Log out from restricted area without triggering security settings - firebase

I have a section that requires login and a certain role ("higher than 19"). Whenever I logout from it, I get
Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.
Reason for this are my security settings:
".read": "root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('data').child('role').val() > 19",
My logout function:
// Sign out functionality
App.controller('SignOutCtrl', function($scope, $state, Auth) {
$scope.logout = function() {
// Go to landing page
// Log user out
App.factory('Auth', ['$firebaseAuth', function($firebaseAuth) {
var firebase = new Firebase('https://mysite.firebaseio.com/');
return $firebaseAuth(firebase);
The $state 'home' doesn't have any reading restrictions, looks like the log out actually happens before I'm being redirected to the 'home'-$state, which triggers the security restrictions.
I guess I'm struggling to understand the very basic concept of how to log out from a restricted site without triggering the security setting, can anyone please explain me how to do that properly?

I would suggest unauthenticating when the logout page is loaded instead of before leaving the restricted page.


App maker override server side error message

I have a problem with the server-side error management on Google App Maker.
Here an exemple of my code
function serverSideFn() {
// Consider the error to be throw.
if ( anError ) {
throw new Error("A specific error message");
function clientSideFn() {
.withSuccessHandler(function(result) {
// Success code...
.withFailureHandler(function(error) {
console.log(error.message); // The message error here is not the same if I have or not the Admin role.
When I execute the "clientSideFn" function with default role Admin, I have the good message ("A specific error message"), but if I don't have the Admin role, I have a "Server Error" message instead of the expected.
I've tried to use the developer account option, and set Admin role to this account and execute the server side scripts, but the error is still present for users without Admin role.
I've also tried to throw a custom Exception, but the error is still changed on client side.
What I can change to got the expected message when the user don't have the Admin role ?
The relevant documentation to your question is located here https://developers.google.com/appmaker/scripting/api/server. The basics is that you use:
throw new app.ManagedError('Your custom message here');

Ionic Storage doesn't update values

after I successfully log into my app using Firebase I want to store a bunch of information (like, user email, user uid, user name...) and use it throughout my app. The best way I found for this is to use Ionic Storage.
Now, in the first login works fine, but If I log out and log in with another user, the first user info is still showing instead of the new one. Note that I am cleaning all my storage when the user hits log out. My code:
Auth validation (guard): I am checking user auth status again after login.
return this.AFauth.authState.pipe(map(auth => {
if (auth !== null && auth !== undefined) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Saving Firebase info in Storage
saveUserInStorage(auth) {
this.storage.ready().then(() => {
this.storage.clear(); //cleaning again just in case...
this.storage.set('user_uid', auth.uid);
this.storage.set('user_name', auth.displayName);
this.storage.set('user_email', auth.email);
this.storage.set('user_photoUrl', auth.photoUrl);
}).catch(err => {
console.log('no pudimos guardar');
Logout function
logOutUser() {
firebase.auth().signOut().then(result => {
// after user hits logout, I erase my storage
}).catch(error => {
// An error happened.
I have to reload my webpage to see the last user logged in.
This might not have anything to do with your storage but rather you have to reset your forms or fields where the information is shown or change the way this information is loaded. I would suggest two options:
On the pages use ionViewWillEnter and put the code in there where the information is pulled out of the storage. (this is probably the easiest)
Use BehaviorSubjects for always emitting a new event when the info is changed and listen to those events where the information is used.
The reason for this is, that every page, once created won't create itself again. You can see this if you console Log something in ngOnInit. Therefore your old information sticks to the page until you find another way to update it. (with ionViewWillEnter or Observables)

Firebase Web Admin

First of all, I am using nodejs for the backend. I use firebase hosting and firebase functions to deploy an express() app.
What I am trying to achieve is to make an admin website, which is connected to Firebase. so I have a route /admin/ like this:
adminApp.get("/", (request, response) => {
return response.redirect("/admin/login");
Here I basically want to check if a current user is logged in - or not.
I know firebase supports client side authentication using:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
} else {
And using
function login() {
var userEmail = document.getElementById("email").value;
var userPass = document.getElementById("password").value;
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(userEmail, userPass).catch(function(error) {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
if (error) {
document.getElementById('loginError').innerHTML = `Error signing in to firebase`;
However image this case:
Someone (not an admin) is visiting /admin/some_secret_website/ which he obviously does not have access to.
If I rely on client side authentication, it first loads the entire website and the scripts and then notices - hey I am not authenticated, let me redirect to /login. By then however anyone knows the source code of an admin page.
I'd rather have something like:
adminApp.get("/admin/some_secret_website", (request, response) => {
if (request.user) {
// user is authenticated we can check if the user is an admin and give access to the admin page
I know that you can get the user's token and validate that token using the AdminSDK, but the token must be send by the client code, meaning the website was already loaded.
I came across Authorized HTTPS Endpoint by firebase, but it only allows a middleware when using a bearer token.
Does anybody know how I can maintain a server side user object to not even return admin html to the browser but only allow access to admins?
Like Doug indicated, the way your admin website/webapp would function with Firebase Cloud Functions (which is effectively a Nodejs server) is that you get the request, then use the headers token to authenticate them against Firebase Auth. See this answer for a code snippet on this.
In your case, I'm thinking you would create a custom claim for an "administrator" group and use that to determine whether to send a pug templated page as a response upon authentication. As far as Authorization, your db rules will determine what said user can CRUD.

Meteor.js google account : filter email and force account choser

In my Meteor.js application, I'm using the accounts-google package in order to be connected with a google account. I have two questions about it.
First, is there a simple way to filter the account used? I would like that the users can connect only with google accounts belonging to my company. Our google account mails end with #mycompany.com. So it would be a simple mail filtering.
I already done that with some post log in hooks but I was wondering if there was a simpler way for doing it.
My second question is how to force the opening of the google account choser. For now, if I try to connect with a wrong google account, and if I only added this account (like in gmail, drive, etc), the google choser doesn't pop and automatically connect with this wrong account. So, in this case, the user is totally blocked (my application disconnect him if he tries to log in with a wrong account but the google account module doesn't propose him to connect with another account).
Thank you for your help.
In order to restrict signup/login to your domain, simply do on the server:
var checkEmailAgainstAllowed = function(email) {
var allowedDomains = ['mycompanydomain.com'];
var allowedEmails = ['otheruser#fromotherdomain.com','anotheruser#fromanotherdomain.com'];
var domain = email.replace(/.*#/,'').toLowerCase();
email = email.toLowerCase();
return _.contains(allowedEmails, email) || _.contains(allowedDomains, domain);
restrictCreationByEmailDomain: function(email) {
if (!email) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email address is not allowed');
if (!checkEmailAgainstAllowed(email)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email domain is not allowed');
return true;
And to login, you'll need on the client:
forceApprovalPrompt: true, //this is what you want, to rerequest approval each time that prompts the google login prompt
loginStyle : "redirect", //or not, depending on your need
requestPermissions : ['profile', 'email'],
requestOfflineToken: true
}, function (err) {
if (err)
// set a session variable to display later if there is a login error
Session.set('loginError', 'reason: ' + err.reason + ' message: ' + err.message || 'Unknown error');
Side note:
Alternatively, you can set up your routes so that every time a new route is called, you login, and every time a route is destroyed or on windows's unload, you call logout. This causes login/logout roundtrip everytime the route changes, but you'll make sure that the new user always has a fresh session
When you log out of your meteor app, you don't log out of google. That's how oauth works. So, basically, if you want a meteor log out to also log the user out of their google account, so that the next time they come back, they need to provide credentials again, you should do:
Meteor.logout(function(e) {
if (e) {
console.log("Could not log the user out")
} else {
This uses the callback of Meteor.logout() so that when the logout is successfull, the user is redirected to google's central account logout url where the user is also logged out of all google services.

$firebaseSimpleLogin and session without re-login

I am using $firebaseSimpleLogin to log into Firebase using email/password.
It is working rather well when I log in using email/password, I could see sessionkey being saved automatically as a cookie.
However, would like to remember the log in such that user only have to log in once.
So I included {rememberMe: true} during auth.
How do I check if the session is still alive at the beginning of the page being loaded?
From your question, I assume you're using Angular JS.
You can execute a run block on your main module, which is run everytime the page is loaded. I don't know much about Angularfire, this is the code I'm using on a hack day project to check auth and redirect to the login page if needed.
FirebaseRef is a wrapper that points to my Firebase instance.
This also makes sure that the currentUser object is available in all scopes.
var minib = angular.module('minib', ['ngRoute', 'firebase']);
minib.run(function($rootScope, $location, $firebaseSimpleLogin, firebaseRef) {
$rootScope.auth = $firebaseSimpleLogin(firebaseRef());
$rootScope.auth.$getCurrentUser().then(function(user) {
if (user) {
$rootScope.currentUser = user;
} else {
