Parametric Type Creation - julia

I'm struggling to understand parametric type creation in julia. I know that I can create a type with the following:
type EconData
function EconData(values, dates, colnames)
if size(values, 1) != size(dates, 1)
error("Date/data dimension mismatch.")
if size(values, 2) != size(colnames, 2)
error("Name/data dimension mismatch.")
new(values, dates, colnames)
ed1 = EconData([1;2;3], [Date(2014,1), Date(2014,2), Date(2014,3)], ["series"])
However, I can't figure out how to specify how values will be typed. It seems reasonable to me to do something like
type EconData{T}
function EconData(values::Array{T}, dates, colnames)
However, this (and similar attempts) simply produce and error:
ERROR: `EconData{T}` has no method matching EconData{T}(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Date,1}, ::Array{ASCIIString,2})
How can I specify the type of values?

The answer is that things get funky with parametric types and inner constructors - in fact, I think its probably the most confusing thing in Julia. The immediate solution is to provide a suitable outer constructor:
using Dates
type EconData{T}
function EconData(values, dates, colnames)
if size(values, 1) != size(dates, 1)
error("Date/data dimension mismatch.")
if size(values, 2) != size(colnames, 2)
error("Name/data dimension mismatch.")
new(values, dates, colnames)
EconData{T}(v::Vector{T},d,n) = EconData{T}(v,d,n)
ed1 = EconData([1,2,3], [Date(2014,1), Date(2014,2), Date(2014,3)], ["series"])
What also would have worked is to have done
ed1 = EconData{Int}([1,2,3], [Date(2014,1), Date(2014,2), Date(2014,3)], ["series"])
My explanation might be wrong, but I think the probably is that there is no parametric type constructor method made by default, so you have to call the constructor for a specific instantiation of the type (my second version) or add the outer constructor yourself (first version).
Some other comments: you should be explicit about dimensions. i.e. if all your fields are vectors (1D), use Vector{T} or Array{T,1}, and if their are matrices (2D) use Matrix{T} or Array{T,2}. Make it parametric on the dimension if you need to. If you don't, slow code could be generated because functions using this type aren't really sure about the actual data structure until runtime, so will have lots of checks.


Can a julia struct be defined with persistent requirements on field dimensions?

If I define a new struct as
mutable struct myStruct
and I want to throw an error if the length of labels is not equal to the number of columns of data, I know that I can write a constructor that enforces this condition like
myStruct(data, labels) = length(labels) != size(data)[2] ? error("Labels incorrect length") : new(data,labels)
However, once the struct is initialized, the labels field can be set to the incorrect length:
m = myStruct(randn(2,2), ["a", "b"])
m.labels = ["a"]
Is there a way to throw an error if the labels field is ever set to length not equal to the number of columns in data?
You could use StaticArrays.jl to fix the matrix and vector's sizes to begin with:
using StaticArrays
mutable struct MatVec{R, C, RC, VT, MT}
data::MMatrix{R, C, MT, RC} # RC should be R*C
labels::MVector{C, VT}
but there's the downside of having to compile for every concrete type with a unique permutation of type parameters R,C,MT,VT. StaticArrays also does not scale as well as normal Arrays.
If you don't restrict dimensions in the type parameters (with all those downsides) and want to throw an error at runtime, you got good and bad news.
The good news is you can control whatever mutation happens to your type. m.labels = v would call the method setproperty!(object::myStruct, name::Symbol, v), which you can define with all the safeguards you like.
The bad news is that you can't control mutation to the fields' types. push!(m.labels, 1) mutates in the push!(a::Vector{T}, item) method. The myStruct instance itself doesn't actually change; it still points to the same Vector. If you can't guarantee that you won't do something like x = m.labels; push!(x, "whoops") , then you really do need runtime checks, like iscorrect(m::myStruct) = length(m.labels) == size([2]
A good option is to not access the fields of your struct directly. Instead, do it using a function. Eg:
mutable struct MyStruct
function modify_labels(s::MyStruct, new_labels::Vector{String})
# do all checks and modifications
You should check chapter 8 from "Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia: Proven solutions to common problems in software design for Julia 1.x"

Julia: non-destructively update immutable type variable

Let's say there is a type
immutable Foo
x :: Int64
y :: Float64
and there is a variable foo = Foo(1,2.0). I want to construct a new variable bar using foo as a prototype with field y = 3.0 (or, alternatively non-destructively update foo producing a new Foo object). In ML languages (Haskell, OCaml, F#) and a few others (e.g. Clojure) there is an idiom that in pseudo-code would look like
bar = {foo with y = 3.0}
Is there something like this in Julia?
This is tricky. In Clojure this would work with a data structure, a dynamically typed immutable map, so we simply call the appropriate method to add/change a key. But when working with types we'll have to do some reflection to generate an appropriate new constructor for the type. Moreover, unlike Haskell or the various MLs, Julia isn't statically typed, so one does not simply look at an expression like {foo with y = 1} and work out what code should be generated to implement it.
Actually, we can build a Clojure-esque solution to this; since Julia provides enough reflection and dynamism that we can treat the type as a sort of immutable map. We can use fieldnames to get the list of "keys" in order (like [:x, :y]) and we can then use getfield(foo, :x) to get field values dynamically:
immutable Foo
x = Foo(1,2,3)
with_slow(x, p) =
typeof(x)(((f == p.first ? p.second : getfield(x, f)) for f in fieldnames(x))...)
with_slow(x, ps...) = reduce(with_slow, x, ps)
with_slow(x, :y => 4, :z => 6) == Foo(1,4,6)
However, there's a reason this is called with_slow. Because of the reflection it's going to be nowhere near as fast as a handwritten function like withy(foo::Foo, y) = Foo(foo.x, y, foo.z). If Foo is parametised (e.g. Foo{T} with y::T) then Julia will be able to infer that withy(foo, 1.) returns a Foo{Float64}, but won't be able to infer with_slow at all. As we know, this kills the crab performance.
The only way to make this as fast as ML and co is to generate code effectively equivalent to the handwritten version. As it happens, we can pull off that version as well!
# Fields
type Field{K} end
Base.convert{K}(::Type{Symbol}, ::Field{K}) = K
Base.convert(::Type{Field}, s::Symbol) = Field{s}()
macro f_str(s)
:(Field{$(Expr(:quote, symbol(s)))}())
typealias FieldPair{F<:Field, T} Pair{F, T}
# Immutable `with`
for nargs = 1:5
args = [symbol("p$i") for i = 1:nargs]
#eval with(x, $([:($p::FieldPair) for p = args]...), p::FieldPair) =
with(with(x, $(args...)), p)
#generated function with{F, T}(x, p::Pair{Field{F}, T})
:($($([name == F ? :(p.second) : :(x.$name)
for name in fieldnames(x)]...)))
The first section is a hack to produce a symbol-like object, f"foo", whose value is known within the type system. The generated function is like a macro that takes types as opposed to expressions; because it has access to Foo and the field names it can generate essentially the hand-optimised version of this code. You can also check that Julia is able to properly infer the output type, if you parametrise Foo:
#code_typed with(x, f"y" => 4., f"z" => "hello") # => ...::Foo{Int,Float64,String}
(The for nargs line is essentially a manually-unrolled reduce which enables this.)
Finally, lest I be accused of giving slightly crazy advice, I want to warn that this isn't all that idiomatic in Julia. While I can't give very specific advice without knowing your use case, it's generally best to have fields with a manageable (small) set of fields and a small set of functions which do the basic manipulation of those fields; you can build on those functions to create the final public API. If what you want is really an immutable dict, you're much better off just using a specialised data structure for that.
There is also setindex (without the ! at the end) implemented in the FixedSizeArrays.jl package, which does this in an efficient way.

constrain argument to be in a set of values in Julia function signature

Is there a way in Julia to specify that a function argument can take one of a set of values through type annotations? For example, let's say I have function foo which accepts a single argument
function foo(x::String)
the argument x can only be a String. Is there a way to further constrain it in the function signature so that it can only be for example one of the strings "right", "left", or "center"?
In Julia, the motto should be "There's a type for that!".
One way of handling this would be to create a type with a constructor that only allows the values you want (and possibly stores them in a more efficient manner).
Here is one example:
const directions = ["left", "right", "center"]
immutable MyDirection
function MyDirection(str::AbstractString)
i = findnext(directions, str, 1)
i == 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid direction string"))
return new(i)
end, x::MyDirection) = print(io, string("MyDirection(\"",directions[x.Direction],"\")"))
function foo(x::MyDirection)
function foo(str::AbstractString)
x = MyDirection(str)
test = MyDirection("left")
Note: my example is written with Julia 0.4!
Another approach would be to use symbols, such as :left, :right, and :center,
instead of strings.
These have the advantage of being interned (so that they can be compared simply by comparing their address), and they can also be used directly for type parameters.
For example:
immutable MyDirection{Symbol} ; end
function MyDirection(dir::Symbol)
dir in (:left, :right, :center) || error("invalid direction")
MyDirection(dir::AbstractString) = MyDirection(symbol(dir))
That will let you do things like:
x = MyDirection("left")
which will create an immutable object of type MyDirection{:left}.
No, it is not. That would be dispatching on values, which isn't possible in Julia.
I'm not sure what your actual application is, but there are some possibly-appropriate workarounds to this, e.g.
abstract Sam81Args
type ArgRight <:Sam81Args end
type ArgLeft <:Sam81Args end
type ArgCenter <:Sam81Args end
function foo{T<:Sam81Args}(x::Type{T})

Referencing a type parameter as a function parameter in Julia

I'm trying to make an "integer mod p" type in Julia. (I'm sure there's already a package for this, it's just a personal exercise.)
type Intp{p}
function add(a::Intp{p},b::Intp{p})
return Intp{p}((a.v + b.v) % p)
I'm getting an error when defining add that says p is not defined. How do I reference p from inside add?
(Note: I could do something like
type Intp
function add(a::Intp,b::Intp)
return Intp((a.v + b.v) % a.p,p)
but this would require that p be stored with every single number. I feel like this would be inefficient, and I have my mind on generalizations where it would be really inefficient. I would rather p just be specified once, for the type, and referenced in functions that take things of that type as arguments.)
Your first example is very close, but you need to include {p} between the method name and the signature like this:
function add{p}(a::Intp{p},b::Intp{p})
return Intp{p}((a.v + b.v) % p)
Otherwise, you are writing a method for a pair of Intp{p} values where p is whatever the current specific value of p may be – which, in your case, happens to be no value at all, hence the error message. So the general signature of a Julia method is:
method name
type parameters in { } (optional)
arguments in ( )

Julia: why must parametric types have outer constructors?

The following works:
type TypeA
x :: Array
y :: Int
TypeA(x :: Array ) = new(x, 2)
julia> y = TypeA([1,2,3])
This does not:
type TypeB{S}
x :: Array{S}
y :: Int
TypeB{S}( x:: Array{S} ) = new(x,2)
julia> y = TypeB([1,2,3])
ERROR: `TypeB{S}` has no method matching TypeB{S}(::Array{Int64,1})
In order to get the second case to work, one has to declare the constructor outside of the type declaration. This is slightly undesirable.
My question is why this problem exists from a Julia-design standpoint so I can better reason about the Julia type-system.
Thank you.
This works:
type TypeB{S}
TypeB(x::Array{S}) = new(x,2)
which I figured out by reading the manual, but I must admit I don't really understand inner constructors that well, especially for parametric types. I think its because you are actually defining a family of types, so the inner constructor is only sensible for each individual type - hence you need to specify the {Int} to say which type you want. You can add an outer constructor to make it easier, i.e.
type TypeB{S}
TypeB(x::Array{S}) = new(x,2)
TypeB{S}(x::Array{S}) = TypeB{S}(x)
I think it'd be good to bring it up on the Julia issues page, because I feel like this outer helper constructor could be provided by default.
EDIT: This Julia issue points out the problems with providing an outer constructor by default.
