Need help on my javafx-css - css

I have this problem in my Java Eclipse
this happens when i add my CSS File to the Scene. And i really don't know what to do here
I have tried adding a Source Folder and inside the source folder is the Css file then adding it to like this scene.getStyleSheets().add("Resource/Css/style.sheet"
and this error is still showing can someone help me with this

If you have the file directly under src in Eclipse, you need to request it from there, not from a "Resource/Css" sub-folder.
Also, the filename is obviously style.css, not style.sheet.


Css file doesn't affect after editing in SharePoint Online

I has a css file named styles.css and it was loaded in masterPage of sharepoint .I change this css file but not working. I make sure this css file already loaded in html page.I also clear cache but I don't know why it doesn't affect when I edit. Please help me, thank you so much!
It is not recommended to modify the online master page directly.
Firstly, you need to check if the CSS file is really imported.
Secondly,if the file is not imported, classic page you could upload CSS here.
modern page we should upload CSS with SPFX,here is a tutorial:
If the file is imported, first check whether the content of the file is displayed normally (excluding problems caused by encoding), then you can add ‘! Important’ after the style.

External Css is not working with my HTML code, what is my error?

This is my HTML code which is not working in working with the css file located in other folder name css
this is my css code.
kindly help me and suggest me the correct changes.
Thank you
How are your folders structured?
In the header of you HTML file you state that the css file is called 'home.css' and is located in a folder called 'css'. And this folder should be in the same directory as your html file.
See if you can view your CSS file in your browser at the address you are specifying in your HTML. In other words, go to If your CSS file does not show up, it is not at that address and you will need to determine where the file is actually located.
If you can view your CSS file at the address you have specified, but its style directives are not reflected on your pages, check to be sure they are not being overridden somewhere later in your CSS file.
As others have noted, your question is poorly formatted. Providing more information (i.e. URL, fiddle, directory structure, etc.) will likely get you more useful answers faster.

Navigate to SASS class instead of CSS from HTML in PhpStorm?

Is there any way to make JetBrains PhpStortm (v8) to navigate to the SASS file when I Ctrl+cilck on a CSS class/id in the HTML source, insted of the default (to the CSS file class/id) setting? It would be great, and I cant find a soloution. Thanks in advance!
It's not really supported:
Please star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
Although I have to say that in LESS it's kind of works for simple classes/ids (not made from parts via & or multi-level ones): it asks to which declaration to go and offers me 2 files: file.css or file.less.
I found a half-solution!
If I link the scss file in the head, then I can select the SASS declaration. Yay! :D
<link href="/css/sass/main.scss">
Thats work for me.
For PhpStorm I solved this with:
In the project browser, right click on the .css file that you'd
like to ignore.
Go to "Override file type".
Select "Plain text".
Now when you command click a style it will navigate directly to the .scss file and NOT the .css file. The .css file will be read by the browser but ignored by PhpStorm.

Cannot remove/replace/edit css file in Django

I think I'm having a ghost here or maybe I'm to newbie to figure out how to fix the issue. So, in my index.html I'm linking a css file which doesn't exist anymore and when I open the index page Django still renders it. Also, if I try too create it again and styling different it doesn't work nor to link another file, simple don't work, don't wanna recognize it. It's like the old file is saved somewhere and I cannot override it.
Do you have suggestions? I tried everything what came to my mind, even deleted and recreated the db.

Change the position of a Stylesheet in a Joomla site

I have a joomla site. And I have a component installed which has it's own css file positioned in the actual component files, I would like to position this css file to another folder (not in component files), so I copied the css file to where I need to, and now I'm looking where in the code is written the PATH to the css file... and I found the code :
the file is called "layout.css".
How can I change this code to a path something like "/template/bluedilema/css/layout.css"
Somebody PLEASE help if you can.
Have you tried:
Please note you have to adjust the path.
Hope this link will help you!
