How to make JsHint sbt plugin more useful? - jshint

When I have jshint sbt plugin enable in my Play project, I get these annoying errors which are really not errors. How can I turn them off, or avoid them?

jshint is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. You can configure its errors with a standard .jshintrc file in the project root.
The first error exists because it should be window.alert(s).


Why am I getting an error when I compile with custom modules?

Can anyone help me with this one.
I git cloned a new azetothcore.
Added custom mods like Luna, anti cheat, AH bot, etc... all from azerothcore
Then add build file, and attempt to compile, but I keep getting errors
I found that the issue was related to Linux... I compiled on windows OS, and it worked fine

How to run JSCS on save only (not on keypress) in Atom?

I'm using The docs say:
It will lint on edit and/or on save
It seems that it lints on edit and save all the time. I don't see a way to configure it to lint on only save.
First of all you really should be looking into moving to ESLint (linter-eslint) as all development on JSCS has stopped.
As for your question, you can configure this behavior in the Linter package by disabling On-the-fly linting there. This package is simply a service provider allowing linting of code through JSCS, the Linter package is what controls when it is ran, and how its results are displayed to the user.

How to turn of JShint from angular generator grunt file?

How best to we get the default grunt file from the angular generator to stop trying to use jshint?
I've tried playing with various settings but the file is so complex it keeps breaking the build.
Just comment out the jshint task.

Configuring *all* JSHint settings in WebStorm IDE

After a somewhat comprehensive evaluation of IDEs for use in front end development, WebStorm leads the pack I think.
The one missing piece is that we can't configure JSHint the way we need to. The WebStorm preferences GUI provides some options, but not the full set. The GUI only lets you configure 15 of the 30 or so actual available options.
This is a problem because we don't want to change our coding practices just because an IDE doesn't let us configure linting the way we want.
Is there a hacky way to go in and adjust the JSHint library behind the scenes for WebStorm?
You can configure all the options you'd like in a .jshintrc file located in the root directory of your project. This will be a project-wide setting.
Use config files
Select this check box to have the code verified according to the settings from a configuration file. A configuration file is a JSON file with the extension .jshintrc that specifies which JSHint options should be enabled or disabled. WebStorm will look for a .jshintrc file in the working directory. If the search fails, WebStorm will search in the parent folder, then again in the parent folder. The process is repeated until WebStorm finds a .jshintrc or reaches the project root. To have WebStorm still run verification in this case, specify the default configuration file to use.
I've been using this for a while and it works great. Plus you can commit it to your repo and ensure the entire team follows the same code style. Also a great place to add globals.
I'm not aware of any hacky way to do it, but you can vote for the existing feature request.
There's a per-file solution that works, but is not ideal. Would prefer an IDE or project-wide fix/hack.
Set JSHint options at the top of your file:
/*jshint laxcomma:true, asi:true */

"Unable to resolve resource bundle" error when trying to run FlexUnit4 tests with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2

I am having a trouble to get IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 to run FlexUnit4 tests. The tests won't be performed because of the following error:
Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle "<some name>"
So I checked the build.xml whether the path-elements are set properly:
This is working for the normal build process perfectly fine. Therefore, I am pretty confused and would appreciate any ideas that help to get the tests to run.
The Flex libraries have resource bundles that sometimes need to be included. I added
to the build path and it fixed an "Unable to resolve resource bundle" error for me.
I had this same problem. I saw the suggestion in the other answer to add a path with the locale in it, and though my framework was set up correctly (and I couldn't manually edit any build path in the IntelliJ configuration), it did lead me to the problem.
Go to the "Flex" Facet in the module and click onto the Advanced tab. The problem is if the Non-default locale settings is checked and blank, then it doesn't assemble the correct path and find your framework.
To fix it, simply uncheck the "Non-default locale settings":
