inline style causing text to display befor image? - css

I found this piece of code on stackoverflow that would allow me to place a small image over a larger image (in my case a small lock to indicate the movie is unavailable)
<div style="position:relative;display:inline;">
<img src="_images/test.jpg" width="350" />
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:10px;">
<img src="_images/lock.png" width="40">
it all displays perfectly, but there is a split second where the AIR tag at the bottom displays first (and sometimes the lock image), before it all snaps into place properly. (The main image, the lock in the bottom corner of the image, then the h3 tagged Air at the bottom.)
Does anyone know the cause of this, and how one might fix it?

One alternative is to place the src content in a data uri scheme. This will cause the images to load with the content. When you set src to a uri resource, the browser has to go out and get it. This causes the delay you see.


Using ExpressionEngine Grid (multiple images) with CE Image

Ok I have a bit of an annoying problem. I am implementing a "more pictures" section at the bottom of a article view using expression engines grid system (version 2.7.3)here's my code
<a class="blok-img" href="{story_images:image}" data-lightbox="{story_images:desc}">
{exp:ce_img:single src="{story_image}" width="86" height="86" crop="yes" max="86" attributes='alt="{story_images:desc}" title="{story_images:desc}"'}
This is cropping all my images as expected and the light box is working as expected, however the images that are being cropped are always the same image.
So, the cropped images (for arguement sake are called ONE, TWO, THREE)
ONE - looks as expected cropped at 86px, loads main image on click
TWO - the cropped image is the same as image ONE but loads it's original image on click
THREE - the cropped image is the same as image ONE but loads it's original image on click
I can only assume that CE Image is over riding the original variable but to be honest I'm at a bit of a loss, any help would be appreciated.
You have a small error with your syntax for the grid field, it's just missing the prefixed variable in CE Image's tag, it should be:
<a class="blok-img" href="{story_images:image}" data-lightbox="{story_images:desc}">
{exp:ce_img:single src="{story_images:image}" width="86" height="86" crop="yes" max="86" attributes='alt="{story_images:desc}" title="{story_images:desc}"'}
User manual:

links under iframe /span cannot be clicked

I've developed a static advert ticker that sits at the bottom of the window. This is in an <iframe> to make it easier for other people to place the unit on their sites. Another <span> around the <iframe> keeps it fixed to the bottom of the screen. The script has a help window which is within a tag - within the <iframe> and uses the visible / hidden property to show or hide text.
Now since the code is in an <iframe>, the help text would not appear on main window. To get around this, I made the <iframe> larger,and set it to transparent.
Visually, everything is fine. When the user clicks a button on the ticker, the help menu appears over the data in the background. However, I've just discovered that if there is a link on the main page that passes under the <span><iframe> section, it cannot be clicked. I've tried CSS pointer-events, but can't get that to work, (links within the <iframe> must also remain clickable)
Not sure which is causing the "fault", ie the <iframe> or the tag around it. Is it a security thing to stop "click jacking" (??) or more to the point, is there a work around.
If push came to shove, I COULD reduce the size of the <iframe> and use a javascript pop-up window to display help text, but those windows show the URL and status windows, and are not exactly elegant!
Here is the code before anyone asks:
This span covers the entire screen to the height of the underlying <iframe> I did this so the data could be centred
<span style="position:fixed;bottom:10px;display:inline;width:100%">
<iframe src="" frameborder=0 align=top width=800px height=330px marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency=true></iframe>
Set a height to the span the same as the iframe (330px)
Let me know how that goes
Oh boy, what FUN I've had getting this to work!! (Twelve hours on Wed 23rd, and about three hours today)
Originally, I had an <iframe> that filled virtually 3/4 of screen, (so that I could display the help window to uses in a '' rather than use a modal popup. But, for security reasons, the browsers will not let you click through text that covers links underneath.
I had to literally redesign the whole layout.
Now, I have the help file in a separate <span> window which has its visibility set to hidden till user needs it. But that still left the ticker code at the bottom.
I had to divide that into three <divs> one on either side of the main ticker. But again, the ones on the side are effectively masking the page underneath, so I had to set both <divs> so that they used "pointer-events:none" meaning the <div> was not clickable, and mouse events would pass through to the code underneath. The mid section for the ticker was set to the opposite, namily "pointer-events:auto" so that the TOP window got the clicks, but not the page underneath.
Next problem: Because the ticker shows graphics that extend into the main text, that left a 1/2" area where clicks on main page couldn't be accessed. Another span was added to the code which covered the area with a transparent gif. When the user places their mouse over this graphic, a swap takes place and displays a semi transparent checkerboard. They can then read what this means in the help file.
Finally, when user's click the minimize button, the <div> holding the ticker code is hidden (giving accesss to all the links on the page) and ANOTHER <div> displays "Restore" graphic. When they click that, it gets hidden whilst the main ticker window - and the two <divs> on either side are made visible again.
And it was only meant to be a simple script!! (Oh, and don't check the website or my blog 'cos I won't be uploading the changes till eve of Sat 26th)

CSS interactive map

I am not a clean CSS coder, so this may be the crux of my problem... but...I've cobbled together an interactive map from this tutorial:
My solution:
I think I have the initial "rollovers" of the map working-- (I've only coded the first two buildings in the upper left of the map) and am happy with that.
My problem is I want the legend of the map to do the same things as the rollovers of the map. I've come up with a clumsy solution that works (labeled '1509'), but not well in all browsers, and that tells me I have gone wrong somewhere.
I'm trying to avoid javascript as well.
What is the main problem?
Here's an updated jsFiddle for part one
Here's the basics:
<div id="city-map">
<div class="pop-up">...</div>
<div class="pop-up">...</div>
We use an image map with anchor tags as "hot spots". We use CSS to absolutely position these "hot spots" in the proper location and we do the basic background image sprite "trick", the same you did in your original code.
However, I updated your sprite image to have two "hover" images. When making an image hover map with none-square image spots (like buildings overlapping each-other), a single hover state runs into problems with a "neighbor" icon showing up in the hot spot slice. This is due to due HTML blocks being square and not being able to draw odd shapes. We solve this by having extra images states so you can make the neighbors still look un-highlighted.
Pop-up box
<div class="pop-up">
<h1 class="title">Mac</h1>
<div class="content">Some Content</div>
All the pop-up boxes have this HTML format. I position: absolute; them off to the side with the standard left:-999em; trick. I crafted the CSS to give them a standard pop-up location with a slight space between the hot-spot box and the pop-up box. This helps ensure your mouse will "hover out" of the hot-spot when reaching for a new hot-spot. Otherwise, you'll hover over the pop-up box and it won't go away until you over off both.
<div id="city-map-legend">
<div id="glamour-photo">
<img src="..." id="mac-img" />
<img src="..." id="admin-img"/>
<div id="cml-list">
<h2>Around Campus</h2>
<li><a id="mac-list" href="#">Mac</a></li>
For the "map legend", I have a group of "glamour images" and a list of links. Pretty standard stuff. The key is how they're all tied together with their ID's. JavaScript will use this to swap images and CSS states as we tie the three elements (map, glamour image, and list of links) together.
ID's in the map are the straight up ID name like "mac". ID's in the glamour images are "[id]-img" (ie. "mac-img"). And ID's in the list are "[id]-list" (ie. "mac-list").
<script type="text/javascript" src="*"></script>
* =
I recommend using jQuery to help do easy JavaScript-ing and loading it from Google API for easy Content Delivery Network benefits.
All that's really left is the JavaScript event.
$(document).ready(function() {
// highlight map when legend link is hovered
$('#cml-list a').hover(
// hover over
// get id code
var id = $(this).attr('id');
// tokenize string to get main id code
var tokens = id.split('-');
id = '#' + tokens[0];
// add active class to map id
// hover out
// clear all .active classes from map
$('#city-map a').removeClass('active');
What happens above is we tell JavaScript to trigger anytime someone hovers a list link. There are two events when hovering, in and out.
When someone hovers into a link, we get the base ID value from it and all we do is apply a CSS class "active" to the map "hot spot".
".active" class will basically "turn on" the map item as if it was hovered (if you notice in the CSS, all the :hover selector styles are also shared with a '.active' class).
When we hover out, we simply tell jQuery to remove all 'active' classes. All that's left to do is swap also write some code that does the same thing for the "glamour" images. Simply turning them on (display:block) or off (display:none). The one catch is that there should probably be a default image that we always turn back on if nothing else is selected unless we just want the previously activated glamour image to stay active, that works too.
I've not gotten to that bit of code yet. I'll see I can update it later and maybe leave a little bit for you to play around with.
I developed it mostly in Chrome and a little Firefox. I just checked
it in IE7/8/9 and it seemed to work fine.
I updated the jsFiddle to include glamour image swapping. I also had a small CSS bug where I placed the float in the wrong spot. So, work off the latest one.
NOTE I did not do the CSS for all the locations. I did several with some examples, but left the rest for you. =)
Btw, I updated your map image and uploaded it on =>

Making a custom previewer for store

I'm trying to find a way to simulate the image-mask property in CSS; currently it isn't available in most browsers. Is there a JavaScript library that could work?
I figured out how to do the buckles by creating a white image with a transparent space in the shape of a buckle, and then set a background color, so the background color only shows through where the image is transparent. The problem is, I can't do that for each part, because the white edges that you aren't supposed to see would be visible against the color of the part behind it (Like if you had a black square, and then you used that technique to get a red circle on it, you would end up with a red circle on a white square on a black square.)
It sounds like you're using indexed transparency - you'll want to use PNG images with 8-bit alpha channels instead. Then have an <img /\7gt; for each "component" of your item (i.e. one for the belt, one for the buckle, etc) then use absolute positioning to put each one directly on top of the other. The 8-bit transparency will ensure they all look right.
<div id="previewArea">
<img class="layer2" src="buckle{color}.png" />
<img class="layer1" src="belt{color}.png" />
<img class="layer0" src="pants{color}.png" />
Of course you'd need some client scripting to swap out each image for the selected color/design.
An alternative option is to have a server-side process dynamically generate images based on given parameters, it results in simpler HTML but would be slower for your visitors - it might work as a fallback for clients that don't support scripting.

Lightbox - Way to start without first image

I have a lightbox that has one image, then some more images in the same set, but these are styled to be hidden, the only way you can see them is by clicking the first image (the only visible one) and activating the lightbox.
Is there a way of skipping straight to the second image in the lightbox instead of the image being clicked on being shown first,
This is what im working on:
Try setting a link on the first image that will link to the second one. It may look something like this:
<img src="1" />
<img src="2" />
<img src="3" />
