How Do I Add Google Analytics in my Blogger Blog? - google-analytics

The blog was created in 2010 or 2011 so I do not remember if it was Classic Template that was used. I tried adding my tracking id in the blog settings. I also tried copying the tracking code in the HTML of my template. That did not work I guess because according to the instructions the tracking code should appear right before the </head> tag. I see the tracking code in my source page but there is a lot of script and css code before the </head> tag.
Normally when I add the tracking code in my Ruby on Rails applications the tracking code is immediately found (or at least it was the last time I implemented tracking). However now my account says "tracking not installed". I wonder since it has been a while if I have to wait for the tracking to be recognized.

Your tracking should be immediate. To check if data is being sent to Analytics you can open developer tools in Chrome and go to the networking tab. You should see something like this:
If you see utm.gif being called then Analytics is receiving data. Unless your unique ID code is wrong.
In Blogger though you shouldn't have to do much, there is a setting in the administration panel just for this (image taken from WikiHow - Google Analytics in Blogger:


Tag Manager not firing on AMP pages

I'm using Google Tag Manager with an AMP container. I integrated it with a simple Google Analytics tag
Here the code used in the head:
<!-- AMP Analytics --><script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>
and in the body:
<amp-analytics config="" data-credentials="include">
<script type="application/json">
But Analytics is not receiving any hits from AMP pages.
I tried also removing the <script> inside the <amp-analytics> tag, but nothing changed.
You can see the implementation here:
While, if I integrate the code of Google Analytics for AMP pages, it works. However, I would like to use GTM.
Yes, based from this blog, Tag Manager is now supported in AMP which provides support across Google’s ad platforms including AdWords and DoubleClick. You can check the support page for a full list of supported tags and information on how to use built-in variables.
Tag Manager not firing on AMP pages
You can check here the possible causes for tag firing problems:
Unpublished changes
Wrong trigger configuration
Triggers too specific
Unexpected site or app changes
Too many HTTP requests
Container snippet problems
Here's a tutorial about How to Use Google’s Tag Manager on Accelerated Mobile Pages which might help.
The AMP JS libraries ( in your case) should come at last just before closing of head tag. See
I know this is a bit old but I just ran into this and there's no other info out there I could find!
It looks like AMP pages don't support the debug window you expect here.
Google Tag Manager, AMP Container preview mode, doesnt work through amp-analytics #19883
"AMP containers in Google Tag Manager (GTM) do not support the debug
window you are referring to. Preview mode will still let you preview
your changes prior to publishing."
Some other information - accelerated-mobile-pages-via-google-tag-manager:
Google Tag Manager for AMP does not support the Debug mode we’re used
to with regular Google Tag Manager. The debug panel would require that
the AMP page supported the type of JavaScript that is very
However, GTM does work in Preview Mode. So when you enter Preview Mode
in Google Tag Manager, once you reload the site with the same web
browser you entered Preview Mode in, the container that is downloaded
from Google Tag Manager will actually be the one you are previewing
and not the one that is published.
This is very useful, even though I know you’ll miss having the
excellent Debug panel at your disposal.
Because Preview Mode doesn’t have any verbose logging or anything like
that, you should get familiar with other debug tools at your disposal.

Implementing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking codes on a Wordpress site with Personal plan

I have a Wordpress website and have the Personal plan.
My goal is to implement the tracking code of the Google Tag Manager on each site.
When I am on the Wordpress site in the HTML view, I should be able to paste one tracking code as close to the opening <head> tag as possible on every page of my website but this is not possible.
That´s why I had a talk with somebody from the Wordpress Support team and their answer was the following:
I believe the code for Google Analytics is meant to go in the header of the site. Since is a fully managed environment, we don't have access to the header code.
Instead, we have a built in Google Analytics option available as part of the Business upgrade.
The issue is I don´t want to spend 25$ a month just to have Google Analytics integrated on my website. There must be also a way for somebody like me with a Personal plan to implement the tracking codes.
When I tried to implement them, they were not hidden on the website which should not be the case (because "hidden" is in the code).
Did anybody of you have the same issue like I am facing?
P.S.: There are also Plugins for Google Analytics but with my plan I can´t upload any Plugins. :/
I integrated the code on a text widget. It worked just fine. If you dont give title to the widget, its even completly invisible. so dont spend unecessary money

Google Tag Manager vs. Google Analytics

I'm attempting to learn how to incorporate Google Analytics and custom event tracking on a new website. After researching into it, I can't seem to understand the difference and relationship between Google Tag Manager and just writing custom event tracking code.
Is Google Tag Manager just an easier way to track information without having to write JS?
Yes - Google Tag Manager is a "Tag Management System" wherein you can implement a lot of tags external of a typical development release cycle.
Adding tags without efficient management prompts big problems. All that code bogs down your site. Redundant or incorrectly applied tags can distort your measurement and result in duplicate costs or missing data. And it can be time-consuming for the IT department or webmaster team to add new tags, which means important marketing and measurement programs can be delayed. With Google Tag Manager, you eliminate these problems—and run your campaigns when you need them. -- source
Marketing and tracking services provide “tags” — snippets of code you’re often asked to embed right before the end of your tag — and they’re relatively easy to use, but when more than a few tags are involved, managing them can be a tedious task. This is where Google’s new Tag Manager comes in, which consolidates all of your site’s tags into a single admin panel. Now, you only have to include one automatically-updated snippet on your site. -- source
A Tag Management System (TMS) is solution that controls the deployment of externally hosted Javascript "page tags", very similar to what a Content Management System does for content. Probably the most known tag-based application known is Google Analytics, but other apps include simple social media interactions such as the Facebook Like or Tweet This buttons to more complex systems such as the Intense Debate or Disqus comments systems. -- source
So in your question, you can implement google analytics via custom event tracking code or you can install google tag manager and then code all your custom google analytics event hooks in it.
The google analytics is for user tracking and website traffic analysis and statistics.
The Tag manager is to manage plugin to website like google analytics basically they are different.
You could add google analytics to your tag manager account and the only plugin you will add to your website it the tag manager
i have tried this already.
hoping this was helpful.
thanks (=
Let me share my experience of implementing custom event tracking with Google Tag Manager.
Goggles Tag Manager (GTM) is a layer between your website and Google Analytics (GA).
We can use GA code for event tracking but in this case we have to write JavaScript in the website code. We have to look for event and need to add GA code inside that event handler. Since we have updated code, now we have to wait for the code release cycle to make it available to live site.
Using GTM it is possible to handle custom event tracking without adding code to the website and we can test our implementation with GTM inbuilt debugger before deploying to production website, at anytime.
And there is one more design pattern where we can implement generic custom event tracking for the whole website without adding JavaScript, but adding data-attributes to links, buttons or div- what ever event we want to track just add your data-attributes to the link and those attributes will go to GTM trigger and if it matches the rule, that event will be tracked. This design pattern is good for any kind of generic custom event tracking. I have implemented custom click tracking number of times using this pattern, and I am happy with it.
Google Tag Manager makes tagging easy as it has quite a few builtin dom variables and event handlers for Click, Pageview, Custom Events etc.
It also allows you to manage various external vendors and sends them the data they need. (I.e., Facebook pixel)
It really is a great eco-system for non-developers to get involved in tagging and event tracking.

In-Page Analytics not working

When trying to look at In-Page Analytic in firefox I get this message:
"Problem loading In-Page Analytics
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google. If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly."
When trying to view In-Page Analytic in Chrome I get:
"Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]"
I don't understand why this is not working because when I look at other reports in Google Analytic like page views everything seems to be working fine...
Any help would be much appreciated.
Recent web browser updates block http scripts from loading in a https session by default. In the URL bar click the shield icon and Load unsafe script to show in page analytics.
I had the same problem in Chrome and this worked for me like a charm:
After you try loading the report, look at the Chrome browser’s Address
bar. At the right side of the bar, a shield icon is displayed. Click
on the shield icon. Then you’re notified that the site contains an
unsafe script, and you’re given the option to run the script. Once
you grant permission to run the script, the report appears as it’s
supposed to
Clear your browsing data and try again. (Ctrl - Shift - Delete)
You should also verify your View settings are correct - please have a look at this GA troubleshooting document:
I had the same issue as user1697748 & Alex Lockwood. I change the property settings to
Start In-Page Analytics in "Full View Mode" instead of embedded mode.
This you can find in Admin --> Property Settings.
Now I the In page analytics opens in new window but get this error.
Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]
I am getting the other data from analytic but having issues with in page analytics.
So I did following to fix it.
Make sure the url is same in all your properties. I had at one place and at all other places it was Google also recommends to keep it same
Delete all cookies. Close windows and re open it.
Worked for me.
It has been more than 2 years since In-Page Analytics report started to have problems with loading the data in Google Analytics interface. There are a few things you can try:
You can disable the security in your browser (not recommended).
You can download a plugin for Chrome to view some of the Google Analytics data directly in your browser (you wouldn't be able to apply any segments or filter the data by using the plugin).
You can recreate the report using Google Analytics data (the best solution) in Excel or Tableau. It isn't very hard to do, and once you are done, the problem is gone forever.
Here is a detailed step-by-step description of how to recreate In-Page Analytics report.
Google anaytics inpage analytics feature has been disabled and will be removed soon. To overcome the loading errors a new page analytics chrome extension has been developed which is more easier to use and analyze page.
Follow the step by step guide to using inpage analytics chrome extension.
seems to be a widespread problem with this whole inpage analytics thing.
I had/ have several problems my self and there is not only one step towards the solution because there is more than just one problem. So I will write here some of the steps and solutions I made so far which worked:
1. Problem: Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] = Solution = If updated to universal analytics you get a code snippet, which is not complete: you get this from analytics
ga('create', 'UA-1200274-1', '');
ga('send', 'pageview');
but you have to put in an extra line between those two lines
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');, plus you have to go under admin ->Property settings-> and switch on Use enhanced link attribution, DONT use full side mode!
Now when you try inpage analytics again it depends on the browser you are using: In IE, it appears an allert, you have to click on "view whole content" (sorry I have it in german, it might be in english saying something else, like loading page, or show whole page or so..), In google Chrome you have to look in the url bar, there is kind of a shield and you have to click on it and say load unsecure script.
Well that is the way how to solve the two error messages with Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] and "Problem loading In-Page Analytics We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics..."
Now at least you can anaylse the main page (eg, but in my case when i click further, then it doesnt stop loading for ever or it just appears that error again Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006],
I was really analyzing and testing and breaking my head, until I found out, that when I copy the Url, at the end of the url, my webpages adress repeats again. like this so i just deleted the last part from the www... out of the Url and pressed enter and then all the datas appeared... Its a little annoying because you have to delete the www out of ech url you are anaylzing manually, but at least you can use the inpage analytics. Sorry for my very bad English skills, but I hope at least some one understood it:)
Please dont stop posting more solutions and ideas:)
regards MA

Google Analytics Tracker showing Tracking Not Installed

Using wordpress, I manually inserted the tracking code given to me by Google Analytics just before the tag into my header.php file. Google Analytics is still showing Tracking Not Installed.
here's the source code for my site:
Any ideas?
It looks like the javascript is broken from cutting and pasting.
Easiest thing to do is use a plugin rather then edit theme files. Take a look at for any number of plugins - simple to complex - that will work.
Most you simply enter your Google ID - and sometimes authenticate with your Google account - and the plugin takes it from there.
