How to make a jar files save input data - jar

I was just wondering if there is any way possible to make a jar file saved the values put into it. I made a simple gui that you just click the button and it outputs how many times I've clicked it. When I close the jar, it resets back to 0. Is it possible to make this save the value?

I would use the preferences API.


Can a 'linked'-file be renamed programatically via an Extension

I've written an Extension that, among many other things, renames files based on the Types they contain.
This works fine for files in the directory-tree under the csproj-file -- I find the ProjectItem entry for the file and change its name.
For 'linked'-files (those not in the directory-tree) I can rename the file (via File.Move()) but haven't found a way to programatically modify the csproj-file (after the rename the csproj-file has to be modified manually).
If this is something that can be done I'd appreciate a pointer to the docs showing how to implement the functionality.
The easiest solution for me was to modify the csproj-file.
Open, read whole file, close.
Verify that file I want to rename (e.g. xxx.cs) only occurs in 1 directory
(if it occurs in multiple directories the change has to be done manually.)
Make change
Open, write whole file, close
For an SDK project the change is applied immediately.
For a non-SDK project the change is applied after responding to the prompt that the csproj-file has been modified.

Saving workspace image, in R

When closing R Studio at the end of a R session, I am asked via a dialog box: "Save workspace image to [working directory] ?"
What does that mean? If I choose to save the workspace image, where is it saved? I always choose not to save the workspace image, are there any disadvantages to save it?
I looked at stackoverflow but did not find posts explaining what does the question mean? I only find a question about how to disable the prompt (with no simple answers...): How to disable "Save workspace image?" prompt in R?
What does that mean?
It means that R saves a list of objects in your global environment (i.e. where your normal work happens) into a file. When R next loads, this list is by default restored (at least partially — there are cases where it won’t work).
A consequence is that restarting R does not give you a clean slate. Instead, your workspace is cluttered with existing stuff, which is generally not what you want. People then resort to all kinds of hacks to try to clean their workspace. But none of these hacks are reliable, and none are necessary if you simply don’t save/restore your workspace.
If I choose to save the workspace image, where is it saved?
R creates a (hidden) file called .RData in your current working directory.
I always choose not to save the workspace image, are there any disadvantages to save it?
The advantage is that, under some circumstances, you avoid recomputing results when you continue your work later. However, there are other, better ways of achieving this. On the flip side, starting R without a clean slate has many disadvantages: Any new analysis you now start won’t be in a clean room, and it won’t be reproducible when executed again.
So you are doing the right thing by not saving the workspace! It’s one of the rules of creating reproducible R code. For more information, I recommend Jenny Bryan’s article on using R with a Project-oriented workflow
But having to manually reject saving the workspace every time is annoying and error-prone. You can disable the dialog box in the RStudio options.
The workspace will include any of your saved objects e.g. dataframes, matrices, functions etc.
Saving it into your working directory will allow you to load this back in next time you open up RStudio so you can continue exactly where you left off. No real disadvantage if you can recreate everything from your script next time and if your script doesn't take a long time to run.
The only thing I have to add here is that you should consider seriously that some people may be working on ongoing projects, i.e. things that aren't accomplished in one day and thus must save their workspace image so as to not start from the beginning again.
I think, best practice is: its ok to save your workspace, but your code only really works if you can clear your entire workspace and then rerun it completely with no errors!

How to access the script/source history in RStudio?

I would like to access the history of what have been typed in the source panel in RStudio.
I'm interested in the way we learn and type code. Three things I would like to analyse are: i) the way a single person type code, ii) how different persons type code, iii) the way a beginner improve typing.
Grabbing the history of commands is quite satisfying as first attempt in this way but I would like to reach a finer granularity and thus access the successive changes, within a single line in a way.
So, to be clear, I'm neither looking for the history of commands or for a diff between different versions of and .R file.
What I would like to access is really the successive alterations to the source panel that are visible when you recursively press Ctrl+Z. I do not know if there is a more accurate word for what I describe, but again what I'm interested in is how bits of code are added/moved/deleted/corrected/improved in the source panel but not necessary passed to the Console and thus absent from the history of command.
This must be somewhere/somehow saved by RStudio as it is accessible by the later. This may be saved in a quite hidden/private/memory/process/... way and I have a very vague idea of how a GUI works. I do not know it if would be easily accessible, then programmaticaly analyzed, typically if we could save a file from it. Timestamps would be the cherry on top but I would be happy without.
Do you have idea how to access this history?
RStudio's source panel is essentially a view to an Ace Editor. As such you'd need to access the editor session's editSession and use getDocument or getWordRange along with the undo of the editSession's undoManager instance.
I don't think you'll be doing that from within RStudio without hacking on the RStudio code unless the RStudio Addin api is made to pass-thru editor events in the future.
It might be easier to write a session recorder as changes are made rather than try to mess with the undo history. I imagine you could write an Addin that calls a javascript to communicate over the existing RStudio port using the Ace Editor's events (ie. onChange).
As #GegznaV said, RStudio saves code history to a ".RHistory" file. It's in the "Documents" folder on my computer. It's probably the same folder if you're using Windows. If you do not know the location, you can find the file by searching.
It also allows saving RStudio history to a file manually. There is a "Save" button in the History panel. So you can also get a timestamp. You can ask different users to save their code history after they have finished writing code. It may be indirectly useful to your research.

Tie R script and QlikSense software together

I require qliksense to create an Excel file when the user selects a set of tuples and R to automatically pick up this file, perform my script on the file. My script then creates another CSV file which I then want qliksense to automatically pick up and perform some predefined operations on it. Is there any way I can link the two of these software together in such a manner?
So to clarify the flowchart is: Qlik gets a large data set -> the user selects a set of rows and creates csv -> My custom R script (picks up this csv automatically) is run on the csv and creates a new csv -> qlik picks it up (automatically) and visually displays the results of the program
Is there any kind of wrapper software to tie them together? Or is it a better idea to perhaps just make some sort of UI that works with R in the background and the user can manually pass the file through the UI? Thanks for the help.
Check out the R extension that has been developed on , extensions are being created and added all the time. You will probably need to create an account to access the project but once you have the direct link is below.

Automatically select a submenu in excel

I'm trying to automate some excel processing. With autoit I open several Excel with an add-in. This add-in is used to update data in this excel.
In autoit I managed to open the excel files with the add-in but now I need to select the menuitem to update the excel automatically. I don't have any clue howto do this in autoit3.
I can't find any tutorials or manual howto do this.
It sounds like you would be better off with an Excel macro instead. If you click "tools>macros>record new macro" and set the name of that auto_open then select the cells you want to update and update them and then stop recording, you will have a macro that refreshes the cells every time you open them. If you want a separate file that refreshes all the files you can make a new spreadsheet and start recording and use file open to have opening (or closing) a spread sheet included in the code. Don't forget to have that macro save too.
PS- If you need to open the file without the macro running you need to open excel first then hold shift when you open the file using the "file>open" path.
If you know the keystroke(s) for the menu command, you can use the AutoIt Send function.
For example, the Save function in Excel is CTRL+s.
In AutoIt, that would be:
I see from your other question on StackOverflow that you are using the ExcelCOM library. You must realize that the MenuItem you are trying to click does some operation on the underlying code in the same way as the ExcelCOM library.
The best solution for your problem is to find out which methods the MenuItem calls, and then reproduce the same behavior with the ExcelCOM library. What you mean by "Update the excel automatically" I don't understand, otherwise I would have found out how to reproduce the behavior by ExcelCOM for you.
If you're using excel 2007 (I am not sure about earlier versions) and higher there is a combination of letters you can use in queue to call (probably) every menu option you want. When you have the excel open - press and release Alt button and you will see letters below main menu options, like in the picture, Then letter by letter you may dig down the menu option you wish.
