Seamlessly load images to ASP.NET page -

I've been trying to load an image onto an aspx page without revealing its request. I mean - when I monitor the page with Telerik's Fiddler I can see that the image is in the requests list. If I refresh the page, the request is not being shown anymore (apparently the image got cached the first time).
Question: Is it possible to load/cache the image silently, without the user even knowing it had been requested?

After a bunch of hours messing with various techniques involving requests, server side operations and what not, it turned out to be as simple as it can get..
In order to hide the image loading request I modified the previous page.
I have, for example, pages A and B. I need to cloak an image request for page B.
Page A loads a bunch of images already. Lets squeeze in one more? Image gets loaded and cached. When the user opens page B, image is still in cache and is used instead of requesting a new one. All we had to do was to put this
<img src="sampleImage.png" style="display:none" />
code in page A somewhere, so it got requested, loaded and cached, but not shown.Too simple solution to be more embarrased than proud to solve, but this is how I learn, I guess :D


slowly loading ASP web page

My web site home page take 15-17 second to when typing the address,pressing 'enter' and when there is something (anything) visible on the page. Page has dynamically loading data.
why this is happening and is there any solution to prevent this?
Boy is this open ended!
Have you investigated;
Volume of data being returned
Size of page being returned
Speed of getting the dynamically generated data
Speed of your internet connection
Are you returning any images and if so are they large files
Without knowing more about what your site is doing in the backend, there is little for us to suggest in any real sense.
Please provide more information.
Maybe if you post the URL?

How to not reload iFrame between page clicks

I'm having a tough nut to crack here.
I have the following situation:
- in an iFrame (no way around it) I'm loading an external website/application.
- This iFrame is on one page and one page only.
- Whenever you visit the iFrame page the first time a certain load time is needed for the applicaton (about 5seconds on average).
- In the application you can change the view and parameters etc.
- When you leave that page and go to another, and return later on to the iFrame page the requirement is that there is no load, and the content of the iFrame is as you have left it earlier.
I know this can be done by using frames (which are so 90's) but I really don't want to do that. There has to be a more modern way of doing it.
Just to note, the website around the iFrame is using Sitecore, so this might be a limiting factor in some solutions.
The things I have thought of:
- use 2 frames, one for the header with navigation, and another for the content. In that way the iframe never has to reload and we have moved back in time... :(
- ever click is an Ajax call, the iFrame is in a div that is hidden until the right button is clicked.
And then I found something called BigPipe. I haven't found an ASP.NET implementation yet, but I was hoping someone already had some experience with this.
Anyone any better ideas?
If your iFrame is a control on a Sitecore sublayout or rendering (or can be moved to a rendering/sublyaout), you can check off the Cacheable option on the sublayout and set it to vary by content or device or whatever depending on what it is. Then you will have the content of that frame in Sitecore's cache, which is managed by Sitecore and it'll always render the cached version whenever possible and should basically solve your dilemma.

Pre-loading / AJAX - best methods?

I am building a portfolio page, which contains quite anumber of images. I am pulling the image url's from a database, and creating thumbnails from the original source, and the dispaying the thumbnails. When clicked on, displaying the original full size pic.
Loading times are obviuosly affected and the site take some time before displaying anything...
I have tried putting all this in Ajax, but it seems ajax is only reqally effective if the site has initially loaded. As it is now, the site "hangs" while it waits for the on form laod work to be done.
Any ideas on putting a "please wait while iamges laod" section into the container where the iamges will eb displayed?
Thanks in advance.
Typically you create an HTTP handler that your page sends the image IDs to, something like
<img src="image-handler.ashx?id=SOME_ID" alt="..." />
The key to performance here is that you can then cache the images from this handler. You can save the generated thumbnails to disk and check for existence, and if then use something like Response.TransferFile() to send the file (or actually create the thumbnail files on creation of images, not loading them), or even better, apply output caching on the handler, with vary by param to the id key.
For the full images also you can use the same techniques. You can also in addition have some hidden images you keep setting their URLs by AJAX before clicking thumbnails, so, they are ready when a thumbnail is clicked and a full image needs to be displayed.
Those are just high level thoughts as per the amount of detail I get from the question.

Will Googlebot follow _escaped_fragment_ HTTP redirect?

I have an ajaxified website, and I want all my content to be crawlable. I have a photo gallery, which only loads the photo using ajax, without refreshing the whole page. My root URL is this:
and whenever a photo thumbnail is clicked, it displays the photo, and hash becomes #!/photo/photoid/phototitle, or when you are searching for a criteria, it becomes #!/photos/f-number/1.8/iso/640 e.g. for searching for photos with f/1.8 at ISO 640 (and more criteria can be appended this way). When a user opens up a URL like http://mysite/photos/#!/photos/f-number/1.8/iso/640 the landing page, using a javascript, will redirect the user to http://mysite/photos/f-number/1.8/iso/640 (without the hashbang), and again, there, the page loads http://mysite/Dynamic/PhotoThumbnails.aspx?f-number=1.8&iso=640 using ajax (yes, javascript looks at the location path and parses it according to that format). For the first case (link of a photo itself rather than a search), using again, only javascript, the page loads the photo itself (along with some extra tables showing technical info about photo) from the url http://mysite/Dynamic/RenderPhoto.aspx?ID=123 (where 123 the ID of the photo).
Given this information, my problem is simple: I am planning to (on my masterpage load event) redirect all requests with _escaped_fragment_s to the appropriate RenderPhoto or PhotoThumbnails page, by parsing the _escaped_fragment_ at server side. Will that work? My main concerns are;
Will Google follow the HTTP redirect? (301 or 302)
Will I get into any trouble (such as being removed from index) as I am not showing the exact same content to Google? (a browser will load a side mavigation bar, and all those fancy css styles visually-nice-looking page etc. and then load the real content into a pane at that page, where Google will be getting the "true" content only. My base page, sidebar content thumbnail list page, and photo renderer are COMPLETELY different pages which implement their OWN logic, so I cannot ever merge them)
If there is a risk of being removed due to the reasons above, what are my alternatives (no, I cannot merge the pages, it is NOT an option)? Do you recommend taking regular snapshots of pages and cache them and sending those to Googlebot?
Here is the current BETA of my website (yeah I know about lots of bugs), just to give you the idea how it will work:
I'm on ASP.NET 4.0, and using jQuery, if it helps.
A new answer to an old question. Yes it will follow it. However you may end up with both the clean and #! URLs. However, check this out (from Google Developer Guides):
Note that if you use a permanent (301) redirect, the url shown in our
search results will typically be the target of the redirect, whereas
if a temporary (302) redirect is used, we'll typically show the #! url
in search results.
This is the Google Developer Guide link:
Yes, I'm pretty sure it will follow a redirect. The Facebook open graph debugger does, and this blog post advocates implementing redirects:

Openfire fastpath chat causing site to load slowly

We are adding openfire fastpath chat to our site. It will determine and indicate when live chat is available or not and display an appropriate image to indicate the current status and links for each state.
The javascript call hit's a function that is on another box and this function uses document.write to output the html to the page. I know there is a delay because it is making the request to another server and waiting for a result to be returned. The pause here is about a half second, but causes the rest of the page load to be held up.
Has anyone experience a similar issue or offer any tips for getting this to load synchronously somehow. I tried putting this into an aspx ajax panel, but that seemed to cause other issues.
I used an iframe that is the only thing I could find that seemed to work.
