I have used --dryrun along with my pybot command; I want to know what exactly it validates for in testcase or in library.
It parses all of the test suites and executes the tests. It does not execute any keywords, but it does parse them for correctness. The main benefits listed by the user guide are:
Using keywords that are not found.
Using keywords with wrong number of arguments.
Using user keywords that have invalid syntax.
In addition to these failures, normal execution errors are shown, for example, when test library or resource file imports cannot be resolved.
For more information see http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#dry-run
Need help in robot framework, I want to know how to pass tag names that passed during execution of robot file in robot framework to python function.
executing robot file with tag name Sanity, I want way to get the value Sanity and pass to the python function.
robot -i Sanity testsuite.robot
def pyfunction(tagname):
*** Here i need to get value "Sanity" which is passed during executing robot file.
Acc.to the documentation
Reload Library name_or_instance
Rechecks what keywords the specified library provides.
Can be called explicitly in the test data or by a library itself when keywords it provides
have changed. The library can be specified by its name or as the active instance of the
library. The latter is especially useful if the library itself calls this keyword as a
method. New in Robot Framework 2.9.
The goal:
Is to provide a concrete example 1, where a library A uses Reload Library LibraryB and checks that the keywords LibraryB provides indeed have changed.
Another example 2 would be to use the Reload Library LibraryB in the test data and check that the keywords LibraryB provides indeed have changed.
With the given documentation, i am unable to provide such an example. Thank you for your effort.
I have a BDD-style test case in my robot framework. Which is calling the API. There is a variable in API, which value changes. So I want to write only one test case and want that variable to be changed after one has executed.
Please find the code below:
*** Variables ***
${Upload_Project_Asset_To_Flagship_API} /workstream/api/projects/${projectId}/assets/${assetId}/external?debug=1&user_id=${userId}
*** Test Cases ***
When User Executes Upload Asset To Flagship API
Then Assert the response after asset upload
[Teardown] User gets the uploaded file details
*** Keywords ***
User Executes Upload Asset To Flagship API
${resp}= Put request session1 ${Upload_Project_Asset_To_Flagship_API} headers=${api_header}
This is an old question, but for anyone landing here:
It is perfectly possible to combine Given When Then descriptions with Data driven tests - also in Robot Framework. Many BDD tools (e.g. Cucumber) use a list of "Examples" under the GWEN.
With standard Robot Framework, template tests can be used to list data, but only one template can be used in a suite.
To support Examples in a more natural way, I have written the Robot Framework library RobotFramework-Examples.
Is it possible to call a robot framework file from another robot framework file. Can some one give examples of it
We have some tests which are of repetitive nature. The idea is to have these tests present in a Robot file which can be called into the main robot tests file. This will allow us to keep adding to the list of repetitive tests and all the new / old tests will be available for the main tests.
Any examples will help. Thanks.
Tests (or Test cases) are not reusable components in robot framework. Tests exist to perform verifications. Once those verifications have been made, there's no point in running the test again in the same test run.
Even though tests can't call other tests, they can call user keywords, which is the foundation of robot framework. If you have bits of functionality that you want to be reusable, you put that functionality in keywords, and then you can use those keywords in as many tests as you want.
For example, lets say that you need to send a signal to a device and check for a light to come on. Instead of writing a test that does this, and then repeating the test over and over, you create a keyword that sends the signal, and a keyword that verifies the light is on, and then call these keywords from multiple tests (or one data-driven test).
Just declare the file that you wish to call in Settings section of your code as specified below.
Resource ../common/Resource_Apps.robot
Now you can use or call all the keywords written in this resource file.
just import the another robot as a Resource
Library PythonLibrary.py
Resource <Folder_Name>/Example.robot
I want only test scenarios in the Log file of the report generated in the Robot Framework but while clicking upon the Test Scenarios the test scripts is getting expanded and the Test steps are clearly visible how can stop this issue
I have attached the screenshots I want to achieve this
But I am getting this type of Log Report
In Robot Framework userguide there is an entire section dedicated to this functionality: Removing and Flattening Keywords. In your case I think that the --removekeywords all or the --removekeywords passed should be of particular interest.