tow jtextfiled Addition to another Jtextfilde immeditly without action button - jtextfield

I create Jframe with 3 Jtextfield
1-first value
2-second value
I need make operation between first value and second value to result without any button
just once I insert number in the second value the result show immediately

Use DocumentListener in JTextField document to catch events.
the document is taken to JTextField::getDocument()


javafx treetableview cell value not getting updated

Event after updating the data model javafx treetableview cell value not getting updated.
I am using the sample code here #
(Example 15-2)
On click of button i m trying to update first item: employees.get(0).setName("Test");
Is there any trick using which treetableview can be updated?
The example, somewhat strangely, returns a ReadOnlyStringWrapper wrapping the property values for the cell value factories. Thus instead of binding the value displayed in the column directly to the properties in the Employee class, it binds them to a new, read-only, property wrapping the value retrieved when updateItem(..) is called on the cell. This means it won't get updated when the underlying data is updated, but only if the updateItem(...) method is invoked on the cell. (I have no idea why they would do this.) So you should find, for example, that if you change the value, then collapse the root node in the TreeTableView and expand it again, that your new value is displayed after expanding the root (because this causes the cells' updateItem(...) methods to be invoked).
To make the cells update when the data is changed, bind the cell value directly to the property defined in the model (Employee) class:
empColumn.setCellValueFactory( param -> param.getValue().getValue().nameProperty());
emailColumn.setCellValueFactory( param -> param.getValue().getValue().emailProperty());

Enter number in one textbox and get word as output in another textbox

This Question was asked in interview but i was unable to answer it
please any one can tell me how to do this ?
i have two textboxs txtInput and txtOutput
When user clicks the btnSubmit, he should get the number written in txtInput in words in txtOutput. Eg. if user enters 100 in txtInput, he should get hundred in txtOutput
Prumably this is JS. If it is the you can setup an event listener on the submit button and disable the default behavior. Pass the input value to a function that builds the number string and update the dom element for the output textbox with that return result.
If you're using a round trip to the server for the calculation then just ignore all the dom stuff and return the page with the appropriate values set.
If you're using a front end framework then this gets easier but more specific to the framework.
thanks ..found solution here
.NET convert number to string representation (1 to one, 2 to two, etc...)

how get item from each cell in grid

I have form with grid. I defined dataStore with 2 columns (text and checkBox). = defined dataStore. Second column is editable (you can change selection on each checkBox). I have some button, and when I click it, I want to get info about each cell. Example if have gird:
Name1 true
Name2 false
I want get info col[0].row[0] is equal 'Name1', col[0].row[1] is equal 'Name2'.
I try iterate on dataStore but it has only value which I put them by hand. The value which was changed on grid by clicking on checkBox didn't save in dataStore.. My question is how to iterate on grid, how get info about each cell.
To iterate across a store in Ext3, you can use dataStore.each()
Supply it an anonymous function and the parameter it receives will be the current record in the store. The data in the current record can be read by using record_var.get(field_name).
So, for example:
var dataStore = myGrid.getStore();

UITableViewController indexPathForSelectedRow returns incorrect value

I'm not sure what is going on but I have a list that has 3 items and I am selecting row 1.
I am using a viewcontroller that is a UITableViewController and that has a property tableView where I am accessing the indexPathForSelectedRow during the didSelectRowAtIndexPath.
For some reason this value is incorrect sometimes...
What could cause this?
The UITableView * param on didSelectRowAtIndexPath is also called tableView.
If your table has more than one section that can confuse things (it's caught me before). indexpath.row will return the row number in the section of the table, not the row number of the overall table. If that's not what you're expecting it'll appear wrong.

How to detect doubleClick in QTableView

I'm using PyQt to create a GUI application. In a view inherited from QTableView, need to detect the row the user has selected when they double click a row. The table has sorting, but no editing.
How do I do it?
Note - tried the doubleClicked(int) signal. It is emitted by mouse buttons, not by data cells, so it was never fired. :(
I dont understand.
The doubleClicked signal of the QTableView has the signature
void doubleClicked ( const QModelIndex & index )
If you connect that signal you should obtain the correct QModelIndex.
No need to use SIGNALs anymore:
"doubleClicked" being inherited from QAbstractItemView.
Once you have the modelIndex, (from Frank's comment above) you can use it to find which cell was double clicked.
def slotDoubleClicked(self, mi):
row = mi.row()
column = mi.column()
You then can use these row and col values to access the table with table.setItem(row, column, newdata) or other table method
Like #regomodo said, you can simply connect your function to the double click via:
Then, if you want to know on which row the user double clicked, you can use the following code:
for idx in self.your_table.selectionModel().selectedIndexes():
row_number = idx.row()
column_number = idx.column()
It will return an integer corresponding to the row or the column number.
There will always only be a single value as the double click remove the previous selection.
If you link your function to a push button or another signal, you can receive a list containing multiple elements selected by the user.
For example, you can easily retrieve a list of all selected rows using this code:
rows = []
for idx in self.your_table.selectionModel().selectedIndexes():
rows = list(set(rows))
This will return a list of all selected rows (The set function will also remove any duplicates).
