Symfony2 - Share Entity Between Bundles with different relationships - symfony

How do you share an entity between multiple bundles with different relationships?
For example both the ZooAnimalBundle and FarmAnimalBundle need a User Entity. A third Bundle AccountUserBundle has the User Entity.
In both the Zoo and Farm AnimalBundles I create a User Entity like so:
use Account\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
class User extends BaseUser
I then have a Hospital entity in Zoo:
class Hospital {
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Zoo\AnaimalBundle\Entity\User")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="users_zoo_animals")
protected $users;
And a Room entity in Farm:
class Room {
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Farm\AnaimalBundle\Entity\User")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="users_farm_animals")
protected $users;
Everything works so far in that I can call Zoo.Room->getUsers() or Farm.Hospital->getUsers()
However the problem is I'm not sure on how to set up the inverse relationship in their respective User entities.
If for example I update the FarmAnimal User Entity and run doctrine:generate:entities
* #ORM\Entity
class User extends BaseUser
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Room", mappedBy="users", cascade={"persist"})
protected $rooms;
It will copy the protected $properties from BaseUser and create all the set and get methods which is not what I want. What is the correct way of setting up these relationships?
If you don't setup the inverse relationship, how would you select all users where = 1
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
->leftJoin('u.hospitals', 'h')
->andWhere(' = :hospital_id')
This gives the error:
Class Account\UserBundle\Entity\User has no association named hospitals
I know I could select from hospital and join user because that relationship does exist but I need to select users because I am using them with Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator
The query would be
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
'h', 'u'
->leftJoin('h.users', 'u')
The problem with this is Paginator only sees one result Hospital because the Users are attached to it.

You can define abstract entity dependencies and implement them with other bundles.
First, each of the bundles depending on a user entity should define a User interface. For example:
namespace Foo\BarBundle\Entity;
interface UserInterface
public function getId();
public function getEmail();
// other getters
Then, in each entity depending on the user, define the relationship, e.g.:
namespace Foo\BarBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
* #ORM\Entity
class Something
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="UserInterface")
* #Assert\NotNull
protected $User;
// add other fields as required
Now you need to register the User entity as an implementation of the UserInterfaces:
namespace Foo\UserBundle\Entity;
use Foo\BarBundle\Entity\UserInterface as BarUserInterface;
use Foo\FoobarBundle\Entity\UserInterface as FoobarUserInterface;
* #ORM\Entity
class User implements BarUserInterface, FoobarUserInterface
// implement the demanded methods
Then add the following to app/config/config.yml:
Foo\BarBundle\Entity\UserInterface: Foo\UserBundle\Entity\User
Foo\FooarBundle\Entity\UserInterface: Foo\UserBundle\Entity\User
(Heads up: there will usually already be a doctrine.orm node which you'll have to extend.)
This is not a perfect solution, because you cannot really say which fields the user entity should have. On the other hand, it's strictly OOP, as you don't have to know about internals of the User implementation – you just need it to return the right values.

Creating multiple definitions of the account is the wrong way to do it, unless you want to create 3 seperate user tables (even then it's better not to do it this way).
Really you want your other entities to map to the your user entity in the account bundle.
class Hospital {
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Zoo\AccountBundle\Entity\User")
protected $users;
Now, there is no need to create the inverse relationship. In fact, this is a bad practice since you have a bi-directional dependency. Users don't know about hospitals, but hospital knows about it's users. Now, any bundle can map to the user entity and reuse it.


How to make relation to MappedSuperclass works?

I have problem with relation Many to One to MappedSuperclass in Symfony 5. I have entities Employee, Employer which extends MappedSuperclass abstract class Person. And I want create raports entity which will be in relation with Person (both Employee and Employer) like below:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity=Person::class)
private $person;
But when i try to push migrations I get following error message:
Column name id referenced for relation from App\Entity\Raport towards App\Entity\Person does not exist.
but I have id properties in these classes:
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\GeneratedValue()
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
protected $id;
I found on the Symfony page example with creating interface to do it but it doesn't work for me too. Maybe someone had that problem before and know how to resolve it. Thanks a lot for any reply.
My Person class:
* Abstract base class to be extended by my entity classes with same fields
* #MappedSuperclass
abstract class Person
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\GeneratedValue()
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
protected $id; //This property exist in Employee and Employer too (like doctrine documentation said)
Now when I change it from superclass to 'JOINED' inheritance when I try create now Employee or Employer I get following error:
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO person (discr) VALUES
(?)' with params ["Employee"]:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error i
n your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server v
ersion for the right syntax to use near 'person (discr) VALUES ('Employee')'
at line 1
There isn't any other way to just make relation in one property to few entities whose implements one interface or extends class?? Sometimes I hate doctrine... And my person entity maybe it helps configure what is wrong:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=PersonRepository::class)
* #ORM\InheritanceType("JOINED")
* #ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
* #ORM\DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee", "employer" = "Employer"})
class Person
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\GeneratedValue()
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
protected $id;
public function getId(): ?int
return $this->id;
You can't have a relation target a MappedSuperClass, since it's NOT an entity itself. It only can itself define an owning one-to-one relationship (or very limited many-to-many):
A mapped superclass cannot be an entity, it is not query-able and persistent relationships defined by a mapped superclass must be unidirectional (with an owning side only). This means that One-To-Many associations are not possible on a mapped superclass at all. Furthermore Many-To-Many associations are only possible if the mapped superclass is only used in exactly one entity at the moment. For further support of inheritance, the single or joined table inheritance features have to be used.
What you might want is a single table inheritance or a class table inheritance (see link above, it shows those as well). It can get quite annoying though. You've been warned.
It's possible to have relations into MappedSuperClass (in Symfony). What you want is dynamic mapping, which is not well documented. You have to use Doctrine Event loadClassMetadata. The doc example is very (very) simple, but you can do such more.
In your case, you must check if the entity is the one you want and is not a MappedSuperClass :
namespace App\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber;
use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
class LoadClassMetadataListener implements EventSubscriber
public function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
public function loadClassMetadata(\Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $eventArgs)
$metadata = $eventArgs->getClassMetadata();
$class = new \ReflectionClass($metadata->getName());
if ($class->implementsInterface('Your\Interface') && !$metadata->isMappedSuperclass) {
'targetEntity' => Person::class,
'fieldName' => 'person',
'inversedBy' => 'whatYouWant',
'joinColumns' => [[
'name' => 'xxx_id',
'referencedColumnName' => 'id',
'nullable' => false,
- { name: doctrine.event_subscriber }
$metadata gives access to all mapping possibilities and all mapping options, like with annotations, yaml or XML.
Try to remove the abstract. I do not have a MappedSuperclass as a relation. I have set the MappedSuperclass is abstract for a class in a project and I get an error. Abstract class seems not to be allowed. It also makes sense because it is not an abstract class in that sense.

Inconsistent behavior of Doctrine's entity listener

I am creating a small app using Symfony 4 & Doctrine. There are users (User entities) and they are owning some kind of content called radio tables (RadioTable entity). Radio tables are containing radio stations (RadioStation entity). RadioStation.radioTableId is related to RadioTable (many to one) and RadioTable.ownerId is related to User (many to one).
Maybe I should notice that this is my first project with SF.
Entities are configured using annotations, this way:
namespace App\Entity;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\UserRepository")
class User implements UserInterface, \Serializable, EncoderAwareInterface
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\RadioTable", mappedBy="owner", orphanRemoval=true)
private $radioTables;
* #ORM\Column(type="date")
private $lastActivityDate;
// -----------------
namespace App\Entity;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\RadioTableRepository")
* #ORM\EntityListeners({"App\EventListener\RadioTableListener"})
class RadioTable
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\User", inversedBy="radioTables")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false, onDelete="cascade")
private $owner;
* #ORM\Column(type="datetime")
private $lastUpdateTime;
// -----------------
namespace App\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\RadioStationRepository")
* #ORM\EntityListeners({"App\EventListener\RadioStationListener"})
class RadioStation
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\RadioTable")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false, onDelete="cascade")
private $radioTable;
I need to update $lastUpdateTime in a proper RadioTable entity when radio stations are added, removed or modified. Also, I need to update $lastActivityDate of the radio table owner (User class), when radio table is created, removed or updated. I am trying to achieve this by using entity listeners:
namespace App\EventListener;
class RadioStationListener
* #PreFlush
* #PreRemove
public function refreshLastUpdateTimeOfRadioTable(RadioStation $radioStation)
// -----------------------------
namespace App\EventListener;
class RadioTableListener
* #PreFlush
* #PreRemove
public function refreshLastActivityDateOfUser(RadioTable $radioTable, PreFlushEventArgs $args)
/* hack */
/* hack */
(In refresh*() methods I am just creating a new instance of \DateTime for proper entity field.)
I encountered the problem. When I tried to update/remove/create radio stations, RadioStation listener worked properly and related RadioTable class was successfully updated. But when I tried to update radio table, User class was updated but was not persisted to the database by Doctrine.
I was confused because the structure of the code in these entity listeners is very similar.
Partially I found the cause of the problem. It's obvious that only owner can modify its own radio tables and the user has to be logged in to modify them. I am using Security component from Symfony to support login-in mechanism.
When I temporarily hacked controller code to disable Security and tried to update the radio table as anonymous, RadioTable entity listener worked properly and User entity was successfully modified and persisted to database.
To fix the problem I need to manually talk with Doctrine's entity manager and call flush() with User entity as an argument (without argument I am doing endless loop). This line is marked by /* hack */ comment.
After this looong story, I want to ask the question: WHY I have to do it? WHY I have to manually call flush() for User object but only if Security component is used and the user is logged in?
I solved the problem.
Doctrine processes entities in a specified order. First, newly created entities (scheduled for INSERT) have precedence. Next, persisted entities (scheduled for UPDATE) are processed in the same order as they were fetched from the database. From inside entity listener, I am not able to predict or enforce the preferred order.
When I'm trying to update User's last activity date inside RadioTable's entity listener, changes made in User entity are not persisted. It's because in very early stage Security component loads my User object from DB and then Symfony prepares RadioTable object for the controller (by param converter for example).
To fix the issue I need to tell Doctrine to recalculate User entity changeset. Here is what I did.
I created small trait for my entity listeners:
namespace App\EventListener\EntityListener;
use Doctrine\Common\EventArgs;
trait EntityListenerTrait
// There is need to manually enforce update of associated entities,
// for example when User entity is modified inside RadioTable entity event.
// It's because associations are not tracked consistently inside Doctrine's events.
private function forceEntityUpdate(object $entity, EventArgs $args): void
$entityManager = $args->getEntityManager();
Inside entity listeners I am doing this:
namespace App\EventListener\EntityListener;
use App\Entity\RadioTable;
use Doctrine\Common\EventArgs;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\PreFlush;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\PreRemove;
class RadioTableListener
use EntityListenerTrait;
* #PreFlush
* #PreRemove
public function refreshLastActivityDateOfUser(RadioTable $radioTable, EventArgs $args): void
$user = $radioTable->getOwner();
$this->forceEntityUpdate($user, $args);
There is another solution. It's possible to call $entityManager->flush($user) but it works properly only for UPDATEs, generates endless loop for INSERTs. To avoid endless loop it's possible to check $unitOfWork->isScheduledForInsert($radioTable).
This solution is worse because it generates additional transaction and SQL queries.

Doctrine Entity Repository how to add 'andWhere' to all 'find*' functions?

For legacy reasons I have table that is used for many purposes. Only subset of rows is relevant to Entity I'm writing. Criteria is simple, just check 'project' field for specific value.
Instead of reimplementing find, findAll, findByName, findByID, findBy.... Just notify doctrine to append single condition to them all. Is that possible without reimplementing each and every find* ?
Or maybe it can be done on lover level still?
Reworked question, to specify what kind of solution would be acceptable.
An available easy-to-use solution is to create a Repository with your custom find function.
Then, if all your entities has a specific Repository, make them (Repository) extending from yours (which contains the custom find method), otherwise (you doesn't have a Repository per entity), assign the repository to all your entities with the repositoryClass option of the #ORM\Entity annotation like :
Otherwise, if you doesn't want put any repository in your entities, override the whole default repository and customise the find method.
I already used the last option because of a specific need, also I invite you to see the following question :
Abstract repository and #Entity annotation inheritance
Look at the solution wich contains a gist of all required steps for override the default doctrine repository.
See Custom Repository classes
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* Phrase
* #ORM\Table(name="User")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\UserRepository")
class User
* #var int
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="bigint")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
Your Repository:
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
/** For example **/
public function getByName($name)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
->where(' = :name')->setParameter('name', $name)
->andWhere('u.lastname LIKE :name')->setParameter('lastname', '%'.$name.'%');
$query = $qb->getQuery();
return $query->getResult();
In Your Controller:
* #Route("/", name="index")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$userRepository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:User');
$userName = $userRepository->getByName($name);

Extending entities in Symfony2 with Doctrine2

I'm having trouble finding a way to appropriately extend an Entity across bundles in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 as the ORM.
Currently there are three methods that I've found to extending entities in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 as the ORM. Mapped Superclass, Single Table Inheritance and Class Table Inheritance. None of these work for what I'm looking to do.
I have two Bundles: UserBundle and BlogBundle. I want to be able to use the UserBundle in projects that do not have the BlogBundle, but the BlogBundle will always be used in projects that have the User Bundle. It's ok if the BlogBundle has dependencies on the UserBundle, but not the other way around.
I have two entities:
BlogBundle\Entity\Post and
There needs to be a One to Many relationship between Users and Blog Posts. This is achieved through a Author_ID property (column) on the BlogBundle\Entity\Post object (table) which is mapped to UserBundle\Entity\
The Problem:
I can call the UserBundle\Entity\User entity directly from within the BlogBundle and achieve what I'm looking for using a Uni-Directional mapping. This does not allow me to access all posts by a user from within a User object. I can access the data via custom queries but this is not as clean as accessing posts by a user through the user object.
What I'd like to do is extend the UserBundle\Entity\User object from within the BlogBundle, and add the methods and properties to this object that establish the One to Many mapping used within the BlogBundle. None of this is persisted, it simply defines the relationship and allows me to logically access all posts created by a user in an application that implements both the BlogBundle and UserBundle by adding needed functionality to the User object within the blog bundle (thus avoiding a dependency from the UserBundle to the BlogBundle).
When I create a BlogBundle\Entity\User object and extend UserBundle\Entity\User I must declare #ORM\Table(name="usertablename"). If I don't, any attempt to access the BlogBundle\Entity\User object will fail to access the database. Since none of the additions in the extended object persist, this works fine across bundles. The issue with this is when I call "php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force", there is a conflict since two entities try to map to & create the same table. I have tried using the ResolveTargetEntityListener feature that was recently implemented but this, along with Mapped Superclas, STI and CTI all force a dependency on the BlogBundle from the UserBundle.
Below are my objects to help illustrate my my setup. They have been abbreviated for clarity. I realize some of the semantics aren't correct but it's intended to communicate the ideas & configuration.
class User implements UserInterface
class Post
#ORM\Column(name="author_id", type="integer")
protected $author_id;
#ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="\App\BlogBundle\Entity\User", inversedBy="posts")
#ORM\JoinColumn(name="author_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $author;
use App\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser
class User extends BaseUser
#ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\BlogBundle\Entity\Post", mappedBy="author")
protected $posts;
public function __construct()
$this->posts = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
/* Getters & Setters, nothing that defines #ORM\Column, nothing persisted */
This works but the problem is that I'm mapping two entities in the project to the same table. The extended object doesn't grab the #ORM\Table(name="app_user") from it's parent so it must be defined in BlogBundle\Entity\User. If not any reference to this object from a controller will not access the database. Since nothing is persisted from the extended object nothing is broken except for when I try to update the database schema from the console.
I can use a unidirectional relationship, but this limits how I can access the data from within a controller.
You can see in this link to know about inheritance:
You must declare in UserBundle\Entity\User:
* #Entity
* #InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
* #DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
* #DiscriminatorMap({"baseuser" = "UserBundle\Entity\User", "blogUser" = "BlogBundle\Entity\User"})
class User implements UserInterface
And BlogBundle\Entity\User
use App\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
* #ORM\Entity
class User extends BaseUser
I think you could find this Bundle interesting:
It allows you to define by parameters what files are mapping your entities, allowing to override every entity of your generic bundles.
For example:
# Mapping information
test_bundle.entity.user.class: "TestBundle\Entity\User"
test_bundle.entity.user.mapping_file_path: "#TestBundle/Mapping/Class.orm.yml"
test_bundle.entity.user.entity_manager: default
test_bundle.entity.user.enable: true
The only contra I see is that you have to define all the next entities the same way cause you disabled auto_mapping...

How do you extend an entity in Symfony2 like you used to be able to in Symfony 1?

In older versions of Symfony you used to be able to build new objects within a data object by extending a model class with an extended subclass.
For example, I had a questionnaire model that had a results table. That results table had a Result.php model class that used to set and get the results through Doctrine. I then used the ResultPeer.php model subclass to add a new function to the Result object that took the result and depending on a fixed set of thresholds calculated a score and corresponding colour.
In the new Symfony2 version using Doctrine2 I am struggling to work out the best way to do this. When creating an entity I can only find in the documentation the ability to add objects based on the data structure relationships.
I looked at the entity repositories, but that does not appear to extend or add functionality to an original object. It seems to bring back data objects based on queries that are more complex than the standard query functions.
I also looked at services, which I can use to collect the object and then using the object create a new array that includes this object and the newly created data, but this just does not seem right or follow the philosophy that Symfony is all about.
Does anyone know how functions can be added to an existing data object. I found it really useful in the older version of Symfony, but cannot seem to find the alternative in the new version of Symfony2.
Extending an entity is the way to go. In the Doctrine2 world, they talk about inheritance mapping. Here a code example. It defines a BaseEntity then it is extendsed to create a BaseAuditableEntity and finally there is a User entity extending BaseAuditableEntity. The trick is to use the #Orm\MappedSuperclass annotation. This inheritance scheme will create a single table even if there is three entities in my relationships graph. This will then merge all properties into a single table. The table created will contains every property mapped through the relations, i.e. properties from BaseAuditableEntity and from User. Here the code examples:
namespace Acme\WebsiteBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as Orm;
* #Orm\MappedSuperclass
class BaseEntity {
namespace Acme\WebsiteBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as Orm;
* #Orm\MappedSuperclass
class BaseAuditableEntity extends BaseEntity {
private $createdBy;
* #Orm\Column(type="datetime", name="created_at")
private $createdAt;
* #Orm\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User")
* #Orm\JoinColumn(name="updated_by", referencedColumnName="id")
private $updatedBy;
* #Orm\Column(type="datetime", name="updated_at")
private $updatedAt;
// Setters and getters here
namespace Acme\WebsiteBundle\Entity;
use Acme\WebsiteBundle\Entity\BaseAuditableEntity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as Orm;
* #Orm\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Repository\UserRepository")
* #Orm\Table(name="acme_user")
class User extends BaseAuditableEntity implements AdvancedUserInterface, \Serializable
* #Orm\Id
* #Orm\Column(type="integer")
* #Orm\GeneratedValue
private $id;
* #Orm\Column(type="string", name="first_name")
private $firstName;
* #Orm\Column(type="string", name="last_name")
private $lastName;
* #Orm\Column(type="string", unique="true")
private $email;
// Other properties
// Constructor
// Setters and getters
Here a link to the official inheritance mapping documentation of Doctrine 2.1: here
Hope this helps, don't hesitate to comment if you need more information.
