In concrete5.7, how does one change an image in a content block? - concrete5

In 5.7, is it possible to place an image in a content block and then, thereafter, edit that image? Whenever I click on the image in Redactor, it just gives me link editing stuff, not the ability to change the image itself.

Yes you can from the Filemanager. If you go there and find the file you've entered through Redactor, you'll have the options to edit and replace the image.


Google docs does not preserve the file name when exported

I'm trying to export my Google Docs blog post which has the content and the images in it, I uploaded all the images with proper names such as my-cool-header.png
Now when I try to export it by any means via the Download, it has changed the names of the images to image.png, image-1.png, and so on.
So is there any way we can preserve the names of the images while we export them as Docx files?
Thank you
I don't think there is. I have not found any reference to check nor confirm the image details on the document aside from the Image options that only includes the following:
Image Options:
The Docs doesn't store anything from the image you included aside from the details above thus when opened in another document reader app, that app initializes the images' names into its own default image names (e.g image.png, image-1.png, etc.) as they didn't receive any details about it.
If alternative text is an option, you might want to try Alt text.
To access Alt Text, right click image -> Alt Text, or click image -> Ctrl+Alt+Y
Alt Text:
Try and see if filling up the Title and Description of the image in Google Docs shows under Alternative (Text only) and Description details of your image in the app you use to read the exported file.

How to add a wallpaper/image in the background page in google appmaker?

I need to add a particular wallpaper in the background page of my app to make the app look more colorful and beautiful. Is there any way?
The problem is that once you add an image to a page then it does not allow you to place another widget over it or cover it. It always aligns it horizontally or vertically.
This is pretty much basic css. I'd recommend you to look over this to learn more. So, in appmaker, if you want to apply the background image to a page do this:
1.) First, select the root widget of the page you are interested.
2.) Now, that you have the page selected, let's move to the style editor. Once there, on the Page Style section just type a "."(period, dot) and wait for the suggestions to appear. The first suggestion is what you need, so just press enter or select it with your cursor.
3.) Now that you have selected the element with a css selector, you can apply styling. For the background, you need to do this:
.app-myTestingPage-myPage {
background: url("url-to-picture");
In the above example, url-to-picture represents that, a url to a an image, preferably if it is served over https.
I know two ways in which you can get the background image url. The first one is to use any image url you find on the internet or a url hosted in your own server or cdn. The second way is to upload the image to appmaker resources and use that url. If you choose the latter, then do the following:
1.) Go to the app settings.
2.) Click on Resources
3.) Drop your image file in the respected area or click the button to browse
Once the resource finishes uploading, you can click the copy icon to copy the url to the resource and you can use that in your page css as the background url.
You should be able to accomplish this using CSS in your style editor. Either in your 'Page style' or 'Global style' depending on if you only want the background image to a specific page or be available throughout your application. You will want to declare a custom class or reference the specific elements that you want to render the background image in.
For a specific element:
.app-YourPage1-YourPanel, .app-YourPage2-YourPanel {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
For a global style, create a class and for each element you want the background image applied you would add that class to the 'Styles' section of that element(widget):
.YourPanelClass {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
Either way I highly suggest you do a search on 'html background image' so you can read up on additional options such as repeating the image to fill space and such.

how to set image and text scroll in adobe capivate 9

Can anyone please help me. Am using adobe captivate 9. I have a content with image that exceeds the slide spacing, i want to set this content within the page using scroll. I have tried using text-scroll widget but i cant add images to it.
Put the image into an MS Word document and save it as an HTML web page. The result will be an HTML file and folder named "[file name]_files" in whichever folder you saved it to.
Select both the HTML file and the folder, right click, and choose Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder in the context menu.
Dragging that ZIP folder directly onto your Captivate slide will create scrolling HTML Web Object based on the formatting of the MS Word file. It will show up in your Library in the "Web" folder.
Unfortunately, this is a feature that is missing from Captivate. The best solution I've found is to make an html file that includes the text and points to the image, then zip and import as an HTML5 Animation.

changing content type icons in Plone with Sunburst theme

I'd like to change the default icons for the Folder and Document types. Running Plone 4.2 with Sunburst. I tried customizing the portal_skins/plone_images/folder_icon.png to hold the file myfolder.png but this had no effect.
I've also tried setting the Icon property on the Folder type to point to an alternate file following what I see in the Icon property of other types, ${portal_url}/myfile.png. If I then go to, I see the icon, but it does not show up in contents listings -- next to the text "myfolder" there is still the normal folder icon.
I also tried going in and changing the URL in a custom copy of the sunburst theme where it is using a url of contenttypes-sprite.png, but that just made the icons go away.
I would be pulling my hair out if there were any left.
Make a copy of the 'contenttypes-sprite.png', edit it with an image-manipulation-program of your choice (mine is GIMP) to 'overpaint' the folder-icon right in the sprite and put it in a skins-folder of your product (or in the ZMI's custom-folder). Clear browsercache when reloading.
With Plone-4.2.0 this works perfectly fine, oddly with Plone-4.2.1 I needed to adjust the background-positions slightly.

View image in full size link with imagecache (Drupal)

The solution to my problem is probably quite simple, but I can't find it.
I want a link under the images saying "view full size" that links to the original, full-sized picture. I've only find the $imagecache_path variable that prints the path to the node.
You should be able to theme the imagecache function and add a link the original there.
