PLSQL triggers and normal triggers - plsql

Could anyone tell me difference between PLSQL trigger and trigger. In oracle docs I am finding two chapters of triggers. I am unable to get clear picture between those two

If you look at the reference on Oracle Triggers ( you'll see this:
A trigger is a named PL/SQL unit that is stored in the database and
executed (fired) in response to a specified event that occurs in the
So triggers are written in PL/SQL, which is why you find the syntax in the PL/SQL reference (
Bottom line, there is only one object being discussed: a trigger. A trigger is an object in the database written in PL/SQL. It is described generally in the Oracle documentation and again in the PL/SQL language reference.


In sqlite, how do I use trigger to write to other files?

according to this trigger example
I can use trigger to write to other files for audting trails. How do I exactly do that?
I have tried this to no avail
ATTACH DATABASE /location/otherfile AS logDb
Insert ..
I tried the above code the sqlite console and got the syntax error near ATTACH. How else can I do this?
Inside a trigger body, only INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT statements are allowed, and you cannot access other database schemas.
To access other files, you have to create a user-defined function, which requires support from any application that modifies the database.

Sqlite: table constraints and triggers

I know the order of triggers in SQLite is undefined (you cannot be sure what trigger will be executed first), but, how about the relationship between table constraints and triggers?
I mean, suppose I have, for example, a UNIQUE (or CHECK) constraint in a column, and a BEFORE and AFTER UPDATE triggers on that table. If the UNIQUE column is modified, when does sqlite check the UNIQUE constraint? before calling BEFORE triggers, after calling AFTER triggers, between them, or with undefined order?
I have found nothing in SQLite docs about it.
SQLite reccommends not to modify data in BEFORE UPDATE/DELETE triggers, since it will lead to undefined behaviour (see: Cautions on the use of before triggers in the documentations).
There is a hint in a SQLite source code comment (src/update.c) that helps to know what happens under the hood:
/* Fire any BEFORE UPDATE triggers. This happens before constraints are
** verified. One could argue that this is wrong.
Looking at the source code, whenever SQLite updates a table it perform this actions:
Loads the table data used by the update.
Runs the UPDATE operation (you need this to populate old.field and new.field)
Then, it Executes the BEFORE UPDATE trigger(s).
If the BEFORE UPDATE trigger(s) didn't delete the row data:
Loads the table data not used by the trigger.
Then Checks constraints (Primary keys, foreign keys, uniqueness, on..cascade, etc)
And then SQLite executes the AFTER UPDATE trigger(s).
If any BEFORE UPDATE trigger deleted the row data:
There is no need to check constraints.
No AFTER UPDATE triggers are run.
When the documentation does not say anything about it, then the order is undefined.
As long as the triggers do not have side effects outside the database, this does not matter, because any changes made by a trigger would be rolled back if a constraint fails.
Please note that SQLite takes backwards compatibility very seriously, so it is unlikely that the actual order will ever change.

How do I call user-defined function only if it exists?

SQLite allows to define custom functions that can be called from SQL statements. I use this to get notified of trigger activity in my application:
-- main trigger code involves some extra db modifications
-- ...
-- invoke application callback
SELECT ChangeNotify('T', 'INSERT',;
However, user-defined functions are added only to current database connection. There may be other clients who haven't defined ChangeNotify and I don't want them to get a "no such function" error.
Is is possible to call a function only if it's defined? Any alternative solution is also appreciated.
SQLite is designed as an embedded database, so it is assumed that your application controls what is done with the database.
SQLite has no SQL function to check for user-defined functions.
If you want to detect changes made only from your own program, use sqlite3_update_hook.
Prior to calling your user defined function, you can check if the function exists by selecting from pragma_function_list;
select exists(select 1 from pragma_function_list where name='ChangeNotify');
It would be possible by combining a query against pragma_function_list and a WHEN statement on the trigger --
WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pragma_function_list WHERE name = 'ChangeNotify')
SELECT ChangeNotify('T', 'INSERT',;
except that query preparation attempts to resolve functions prior to execution. So, afaik, this isn't possible to do in a trigger.
I need to do the same thing and asked here:
Hopefully they come back with a solution.
SQLite forum suggestion is to use create temp trigger when your extension loads --
This is actually a great solution as temp triggers are:
not visible to other connections
are cleaned up when the connection creating them ends

MS Access CREATE PROCEDURE Or use Access Macro in .NET

I need to be able to run a query such as
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE MyFunc(afield) = "some text"
I've written MyFunc in a VB module but the query results in "Undefined function 'MyFunc' in expression." when executed from .NET
From what I've read so far, functions in Access VB modules aren't available in .NET due to security concerns. There isn't much information on the subject but this avenue seems like a daed end.
The other possibility is through the CREATE PROCEDURE statement which also has precious little documentation:
The following code does work and creates a query in Access:
However I need more than just a simple select statement - I need several lines of VB code.
While experimenting with the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, I executed the following code:
Which produced the error "Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'."
This seems to indicate that there's a SQL 'PROCEDURE' statement, so then I tried
Which resulted in "Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause."
I can't find any information on the SQL 'PROCEDURE' statement - maybe I'm just reading the error message incorrectly and there's no such beast. I've spent some time experimenting with the statement but I can't get any further.
In response to the suggestions to add a field to store the value, I'll expand on my requirements:
I have two scenarios where I need this functionality.
In the first scenario, I needed to enable the user to search on the soundex of a field and since there's no soundex SQL function in Access I added a field to store the soundex value for every field in every table where the user wants to be able to search for a record that "soundes like" an entered value. I update the soundex value whenever the parent field value changes. It's a fair bit of overhead but I considered it necessary in this instance.
For the second scenario, I want to normalize the spacing of a space-concatenation of field values and optionally strip out user-defined characters. I can come very close to acheiving the desired value with a combination of TRIM and REPLACE functions. The value would only differ if three or more spaces appeared between words in the value of one of the fields (an unlikely scenario). It's hard to justify the overhead of an extra field on every field in every table where this functionality is needed. Unless I get specific feedback from users about the issue of extra spaces, I'll stick with the TRIM & REPLACE value.
My application is database agnostic (or just not very religious... I support 7). I wrote a UDF for each of the other 6 databases that does the space normalization and character stripping much more efficiently than the built-in database functions. It really annoys me that I can write the UDF in Access as a VB macro and use that macro within Access but I can't use it from .NET.
I do need to be able to index on the value, so pulling the entire column(s) into .NET and then performing my calculation won't work.
I think you are running into the ceiling of what Access can do (and trying to go beyond). Access really doesn't have the power to do really complex TSQL statements like you are attempting. However, there are a couple ways to accomplish what you are looking for.
First, if the results of MyFunc don't change often, you could create a function in a module that loops through each record in atable and runs your MyFunc against it. You could either store that data in the table itself (in a new column) or you could build an in-memory dataset that you use for whatever purposes you want.
The second way of doing this is to do the manipulation in .NET since it seems you have the ability to do so. Do the SELECT statement and pull out the data you want from Access (without trying to run MyFunc against it). Then run whatever logic you want against the data and either use it from there or put it back into the Access database.
Why don't you want to create an additional field in your atable, which is atable.afieldX = MyFunc(atable.afield)? All what you need - to run UPDATE command once.
You should try to write a SQL Server function MyFunc. This way you will be able to run the same query in SQLserver and in Access.
A few usefull links for you so you can get started:
MSDN article about user defined functions:
SQLServer user defined functions:
SQLServer string functions:
What version of JET (now called Ace) are you using?
I mean, it should come as no surprise that if you going to use some Access VBA code, then you need the VBA library and a copy of MS Access loaded and running.
However, in Access 2010, we now have table triggers and store procedures. These store procedures do NOT require VBA and in fact run at the engine level. I have a table trigger and soundex routine here that shows how this works:
The above means if Access, or, or even FoxPro via odbc modifies a row, the table trigger code will fire and run and save the soundex value in a column for you. And this feature also works if you use the new web publishing feature in access 2010. So, while the above article is written from the point of view of using Access Web services (available in office 365 and SharePoint), the above soundex table trigger will also work in a stand a alone Access and JET (ACE) only application.

How to restrict PL/SQL code from executing twice with the same values to the input parameters?

I want to restrict the execution of my PL/SQL code from repetition. That is, I have written a PL/SQL code with three input parameters viz, Month, Year and a Flag. I have executed the procedure with the following values for the parameters:
Month: March
Year : 2011
Flag: Y
Now, If I am trying to execute the procedure with the same values to the parameters as above, I want to write some code in the PL/SQL to restrict the unwanted second execution. Can anyone help. I hope the question is no ambiguous.
You can use the function result cache: . So Oracle can do this for you.
I would create another table that would store the 3 parameters of each request. When your procedure is called it would first check the "parameter request" table to see if the calling parameters have beem used before. If found, then exit the procedure. If not found, then save the parameters and execute the rest of the procedure.
Your going to need to keep "State" of the last call somewhere. I would recommend creating a table with a datetime column.
When your procedure is called update this table. So, next time when your procedure is called.. check this table to see when was the last time your procedure was called and then proceed accordingly.
Why not set up a table to track what arguments you've already executed it with?
In your procedure, first check that table to see if similar parameters have already been processed. If so, exit (with or without an error).
If not, insert them and do the processing necessary.
Depending on how tight the requirements are, you'll need to get a exclusive lock on that table to prevent concurrent execution.
A nice plus would be an extra column with "in progress"/"done"/"error" status so that you can check if things are going on properly. (Maybe a timestamp too if that's important/interesting.)
This setup allows you to easily clear some of the executions (by deleting some rows) if you find things need to be re-done for whatever reason.
Make an insert in the beginning of the procedure, and do a select for update tolock the table so no one else can process any data and if everything goes ok with the procedure, commit and release the table 😀
