How to calculate the entropy of a coin flip - math

I would like to know ...
In the repeated coin flip, ¿how do I calculate the entropy of the random variable X that represents the number of flips to do until get "head" for first time?

The variable X can take any number from 1 through infinity. The probabilities are:
p(X = i) = (1/2)^i
The entropy is:
H = - Sum {i from 1 to infinity} ( p(X = i) * log2(p(X = i)) )
= - Sum {i from 1 to infinity} ( 1/2^i * log2(1/2^i) )
= - Sum {i from 1 to infinity} ( 1/2^i * i * log2(1/2) )
= Sum {i from 1 to infinity} ( 1/2^i * i )
Solving this yields:
H = 2 bit


Monte Carlo Method in R

I'm trying to learn R. I'm trying to write a program which calculates (approximately) pi.
Read About the method
My code is not working right now!
f <- 0
s <- 0
range <- 10000
for (i in (1:range)) {
v <- sample(1:range, 1)/range
n <- sample(1:range, 1)/range
if ( sqrt (v*v + n*n) <= 1) {
f <- f + 1
} else if ( v <=1 && n <= 1) {
s <- s+1
print ( f/s )
Here's an improved version of your code
range = 100000
v = runif(range)
n = runif(range)
f = sum(sqrt(v^2 + n^2) <= 1)
print(4 * f / range)
You should use runif to get samples from a uniform instead of sample(...) / range.
The s is unnecessary since what you're doing is counting the number of times, f, that your random point (v,n) is within the circle in that quadrant, divided by the number of attempted draws, which would just be range in your case.
You need to multiply by 4 since f / range approximates the area of one-quarter of the unit circle.

How to find solution with optim using r

I have quite simple question yet I cannot seem to solve it.
I'm trying to find a parameter with optim() r function.
Here is the case:
d <- read.table(text="indx rate n d
1 0.12 158 14
2 0.095 135 9
3 0.057 123 4
4 0.033 115 5
5 0.019 90 4", header=T)
d$real <- with(d, d/n)
opt <- d[ ,c("rate","real", "n")]
# this is close to the correct solution!
scaler <- apply(opt, 1, function(z) uniroot.all(
function(alpha) z[2] - (1 / (1 + alpha * ( (1 - z[1]) / z[1] )) ), interval = c(0,10)))
# check for solution (not fully correct!)
round(crossprod(scaler * opt$real, opt$n)/sum(opt$n), 3) == round(crossprod(round(opt$rate, 3), opt$n)/sum(opt$n), 3)
# using optim() - completely wrong results
infun <- function(data, alpha){ l <- with(data,
( rate - (1 / ( 1 + alpha[1] * ( (1 - real)/real ))) )); return( -sum( l ) ) }
opt_out <- optim(c(0,0), infun, data=opt, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
with(opt, (1 / ( 1 + opt_out$par[1] * ( (1 - real)/real ))))
You are trying, with your code, to get an unique alpha for all, but you want to have five values ..
So, you are leaded to make a sum .. but if you have negative and positive values, your sum could go near zero even with individual terms far from 0 ..
Moreover, your infun function is not in accordance with your previous function ..
What you can do is something like that :
infun <- function(alpha){ l <- with(cbind(d, alpha), ( real - (1 / ( 1 +
alpha * ( (1 - rate)/rate ))) )); return( sum(abs(l)) ) }
param <- c(5,5,5,5,5)
opt_out <- optim(par = scaler, infun, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
And in order to check the result you should have written :
with( cbind(opt,opt_out$par), real -1 / ( 1 + opt_out$par * ( (1 - rate)/rate )))
To get the true solution, you can do (after a very litle mathematics on a paper) :
sol <- -((opt[,2]-1)/(opt[,2]))*(opt[,1]/(1-opt[,1]))
and test it :
with( cbind(opt,sol), real -1 / ( 1 + opt_out$par * ( (1 - rate)/rate )))

why 1 is subtracted from mod where mod =1000000007 in calculation

link of question
link of solution is
In below code i am not able to understand why 1 is subtracted from mod
where mod=1000000007
ll d = 1;
ll ans = 1;
for (auto x : cnt) {
ll cnt =;
ll p =;
ll fp = binPow(p, (cnt + 1) * cnt / 2, MOD);
ans = binPow(ans, (cnt + 1), MOD) * binPow(fp, d, MOD) % MOD;
d = d * ( + 1) % (MOD - 1);//why ??
Apart from the fact that there is the code does not make much sense as out of context as it is, there is the little theorem of Fermat:
Whenever MOD is a prime number, as 10^9+7 is, one can reduce exponents by multiples of (MOD-1) as for any a not a multiple of MOD
a ^ (MOD-1) == 1 mod MOD.
Which means that
a^b == a ^ (b mod (MOD-1)) mod MOD.
As to the code, which is efficient for its task, consider n=m*p^e where m is composed of primes smaller than p.
Then for each factor f of m there are factors 1*f, p*f, p^2*f,...,p^e*f of n. The product over all factors of n thus is the product over
p^(0+1+2+...+e) * f^(e+1) = p^( e*(e+1)/2 ) * f^(e+1)
over all factors f of m. Putting the numbers of factors as d and the product of factors of m as ans results in the combined formula
ans = ans^( e+1 ) * p^( d*e*(e+1)/2 )
d = d*(e+1)
which can now be recursively applied to the list of prime factors and their multiplicities.

Differential Eq using deSolve in R

My apologies, for being unclear earlier. I now understand the function a bit more, but could use some assistance on a few aspects.
I would like to get back a relationship of conversion ( X ) versus volume ( V ), or the other way around would be fine as well. It would seem to me that the traditional "times" term is what I want to replace with an X sequence from 0 - 1, X is conversion remember so bounded by 0 and 1.0
Below, rw is the reaction rate, and is a function of the partial pressures at any given moment, which are described as P.w, P.x, P.y, and P.z which themselves are functions of the initial conditions (P.w0, v.0) and the conversion, again X.
Thank you in advance
rm(list = ls())
weight <- function( Vols, State, Pars ) {
with(as.list(c(State, Pars)), {
y = 1
delta = 2
ya.0 = 0.4
eps = ya.0 * delta
temp = 800
R = 8.314
k.2 = exp( (35000 / ( R*temp )) - 7.912 )
K.3 = exp( 4.084 / temp - 4.33 )
P.w <- P.w0 * ( 1 - X ) * y / ( 1 + eps * X )
P.x <- P.w0 * ( 1 - 2*X ) * y / ( 1 + eps * X )
P.y <- P.w0 * ( 1 + X ) * y / ( 1 + eps * X )
P.z <- P.w0 * ( 1 + 4*X ) * y / ( 1 + eps * X )
r.w <- k.2 * ( K.3 * P.w * P.x ^ 2 - P.y * P.z^4 )
F.w0 <- P.w0 * v.0 / ( R * temp )
dX.dq <- r.w / F.w0
res <- dX.dq
pars <- c( y = 1,
P.w0 = 23,
v.0 = 120 )
yini <- c( X = 0 )
vols <- seq( 0 , 100 , by = 1 )
out <- ode( yini , vols , weight , pars )
Just running
i.e., evaluating the gradient at the initial conditions, gives NaN. The proper way to diagnose this is to divide your complex gradient expressions up into separate terms and see which one is causing trouble. I'm not going to go through this in detail, but as #Sixiang.Hu points out in comments above, you're dividing by V in your gradient function, which will cause infinite values if the numerator is finite or NaN values if the numerator is zero ...
More generally, it's not clear whether you understand that the first argument to the gradient function (your vol.func) is supposed to be the current time, not a value of the state variable. Perhaps V is supposed to be your state variable, and X should be a parameter ...?

QBasic - How to find this value?

If we have M as follows:
M = 1+2+3+5+6+7+9+10+11+13+...+n
What would be the QBasic program to find M.
I have done the following so far, but is not returning me the expected value
SUM = 0
FOR I = 1 TO N
IF I MOD 4 = 0
How should I go about this?
You have mixed the equality operator. Try this:
SUM = 0
FOR I = 1 TO N
IF I MOD 4 <> 0
No need to write a program, or at least no need to use loops.
Sum of first n natural numbers:
sum_1 = n * (n + 1) / 2
Sum of multiples of 4 < n:
sum_2 = 4 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1) / 2 = 2 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1)
The result is sum_1 - sum_2:
sum = sum_1 - sum_2 = n * (n + 1) / 2 - 2 * (n / 4) * (n / 4 + 1)
NB: / = integer division
This snip calculates the sum of integers to n skipping values divisible by 4.
PRINT "Enter upper value";
' calculate sum of all values
FOR l = 1 TO n
x = x + l
' remove values divisible by 4
FOR l = 0 TO n STEP 4
x = x - l
PRINT "Solution is:"; x
