Qt: display qgraphicsitem in a widget - qt

I got a QGraphicsScene that contains QGraphicsItems. On clicking such an item I open a dialog. I now want the item to be displayed in an area of the dialog.
I tried a QGraphicsView (in the dialog) and "pointed" it to the item which works allmost perfectly. The problem is, that it is possible to click the item in the dialog which would open a new dialog.
So my question: is there a easy way to tell QGraphicsView to ignore any input events? If not, is there a easy way to display a QGraphicsItem within a widget?

I am feeling so stupid...
QGraphicsView::setInteractive(false) did the trick.
I am still able to move the icon with the mouse wheel but this can probably be avoided by restricting the scene rect with setSceneRect()

You can install an event filter, on the QGraphicsView, which ignores input events. The Qt documentation states:
In your reimplementation of this function, if you want to filter the event out, i.e. stop it being handled further, return true; otherwise return false.


How can child widget capture the mouse event under such circumstance

I need to simulate drag and drop in Qt, but I'm facing a problem. Here is the simplified version of the problem:
here you can see the action I took. I pressed the mouse in the area of parent widget and moved it to a child widget, keeping pressing, I did not release the mouse until it is moved into the child Widget. However, I found that the child widget could not capture the mouse release event when I released the mouse. (Actually, I found it was not only mouse release event, but also any other mouse event which was supposed to happen when the mouse was in the child widget)
Could someone give me a simple solution to do this? Maybe It is because the widget structure in my project is quite complicated so there is something wrong stops the transfer of the mouse event.
Try to accept mouse release event in parent widget, calculate mouse position, compare to child widget, and notify child widget Qt - Determine absolute widget and cursor position.
Or use QDrag and QMimeData if you want to pass data.

Qt QTreeView mouse entered/left event?

There is a "entered" signal for a QTreeView Widget, which I can use to check if my mouse moves over an item.
Is there a way to implement an "left" signal?
I have a treeView with a lot of items which I also plot via QChart. I want to highlight the plot when someone mouse over the data in the treeview.
I can highlight it via the "entered" signal, but I have no idea how to change it back to the default if the mouse left/mouse is over another item...
entered is a member of QAbstractItemView. You should probably reimplement QAbstractItemView::dragLeaveEvent virtual method.
See this method documentation: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemview.html#dragLeaveEvent

How to stop a middle mouse click from deselecting items in a QGraphicsScene without blocking it from items in the scene?

I am creating a node graph and I want to be able to click the empty space in a scene and middle-mouse-drag to navigate without deselecting the currently selected items in the scene. Any suggestions?
I can block the middle click in the view's mousePressEvent and get the right behavior but then I no longer have middle-mouse click events working on items in the scene. I don't mind a middle-click resulting in a single selection when clicking on an item in the scene, but if I middle-click the empty space in the scene I don't want the selection altered.
This didn't cover the more complex behavior I am looking for: PyQt. How to block clear selection on mouse right click?
I didn't try using an eventFilter as I assume the issue would be the same
I am using PyQt/PySide, FWIW.
Before I roll my own workaround I thought I'd post here for the correct way or at least other workaround ideas.
Some workaround ideas:
Block the mousePressEvent to the scene but iterate over child items to deliver it directly
Restore selection while still in the mousePressEvent in the scene. Probably bad for performance at scale but simple I suppose.
Any feedback would be great!
Here is my python version of the answer. Code tested. In my QGraphicsScene derived class:
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
# Prevent the QGraphicsScene default behavior to deselect-all when clicking on
# empty space by blocking the event in this circumstance.
item_under_the_mouse = self.itemAt(event.scenePos())
if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MidButton and not item_under_the_mouse:
super(GraphScene, self).mousePressEvent(event)
In your QGraphicsScene::mousePressEvent derived implementation, if it's a middle mouse click, check for items under the mouse click. If there aren't any, then accept the event and don't call the base class implementation. If something is under the click, then just call the base implementation; you don't have to try to reimplement that yourself. I think this is the general idea:
void MyScene::mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *evt)
if ((evt->buttons () & Qt::MidButton) && items (evt->scenePos ().count ())
QGraphicsScene::mousePressEvent (evt);
evt->accept ();
I'm not sure if the accept is required in this case or not. I haven't compiled or tested this, but hopefully, it's helpful to get you going in the right direction.

QCompleter popup position

I'm having trouble trying to move the QCompleter popup view position.
I tried the QCompeter:complete and it's pops the completer view in the position as I wanted.
But if I start typing it close it, and open the completer in the 'default' position.
I also tried the QCompleter:setPopup() function.
I create a QListView and I tried to moved to different position.
And still the QCompleter popup view remains in the same position.
In my project I'm using a QFrame that wrap QLineEdit.
And I want that the completer view will get the QFrame position.
I succeed to set the completer view width via setFixedWidth() function.
but not to move the position.
Any suggestions ?
I suggest setting the CompletionMode to InlineCompletion, so there will be no popup. Then make your QListView indepedant of the QLineEdit; just react to signals that indicate when a view types some text, leaves the QLineEdit, etc (hint: subclass QListView) and sets the text in QLineEdit when a user selects a value from the list.
I think it will be difficult to override the placement since QCompleter takes ownership of your QListView. (Personally I think it does not make much sense to place the completion list somewhere else than next to the input field, but alas...)

How to remove focus from a QLineEdit when anyplace else on the window is clicked

I'm working on a custom Qt button that allows you to edit the text on the button if you double click it. When the button is double clicked, a QLineEdit appears where the text on the button is allowing the user to edit the text on the button. My requirement is that if the user clicks anywhere in the application window, the QLineEdit should disappear and cancel the edit operation. This works in some cases. Specifically, it works if I click on anything that is capable of text entry. Other portions of the window don't work as expected. I'll click on a blank portion of the application window, and the QLineEdit retains its focus. How can I remove its focus in these cases?
I've found a solution that seems to work, though I'm still open to other options if there are any. I'm using PyQt4, so my example is in python:
Create a subclass of QLineEdit just so I have a new type. I don't want or need this behavior on all QLineEdit instances; just these specific ones.
class MyLineEdit(QtGui.QLineEdit):
Now, in my QMainWindow subclass, I override the mousePressEvent() implementation. It gets the currently focused widget. If that widget is of type MyLineEdit, clear the focus.
class MyMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def ...
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
focused_widget = QtGui.QApplication.focusWidget()
if isinstance(focused_widget, MyLineEdit):
QtGui.QMainWindow.mousePressEvent(self, event)
def ...
This gets me the behavior I'm looking for so that if the user clicks anywhere on the application's window, the focus is cleared.
Edit: I did find one caveat to this. I have a QTreeView in the main window. If the user clicks on the tree view, focus is not removed from the text edit field.
Catch the clicked() signal of your parent widget and call yourLabel->clearFocus() (that unfortunatelly happens to not be a slot, making things more complicated) there.
I followed Grant Limberg instruction here but figured out that, in my case, a simple:
would fix the problem.
I'm not sure if this also works in Qt4 (I'm using PyQt5) but you can change the FocusPolicy of the QMainWindow or parent widget to clear the focus in the QLineEdit. As per https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwidget.html#focusPolicy-prop
I've changed the policy of my QMainWindow to Qt.StrongFocus and it worked like the functionality described in the question.
If done in C++ I would do something along the lines of:
connect(myWidgets->MyLineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(onLineEditDone());
void onLineEditDone()
For this particular case I would use editingFinished() instead of returnPressed(), probably, but I would NOT use textChanged(QString).
