customizing error pages in Ping Federate 6.10 - pingfederate

Any one know about how to change default error pages in PingFederate 6.10 during sso login. for example, in PF after no of unsuccessfull attempts exceeded user face error page from PF.
my question is how to change default ping federate sso user facing pages to refer external web pages? (i noticed too many inbuilt error pages are in Ping Federate)
Thanks in Advance....

Check the PF 6.10 Admin Guide to start -
You can modify these to add redirects to your own pages or customize these for your own message/look & feel.
If you have more questions on this, please post a new question.


Can't Load URL | Connect SNAP Auto Poster Wordpress with Facebook Fanpage

I have Wordpress blog and I want to share my post blog automatically in my Facebook Fanpage.
I using NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster plugin and insert App ID and App Secret (I'm already register in But when I click Authorize Your Facebook Account, I get error that said:
"Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings."
I'm already search answer in google, but still not able to fix it.
such as do this in account:
Use Strict Mode for Switch URIs => Turn off (but cannot turn it off)
Insert into Valid OAuth URI redirect (not solving my problem, having another error : URL Blocked)
Is there any way to fix it? I only want to share my blog post automatically to save time, just it. Any help is very appreciated, Thank you.

Wordpress admin is not opening

Whenever I open my website admin
it is redirecting to homepage.
Edit: This answer was using the original URL as given by OP, and later edited/removed by David.
It works fine for me - presenting the admin login screen as expected, so maybe too many bad logins from your IP / address and it's therefore redirecting you.
Try logging in from a friends computer or via Tor Browser and then reset the list of banned IPs?
Or if you have access to the database (and knowledge thereof) you can clear the table of bad login attempts to re-enable your usual access.

Adding Mailchimp Webhooks for CiviCRM on Wordpress

I’ve been trouble shooting this all weekend and not finding any solutions. I’m trying to setup webhooks for Mailchimp and CiviCRM 4.6.1 through Wordpress 4.3.1.
The mailchimp settings panel in CiviCRM provides the web hook address as:
Webhook URL - http://<domain>/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailchimp/webhook&reset=1&key=2345
Anytime I request the url in a browser window it returns a ‘null’ response. When I paste it into the Mailchimp webhook setup Mailchimp gives me a 403 error (“We couldn't verify the URL is working. Please double check and try again. HTTP Code: 403”).
I’ve tried to ensure that step 3 of the Veda Consulting instructions was handled:
Make sure webhook url is accessible to public. If not, just make sure anonymous / public user has “allow webhook posts” permission.
but in wordpress settings ( I can’t find a webhook tool. Am I missing something? Is this from an older version of wordpress. I found the Hookpress plugin but it has a warning that it hasn’t been tested with the current version of wordpress.
Whoever can tell me how to get this webhook working for Mailchimp I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
It's a civiCRM setting, not a Wordpress setting.
This comment from the developer reveals a URL to use to expose the permissions panel:
You can enable 'allow webhook posts' permission in wordpress access control by navigating to
Not a totally satisfying answer but I ran my webhook link through firebug and it always returns an ok 200 response from the server.
I corresponded with Mailchimp and they confirmed that from what they can see there isn't an issue with the webhook I'm using. They suggested I whitelist their API's IP addresses but my hosting doesn't allow whitelist IPs. I've gone back to Mailchimp but it's looking like the fate is sealed on this one.
If not, just make sure anonymous / public user has “allow webhook posts” permission.
This refers to permissions configuration in your CMS.
In Drupal and Backdrop, this is configured under Admin > People > Permissions (admin/people/permissions) where you must grant "allow webhook posts" permission to the "anonymous user" role.
In WordPress, a similar pattern should allow you to grant the "allow webhook posts" capability to the "Anonymous User" role.
In Joomla, I think the Veda MailChimp plugin doesn't check permissions on that webhook callback.
I had to debug a site which hadn't had this configuration set today, and the HTTP response code for the callback to MailChimp was 500 when permission not granted, and 200 when it was granted. That might help debug your own situation (you should be able to duplicate this simply by GET to the webhook callback).

HybridAuth not working - User profile request failed(Google)

I'm using SocialLogin plugin for WordPress which relies on HybridAuth for authentication. However, when I try to login with Google, I get "User profile request failed. Most likely the user is not connected to the provider and he should to authenticate again." error. I've tried Googling the solution, unsuccessfully.
Also, when I try to login with StackOverflow or Yahoo! I get Unspecified error!
I came across this issue also ...
Your question is more than an year old but here you go the solution:
Go to and activate Google+ API access.
That worked out for me!
It generally occurs to me in two conditions.
Session lost when you use for example back button or directly visiting the page instead of visiting via link.
Some times you need to clear your cache, logout and login to site but clean logout
generally fix.
I also want you to know that Hybrid Auth is a dead project.

Limit one user per IP in Drupal 6.22

Recently I found that multiple accounts are being created in my Drupal 6.22 website by someone from a particular IP. Is someone aware of any modules to limit the user to create only one account per ip?
You have to use rules module for this. there is no direct module. Visit this link click here
