_product_file_download_path but it didn't worked, I think because I can´t call to the product data from the order. Someone did this? Thank you for your help!
The code doesn't works. Now is something like:
*function mostrar_campo_personalizado_en_order($file_id){
global $wpdb, $woocommerce;
echo get_post_meta($file_id, 'downloadable_url', true);
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_file', 'mostrar_campo_personalizado_en_order', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_file_download_path', 'mostrar_campo_personalizado_en_order', 10, 1 );*
I don´t know if I´m working in the correct way, I need to change the url of the downloadable products because woocommerce internally routed. Because I couldn't modify him, I intente removal and display a custom post field. The page is in a test server because the site is on line. The url of the tester server ishttp://lab.jus.raffles.com.ar/my-account/ but you need credential to come in:
user: paula
pass: 5VPeGgAHWzYX1T


Which hook do I use, to redirect user based on post/category?

I'm new to WP development. I need to write a hook to check if the currently logged in user is viewing a post listed within a specific category, and then redirect user if they're lacking certain meta data.
I tried creating this function:
however inside that function I was unable to get the post object (I have tried everything I found on the web!)
global $post; // This object is not valid at this time
global $wp; // $wp->request is empty
$_REQUEST; // This var is giving me an empty array! Is this normal??? :(
Could you kindly suggest, what hook is best to use in this case, and how to get the post object? Many thanks!
Use 'wp' hook instead of 'init'.
Maybe this would work for you.

How to get permalink to a specific WooCommerce endpoint?

Hi I am looking how to get a permalink to a woocommerce my account page endpoint. For example edit-address or orders.
I tried this which I know can't possibly be right, it also appends a 0 onto the end of the link.
get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') )+"orders";
You should use wc_get_endpoint_url(), it will get endpoint value you set in Woocommerce settings so if you change it one day, your URLs will be updated.
wc_get_endpoint_url('orders', '', get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id')))
Available endpoints are :
Replace your code with this
get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') ) . "orders";
PHP concatenation is dot symbol not plus symbol. https://stackoverflow.com/a/1866194/1593365. Your code seems right only

Wordpress and Woocmmerce - how to access settings from theme?

Im trying to pull the settings from Woocommerce admin. I found this:
$string = woocommerce_settings_get_option( $option_name, $default );
It looks to be a public function but I cannot access from my theme files. It just gives me Fatal error: Call to undefined. Anyone have any idea how you can access the setting from the theme?
I'm trying to get 'woocommerce_frontend_css_primary', $colors['primary'] so can tie them into the rest of the theme. Woocommerce currently just write the values directly to .less file.
Woocommerce docs are a bit misleading, but it turns out there is another function called get_option... as long as you know the name of the option you can use. EG. get array of front end colors:
$woo_styles = get_option( 'woocommerce_frontend_css_colors' );

Wordpress URL rewrite not working/registering

I've been trying to get my head around Wordpress URL rewrites, but I'm having no luck.
What I want to do:
I building a custom plugin where a user can build products from various options. The options collectively build a code which refers to the unique product the customer has built.
The code might be something like 140-3-WPA-ABC-2.
The plugin will appear on a single dedicated page:
I want a customer with a prexisiting code to be able to enter it into the url like this:
Whereupon, the plugin gets the variable, and uses it to build the correct product.
It should be fairly simply but I can't get anything to work using the Wordpress URL rewriting rules, I can't even get anything to seemingly get registered as a Wordpress query var.
I've been trying the following in the main plugin initialisation code:
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'conf_query_vars' );
add_action( 'init', 'cong_rewrites' );
function conf_query_vars($query_vars){
$query_vars[] = 'product_code';
return $query_vars;
function conf_rewrites(){
If I then try and open http://wordpress-site/configurator/140-3-WPA-ABC-2/ I get a page not found error. Echoing query_vars seems to show the variable 'product_code' is not created.
ps I've tried flushing the rewrite cache. Apologies for cross-posting to Wordpress.stackexchange.com - but seems programming question better here?
Try this, I had the same problem.
add_action('init', function() {
add_rewrite_endpoint('sponsor', EP_ALL);
add_filter('request', function($args) {
return $args;
I think you should just integrate the function add_rewrite_endpoint.

Wordpress permalink without domain name

OK it might sound stange but I am facing a good challenge with wordpress.
when echoing the_permalink(); and checking the portfolio pages, I am getting a link something like this:
(Where test is the portfolio name).
Is there any option to return the permalink trimmed to ?portfolio=test keeping out the domain url?
While asking, I think I got the answer already (trim()) but I would like to hear your ideas too.
every answer will be much appreciated!
You can obtain the permalink of a post by doing something like so:
function my_permalink() {
echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(get_option('home')));
The get_option method replaces the deprecated get_settings method, and allows you to retrieve named option values from the database:
The 'home' value passed in to the get_option method will return the site URL.
