Doctrine: ordering By Count on Associated entities - symfony

Goal: Ordering my entities on how ofter they are used on associated relations (oneToMany)
The problem: DQL, it somehow handles the FROM keyword is an entity or class.
The Exception thrown: QueryException: [Semantical Error] line 0 col 103 near 'FROM MyBundle:Entity Error: Class 'FROM' is not defined.
Here is a SQL query I wrote to test how to get the data. It works perfectly
SELECT, (COUNT(DISTINCT ag.artist_id) + COUNT(DISTINCT rg.release_id) + COUNT(DISTINCT tg.track_id)) AS total
FROM myapp.entity AS en
LEFT JOIN myapp.other_one AS o1 ON o1.entity_id =
LEFT JOIN myapp.other_two AS o2 ON o2.entity_id =
To get the data in symfony to hydrate to objects I try to use Doctrine Query Language in the EntityRepository like this:
* Find Most Common Entities
* #return array
public function findMostCommon()
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
->select('en, (COUNT(DISTINCT en.other1) + COUNT(DISTINCT en.other2)) AS count')
->from('MarulaBundle:Entity', 'en')
->leftJoin('MyBundle:Other1', 'o1', 'WITH', 'o1.entity =')
->leftJoin('MyBundle:Other2', 'o2', 'WITH', 'o2.entity =')
->orderBy('count', 'DESC')
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
Since it is possible in a SQL query. I was hoping it would work just as fine with DQL.
Has anyone experienced this error before? Is it even possible to achieve this with Doctrine, or is doctrine limited relating this issue?

OOPS: I should not use the keyword "count"
->select('en, (COUNT(DISTINCT en.other1) + COUNT(DISTINCT en.other2)) AS HIDDEN orderCount')
note: adding the HIDDEN keyword helps to get only the entities back, which makes the hydration fit right in


Use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a minimum number of products

I want to use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a specified attribute and a number minimum of products inside. I precise that's the first time I use this Doctrine's function. I discovered that and I realized that it's so much powerful than basics repositories functions. I'm a very beginner with SQL because I used to use Repository's functions.
But I think I achieve this in pure SQL:
SELECT category.*,COUNT(*)
FROM category_product
INNER JOIN category ON category_product.category_id =
WHERE = 'region'
GROUP BY category_product.category_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 20
At the moment I'm totally lost with DQL construction. My Category and Product Entities both have a Many to Many relationship and I can't reach traducing this to Doctrine. I tried using the category_product table auto-generated by doctrine's but It doesn't want to access this table...
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
->where(" = 'region'")
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p', 'WITH', 'COUNT(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum);
dump($qb->getQuery(), $qb->getQuery()->getResult());
Each Time I uses a new construction I have Semantical errors I'm not able to correct...
Thanks a lot for your help
You could try some thing like here (piece of code from my working model)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where(' = region')
->addSelect('COUNT(c.products) AS counter')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('count( >= :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum)
related post: here
Ok Thanks to you I got it.
I shouldn't select the COUNT because I typed the return to be an Array of categories but it returned an array of arrays with contains the category and the count... I had to group by c too.
Thanks a lot for your help !
The answer is :
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where(' = :region')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('SIZE(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', 20);

Symfony Doctrine DQL how to add SELECT in a SUM of a main SELECT

Actually, i would like to reproduce with Doctrine this regular SQL Query :
SELECT SUM(b.nb_places * (SELECT pricing FROM param p WHERE BETWEEN p.from_date AND p.to_date)) as gains from booking b INNER JOIN tour t ON b.tour_id =;
That compute total gains according prices between two dates.
I wrote this DQL in a Repository :
public function allBooking() {
$query = $this->manager->createQuery(
SUM(b.nbPlaces * SELECT p.pricing FROM \App\Entity\Param p WHERE BETWEEN p.fromDate AND p.toDate)
FROM App\Entity\Booking b JOIN b.tour t'
return $query->getResult();
But running this query, i got :
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 24: Error: Expected Literal, got 'SELECT' (500 Internal Server Error)
How do i acheive this query with DQL or using QueryBuilder ?
Thx for help
You forgot about putting
SELECT p.pricing FROM \App\Entity\Param p WHERE BETWEEN p.fromDate AND p.toDate
into additional brackets.
It should looks like this:
$query = $this->manager->createQuery(
'SELECT SUM(b.nbPlaces * (SELECT p.pricing FROM \App\Entity\Param p WHERE BETWEEN p.fromDate AND p.toDate))
FROM App\Entity\Booking b JOIN b.tour t'

Doctrine ManyToMany Query

I have a Product Entity which has a ManyToMany relationship with a Taxon Entity. I want to find all the products that belong to the intersection of all Taxons. For instance I want to find all products that belong to taxons with IDs 1 and 2.
{{p1,t1},{p1,t2}, {p2,t2}}
I want to retrieve the following set ONLY when querying products for taxons 1 and 2:
which is from {{p1,t1}, {p1,t2}}
Okay, So here is the DQL that i tried... but it doesn't work?
SELECT p FROM SRCProductBundle:Product p
JOIN p.taxons t
WHERE = 1 AND = 2
(P.S. I would also do this with QueryBuilder with as well)
To clarify, here is the SQL that I would like to translate into DQL/QueryBuilder.
from product p
where exists (select product_id
from product_to_taxon
where taxon_id = 1
and product_id =
and exists (select product_id
from product_to_taxon
where taxon_id = 4
and product_id =;
You can use the MEMBER OF statement to achieve this although in my experience it hasn't produced very performant results with a ManyToMany relationship:
SELECT p FROM SRCProductBundle:Product p
WHERE 1 MEMBER OF p.taxons OR 2 MEMBER OF p.taxons
Or with Query builder
->where(':taxon_ids MEMBER OF p.taxons')
->setParameter('taxon_ids', $taxonIdsArray)
This will create SQL similar to the example provided although in my experience it still had a join in the EXISTS subqueries. Perhaps future versions of Doctrine can address this.
I think you want something like this:
$qb = $this
->leftJoin('p.taxons', 'taxon1', Join::WITH, ' = :taxonId1')
->setParameter('taxonId1', 1)
->leftJoin('p.taxons', 'taxon2', Join::WITH, ' = :taxonId2')
->setParameter('taxonId2', 2)
Which is equivalent to the SQL:
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN taxons t1 ON ( = t1.product_id AND = 1)
LEFT JOIN taxons t2 ON ( = t2.product_id AND = 2)
Your DQL has wrong logic. You can't have a taxon with both id=1 and id=4. You could do it like this:
SELECT p FROM SRCProductBundle:Product p
JOIN p.taxons t
WHERE = 1 OR = 4
But I would prefer this way:
SELECT p FROM SRCProductBundle:Product p
JOIN p.taxons t
WHERE IN (1, 4)
Using query builder that would look something like this, assuming you're in EntityRepository class:
->join('p.taxons', 't')
->where(' IN :taxon_ids')
->setParameter('taxon_ids', $taxonIdsArray)
For lack of a clean way to do this with DQL, and after a considerable amount of research, I resorted to doing this in Native SQL. Doctrine allows Native SQL via the EntityManager with createNativeQuery().
So in short, I utilized this ability and constructed the SQL query included in my question as a string and then passed it to the createNativeQuery() function.
This does appear to have some drawbacks as it appears I will be unable to use the KnpPaginatorBundle with it... So I might end up just filtering the results in PHP rather than SQL, which I'm hesitant to do as I think there are performance drawbacks.

Why is Doctrine joining this entity onto itself? (Not unique table/alias)

I have an entity named 'tile', with a manyToMany relationship with another entity named 'coins'.
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Coin")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="coin",
* joinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="tile_id", referencedColumnName="tile_id")},
* inverseJoinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="coin_id", referencedColumnName="coin_id")}
* )
protected $coins;
I have a page that lists tiles and all of their associated coins. There can be a lot of coins and tiles on a page and using lazy loading can put 100-300 database queries on a single page. I am trying to avoid this by using a leftJoin.
public function getUserTiles($id)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('b')
->select('b', 'z')
->leftJoin('b.coins', 'z')
->leftJoin('z.userInfo', 'u')
->add('where', "b.userId = ".$id." AND b.status = 'COMPLETED'")
->add('orderBy', "b.checkinDate DESC");
return $qb->getQuery()
This gives me the following error:
*[2/2] DBALException: An exception occurred while executing '
SELECT t0_.tile_id AS tile_id0, t0_.quilt_id AS quilt_id1, t0_.user_id AS user_id2, t0_.comment AS comment3, t0_.checkout_date AS checkout_date4, t0_.checkin_date AS checkin_date5, t0_.x AS x6, t0_.y AS y7, t0_.status AS status8, t0_.completed_neighbors AS completed_neighbors9, t0_.required_completed_neighbors AS required_completed_neighbors10, t0_.visible AS visible11, t0_.visible_date AS visible_date12, t0_.count_towards_coins AS count_towards_coins13, c1_.coin_id AS coin_id14, c1_.user_id AS user_id15, c1_.tile_id AS tile_id16, c1_.comment AS comment17, c1_.date_given AS date_given18, c1_.status AS status19, c1_.origin AS origin20, t0_.quilt_id AS quilt_id21, t0_.user_id AS user_id22, c1_.tile_id AS tile_id23, c1_.user_id AS user_id24
FROM tile t0_ **LEFT JOIN coin *c1_* ON t0_.tile_id = c1_.tile_id
LEFT JOIN coin *c1_* ON c1_.coin_id = c1_.coin_id**
LEFT JOIN user_info u2_ ON c1_.user_id = u2_.user_id
WHERE t0_.user_id = 14 AND t0_.status = 'COMPLETED'
ORDER BY t0_.checkin_date DESC':
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'c1_'*
As you can see, it is trying to join the coin table twice, using the same alias. What am I doing wrong?
->leftJoin('b.coins', 'z')
->leftJoin('z.userInfo', 'u')
->where("b.userId = :id AND b.status = 'COMPLETED'")
->orderBy('b.checkinDate', 'DESC')
->setParameter('id', $id)
->getQuery('b.checkinDate DESC')
I fixed this problem by changing the ManyToMany relationship to OneToMany as it should have been in the first place.

Symfony2 Doctrine SQL object mapping on subselect

I'm trying to use this query:
MySQL SELECT DISTINCT by highest value
product p
magazine, MAX(onSale) AS latest
) AS groupedp
ON groupedp.magazine = p.magazine
AND groupedp.latest = p.onSale ;
Within Symfony2 and DQL.
I have:
$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT p FROM MyBundle:Product p WHERE p.type = 'magazine' AND p.maglink IS NOT NULL OR (p.type = 'magazine' AND p.diglink IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY p.magazine ORDER BY p.onSale DESC");
Which works fine with and outputs objects but without the correct MAX(onSale)
$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT p , MAX(p.onSale) FROM MyBundle:Product p WHERE p.type = 'magazine' AND p.maglink IS NOT NULL OR (p.type = 'magazine' AND p.diglink IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY p.magazine ORDER BY p.onSale DESC");
Results in non-objects being returned.
$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT
MyBundle:Product p
p.magazine, MAX(onSale) AS p.latest
MyBundle:Product p
) AS groupedp
ON groupedp.magazine = p.magazine
AND groupedp.latest = p.onSale ;");
Throws this error:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 127 near 'SELECT
': Error: Identification Variable ( used in join path expression but was not defined before.
I assume due to this Symfony2 Doctrine query
How can I maintain my mapping while still being able to sort each item by onsale?
Have you considered splitting this into two queries:
Run your query directly against the database connection, and return the IDs of the relevant rows, in the order you want. This separates your complex query from DQL.
Query the rows through Doctrine to get the full entities you want, based on the IDs/orders of the previous query.
This is a shot in the dark, but it seems fairly obvious. Your aliasing two tables to the same alias. Thus when your using p. in the join it thinks your working from the original definition of p from before the join, then you alias the join as p. Change the alias of the join (and the references to that table) so each alias is unique.
