ASP.NET Web API Posted value not automatically map to object -

I'm trying to send my request with json content to web api, bit these value isn't automatically map to my object.
This is My API Action that result in null.
public IEnumerable<string> GetCustomerByName([FromBody] Request_GetCustomerByName request)
// Some Action
If I change parameter like below I can receive my data fine. So I wonder why my json string not automatically map to object.
public IEnumerable<string> GetCustomerByName([FromBody] dynamic request)
// Some action
This is where I send my request .
public ActionResult Index()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:40175/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Request_GetCustomerByName r = new Request_GetCustomerByName()
Customer = new Customer() { CustomerId = 1, CustomerName = "Name" },
RequestBase = new RequestBase() { Somefield="123"}
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(r);
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/values/GetCustomerByName", json).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var resVal = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return View();
Thanks, I've been stuck at this point for some hour...

You should probably inspect the Json string, this online json to c# object mapper might help:


Redirect from one WebAPI to an another WebAPI and getting the response

I want to create lets say a master/core api.Want to check for a certain parameter value and redirect to a an external api hosted in the same server.I have an api with uri which takes two auth params Username and Password.Now i add a third parameter lets say Area.
Now coming to the master api, if with this uri for example and i pass Username, Password and Area,and if the Area has value of lets say "mars" it should call the external mars api having uri ,do the auth the process and return the response in the master this possible?
With my /auth api i have this controller returning the response :
public HttpResponseMessage Auth(Login authBDTO)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);
using (AccountBusinessService accountService = new AccountBusinessService())
var result = accountService.Auth(authBDTO);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
Any Help Appreciated.Couldnt find this exact scenario in here.Sorry if too naive.
Found a workaround.This did the work.
public IHttpActionResult esp(Login auth)
if (auth.Coop == "PMC")
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:60069/api/v1/auth");
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
Username = auth.UserName,
Password = auth.Password
var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(result);
obj.BaseUrl = "http://localhost:60069/api/v1";
return Ok(obj);
} web api controller long querystring returns BadRequest

I have an web api with one method that receive a crypted string with variable length, my problem is it string some times could take a length near 5000.
When that method receive a string under 1930 length it process everything ok, but for lengths over 1929 returns
404 Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
I changed method GET to POST but problem persists.
I changed filter options on server to very very long limits, but problem persists
This is my controller:
public class LicencingManagerController : ApiController
public string SaveCustomer2(string custInfo)
return $"ItsOk = {custInfo}";
Actually I made calls to controller using autogenerated c# client by AutoRest 2.0.483.
I tried hand building PostAsync Request using HttpClient but nothing works.
string custInfo = "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";
var pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("custInfo", custInfo)
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pairs);
var client = new HttpClient();
// call sync
var response = client.PostAsync($"{Modelos.Shared.HttpsServicesReference.Licencing}/LicencingAPI/SaveCustomer2", content).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
What is the right way to process this controller call?
There is another approach to perform this ?
Create model to hold data
public class Customer {
public string CustumerInfo { get; set; }
Update API to expect model in body of request
public class LicencingManagerController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult SaveCustomer2([FromBody]Customer model) {
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var custInfo = model.CustumerInfo;
return Ok($"ItsOk = {custInfo}");
Post content to API in body of the request like you did before
string custInfo = "H4sIAAAAAAAEAA...";
string url = $"{Modelos.Shared.HttpsServicesReference.Licencing}/LicencingAPI/SaveCustomer2";
var pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> {
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("CustumerInfo", custInfo)
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pairs);
var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {

How to invoke the API action of type [HttpPatch] from HttpClient class in core mvc

My API has an [HttpPatch] action which i need to invoke.
public StatusCodeResult Patch(int id, [FromBody]JsonPatchDocument<Reservation> patch)
Reservation res = Get(id);
if (res != null)
return Ok();
return NotFound();
I am trying it from HttpClient class but it does not have .PatchAsync() method?
Also the parameter is of type JsonPatchDocument<Reservation> and so how to send it from client when invoking this action?
Please help
You have to create an HttpRequestMessage manually and send it via SendAsync:
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri(""),
Method = new HttpMethod("patch"),
Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json-patch+json")
var response = await _client.SendAsync(request);

Pass LIST object by Rest API Client to Web API 2 using JSON

I have a problem in pass data list from Client to the Web API 2 by JSON.
Here are my code samples
string RestUrl = "http://***SrviceUrl***/api/InvoiceHeader/{0}";
var uri = new Uri(string.Format(RestUrl, string.Empty));
List<InvItem> myList = new List<InvItem>(Common.invitems);
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myList);
var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
response = await client.PutAsync(uri ,content);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Debug.WriteLine(#"successfully saved.");
Web Service - Controller class
[BasicAuthentication(RequireSsl = false)]
public HttpResponseMessage Put(string item)
List<InvItemToSave> myList = new List<InvItemToSave>();
myList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<InvItemToSave>>(item);
catch (Exception)
return base.BuildErrorResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ErrorCode.CouldNotCreateItem.ToString());
return base.BuildSuccessResult(HttpStatusCode.Created);
when i try to pass single data object to same controller it works fine.
but for LIST objects it returns error code.
StatusCode: 405, ReasonPhrase: 'Method Not Allowed'
I tried to pass exact same * list content* through third party REST client . It returned success code.
You are doing a PutAsync into a HttpPost action. Your api URL looks incorrect as well, should be,
and action should be,
public HttpResponseMessage Put(List<InvItem> items)

Calling Put method in Web API with MVC as client

I have created a Web-api with following put method
public HttpResponseMessage Put(int id, [FromBody]DataModel model)
in the put method i pass the object and it get updated in the database. Its working i have checked it with fiddler.
Now in My MVC Application i call it using the following code
public JsonResult OrderSearch(DataModel model)
if (putresult != null && putresult != string.Empty)
return Json(putresult);
return Json("Error in getting result");
private async Task UpdateOrder(DataModel model)
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(url);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PutAsync("api/values/"+ model.OrderNo,new StringContent(json)).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
putresult = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<string>();
But the code does not hit my Put method on the service and putresult remains blank. I try to search about PutAsync usage but could not find anything so please help.
Using .Wait in any ASP.NET runtime application is likely to result in a deadlock. I'm not sure how you are supposed to handle async methods in MVC.
