By convention, we add a bang character ! to any function name that mutates its arguments, so for the following code example, should we add a ! to the functor name?
mutable struct Foo
(foo::Foo)(val) = foo.a = val
f = Foo(1) # f.a = 1
f(10) # f.a = 10
In short, is it possible to call the last line as f!(10)? I am just curious. Thanks.
The call here is just the same as the name of your variable. So if you want it to contain a !, you will have to name your variable f!:
julia> f! = Foo(1) # f.a = 1
julia> f!(4)
There is nothing magical about the ! character, it's just part of the identifier. So you have to put the ! inside the actual name, exactly like you do with functions.
I have a function within which I would like to evaluate a list of expressions using interpolated literals passed as arguments to the function and assign the result to a new array. Previously I've been able to do this fairly simply:
array_of_expr = Any[:(A * 5), :(B * 6 * T)]
arglist = [:A; :B; :T]
test_input = [1e5, 1e1, 100]
#eval begin
function interpolate_all($(arglist...))
result_array = $(Expr(:vcat, array_of_expr...))
which returns the expected result:
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
(I know the code seems needlessly complicated with the #eval--it's because in the full version of the code, arglist is ~500 items long. This has been causing some compiler errors in the full version of the code, so my attempts here to loop over array_of_expr are part of my testing to find out the exact error, and also help me better understand metaprogramming/variable scope while I'm at it.)
I can index array_of_expr and evaluate an individual elements manually in this MWE:
#eval begin
function interpolate_one($(arglist...))
result_array = similar(array_of_expr)
println("evaluating $(array_of_expr[2])")
result_array = $(array_of_expr[2])
which returns:
evaluating B * 6 * T
Which is the expected behavior. But if I try to loop over array_of_expr, I encounter various errors. The following ignores the iterator i and just prints the symbolic expression:
#eval begin
function interpolate_1by1($(arglist...))
result_array = similar(array_of_expr)
# this doesn't work, it just gives the symbolic expression, basically ignoring the $:
for i in range(1, length=length(array_of_expr))
result_array[i] = ($array_of_expr[i])
The following reports that i is not defined, which I understand is because expressions are evaluated in the global scope, not local:
#eval begin
function interpolate_1by1($(arglist...))
result_array = similar(array_of_expr)
# this doesn't work, i is undefined:
for i in range(1, length=length(array_of_expr))
result_array[i] = $(array_of_expr[i])
Is there any way to make this work? I have tried the tactics in the cited SE answer, but did not have success.
you may unroll the loop at compile time:
#eval begin
function interpolate_1by1($(arglist...))
result_array = similar($array_of_expr)
result_array[$i] = $(array_of_expr[i])
end for i in 1:length(array_of_expr))...)
return result_array
which after expansion is similar to
function interpolate_1by1($(arglist...))
result_array = similar($array_of_expr)
result_array[1] = $(array_of_expr[1])
result_array[2] = $(array_of_expr[2])
return result_array
I'm writing a genetic program in order to test the fitness of randomly generated expressions. Shown here is the function to generate the expression as well a the main function. DIV and GT are defined elsewhere in the code:
function create_single_full_tree(depth, fs, ts)
Creates a single AST with full depth
depth Current depth of tree. Initially called from main() with max depth
fs Function Set - Array of allowed functions
ts Terminal Set - Array of allowed terminal values
Full AST of typeof()==Expr
# If we are at the bottom
if depth == 1
# End of tree, return function with two terminal nodes
return Expr(:call, fs[rand(1:length(fs))], ts[rand(1:length(ts))], ts[rand(1:length(ts))])
# Not end of expression, recurively go back through and create functions for each new node
return Expr(:call, fs[rand(1:length(fs))], create_single_full_tree(depth-1, fs, ts), create_single_full_tree(depth-1, fs, ts))
function main()
Main function
# Define functional and terminal sets
fs = [:+, :-, :DIV, :GT]
ts = [:x, :v, -1]
# Create the tree
ast = create_single_full_tree(4, fs, ts)
x = 1
v = 1
eval(ast) # Error out unless x and v are globals
I am generating a random expression based on certain allowed functions and variables. As seen in the code, the expression can only have symbols x and v, as well as the value -1. I will need to test the expression with a variety of x and v values; here I am just using x=1 and v=1 to test the code.
The expression is being returned correctly, however, eval() can only be used with global variables, so it will error out when run unless I declare x and v to be global (ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: x not defined). I would like to avoid globals if possible. Is there a better way to generate and evaluate these generated expressions with locally defined variables?
Here is an example for generating an (anonymous) function. The result of eval can be called as a function and your variable can be passed as parameters:
myfun = eval(Expr(:->,:x, Expr(:block, Expr(:call,:*,3,:x) )))
# returns 42
The dump function is very useful to inspect the expression that the parsers has created. For two input arguments you would use a tuple for example as args[1]:
julia> dump(parse("(x,y) -> 3x + y"))
head: Symbol ->
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Expr
head: Symbol tuple
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Symbol x
2: Symbol y
typ: Any
2: Expr
Does this help?
In the Metaprogramming part of the Julia documentation, there is a sentence under the eval() and effects section which says
Every module has its own eval() function that evaluates expressions in its global scope.
Similarly, the REPL help ?eval will give you, on Julia 0.6.2, the following help:
Evaluate an expression in the given module and return the result. Every Module (except those defined with baremodule) has its own 1-argument definition of eval, which evaluates expressions in that module.
I assume, you are working in the Main module in your example. That's why you need to have the globals defined there. For your problem, you can use macros and interpolate the values of x and y directly inside the macro.
A minimal working example would be:
macro eval_line(a, b, x)
isa(a, Real) || (warn("$a is not a real number."); return :(throw(DomainError())))
isa(b, Real) || (warn("$b is not a real number."); return :(throw(DomainError())))
return :($a * $x + $b) # interpolate the variables
Here, #eval_line macro does the following:
Main> #macroexpand #eval_line(5, 6, 2)
:(5 * 2 + 6)
As you can see, the values of macro's arguments are interpolated inside the macro and the expression is given to the user accordingly. When the user does not behave,
Main> #macroexpand #eval_line([1,2,3], 7, 8)
WARNING: [1, 2, 3] is not a real number.
a user-friendly warning message is provided to the user at parse-time, and a DomainError is thrown at run-time.
Of course, you can do these things within your functions, again by interpolating the variables --- you do not need to use macros. However, what you would like to achieve in the end is to combine eval with the output of a function that returns Expr. This is what the macro functionality is for. Finally, you would simply call your macros with an # sign preceding the macro name:
Main> #eval_line(5, 6, 2)
Main> #eval_line([1,2,3], 7, 8)
WARNING: [1, 2, 3] is not a real number.
ERROR: DomainError:
[1] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:235
EDIT 1. You can take this one step further, and create functions accordingly:
macro define_lines(linedefs)
for (name, a, b) in eval(linedefs)
ex = quote
function $(Symbol(name))(x) # interpolate name
return $a * x + $b # interpolate a and b here
eval(ex) # evaluate the function definition expression in the module
Then, you can call this macro to create different line definitions in the form of functions to be called later on:
("identity_line", 1, 0);
("null_line", 0, 0);
("unit_shift", 0, 1)
identity_line(5) # returns 5
null_line(5) # returns 0
unit_shift(5) # returns 1
EDIT 2. You can, I guess, achieve what you would like to achieve by using a macro similar to that below:
macro random_oper(depth, fs, ts)
operations = eval(fs)
oper = operations[rand(1:length(operations))]
terminals = eval(ts)
ts = terminals[rand(1:length(terminals), 2)]
ex = :($oper($ts...))
for d in 2:depth
oper = operations[rand(1:length(operations))]
t = terminals[rand(1:length(terminals))]
ex = :($oper($ex, $t))
return ex
which will give the following, for instance:
Main> #macroexpand #random_oper(1, [+, -, /], [1,2,3])
:((-)([3, 3]...))
Main> #macroexpand #random_oper(2, [+, -, /], [1,2,3])
:((+)((-)([2, 3]...), 3))
Thanks Arda for the thorough response! This helped, but part of me thinks there may be a better way to do this as it seems too roundabout. Since I am writing a genetic program, I will need to create 500 of these ASTs, all with random functions and terminals from a set of allowed functions and terminals (fs and ts in the code). I will also need to test each function with 20 different values of x and v.
In order to accomplish this with the information you have given, I have come up with the following macro:
macro create_function(defs)
for name in eval(defs)
ex = quote
function $(Symbol(name))(x,v)
fs = [:+, :-, :DIV, :GT]
ts = [x,v,-1]
return create_single_full_tree(4, fs, ts)
I can then supply a list of 500 random function names in my main() function, such as ["func1, func2, func3,.....". Which I can eval with any x and v values in my main function. This has solved my issue, however, this seems to be a very roundabout way of doing this, and may make it difficult to evolve each AST with each iteration.
julia 0.5.1
I want to create a function inside a quote that can be used after the specified macro has been used. Here is an example of what I mean
macro wat()
type Foo end
global bar() = begin end
global function bar2()
type Baaz end
Now when I run this the last line crashes, because bar2 is undefined. I do not understand why because in my understanding bar() and bar2() should be equal and bar is just syntactic sugar for bar2. But they are apparently not equal and I do not understand why the one works and other does not.
Secondly is there a way to define bar and bar2 inside that quote without the global-keyword and still being available after the macro has been executed?
My motivation for wanting the bar2 notation is that I can specify a return-type with this syntax.
global bar3()::Void = begin end
Is not allowed syntax.
In the returned expressions of Julia macros, names of local variables are replaced with unique symbols:
julia> macro foo()
x = 1
global y = 2
#foo (macro with 1 method)
julia> macroexpand(:(#foo))
quote # REPL[1], line 4:
#1#x = 1
global y = 2
This feature is called macro hygiene and avoids accidental clashes with variables at the call site.
To escape from this behavior, one has to use esc:
julia> macro bar()
x = 1
end |> esc
#bar (macro with 1 method)
julia> macroexpand(:(#bar))
quote # REPL[1], line 3:
x = 1
Often, one doesn't want to escape the whole returned expression but only specific parts of it:
julia> macro myshow(expr)
x = $(esc(expr))
println($(string(expr)), " = ", x)
#myshow (macro with 1 method)
julia> x = pi/2
julia> macroexpand(:(#myshow sin(x)))
quote # REPL[1], line 3:
#1#x = sin(x) # REPL[1], line 4:
(Main.println)("sin(x)", " = ", #1#x) # REPL[1], line 5:
julia> #myshow sin(x)
sin(x) = 1.0
julia> x
For details, I recommend to read the corresponding section in the manual.
I'm having trouble combining expression and string interpolation. I want to do something like this:
a = [:foo, :bar]
b = [:printfoo, :printbar]
for (str, fn) in zip(a,b)
#eval begin
Prints $str.
$fn() = println("$str")
My desired output are two functions, one which might look, as typed, like
Prints foo.
printfoo() = println("foo")
Instead, I get expressions that look like this (when I use quote rather than #eval begin):
```\n$(fn)()\n```\nPrints $(str).\n" # /home/..., line 12:
printfoo() = begin # /home/..., line 12:
I don't understand why using the same $x syntax, interpolation is performed as I want only outside of quoted ("...") regions. I've tried some combinations of $($x) etc. but am missing some of the subtleties:
"$str" -> "$(str)"
"$($str)" -> "$(foo)"
What would map to "foo"?
The answer seems to be $(string(str)).
The following version worked for me, but it took some tweaking to arrive at:
a = [:foo, :bar]
b = [:printfoo, :printbar]
for (str, fn) in zip(a,b)
#eval begin
$fn() = println($(string(str)))
#doc $("```\n$fn()\n```\nPrints $str.\n") $fn
One problem with the OP code was when the function bodies interpolated the variable during execution - this would cause printfoo to annoyingly print bar.