Why is this collection empty? (Collection.find() is successful om server) - meteor

Ok this is what I've got.
The collection called Posts has content and I want to publish this under the name Merchs, the find() in the publish-function finds data but that is not shared to the client where Merchs is always empty.
Merchs = new Meteor.Collection('merchs');
// Posts has data I want to publish as "Merchs"
this.Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts');
insert: function(userId, doc) {
return true;
update: function(userId, doc, fields, modifier) {
return true;
remove: function(userId, doc) {
return true;
Meteor.publish('merchs', function(data) {
return Posts.find();
Deps.autorun( function() {

When creating your collection, the name in parentheses should be the name of the Mongo collection.
Merchs = new Meteor.Collection('merchs');
Should be:
Merchs = new Mongo.Collection('Posts');
That is, unless you already have a Posts variable defined in code that you didn't show. If you've already defined Posts and you're just looking to make another subscription to the same collection then you don't need this line at all:
Merchs = new Meteor.Collection('merchs');
You also don't need your allow() method (you can just use the one defined for Posts). All you need is the publish() method that you defined.
On the client side you also need:
Also note the use of Mongo.Collection instead of Meteor.Collection which was renamed in Meteor 0.9.1.
You might want to read this excellent answer regarding publish/subscribe: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21853298/4665459


Meteor.user with Additional Fields on Client

In Meteor, one can add additional fields to the root-level of the new user document like so:
// See: https://guide.meteor.com/accounts.html#adding-fields-on-registration
Accounts.onCreateUser((options, user) =>
// Add custom field to user document...
user.customField = "custom data";
return user;
On the client, one can retrieve some data about the current user like so:
// { _id: "...", emails: [...] }
By default, the customField does not exist on the returned user. How can one retrieve that additional field via the Meteor.user() call such that we get { _id: "...", emails: [...], customField: "..." }? At present, the documentation on publishing custom data appears to suggest publishing an additional collection. This is undesired for reasons of overhead in code and traffic. Can one override the default fields for Meteor.user() calls to provide additional fields?
You have a couple of solutions that you can use to solve this.
Null Publication
Meteor.publish(null, function () {
if (this.userId !== null) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: this.userId }, { fields: { customField: 1 } });
} else {
return this.ready();
}, { is_auto: true });
This will give you the desired result but will also result in an additional database lookup.. While this is don't by _id and is extremely efficient, I still find this to be an unnecessary overhead.
2.Updating the fields the Meteor publishes for the user by default.
Accounts._defaultPublishFields.projection = { customField: 1, ...Accounts._defaultPublishFields.projection };
This has to be ran outside of any Meteor.startup blocks. If ran within one, this will not work. This method will not result in extra calls to your database and is my preferred method of accomplishing this.
You are actually misunderstanding the documentation. It is not suggesting to populate and publish a separate collection, just a separate publication. That's different. You can have multiple publications/subscriptions that all feed the same collection. So all you need to do is:
Meteor.publish('my-custom-user-data', function() {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {fields: {customField: 1}});

Meteor: Subscription doesn't work

I'm trying to get a document from the server and display it on the client but the subscription always return a collection with no document.
// server/publications.js
Meteor.publish('myPages', function() {
return Pages.findOne({userId: this.userId});
// collection/pages.js
MyPages = new Meteor.Collection('myPages');
// client/main.js
// client/view.js
myPages: function(e, t) {
return MyPages.find({});
You cannot move a document between collections via a subscription. If you subscribe to get a document that's in Pages collection, defined as new Meteor.Collection("pages"), then no matter how your pubsub channels look like, on the client the document will be found in the collection defined as new Meteor.Collection("pages"). So remove all traces of MyPages and use Pages on the client as well. You'll find the document there.
I don't think you can use findOne to publish collections: it doesn't return a cursor but an actual object.
Does this not work?
Meteor.publish('myPages', function() {
return Pages.find({userId: this.userId});
or, if necessary:
Meteor.publish('myPages', function() {
return Pages.find({userId: this.userId}, {limit: 1});

Adding an array object to Users collection in Meteor.js

I'm very new to Meteor.js and I'm finding the documentation a bit hard to understand.
I'm starting with a very simple app where Users will simply be allowed to add existing Games to their profile by clicking a button. The Games are stored in another Meteor Collection.
In rails I would just create a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship but that isn't how Meteor works. I thought the best way would be to add an empty array when the user's account is created - then, when they click the "add game" button it would pass the game's title into the users array.
I have this in my /server/users.js file:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
user.games = [];
return user;
addGame: function(title) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: title}});
And I'm making a call to the addGame method in my /client/views/games/games_list.js file as such:
'click .add-to-chest-btn': function(e){
var title = $(e.target).attr('name');
Meteor.call('addGame', title, function(title){ console.log(title)});
Am I on the right track or is there a better way to do this?
You're on the right track, but do declare an array instead of an object:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
user.games = [];
return user;
Push the value directly instead of an object, and use $addToSet to avoid duplicates in case you push the same gameId multiple times:
addGame: function(gameId) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: gameId }});

Meteor collection.update permisions

Hi i dont understand why is this not working?
Notifications.update({'userId':Meteor.userId(), 'notifyUserId':notifyFriendId}, {$set: {read: 1}});
I have update allow method as well
Notifications = new Meteor.Collection('Notifications');
update: function(userId, doc) {
return true;
Error appear:
Uncaught Error: Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID. [403]
To update a collection you can only use the document's _id. So you need to query for it first
var docid = Notifications.findOne({'userId':Meteor.userId(), 'notifyUserId':notifyFriendId});
Notifications.update({_id:docid._id}, {$set: {read: 1}});
This is only for code that runs on the client. On the server you can run the code as you had it.
Just to update the above answer:
var documentIdentifiers = _.pluck(Documents.find({ param: 'yourParam'}, { fields: { _id: 1 }}).fetch(), '_id');
for (var i = 0; i < documentIdentifiers.length; i++)
Documents.update(documentIdentifiers[i], { $do: whatever });
This is what you do if you need to update multiple fields. The underscore pluck method, used in tandem with a field specifier, makes sure that data isn't being trucked around unnecessarily.
All my best,

meteor allow rules

I have a question on meteor's parties example.
If I call this code:
insert: function () {
return true;
remove: function (){
return true;
update: function() {
return true;
everybody can do insert, remove and update.
The code from the example is
insert: function (userId, party) {
return false; // no cowboy inserts -- use createPage method
update: function (userId, parties, fields, modifier) {
return _.all(parties, function (party) {
if (userId !== party.owner)
return false; // not the owner
var allowed = ["title", "description", "x", "y"];
if (_.difference(fields, allowed).length)
return false; // tried to write to forbidden field
// A good improvement would be to validate the type of the new
// value of the field (and if a string, the length.) In the
// future Meteor will have a schema system to makes that easier.
return true;
remove: function (userId, parties) {
return ! _.any(parties, function (party) {
// deny if not the owner, or if other people are going
return party.owner !== userId || attending(party) > 0;
So my question is where the variables useriD and party at this line for example
insert: function (userId, party) {
are defined?
Are these the variables I call in the method
Meteor.call("createParty", variable1, variable2)
? But this wouldn't make sense because the client calls
Meteor.call('createParty', {
title: title,
description: description,
x: coords.x,
y: coords.y,
public: public
I hope somebody can explain the allow functions to me? Thanks!
To understand allow/deny, you need to understand where the userId and doc parameters come from. (Just as in any function definition, the actual parameter names don't matter.) Looking just at the Parties insert example:
insert: function (userId, party) {
return false; // no cowboy inserts -- use createPage method
The party parameter is the doc that's being inserted:
The userId parameter is set automatically IF you're using the Meteor Accounts auth system. Otherwise, you have to set it yourself on the server. How do you do that?
In general, you call code on the server from the client by using Meteor.call(). Since there's no built-in API to set userId (other than Accounts), you have to write your own (goes in your server code):
setUserId: function(userId) {
Then you can call it like this, anywhere in your client code:
Meteor.call('setUserId', userId);
1) Where the variables useriD and party are defined? Nowhere! the intention is that no user can call this function.
This is in order to proctect the database from users that could insert manually new parties using the console. Remmember that Meteor replicates the database in client and server.
Any user could insert manually new parties through the console. This is fine. But then the server would reject the insert since it is not allowed.
2) Are these the variables I call in the method Meteor.call("createParty", variable1, variable2)? Yes the variables are available, but this code is not using the correct definition which is:
createParty: function (options) {
And afterwards it is used as
{ title: title, public: public, ... }, // options array!!
function (error, party) { ... } // function executed after the call
Did it help you?
