Changing text direction in QTableView header - qt

I would like to have a table view in Qt, where the header text would go in vertical direction:
Either like in green square or like in red?

You can achieve that by providing your own implementation of QHeaderView. Here is an example implementation, which overrides the paintSection method to paint the text vertically.
class MyHeaderView(QtWidgets.QHeaderView):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super().__init__(Qt.Horizontal, parent)
self._font = QtGui.QFont("helvetica", 15)
self._metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self._font)
self._descent = self._metrics.descent()
self._margin = 10
def paintSection(self, painter, rect, index):
data = self._get_data(index)
painter.drawText(- rect.height() + self._margin,
rect.left() + (rect.width() + self._descent) / 2, data)
def sizeHint(self):
return QtCore.QSize(0, self._get_text_width() + 2 * self._margin)
def _get_text_width(self):
return max([self._metrics.width(self._get_data(i))
for i in range(0, self.model().columnCount())])
def _get_data(self, index):
return self.model().headerData(index, self.orientation())
You can use this class in your view as follows:
headerView = MyHeaderView()
And it will result in the following view:
As a side note I want to add that for regular items, you would rather provide your own item delegate. However, as noted in the Qt documentation:
Each header renders the data for each section itself, and does
not rely on a delegate. As a result, calling a header's
setItemDelegate() function will have no effect.


Should I use QGraphicsView to display an image and some decorated text side by side?

I want to create a "details" view for books I have downloaded.
With the attached image as an example, imagine the red block to the left is the book's cover page, and metadata related to it is displayed to the right.
With the way I have it done right now:
from PySide6 import QtWidgets as qtw
from PySide6 import QtGui as qtg
from PySide6 import QtCore as qtc
class Details:
def __init__(self):
self.location = "/home/user/Desktop/Untitled.png"
self.title = "Some title"
self.subtitle = "Sub title" = 123124
def to_html(self):
return """
<b>Author =</b> author<br/>
<b>Published Date =</b> 2000-1-1<br/>
<b>Pages =</b> 500<br/>
class DetailsWidget(qtw.QWidget):
_title_font = qtg.QFont()
_subtitle_font = qtg.QFont()
_id_font = qtg.QFont()
_redacted_details_font = qtg.QFont()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.setFixedSize(1000, 500)
self.setWindowFlag(qtc.Qt.WindowType.Dialog, True)
self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self._details: Details = Details()
self._thumbnail_image = qtg.QImage(self._details.location)
self._thumbnail_image = self._thumbnail_image.scaled(
self._details_rect = qtc.QRect(
self._get_actual_geometry().left() + self._thumbnail_image.width() + 10,
self._get_actual_geometry().width() - self._thumbnail_image.width() - 20,
height = 0
self._title_rects = []
font_metrics_rect = qtg.QFontMetrics(self._title_font).boundingRect(
self._details_rect, qtc.Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap, self._details.title, 0
drawing_rect = qtc.QRect(self._details_rect)
height += font_metrics_rect.height() + 10
drawing_rect = qtc.QRect(self._details_rect)
font_metrics_rect = qtg.QFontMetrics(self._title_font).boundingRect(
self._details_rect, qtc.Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap, self._details.subtitle, 0
drawing_rect = qtc.QRect(self._details_rect)
height += font_metrics_rect.height() - 3
font_metrics_rect = qtg.QFontMetrics(self._title_font).boundingRect(
height += font_metrics_rect.height() + 10
self._redacted_details_text_document = qtg.QTextDocument()
# First set the width,
# then get the height of the QTextDocument based on the given width and set
# that + the titles heights + bottom padding as the total height.
if (total_height:=height + self._redacted_details_text_document.size().height() + 10) > self.height():
def _get_actual_geometry(self) -> qtc.QRect:
# Probably not needed for normal desktop environments with window
# managers but I'm an epik i3 user so self.geometry() does not work as
# intended when full screening the window with $mod + F. Or I'm just
# retarded and this is not even a problem.
geometry = self.geometry()
geometry.setTopLeft(qtc.QPoint(0, 0))
return geometry
def paintEvent(self, event: qtg.QPaintEvent) -> None:
total_height = 0
painter = qtg.QPainter(self)
painter.drawImage(0, 0, self._thumbnail_image)
self._title_rects[0], qtc.Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap, self._details.title
self._title_rects[1], qtc.Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap, self._details.subtitle
app = qtw.QApplication()
widget = DetailsWidget()
I can display the text and the image next to each other just fine, but the text is not selectable. Looking around for a way to do so, I stumbled upon QGraphicsTextItem. Should I re-do the whole thing in a QGraphicsView instead of using the paintEvent on a QWidget? The reason I'm hesitant to do so is because I don't know of the cons of using a QGraphicsView, maybe it's a lot more resource heavy and not the best for this use case?
You're complicating things unnecessarily.
Just use a basic QHBoxLayout and two QLabels, with the one on the left for the image, and the one on the right for the details.
If you want to allow text selection, use QLabel.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse).
An even better solution would be to use a QGraphicsView with a QGraphicsPixmapItem for the image (using fitInView() in the resizeEvent to always show it as large as possible) and a QTextEdit for the details, set in read only mode.
Note that your usage of _get_actual_geometry is wrong in principle (besides the fact that you're calling 4 times in a row, while you could just use a local variable instead), because when a widget has not been shown yet it always has a default size (100x30 for widgets created with a parent, otherwise 640x480), so not only you'll be getting a wrong geometry, but you're also changing it, since setTopLeft() will only move the corner, not translate the rectangle: if you want the basic rectangle of the widget, just use rect(). Obviously, if you properly use layouts as suggested above, this won't be necessary in the first place.

Iterate through a pyqt pyside QtreeView with a filesystem model and format value based on a condition [duplicate]

I'm having a QListView with a QFileSystemModel. Based on a selection in a QTreeView, the QListView shows the content of the folder.
Now I need to change the color of the filenames depending on some condition.
The initial idea would be to iterate over the items in the QListView and set the color for each item depending on whether the condition is fulfilled. However this seems to be impossible, since the setData() method of QFileSystemModel only accepts changes to the EditRole, ignoring something like [see this]
self.FileModel.setData(index, QtGui.QBrush(, role=QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole)
This has also been pointed out here
and the suggestion in the latter was to subclass QItemDelegate for the purpose of colorizing items in the QListView.
I therefore subclassed QStyledItemDelegate and reimplemented its paint() method to show the filename in green, if the condition is fulfilled - which works fine. However it now looks kind of ugly: File icons are lost and the "mouse_over" effect is not working anymore.
While this subclassing is anyway a messy work-around, my top-level question would be
Is there a way to colorize items in a QListView connected to a QFileSystemModel based on a condition?
Now provided that this might not be the case and sticking to the subclassing of QItemDelegate,
Is there a way to get the original behaviour with nice selections and icons back?
Does anyone know which ItemDelegate is originally used for QFileSystemModel in a QListView and how to use it?
Is it possible to get its source code and copy the paint method from there ?
Here is a minimal code that uses subclassing and shows the descibed behaviour. It uses a QLineEdit where one can type in a string, such that all files containing that string are highlighted in green.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class MyFileViewDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate ):
def __init__(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
QtGui.QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent, *args)
self.condition = None
self.isMatch = False
self.brush_active = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("#79b9ed"))
self.brush_active_matched = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("#58cd1c"))
self.pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#414141") )
self.pen_matched = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#39c819") )
self.pen_active = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#eef2fd") )
self.pen_active_matched = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#e7fade") )
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
text =
######## set background
if option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_Selected:
if self.isMatch:
######## set font color
if option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_Selected:
if self.isMatch:
if self.isMatch:
painter.drawText(option.rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, text)
def matchText(self, filename):
# testing condition. In the real case this is much more complicated
if (self.condition != None) and (self.condition != "") and (self.condition in filename):
self.isMatch = True
self.isMatch = False
def setCondition(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
class MainWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, useDelegate = False):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.FolderModel = QtGui.QFileSystemModel()
self.FolderModel.setFilter(QtCore.QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QtCore.QDir.AllDirs)
self.FolderView = QtGui.QTreeView(parent=self)
self.FileModel = QtGui.QFileSystemModel()
self.FileModel.setFilter(QtCore.QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QtCore.QDir.Files)
self.FileView = QtGui.QListView(parent=self)
self.FileViewDelegate = None
if useDelegate:
self.FileViewDelegate = MyFileViewDelegate()
self.FileView.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection )
self.LineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit()
# Add Widgets to layout
def changeCondition(self, text):
if self.FileViewDelegate:
def browserClicked(self, index):
# the signal passes the index of the clicked item
# set the FileView's root_index to the clicked index
dir_path = self.FileModel.filePath(index)
root_index = self.FileModel.setRootPath(dir_path)
class App(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None, useDelegate=False):
super(App, self).__init__(parent)
self.central = MainWidget(parent =self, useDelegate=useDelegate)
if __name__=='__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
thisapp = App(None, True) # set False to view App without custom FileViewDelegate
This is the comparison of how it looks with and without subclassing QItemDelegate:
just to mention, another problem with this code is, that once the condition is changed, one needs to move the mouse into the QFileView to initiate the repainting. I wonder which slot I could use to connect to the LineEdit.textChange signal to do that directly.
There's no need for an item-delegate. It can be achieved much more simply by reimplementing the data method of the QFileSystemModel:
class FileSystemModel(QtGui.QFileSystemModel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FileSystemModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.condition = None
def setCondition(self, condition):
self.condition = condition
self.dataChanged.emit(QtCore.QModelIndex(), QtCore.QModelIndex())
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
if self.condition and role == QtCore.Qt.TextColorRole:
text =
if self.condition in text:
return QtGui.QColor("#58cd1c")
return super(FileSystemModel, self).data(index, role)
class MainWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, useDelegate = False):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.FileModel = FileSystemModel(self)
def changeCondition(self, text):

Implementing a delegate for wordwrap in a QTreeView (Qt/PySide/PyQt)?

I have a tree view with a custom delegate to which I am trying to add word wrap functionality. The word wrapping is working fine, but the sizeHint() seems to not work, so when the text wraps, the relevant row does not expand to include it.
I thought I was taking care of it in sizeHint() by returning document.size().height().
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
text = index.model().data(index)
document = QtGui.QTextDocument()
return QtCore.QSize(document.idealWidth(), document.size().height())
However, when I print out document.size().height() it is the same for every item.
Also, even if I manually set the height (say, to 75) just to check that things will look reasonable, the tree looks like a goldfish got shot by a bazooka (that is, it's a mess):
As you can see, the text in each row is not aligned properly in the tree.
Similar posts
Similar issues have come up before, but no solutions to my problem (people usually say to reimplement sizeHint(), and that's what I am trying):
QTreeWidget set height of each row depending on content
QTreeView custom row height of individual rows
import sys
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
class SimpleTree(QtGui.QTreeView):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
QtGui.QTreeView.__init__(self, parent)
self.setGeometry(500,200, 400, 300)
self.setUniformRowHeights(False) #optimize: but for word wrap, we don't want this!
print "uniform heights in tree?", self.uniformRowHeights()
self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Task', 'Description'])
self.rootItem = self.model.invisibleRootItem()
item0 = [QtGui.QStandardItem('Sneeze'), QtGui.QStandardItem('You have been blocked up')]
item00 = [QtGui.QStandardItem('Tickle nose, this is a very long entry. Row should resize.'), QtGui.QStandardItem('Key first step')]
item1 = [QtGui.QStandardItem('<b>Get a job</b>'), QtGui.QStandardItem('Do not blow it')]
class ItemWordWrap(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
text = index.model().data(index)
document = QtGui.QTextDocument() # #print "dir(document)", dir(document)
document.setTextWidth(option.rect.width()) #keeps text from spilling over into adjacent rect
painter.translate(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y())
document.drawContents(painter) #draw the document with the painter
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
#Size should depend on number of lines wrapped
text = index.model().data(index)
document = QtGui.QTextDocument()
return QtCore.QSize(document.idealWidth() + 10, document.size().height())
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
myTree = SimpleTree()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The issue seems to stem from the fact that the value for option.rect.width() passed into QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint() is -1. This is obviously bogus!
I've solved this by storing the width in the model from within the paint() method and accessing this from sizeHint().
So in your paint() method add the line:
index.model().setData(index, option.rect.width(), QtCore.Qt.UserRole+1)
and in your sizeHint() method, replace document.setTextWidth(option.rect.width()) with:
width = index.model().data(index, QtCore.Qt.UserRole+1)
if not width:
width = 20

How to add QInputDialog.getText text inside a QGraphicsPolygonItem?

I'm building in PyQt4 and can't figure out how to add text to a QGraphicsPolygonItem. The idea is to have text set in the middle of a rectangular box after a user double clicks (and gets a dialog box via QInputDialog.getText).
The class is:
class DiagramItem(QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem):
def __init__(self, diagramType, contextMenu, parent=None, scene=None):
super(DiagramItem, self).__init__(parent, scene)
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
rect = self.outlineRect()
path.addRoundRect(rect, self.roundness(rect.width()), self.roundness(rect.height()))
self.myPolygon = path.toFillPolygon()
My double mouse click event looks like this, but updates nothing!
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(QtGui.QInputDialog(),'Create Region Title','Enter Region Name: ', \
QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, 'region name')
if ok:
self.myText = str(text)
pic = QtGui.QPicture()
qp = QtGui.QPainter(pic)
qp.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 40))
qp.drawText(10,10,200,200, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, self.myText)
Well, you are not doing it correctly. You are painting to a QPicture (pic) and throwing it away.
I'm assuming you want to paint on the QGraphicsPolygonItem. paint method of QGraphicsItem (and its derivatives) is responsible for painting the item. If you want to paint extra things with the item, you should override that method and do your painting there:
class DiagramItem(QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem):
def __init__(self, diagramType, contextMenu, parent=None, scene=None):
super(DiagramItem, self).__init__(parent, scene)
# your `init` stuff
# ...
# just initialize an empty string for self.myText
self.myText = ''
def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(QtGui.QInputDialog(),
'Create Region Title',
'Enter Region Name: ',
'region name')
if ok:
# you can leave it as QString
# besides in Python 2, you'll have problems with unicode text if you use str()
self.myText = text
# force an update
def paint(self, painter, option, widget):
# paint the PolygonItem's own stuff
super(DiagramItem, self).paint(painter, option, widget)
# now paint your text
painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Arial', 40))
painter.drawText(10,10,200,200, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, self.myText)

Clickable elements or child widgets inside custom-painted delegate

I have a QListView, where I display items using a custom delegate with custom painting. Within each item (i.e. each list row) I want to be able to show a couple of "hyperlinks" which the user could click on and which would then call on some functions.
I have already tried to check the official documentation (e.g. Model/View Programming) as well as quite a lot of googling, but haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish this.
I have two ideas, each with their own problems:
I could draw them using child widgets, like a flat QPushButton. How do I then position and display these widgets?
I could also draw them as text strings. How do I then make them clickable? Or can I capture click events on the parent QListView and somehow determine coordinates from those? I could then match coordinates to these clickable elements and act accordingly.
My initial approach was to use QListWidget with .setItemWidget(), where I had a proper widget with a layout and child widgets. Unfortunately this was too slow when my list grew to hundreds or thousands of items. That's why I changed to QListView with a delegate.
I seem to be closing in on a solution.
I can receive clicks on the elements by overriding the delegate's .editorEvent(event, model, option, index). I can then find out the event.type(), the clicked row from index.row() and the actual coordinates from event.x() and event.y() (since, if the event type is MouseButtonRelease, the event is a QMouseEvent).
From these, I think I can correlate the coordinates to my elements on screen and act accordingly.
I will update this answer once I have working code.
A simple working example, using PySide:
class MyModel(QtGui.QStandardItemModel):
def __init__(self):
super(MyModel, self).__init__()
for i in range(10): self.appendRow(QtGui.QStandardItem("Row %d" % i))
class MyDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyDelegate, self).__init__(parent)
self.links = {}
def makeLinkFunc(self, row, text):
def linkFunc(): print("Clicked on %s in row %d" % (text, row))
return linkFunc
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
textHeight = QtGui.QFontMetrics(painter.font()).height()
painter.drawText(option.rect.x()+2, option.rect.y()+2+textHeight,
rowLinks = {}
for i in range(3):
text = "Link %d" % (3-i)
linkWidth = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).width(text)
x = option.rect.right() - (i+1) * (linkWidth + 10)
painter.drawText(x, y, text)
rect = QtCore.QRect(x, y - textHeight, linkWidth, textHeight)
rowLinks[rect] = self.makeLinkFunc(index.row(), text)
self.links[index.row()] = rowLinks
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
hint = super().sizeHint(option, index)
return hint
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
for rect, link in self.links[index.row()].items():
if rect.contains(event.pos()):
return True
return False
listmodel = MyModel()
listview = QtGui.QListView()
