I want to move data to right in a circular way once using MPI. That is, if you have 4 nodes, 1->2, 2->3, 3->4, 4->1. I am using boost mpi and have the following code to do it.
mat new_W(this->W.n_rows,this->W.n_cols);
int p_send = MPI_RANK + 1 >= MPI_SIZE ? 0 : MPI_RANK + 1;
int p_recv = MPI_RANK - 1 < 0 ? MPI_SIZE - 1 : MPI_RANK - 1;
vector<boost::mpi::request> reqs;
reqs.push_back(this->world.isend(p_send, MAT_TAG, this->W));
reqs.push_back(this->world.irecv(p_recv, MAT_TAG, new_W));
On the above code I have the following observations.
While sending larger data sizes, MPI_ALL_GATHER over the all the nodes is faster than this right rotate. That is every one exchanging their data with everyone is faster than just sending to its neighbor. My MPI_ALL_GATHER routine is as follows.
vector<mat> all_x;
boost::mpi::all_gather (this->world,X,all_x);
How to make the above right rotate faster for larger data packets.
the problem's data are:
Analog clock is dived into 512 even sections, arrow/handle starts its movement at 0° and each tick/step moves it by 4.01°. Arrow/Handle can move only clockwise. What minimum ticks/steps count is needed for arrow/handle to visit all sections of the clock.
I'm trying to write a formula to calculate the count but can't quite wrap my head around it.
Is it possible to do it? If yes, how can I do it?
This site is for programmers, isn't it?
So we can hire our silicon friend to work for us ;)
Full circle is 360*60*60*4=5184000 units (unit is a quarter of angular second)
One step is 4*(4*3600+36) = 57744 units
One section is 4*360*3600/512 = 10125 units (we use quarters to make this value integer)
cntr = set()
an = 0
step = 57744
div = 10125
mod = 5184000
c = 0
while len(cntr) < 512:
sec = (an % mod) // div
an += step
c += 1
unfortunately I can`t fully answer your question but the following may help:
Dividing the 512 Sections into degree gives you 1,4222° each.
Each round you cover 90 different section when starting between 0°-3.11° and 89° when starting between 3.12°-4.00°
For starting the rounds this gives you a change in starting degree of 0.9° every round except after the fourth, where it is only 0.89°(within the possible range of 0°-4° so all calculated mod 4).
So you have 0.9°->1.8°->2.7°->3.6°->0.49->1.39°...0.08°...
I hope this helps you devloping an algorithm
Original problem:
Let N be a positive integer (actually, N <= 2000) and P - set of all possible partitions of the N, where with and . Let A be the number of partitions . Find the A.
Input: N. Output: A - the number of partitions .
What have I tried:
I think that this problem can be solved by dynamic-based algorithm. Let p(n,a,b) be the function, which returns the number of partitons of n using only numbers a. . .b. Then we can compute the A with the code like:
int Ans = 2; // the 1+1+...+1=N & N=N partitions
for(int a = 2; a <= N/2; a += 1){ //a - from 2 to N/2
int b = a*2-1;
Ans += p[N][a][b]; // add all partitions using a..b to Answer
if(a < (a-1)*2-1){ // if a < previous b [ (a-1)*2-1 ]
Ans -= p[N][a][(a-1)*2-1]; // then we counted number of partitions
} // using numbers a..prev_b twice.
Next I tried to find the dynamic algorithm computing p(n,a,b) for any integer a <= b <= n. This paper (.pdf) provides the folowing algorithm:
, were I(n<=b) = 1 if n<=b and =0 otherwise.
How should I realize the algorithm from the paper? I'm new at d-p problems and as I can see, this problem has 3 dimensions (n,a & b), which is quite tricky for me.
How actually that algorithm works? I know how work the algorithms for computing p(n,0,b) or p(n,a,n), but a little explanation for p(n,a,b) will be very helpful.
Does original problem have simpler solution? I'm quite sure that there's another clean solution, but I didn't found it.
I calculated all A(1)-A(600) in 23 seconds with memoization approach (top-down dynamic programming). 3D table requires 1.7 GB of memory.
For reference: A[50] = 278, A(200)=465202, A(600)=38860513616
N=2000 requires too large table for 32-bit environment, and map approach worked too slow.
I can make 2D table with reasonable size, but this approach requires table zeroing at every iteration of external loop - slow again.
A(1000) = 107292471486730 in 131 sec. And I think that long arithmetic might be needed for larger values to avoid Int64 overflow.
I'm trying to do a reduce-like cumulative calculation where 4 different values need to be stored depending on certain conditions. My kernel receives long arrays as input and needs to store only 4 values, which are "global sums" obtained from each data point on the input. For example, I need to store the sum of all the data values satisfying certain condition, and the number of data points that satisfy said condition. The kernel is below to make it clearer:
__kernel void photometry(__global float* stamp,
__constant float* dark,
__global float* output)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int s = n * n;
if(x < s){
float2 curr_px = (float2)((x / n), (x % n));
float2 center = (float2)(centerX, centerY);
int dist = (int)fast_distance(center, curr_px);
if(dist < aperture){
output[0] += stamp[x]-dark[x];
}else if (dist > sky_inner && dist < sky_outer){
output[2] += stamp[x]-dark[x];
All the values not declared in the kernel are previously defined by macros. s is the length of the input arrays stamp and dark, which are nxn matrices flattened down to 1D.
I get results but they are different from my CPU version of this. Of course I am wondering: is this the right way to do what I'm trying to do? Can I be sure that each pixel data is only being added once? I can't think of any other way to save the cumulative result values.
Atomic operation is needed in your case, otherwise data races will cause the results unpredictable.
The problem is here:
output[0] += stamp[x]-dark[x];
You can imagine that threads in the same wave might still follow the same step, therefore, it might be OK for threads inside the same wave. Since they read the same output[0] value using a global load instruction (broadcasting). Then, when they finish the computation and try to store data into the same memory address (output[0]), the writing operations will be serialized. To this point, you may still get the correct results (for the work items inside the same wave).
However, since it is highly likely that your program launches more than one wave (in most applications, this is the case). Different waves may execute in an unknown order; then, when they access the same memory address, the behavior becomes more complicated. For example, wave0 and wave1 may access output[0] in the beginning before any other computation happens, that means they fetch the same value from output[0]; then they start the computation. After computation, they save their accumulative results into output[0]; apparently, result from one of the waves will be overwritten by another one, as if only the one who writes memory later got executed. Just imagine that you have much more waves in a real application, so it is not strange to have a wrong result.
You can do this in O(log2(n)) concurrently. a concept idea:
You have 16 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) inputs and you want to have the sum of these inputs concurrently.
you can concurrently sum 1 in 2, 3 in 4, 5 in 6, 7 in 8, 9 in 10, 11 in 12, 13 in 14, 15 in 16
then you sum concurrently 2 in 4, 6 in 8, 10 in 12, 14 in 16
then always concurrently 4 in 8, 10 in 16
and finally 8 in 16
everything done in O(log2(n)) in our case in 4 passages.
I'm working on an embedded project where I have to write a time-out value into two byte registers of some micro-chip.
The time-out is defined as:
timeout = REG_a * (REG_b +1)
I want to program these registers using an integer in the range of 256 to lets say 60000. I am looking for an algorithm which, given a timeout-value, calculates REG_a and REG_b.
If an exact solution is impossible, I'd like to get the next possible larger time-out value.
What have I done so far:
My current solution calculates:
temp = integer_square_root (timeout) +1;
REG_a = temp;
REG_b = temp-1;
This results in values that work well in practice. However I'd like to see if you guys could come up with a more optimal solution.
Oh, and I am memory constrained, so large tables are out of question. Also the running time is important, so I can't simply brute-force the solution.
You could use the code used in that answer Algorithm to find the factors of a given Number.. Shortest Method? to find a factor of timeout.
n = timeout
initial_n = n
num_factors = 1;
for (i = 2; i * i <= initial_n; ++i) // for each number i up until the square root of the given number
power = 0; // suppose the power i appears at is 0
while (n % i == 0) // while we can divide n by i
n = n / i // divide it, thus ensuring we'll only check prime factors
++power // increase the power i appears at
num_factors = num_factors * (power + 1) // apply the formula
if (n > 1) // will happen for example for 14 = 2 * 7
num_factors = num_factors * 2 // n is prime, and its power can only be 1, so multiply the number of factors by 2
REG_A = num_factor
The first factor will be your REG_A, so then you need to find another value that multiplied equals timeout.
for (i=2; i*num_factors != timeout;i++);
REG_B = i-1
Interesting problem, Nils!
Suppose you start by fixing one of the values, say Reg_a, then compute Reg_b by division with roundup: Reg_b = ((timeout + Reg_a-1) / Reg_a) -1.
Then you know you're close, but how close? Well the upper bound on the error would be Reg_a, right? Because the error is the remainder of the division.
If you make one of factors as small as possible, then compute the other factor, you'd be making that upper bound on the error as small as possible.
On the other hand, by making the two factors close to the square root, you're making the divisor as large as possible, and therefore making the error as large as possible!
First, what is the minimum value for Reg_a? (timeout + 255) / 256;
Then compute Reg_b as above.
This won't be the absolute minimum combination in all cases, but it should be better than using the square root, and faster, too.
I'm writing something that reads bytes (just a List<int>) from a remote random number generation source that is extremely slow. For that and my personal requirements, I want to retrieve as few bytes from the source as possible.
Now I am trying to implement a method which signature looks like:
int getRandomInteger(int min, int max)
I have two theories how I can fetch bytes from my random source, and convert them to an integer.
Approach #1 is naivé . Fetch (max - min) / 256 number of bytes and add them up. It works, but it's going to fetch a lot of bytes from the slow random number generator source I have. For example, if I want to get a random integer between a million and a zero, it's going to fetch almost 4000 bytes... that's unacceptable.
Approach #2 sounds ideal to me, but I'm unable come up with the algorithm. it goes like this:
Lets take min: 0, max: 1000 as an example.
Calculate ceil(rangeSize / 256) which in this case is ceil(1000 / 256) = 4. Now fetch one (1) byte from the source.
Scale this one byte from the 0-255 range to 0-3 range (or 1-4) and let it determine which group we use. E.g. if the byte was 250, we would choose the 4th group (which represents the last 250 numbers, 750-1000 in our range).
Now fetch another byte and scale from 0-255 to 0-250 and let that determine the position within the group we have. So if this second byte is e.g. 120, then our final integer is 750 + 120 = 870.
In that scenario we only needed to fetch 2 bytes in total. However, it's much more complex as if our range is 0-1000000 we need several "groups".
How do I implement something like this? I'm okay with Java/C#/JavaScript code or pseudo code.
I'd also like to keep the result from not losing entropy/randomness. So, I'm slightly worried of scaling integers.
Unfortunately your Approach #1 is broken. For example if min is 0 and max 510, you'd add 2 bytes. There is only one way to get a 0 result: both bytes zero. The chance of this is (1/256)^2. However there are many ways to get other values, say 100 = 100+0, 99+1, 98+2... So the chance of a 100 is much larger: 101(1/256)^2.
The more-or-less standard way to do what you want is to:
Let R = max - min + 1 -- the number of possible random output values
Let N = 2^k >= mR, m>=1 -- a power of 2 at least as big as some multiple of R that you choose.
b = a random integer in 0..N-1 formed from k random bits
while b >= mR -- reject b values that would bias the output
return min + floor(b/m)
This is called the method of rejection. It throws away randomly selected binary numbers that would bias the output. If min-max+1 happens to be a power of 2, then you'll have zero rejections.
If you have m=1 and min-max+1 is just one more than a biggish power of 2, then rejections will be near half. In this case you'd definitely want bigger m.
In general, bigger m values lead to fewer rejections, but of course they require slighly more bits per number. There is a probabilitistically optimal algorithm to pick m.
Some of the other solutions presented here have problems, but I'm sorry right now I don't have time to comment. Maybe in a couple of days if there is interest.
3 bytes (together) give you random integer in range 0..16777215. You can use 20 bits from this value to get range 0..1048575 and throw away values > 1000000
range 1 to r
256^a >= r
first find 'a'
get 'a' number of bytes into array A[]
for i=0 to len(A)-1
random number = num mod range
Your random source gives you 8 random bits per call. For an integer in the range [min,max] you would need ceil(log2(max-min+1)) bits.
Assume that you can get random bytes from the source using some function:
bool RandomBuf(BYTE* pBuf , size_t nLen); // fill buffer with nLen random bytes
Now you can use the following function to generate a random value in a given range:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// produce a uniformly-distributed integral value in range [nMin, nMax]
template <class T> T RandU(T nMin, T nMax)
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "RandU: integral type expected");
if (nMin>nMax)
std::swap(nMin, nMax);
if (0 == (T)(nMax-nMin+1)) // all range of type T
T nR;
return RandomBuf((BYTE*)&nR, sizeof(T)) ? *(T*)&nR : nMin;
ULONGLONG nRange = (ULONGLONG)nMax-(ULONGLONG)nMin+1 ; // number of discrete values
UINT nRangeBits= (UINT)ceil(log((double)nRange) / log(2.)); // bits for storing nRange discrete values
if (!RandomBuf((BYTE*)&nR, sizeof(nR)))
return nMin;
nR= nR>>((sizeof(nR)<<3) - nRangeBits); // keep nRangeBits random bits
while (nR >= nRange); // ensure value in range [0..nRange-1]
return nMin + (T)nR; // [nMin..nMax]
Since you are always getting a multiple of 8 bits, you can save extra bits between calls (for example you may need only 9 bits out of 16 bits). It requires some bit-manipulations, and it is up to you do decide if it is worth the effort.
You can save even more, if you'll use 'half bits': Let's assume that you want to generate numbers in the range [1..5]. You'll need log2(5)=2.32 bits for each random value. Using 32 random bits you can actually generate floor(32/2.32)= 13 random values in this range, though it requires some additional effort.