JWrapper windows shortcuts broken - jwrapper

JWrapper support now redirects to StackOverflow, so I'm posting here.
The Windows shortcuts created by JWrapper don't work; they point to a location which doesn't exist; I can verify this by navigating to the directory pointed to in the properties of the shortcut:
and seeing that the expected SampleAppWinLauncher.exe isn't there.
I can reproduce this simply with a slight modification of the SampleApp. Open the jwrapper-sampleapp.xml file and copy main virtual app, but give it a different name:
If you do this, and then run the 32-bit offline installer, you'll get a dialog which allows you to select which of the two virtual apps you want to launch.
After selecting one of the (identical) virtual apps and quiting it, the shortcuts provided in the start menu in the SampleApp folder do not work. If you dig into the properties of the shortcuts, you can see they point to an executable which doesn't exist. (It did exist, but it deletes itself after the first run).
I'm using the latest JWrapper (jwrapper-00036138363.jar, although this problem existed with jwrapper-00035090611.jar) as well.

I've tested this on Windows 7 today and it works OK. I haven't tested this on server 2008 but Windows 7 is treated basically the same as Server 2008 by JWrapper. Also the executable disappearing after the first run is not normal behaviour.
My guess would be that this is antivirus software that is detecting the run as a false positive and deleting the executable. Do you have any AV software installed? can you turn it off to test?
Unfortunately some AV software will delete files etc without any warning.


Hot restart error with cannot copy ipa file

While I am aware that Hot Restart is in preview, it was for quite a while now and my testing never really worked since the first time I've tried it. I've waited for a few VS studio versions to come up, hoping that my issue will be fixed. Since I've kept an eye on issues and haven't seen something similar, I tend to believe that the issue is locally with my setup.
Here is the situation:
I've enabled Hot Restart in VS and added my account, picked the team (after I was added) and everything went fine without errors. I have a free apple account, but after I was added to a Team I was able to obtain automatic provisioning to work.
I've tried to set the debug build options similar to how the simulator was set
I've disabled device specific build as I saw in the docs that it can create problems.
I've installed iTunes just as specified in the docs and when I connect my device to my Windows 10 PC, I can select it from the list.
So basically it looks like everything is set up. I use for testing an iphone 7 with latest iOS version.
Here is what happens:
I've selected different types of output logs hopeing to catch some error in there that could lead me to find a solution.
when starting to build I can see "Building offline for a local device" and I can see my provisioning file details on "Detected signed identity"
I see no apparent error while it compiles and does its job, no complains about signing
then it gets to the IpaCopyToStagingDirectory and there it starts to copy a bunch of files from bin\Iphone\Debug to Artifacts\app.iOS.dSYM where I get the final error: Could not copy the file bin\iPhone\Debug\\app.iOS.ipa because it was not found
If I go to the bin folder, there are many files, including app.iOS.exe, but indeed there is no ipa file. I also don't know why it has two \ on its path.
Any ideas why is not working?

Setup & Deployment Project creates extra Add/Remove Programs Icons

I'm having a weird problem...
I created a basic WinForms app in C# using Visual Studio 2013, and I added a Setup & Deployment project to the solution to build my .msi installer. For the Setup & Deployment Project's properties, I have the DetectNewerInstalledVersion to true, and the RemovePreviousVersions set to true. Then, with every build, I'll increment the version number and let Visual Studio change the ProductCode. Lastly, I'll make sure that the UpgradeCode stays the same.
In this configuration, if users run the .msi with a previous version installed, then it performs an upgrade. Everything works (as in all files are updated to the new versions, etc.). But, when they open Add/Remove Programs, the icon for the old version(s) is still there, as well as the icon for the new version.
For example, if they used the .msi to install MyApp version 1.1, then used the .msi to upgrade to 1.2, then again to 1.3, then MyApp will correctly update to version 1.3, but the user goes to uninstall it in Control Panel->Programs and Features->Uninstall a program, there will be three MyApp icons (one for each version). And to properly uninstall MyApp, they must right-click/uninstall all three. If I delete the old versions from the registry (the usual fix for stale icons), then MyApp will not uninstall correctly. The uninstall will go through the motions without error, but the program files and icons will remain, and the application will still function like normal. To troubleshoot, I've made a series of builds with sequential version numbers, then opened each build's .vdproj file in a text editor to ensure that the ProductCode and PackageCode have been updated, but the UpgradeCode remains the same. They do, so it's not a problem of the UpgradeCode changing. I've also tried deleting the registry keys for the old icons. This gets them out of the Programs and Features uninstall list, but it prevents the program from being properly uninstalled this way, so this isn't an option.
Anybody have any ideas?
This will happen when the first install is (say) Everyone and the upgrade is installed Just me (or vice versa). One type will not upgrade the other, so files will be replaced if installed to the same location, but there will be an entry for each in Programs&Features. They all must be Everyone or Just me to replace previous products.
You can install the upgrade with msiexec /I [path to msi file] /l*v [path to a log file] to see what's going on. If you search for occurrences of FindRelatedProducts you should see something about what it found and if it was the right context.
Note that Visual Studio setups can change the context if you do not have administrator privileges. You might specify an Everyone install but Visual Studio will change that to Just me if you don't have the privileges.
Ok. Weird...
The issue comes from the way that it's run. Once installed, the program checks the network share for a newer .msi, and if it detects one, it downloads it, then launches it with Process.Start and command-line args. The StartInfo.Arguments string looked like:
startInfo.Arguments = "/i \"[MSIPATH]\" /log \"[LOGPATH]\" TARGETDIR=\"[APPPATH]\" /qr+";
I guess someone fat-fingered the UI mode switch at the end. The "/qr+" switch should be "/qb!-". When I changed it, the problem stopped. I don't think that "/qr+" is even a valid switch, so I'm not sure why the install didn't just fail outright??? Anyway, that was the problem should anyone see something similar.
Special thanks to PhilDW for pointing me to the logs. :-)

windeployqt.exe not working ? Application does not start

I have a simple application using
QT += core gui network webkitwidgets
I've used windeployqt.exe to generate the 32 bits release on my win-10 64 bit computer. When I put the folder on a win-7 64 Bit desktop and double-click the app.exe, it never starts.
I can see it in the task manager, but I can't kill it, and if I try I cannot close the explorer folder in which I double clicked anymore.
I've checked the usual platform, ICU, qwindows.dll, and so on.
EDIT Precisions:
I've compiled with default 32 Bit kit: "build-Test-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MinGW_32bit-Release" with "mingw492_32"
I have a package "release" generated by windeployqt.exe using the --webkit switch. I start a command prompt:
> set path=
> set mingw=
Then I make sure that no Qt/Mingw things exists anymore in my environment variables.
I also rename "c:\Qt" into "c:\ __Qt".
I move my release folder on my desktop.
I start release\test.exe ( from the clean path shell )
Everything runs fine! So The release/test.exe has everything it needs without the path/mingw variable.
But as soon as I put the folder on another windows machine ( 7 instead of 10 ) it never starts.
I tried dependency walker. It shows a lot of "API-MS-WIN*.dll" missing...
It even shows much more missing dlls on the "good" machine than on the bad one !!!
Every single "missing dll" on the "bad" target machine is actually in system32 on this machine.
Thanks for advice, every advice is welcome, I'm a bit desperate... :)
It seems to be related to the machine itself. I have successfully deployed this (very small) app to 2 non developer machine on win7 and win8 respectively. But the above "bad machine" still resits running it...
The problem seems not to be general but related to this one particular machine. Hence, feel free to close or move to the appropriate forum as it is not related to Qt/windeplyqt. If I figure out a solution, and question is closed, I'll simply add a last edit. Safe Boot and malwarebyte are my next actions.
After a long investigation.
Do not believe dependency walker, it used to be a top notch tool but it is now outdated.
If there is a missing dll, the system will prompt you with "cannot load dll xxx.dll" anyway.
Your best shot in case a soft runs on machine X but not on Machine Y is:
start in safe mode ( run: msconfig --> diagnostic startup )
turn off any antivirus or non microsoft/driver software,
"run as administrator".
If you can run with step 3. Then proceed by elimination:
run without admin rights,
Start anti spyware, etc...
Add appropriate exception to your antivirus if it is the root cause.
If the antivirus is not the root cause, run process monitor on both machines. Then compare, what Failed on one machine and not the other ? Read the windows event log and compare any error messages on both machines.
run sfc /scannow to check disk
run a complete anti spyware scan/ pc-repair tool ( malwarebytes, combofix, ... )
Make sure you really have the very same package on both machines, make sure you are not trying to run an exe on mac OS, make sure your computer is on.
Call the oracle, you are in the matrix...
In my case the problem was Avast and it was solved by adding appropriate exception.

Windows Explorer not refreshing after CreateFolder (new folder)

We have built a WebDav Service with your Engine and have a one problem when we create a new Folder or File:
The new folder / file is created successfully, but not showing in the Windows Explorer. Only if you press F5, the new folder / file is showing (and the name is already selected to be edited).
This behavior is reproducible even with a blank WebDav Solution.
We can reproduce this on Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1) using WebDav .NET Server 3.8 and the latest 3.9.
Is there a way to get around this “refresh-problem”?
I solved this issue but clicking in the folder explorer at view > options > then i restored to default and everything is back to normal.
I assume this issue is in Windows Explorer on a single computer. Most likely the WebDAV server-side code is failing with with some exception. Here are some ideas how to detect what is wrong:
Unmount network connections executing 'net use * /DELETE' in a command prompt, this will unmount WebDAV connections too and simulate 'clean' environment.
Retry reproducing the issue and examine your WebDAV logfile. By default it is located in /App_Data/WebDAV/Logs/ folder. Are there any exceptions in it?
Use Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy to capture and examine HTTP requests. Are there any failed requests?
In case you are creating a folder/file on one computer using Windows Explorer (Microsoft Mini-redirector driver) or IT Hit Ajax File Browser and expect the files list to refresh automatically on another computer this would not work. Mini-redirector does not support any notifications from server and WebDAV does not submit any notifications, you need to refresh the files list manually to see the new items created.
I found this video on Youtube that explains in very much detail how to fix this problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUiCPsQquqc
It is a bit lengthy, so I'll just quickly sum it up here:
The reason for these problems are one or more (broken) Shell Extensions that prevent the refresh of the Windows Explorer
To fix it, open up regedit.exe (requires admin privileges), do a search for the Registry Key "DontRefresh". If it is "1", set it to "0". There might be multiple matches for that Key, so repeat until all Keys have the value "0".
This might not work immediately, you may have to kill and restart your explorer.exe process (easiest to do with the Task Manager). Or you can simply reboot your computer. In my case, it worked immediately.
According to the video, the Keys should only be located under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID, but in my case I could only find such Keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Classes/Wow6432Node/CLSID.
I figured it makes most sense to simply search the complete Registry, it does not take very long.
I tred a lot of hacks, from scanning the system, to recreating the profile to hacking Registry keys and hives.
Finally what worked for me -
Right click on desktop
Select Personalize
Click Themes
Click Change desktop icons
Click Restore default & OK
And instantly it began to auto refresh with a new folder, rename, delete, copy, etc.

Disambiguation warning when running application

I am developing a Qt application, and I've been asking some friends of mine to test it. One of them told me that he can't run the application. Here is the error he gets:
When he presses yes, then he gets a "mingwm10.dll was not found" message. Of course there is mingwm10.dll in the working directory and then it says "application stopped working" error. When he presses no, it opens PeaZip.
I've tested the application successfully on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, so I really have no idea what's going on. (However, my friend is using Windows Vista, if that's helpful)
So, do you have any idea what it means?
From PeaZip's user manual (PDF):
If a single archive file is dragged to the browser PeaZip will show a
disambiguation popup to ask if adding the object to the archive or
rather opening it.
So if I have to guess he is either not putting the executable and other files into a clean directory, but into an archive, or directly trying to run the application from the archive. Have you by any chance wrapped everything into a single zip file which you gave him?
Make sure everything gets put into a clean directory and try running the exe from there.
